I Want To Be Qin II

The 268th chapter will dominate the world, both civil and military.

Women, the older you are, the lower your advantage!

As for a person like Tie Ying, as long as he contributes to the flames, it is not difficult to reach the pinnacle of life. As long as Tie Ying rises, some ladies will come to propose marriage.

It is precisely because of this that Ying Gao said this to Lu Heyu with great sincerity. Some opportunities, once missed, will never come again.

Even if it was him, it was impossible to force Tie Ying to marry an older woman, men were consistent in their hobbies.

Like young, like beautiful.

As you get older, your options shrink.

After eating a few mouthfuls and resting his stomach, Ying Gao walked towards Wang Hu's room. Now he is about to open a mansion, and the mansion is not bad so far.

However, neither the maids nor the guards are enough, he needs to build the framework.

"This subordinate has seen the young master!"

Casting a glance at Wang Hu, Ying Gao pondered for a while, and said, "Send a message to Ma Xing to ask Master Sima to return to Xianyang immediately, and find someone to replace his position."


"At the same time, select more than a dozen maids with clean backgrounds from the Jiaofang Division to fill the mansion!"



Wang Hu left.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ying Gao's mouth. He knew in his heart that from today onwards, he would no longer be the Commander Ying who strategized on the battlefield, but an official of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Qin official!

It's just that he doesn't have a specific official position, but he directly steps into the court as a son, and this will also allow him to work more easily.

When Bai Ze enters Xianyang, everything will kick off.


three days later.

Sima Shi Bai Ze came to Ying Gao's house, he looked hurried, but he was happy in his heart, after all, he knew that this was an opportunity.

Gongzi Gao's entry into the imperial court meant that King Qin attached great importance to him. According to the tradition of the Great Qin Dynasty, it was very likely that Gongzi Gao would become the crown prince.

"Subordinate Bai Ze has seen the young master!"

Casting a glance at Bai Ze, Ying Gao nodded: "You've worked hard all the way, so don't be too polite!"

"For the son to drive, the subordinates don't work hard!"

After a brief conversation, Ying Gao glanced at Master Sima and said, "Let Shang Yang enter Xianyang, and move the headquarters of the Peacock Chamber of Commerce to Xianyang City."

"At the same time, we sent people south to Jujiao in Chudi to secretly search for a middle-aged Fan Zeng in his thirties. Invite him to Xianyang, and if he is unwilling, he will be tied back."

"Bring his family back at the same time, so as to break his heart!"

Hearing this, Bai Ze nodded and said, "This subordinate will do it now!"


Nodding his head slightly, Ying Gao pondered for a while, and said, "Wang Hu went to the Jiaofang Division to find a maid, and asked Jing Yesi to thoroughly investigate her background. Besides, this is Xianyang, the home court of the Black Ice Terrace, so be careful."


On this point, even if Ying Gao didn't tell him, Master Sima didn't dare to be careless. Jing Yesi was just established, and it was impossible for him to be an opponent of such a terrorist force as the Black Ice Platform.

It is possible for the opponent to destroy them in one round.


Bai Ze left, Ying Gao was lying under the gazebo in the courtyard, and his thoughts were constantly improving. The Peacock Chamber of Commerce entered Xianyang, and Jing Yesi was in Xianyang. In this way, he would have no shortage of dark forces and wealth.

And the guard is served by Tie Ying Ruishi, which can be said to be extremely safe. In this way, he needs to deploy some things in advance.

Now that I have come to this Great Qin, some things must be tried,

Everyone is happy if you succeed, and you have nothing to lose if you fail.


"Iron Eagle prepares the car!"



Today is the day when Ying Zheng ordered the court meeting, and it is also the time when the Daqin Chaotang formally launches Wei Liao, so Ying Gao cannot be absent.


"Hundreds of officials enter the palace!"

Zhao Gao's voice came, and the civil and military officials who had been waiting for a long time all walked towards Xianyang Palace. At this moment, only Ying Gao was at a loss.

He suddenly discovered that he did not belong to civil servants, nor did he seem to belong to military commanders, and he didn't even know which class he belonged to.

Dazedly following the crowd into the main hall, everyone has a fixed position above the main hall, after a glance, Ying Gao had no choice but to stand on top of the main hall.

"The king is facing the court, and all the officials salute!" Zhao Gao's voice sounded again, and all the civil and military officials bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng who was striding forward, and said, "Your servant waits to see my king!"

Ying Gao's voice was mixed in, and he couldn't hear it at all. At this time, Ying Zheng also saw Ying Gao and Wei Liao standing above the main hall, who had no place.

"Zhao Gao, give seats to Young Master Gao and Mr. Wei Liao!"



At this time, the King of Qin, after seeing Wei Liao, realized almost immediately that the original implementation strategy needed some kind of modification.

Therefore, there is today's court meeting.

At this moment, when everyone was seated, no one spoke first. They were all silent and waiting. They all knew that today's court meeting was held for Wei Liao.

They can't steal the limelight!

On the throne, Ying Zheng's eyes flickered for a moment. He also knew what the officials were thinking, so he introduced directly to the officials and said.

"This Mr. Wei Liao is a guest of the Qin State. He participated in the court meeting today. The first is to introduce the guest to your lovers, and the second is to revise part of the court's strategy."

Speaking of this, Ying Zheng glanced at Wei Liao, and said, "Keqing, in your opinion, how should my Great Qin Strategy be changed?"

Ying Zheng is giving Wei Liao a chance!

At this time, if Wei Liao can't convince all the civil and military officials like the previous valet ministers in the Great Qin Dynasty, even with Ying Zheng's help, it will be impossible to succeed.

After all, before this, Qin Guo served as a guest minister, and they were all extremely powerful existences.

Wei Yang!

Zhang Zi!


Hearing this, Wei Liao also paused, he naturally understood his situation at the moment, he couldn't help standing up and bowing to Ying Zheng, then turned around and bowed to the officials of Daqin, saying.

"Your Majesty, my colleagues, it seems very complicated, but Wei Liao simplified it into eight words: To rule the world, pay equal attention to civil and military!"


Looking at Wei Liao who was talking eloquently, Ying Gao's eyes flickered for a moment. He knew in his heart that these eight words were the core of Wei Liao's strategy, and they were also necessary for the future of Qin.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Gao couldn't help being even more curious about Wei Liao. After all, this person is a unique master of strategy, and he was unique before Fan Zeng found him.

But after Ying Gao continued to listen, Wei Liao's words made him startled. This man's vision is extraordinary, truly unparalleled in the world.

"Will the world be the same, both civil and military?"

Yingzheng's eyes were burning brightly, but his heart was agitated, and he motioned slightly to Wei Liao: "I wish to hear the details, sir, please clarify my doubts!"


"The so-called world is not a hegemony, but an emperor's cause. Hegemony only needs a strong army to make the world bow its head, while an emperor's cause requires both civil and military grace and power, so that the world can be unified, and it will end with Qin. A century of strife!"


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