I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 601 He is the son of my Daqin, not a simple general!

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Daqin Young Master Gao is their default crown prince.

And the crown prince of a country bears the name of infamy, especially the name of killing and surrendering, which is not conducive to the future of Daqin to win the hearts of the people.

The officials didn't know Li Si's thoughts on supporting Ying Gao's decision, but they all knew that since Ying Zheng summoned himself and others at the first time, it must be because Qin Wangzheng also opposed it.

It is believed that the occurrence of this incident will be detrimental to Gong Zigao's reputation.

Wang Wan's thoughts flashed, and he knew in his heart that King Qin was waiting for his answer at this moment, but at this moment, he didn't know how to answer at all.

Ying Gao's massacre of the Dayue Clan and the creation of Jingguan, if viewed separately, can be described as pros and cons, but mixed together, the whole thing suddenly became complicated.

Just meeting Qin Wangzheng's gaze, Wang Wan knew that he couldn't keep his mouth shut. After thinking about it, he quickly turned to Yingzheng and said, "Your Majesty, I think this matter should be looked at separately. The young master slaughtered tribes in the northwest and built the capital city." Look, Young Master Yu's reputation is harmful, after all, a reputation that has built Jingguan will add countless obstacles to Young Master's future ascension to the position of crown prince."

"However, from the standpoint of Daqin, the young master's move is very satisfying. It is beneficial to Daqin and the current war, but it is not good for the young master, but the young master has done such a thing!"

It is said that Yingzheng thought about it for a long time, and a warm current gradually emerged in his heart. Among the princes of the Great Qin, only Ying Gao was sincere for the sake of the Great Qin. I have small thoughts in my heart.

The princes of the Great Qin Dynasty may not understand such behavior, but this kind of spirit, this kind of behavior shocked them, and the selflessness really exists in this world.

The former Wei Yang is now the son Gao.

At this moment, Li Si and the others suddenly had a thought in their hearts, that was to discuss that day, and wanted to give the young master the words of being a king and a marquis.

Perhaps only such people who are selfless, dedicated to Daqin, and disregarding themselves can be qualified to become the double title holders of Daqin's king and marquis.

Hearing what Wang Wan, Li Si and others said, Ying Zheng also nodded slightly. They could see the hard work of Young Master Gao, which was better than anything else.

However, at this moment, he felt that the thoughts of the officials were a little crooked. He was not trying to punish Young Master Gao, but to reduce the impact of this incident on Young Master Gao.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng said in a low voice: "I don't think this matter is the fault of Young Master Gao. The purpose of calling you here today is to let you give advice. How can we minimize the impact of this matter on Young Master Gao? "

Hearing this, the officials were all silent.

It is very difficult to reduce the impact of this matter. This matter cannot be concealed. This matter is too big. Young Master Gao's actions on the northwest side are not for the purpose of concealment at all.

What's more, there is no impenetrable wall in this world.

This news, no matter how it is blocked, is temporary, and sooner or later the truth will be revealed to the world.

Therefore, this matter does not know how to hide it, it can only be resolved.

Naturally, there are no fools in the Great Qin court, and similarly, they do not regard the people of the world as fools, but for a while, the officials still have no idea in their minds.

At this moment, there was silence in the study room, all the monarchs and ministers were thinking constantly in their hearts, they were silent and did not rush to speak.


"Your Majesty, although this incident has an impact on Young Master Gao, at this moment Young Master Gao is a general and can bear such a bad reputation. In today's world, as long as the king does not touch such things, it is enough!"

At this moment, Li Si stood up again, bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said, "Even if the son Gao succeeds in the end, there will be at least 20 or 30 years, which is enough to make people in the world forget. Lots of things."

"It is also enough for the king to consolidate Huaxia,

On the contrary, the minister thinks that it is better for the young master to have a bad reputation! "

Li Si's position was based on Qin's position. Although he had a good impression of Ying Gao, he would not stand on Ying Gao's position in all his thoughts.

This is the biggest difference between Li Si and Ying Zheng at this moment.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister Li's words are wrong!"

Wei Liao shook his head, he also had some complaints about such killings: "Gongzi Gao is the most outstanding among all the princes of the Great Qin Dynasty, and the power of the princes is simply powerless to compete with him!"

"He is the son of my Great Qin, not a simple general!"

Wei Liao is a half-hearted military general, and his control over people's hearts can be said to be at its peak. At this moment, he couldn't help but turned to Ying Zheng and said, "Your Majesty, I think you should block this news, and then spread the news about Da Yuezhi to the people of the world." cruelty!"

"Thus making Gong Zigao's actions justifiable, from the evil of massacre to the salvation of massacre!"

Wei Liao has lived for such a long time, so his control over people's hearts is naturally superb. He knows in his heart that as long as the court's propaganda is good, even a bad thing can become a good thing.

What's more, it's a good thing.

Since ancient times, it has been common for rulers to manipulate public opinion. In Wei Liao's view, as long as the Great Qin court made up its mind, everything would be fine.

Especially not to lose the heart of the Qin people, as for the people of the six kingdoms of Shandong, I will have time to let them understand the unparalleled power of the Prince of Qin.


At this moment, the study room was divided into three factions, one side remained silent and gave up its rights, the other side wanted to contribute to this matter, and Wei Liao's side wanted to reduce the impact of this matter on Ying Gao.

The atmosphere in the study was dignified. In fact, anyone with a discerning eye knew that this was not only about the situation of this matter, but also involved the competition for the crown prince.

The supporters behind the young masters and those who are optimistic about the young master all made their moves one after another, expressing their respective interests.

Regarding this, Yingzheng is naturally clear about it. At this time, Daqin has not yet established a crown prince, and he is also very entangled in his heart. Although he is biased towards Yinggao, it will take a long time to test.

It is not so easy to be the king of a country!

What's more, although Yingzheng has not yet unified the six countries, he knows that the future political situation will definitely be more difficult than it is now. Therefore, he is hesitant to decide whether to be overbearing or kingly or even emperor.

Because it can only depend on the development of things to decide.

"Wang Wan!"

"The minister is here!"

Taking a deep look at Wang Wan, Yingzheng ordered decisively, saying: "In the name of the government's official office, Da Qin was announced that the Da Yue clan was barbaric and rude, and provoked me, Da Qin Tianwei, and Lord Wu'an of the Da Qin led his army to destroy them. Create Jingguan to demonstrate the great Qin's martial arts forever, and to promote the great Qin's great power!"

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