I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter two hundred and sixty-fifth: Confer the title of Zuo Shu Changjue, and allow the son to open

After a night passed, when the sun shone through the window and fell on Ying Gao's face, Ying Gao slowly opened his eyes and struggled to get up from the bed.

Under the service of Lu He, Ying Gao finished washing up and walked out of the dormitory.

"Young master!"

Casting a glance at Wang Hu and Meng Liao, Ying Gao pondered for a moment, and said, "Let's go to the morning market on Dangyang Street, and I will treat you to dinner."


Hearing this, the two were overjoyed, and hurriedly tidied up, gathered with Tie Ying and others and rushed towards the morning market on Dangyang Street. Dangyang Street is located on the opposite side of Shangshangfang, and belongs to the morning market of the old Qin people.

The breakfast here is cheap and delicious.

"Shop, four servings of haggis, four servings of mutton..." Walking into Lao San's mutton shop, Ying Gao gave instructions to the shopkeeper, and then waved for everyone to sit down.

Due to getting along with each other for a long time, Meng Tian, ​​Wang Hu and others all knew Ying Gao's temperament, and they all sat together without any anxiety.

"Tie Ying, are you married yet?" Ying Gao said, taking a look at Tie Ying, the oldest of the four, before coming earlier.

"My lord, not yet, my position is not suitable for marrying a wife..." At this moment, Tie Ying's eyes were filled with silence.

In this world, there is no man who does not love women. The intercourse between Yin and Yang in the world is the way of human relations, not to mention this is an era where the idea of ​​inheriting the family is prevalent.

"That's not a problem. Do you have a girl you like?" Ying Gao looked at Tie Ying and smiled, and said, "If so, how about I go to find my father personally, and then I propose marriage for you?"

"Young master!"

A big man actually blushed at this moment, squirmed, and said: "Miss Luhe in the son's house is not bad, my subordinate... likes..."

This is Ying Gao, Tie Ying knows that the age difference between Ying Gao and Lu He is too great, otherwise, even if he is killed, he would not dare to say this.

After all, maids are generally concubines!


He glanced at Tie Ying in surprise,

Ying Gao smiled heartily: "You guy, you have sharp eyesight. Although Lu He is just a maid in my house, you look good."

"I'll ask Luhe later, if Luhe is willing, I will take care of it."

Originally, Tie Ying had no hope for this matter, but now, hearing Ying Gao's words, he couldn't help but feel happy. From Ying Gao's attitude, he saw hope.

While feeling joyful in his heart, he couldn't help but turned to Ying Gao: "Tie Ying, thank you for your success..."

Rolling his eyes at Tie Ying, Ying Gao scolded with a smile: "I see you are in a hurry, and it will not be too late to thank you, Mr. Ben, after all, this matter depends on Lu He's attitude."

Regarding Lu He, Ying Gao didn't have the slightest idea. According to the age of this era, Lu He is not too young, and has reached the age of marriage.

For Tie Ying's military exploits, the promotion of the title is naturally impossible. For Lu He, Tie Ying is a very good home.

In addition, Tie Ying Ying Gao also understands, so he won't marry the wrong person. There is a saying that men are afraid of entering the wrong profession, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man. Marriage is extremely important for a woman.

Ying Gao is not a saint, nor does he have a Madonna mentality, nor is he a feminist, but Lu He is the first person he knows in this world.

Since she is his maid, she naturally has to consider everything well so as not to be wronged in the future.


"Wang Hu, what about you?"

He glanced at Wang Hu and buried his head, as Wang Hu of the ostrich, Ying Gao would naturally not let him go. After all, the battlefield is unpredictable, and life and death are often only a momentary matter.

This is especially true for a brave general like Wang Hu. For such a person, it is even more necessary to marry a wife and have children.

"My lord, I haven't considered it yet, it's still early, it's still early..." Wang Hu looked a little embarrassed, and shook his head at Ying Gao, and said.

Casting a glance at Wang Hu, Ying Gao sneered: "This matter is out of your control, this time I'm afraid I will stay in Xianyang for a while."

"It would be better if you have a woman you like. If not, I will discuss with the teacher, choose a suitable family, and choose a suitable marriage for you."

"Of course, Meng Liao is the same, you can't escape alone!"

After taking a sip of the mutton, Ying Gao stared at Meng Liao and Wang Hu, and said, "On the battlefield, people are most likely to die. Generals will inevitably die before the battle, and the earthen jar will never leave the well."

"After going back, think about it, I will mention it to the teacher and the general!"


"Young master, I'm not in a hurry..."


Returning to the mansion, Ying Gao had just walked in when he greeted Zhao Gao, and walked into the mansion with the imperial edict in hand.

"Young Master Gao, Meng Liao, Wang Hu, and Tie Ying received the edict: In the Battle of Handan, all of you loved ones have made great contributions. After statistics of military exploits by the Ting Wei's Mansion, Meng Liao bestowed upon you the Grand Master."

"Tie Ying bestows no change of title, Wang Hu is promoted to Duke Cheng, Young Master Gao is promoted to Zuo Shu Changjue, and Young Master Gao is allowed to open a mansion to participate in politics and lead Sanchuan County Guard!"


"I thank you, the king, the king lasted ten thousand years, and the great Qin ten thousand years—!"


"My lord, there is an order from the king to let you enter the palace!" Zhao Gao said with a solemn expression after handing the edict to Ying Gao.

"Let's go!"

After handing over the edict to Wang Hu, Ying Gao followed Zhao Gao to Xianyang Palace.

"My son, Ying Gao, pays homage to his father!"

Walking into the study, Ying Gao bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng and said.

At this time, not only Ying Zheng was in the study room, but also Li Si and a middle-aged man whom Ying Gao didn't know.

"Free gift!"

Seeing Ying Gao coming in, Ying Zheng nodded and said, "Sit!"



"Gao, let me introduce you, this gentleman is the famous Wei Liao!"

Ying Zheng smiled and introduced a sentence, which gave Wei Liao enough face. Originally, this introduction could have been made by Li Si, not a king.

At the same time, Ying Zheng said to Wei Liao, "Sir, this is Mr. Gao!"

Hearing this, Ying Gao bowed solemnly to Wei Liao: "Ying Gao has met Mr.!"

"My lord, you don't need to be too polite, Wei Liao will see you!"

Wei Liao was still very enthusiastic about Ying Gao who came to fight on the battlefield, after all, they were also considered like-minded people to a certain extent.

"Zhao Gao, add another case!"


All of a sudden, Ying Gao took a look at the seat, feeling a little shocked. At this moment, Wei Liao sat in the west head case, Ying Zheng sat in the east head side case, Li Sinan sat with him, and the king's case in the middle of the north became empty.

This kind of seating is the etiquette for friends and guests to communicate with each other in the Warring States Period, and the host is facing the honored guest.

Seeing this scene, Ying Gao felt relieved. He knew in his heart that if Ying Zheng sat in the original case of the central government facing the king of the South, today the subjects would be present to the king.

But now such an arrangement is just for friends to meet each other, and they can be a little more casual with each other.

"My lord, please!"

He nodded towards Zhao Gao, and Ying Gao sat at the end. He knew in his heart that this time he entered Xianyang Palace, he would most likely be a good-looking guy.

It can be said that it was Ying Zheng who gave him a lot of insight.

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