I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 478 Strategists and Strategists! (Chapter 3)

In the shogunate, there is a volume of the latest map of the northwest.

Ying Gao has already remembered it very well, and can even reproduce it in his mind, and the situation here was provoked by him himself, so Ying Gao naturally knows that Touman Shanyu is very likely to face the mighty momentum of the Great Qin Dynasty. Eighty-nine will follow the heart.

After all, since Duke Xiao of Qin, Daqin warriors have created too many miracles of war, and Daqin has also created countless legends. Looking inside and outside the world, Daqin is very afraid of Daqin.

What's more, since Qin Wangzheng ascended the throne, Great Qin's aura has been like a rainbow. It can be said that it is the destiny and the general trend.

Ying Gao believes that it is impossible for Touman to choose to confront Daqin at this time. If he makes a move at this time, he will get nothing but burn himself.

It is not easy for anyone to be a king, let alone a hero who established the Huns from scratch and is known as the number one chanyu of the Huns.

Such people are basically the most exquisite in controlling the current situation.

If Ying Gao was the Shanyu of the Xiongnu and attacked the Great Qin, he would definitely not choose this time when his horse stepped into the Central Plains, but it would be far after the Great Qin came out of the East.

Therefore, in Ying Gao's view, Ying Zheng's goal this time is probably going to fail.


However, in this way, it is a good thing for him, as it can cut off the support of the Huns, and his confidence in defeating Rongdi and Da Yuezhi is a little bit greater.

After all, without the reinforcements from the Huns, he could think less and have more troops to deploy.

"Change the shogunate to another place, and pay attention to the news in the direction of Jiuyuan and Xianyang recently!" Ying Gao looked away from the map, and said with a smile: "This place is no longer safe, and it may be exposed at any time."


Nodding his head in agreement, Tie San turned around and left. He didn't give the attack order immediately. Ying Gao knew in his heart that this was in Daqin, and the news was delivered too slowly.

Isn't it radio? Can it be transmitted instantly? Because of this, Ying Gao planned to let the news fly for a while.

Only when the news gets out? After a period of fermentation? Can it have a good effect, and Ying Gao knows this very well.

In particular, this is the military order of the King of Qin, the most powerful country in the world, so naturally there will be strong winds blowing? It will cause countless waves.


Ying Gao hibernates in the northwest? Hiding in the deep mountains, controlling the situation remotely, and at this time Qin Wangzheng in Xianyang wrote a letter of war.

Ying Zheng handed the brass pipe to Dunwei? A gleam flashed in the depths of his eyes? There was a hint of playfulness in his tone.

"Dun Ruo sent the dead soldiers into the Dragon City of the Huns, and handed over this silk book written by the king to Touman!"


Nodding in agreement, Dunwei turned around and left. Dunwei would never discount Qin Wangzheng's orders.

Watching Dunwei leave? The light in Yingzheng's eyes gradually faded, and he knew in his heart that this was the last time that Dunwei was in charge of the Black Ice Platform.

When this battle is over, Dunwei and Yao Jia should also embark on the journey? The plan of Great Qin Dong should also be put on the agenda.

Because of this, Yingzheng? Even the Daqin court and opposition? Just now they paid so much attention to this battle.

After all, the outcome of this battle is too important, and they don't want Ying Gao's military career to be stained.

The symbol of Great Qin!

He is also the best candidate for the heir of the Great Qin Dynasty. Such a human race naturally needs Wei Guangzheng.

Only in this way can people's hearts be better restrained and the hearts of the people of the world can be united. Sometimes the power of role models is powerful, and Ying Gao has become a role model for Daqin to a certain extent.

Strategists should play the role they should play, instead of taking charge of the Black Ice Terrace in Xianyang and serving as the Great Qin Keqing.

"The common people are smeared, the world is turbulent, and there are hundreds of schools of thought, but I am the only one!"

With a long sigh, a gleam of light appeared in Ying Zheng's eyes. No one knew who the successor of the political family was in this life.

Some people suspected it was Wei Liao, while others suspected it was someone else.

However, Ying Zheng knew in his heart that it would definitely not be Yao Jia and Dunwei. There are two types of diplomatic lobbyists on the Central Plains, and they have two completely different names.

One of them is called Strategist, also known as Guiguzi.

Although the power of one person is stronger than a million teachers. It is also a comment that the role of one person can counteract a hundred schools of thought, and can block all countries.

In the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, outstanding figures such as Zhang Yi, Su Qin, Pang Juan, and Sun Bin stirred up the world and created brilliance.

According to the rumors, Guiguzi went down the mountain only once in his life and had only four apprentices: Pang Juan, Sun Bin, Su Qin and Zhang Yi.

Before they entered the mountain, they were all unknown, but after they left the mountain, they all shined brilliantly and became famous through the ages. These four people used the art of war and strategy and the art of debate taught by Guiguzi to go out to the generals and ministers in various countries, calling for wind and rain, and controlled the political situation in the troubled times of the Warring States Period.

First, Pang Juan went down the mountain, punched and kicked, and helped the state of Wei to be proud of the heroes; soon Sun Bin became the military adviser of the state of Qi, and beat the state of Wei to shame; Hangu Pass.

In the end, Zhang Yi was the Prime Minister of Qin, teasing the princes of the world with his three-inch tongue, making Su Qin fall short...

As the king of the Great Qin Dynasty, Ying Zheng had heard of the terror of the strategists, and had read the records of the mobilization.

In addition, the other type is the same as Yao Jia, who is called a strategist.

Strategists are people who are good at using long-term strategies and lobbying skills. They are actually strategists, but strategists are too powerful. In order to distinguish them, the world calls them strategists, and others are called strategists.

Yingzheng knew in his heart that during the period of great social turmoil and great changes in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period, it was also called the era of soldiers fighting the world.

The scholar class is growing day by day. For the interests of the class and ruling group they are attached to, they are running around arguing and arguing with their power.

During the struggle for hegemony, the vassal states realized that national power and army are important, but political offensive and diplomatic struggle are also indispensable and important conditions for the struggle for hegemony.

It is in this social situation that batch after batch of lobbyists emerged as the times require.

Especially after Shang Jun's political reform, the rise of Qin State in the west has increasingly become a threat to the six kingdoms of Shandong.

The six countries attempted to unite against Qin, while Qin took advantage of the contradictions between the six countries to make friends with each other at a distance and attack at a distance, thereby dividing and disintegrating them. This formed a century-long joint vertical and horizontal struggle.

Counselors and strategists show their talents in this intricate political, military, and diplomatic struggle.

Most of them have certain political opinions, and they often follow Qin and Muchu for their personal fame and fortune, and play the rudder according to the wind.

But they are familiar with the art of vertical and horizontal, relying on their wit, wisdom, eloquence and rhetoric, they go around lobbying.

Circling among political groups, he made wonderful plans for the princes to conquest cities, plunder land, kill people, and destroy the country.

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