I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 620 There is no Zhang Qian in the world, so I will take it myself.

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With a nod in agreement, Master Sima turned and left. The stakes were so high that he had to go at once.

The transmission of news in this era is extremely slow, so war is also a test of intelligence.

In terms of news transmission, Jing Yesi, Heibingtai, and military scouts are all racing against time, because each other's victory is in that minute, or in that second.

Especially Qin Hui and Ning Sheng, who are thousands of miles away, and on the side of Loulan, the distance between the two is not far.

It can be said that it is very close at hand, and Loulan King will notice the changes in Wusun if he is not careful.

It would be a good thing if there were no evil thoughts in King Loulan's heart. Once evil thoughts arose in King Loulan's heart, Ning Sheng and Qin Hui would have their lives in danger.

Therefore, Ying Gao made a prompt decision.

Both Qin Hui and Ning Sheng are rising stars under his command. It can be said that they are the mainstay of the Mang Sparrow Army and the Wan Sheng Army.

Wusun is too far away from Wuwei County, what is most needed right now is to stabilize King Loulan, and when Dayue Clan is expelled, Ying Gao naturally has the strength and time to deal with Wusun.

Ying Gao was very pleased with what Qin Hui and Ning Sheng did. They upheld Da Qin's dignity. As a strategist and as a mission, it should be so.

After all, walking out of Xianyang and walking in a foreign country means that they represent the national prestige of the Great Qin and the dignity of the King of Qin.

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking at the sky, thoughts in Ying Gao's mind kept coming and disappearing.

At this moment, because nothing happened, he was thinking about the future.

Regarding the Hexi Corridor, besides the iron ore veins, Ying Gao also wanted to open up the Silk Road and bring all the gold and silver from the world into Daqin.

Regarding the use of the Hexi Corridor, Ying Gao already had some thoughts in his mind, standing here, he was actually very emotional.

In his previous life, he had studied in Liangzhou for four years, so he knew this land well, and he had also seen the majesty of Qilian Mountain.

However, today's Hexi Corridor is more desolate than later generations, and Qilian Mountain is also more majestic than later generations.

At this moment, Ying Gao actually had a special feeling of revisiting his old place.

At this moment, the wind picked up.

The flag of the python swallowing the dragon was hunting in mid-air, as if to declare to the world again, who is the master of this country.

The night passed, the breeze came, the sun rose from the horizon, and the world was completely dark, and it was occupied by light almost in an instant.

It was as if there was a ray of light that, at that moment, tore through the darkness and descended on the world.

An hour later, Meng Liao hurried over: "General Ying, there is nothing left in the camp of the Dayue Clan, only the torrential water is spreading."

"The scouts found a lot of hanging corpses in the valley of the hut, most of them are dead!"


Nodding his head, he somewhat understood the result. Yan probably drowned in one night.

"You go to Master Sima and ask Jing Yesi to cooperate with you to search the hut and valley with a radius of a hundred miles."


With Hut Mountain as the center, it has a radius of a hundred miles, which is a huge range, but Meng Liao and others did not have the slightest doubt.

The 100,000 elites of the Yue clan must be confirmed dead, otherwise it would be a disaster for the three armies of the Great Qin Dynasty, not to mention that this was Ying Gao's military order.

In Daqin, when military orders are issued, they must be obeyed.

Meng Liao turned and left. Ying Gao's eyes flickered for a moment. He still believed in Meng Liao's ability. If Chief Pangdun and others were still alive, nothing would happen if Meng Liao went there in person.

It was this self-confidence that Ying Gao sent Meng Liao out instead of Tie Ying.

For him, Mengliao is much easier to use than Tie Ying.

The abilities of these two people are not at the same level.


Meng Liao turned and left, Ying Gao turned to Tie Ying and said, "Tie Ying, get ready, we will meet up with the Chinese army, and then attack the Dayue Clan's vanguard army."


Nodding in agreement,

A smile appeared in Tie Ying's eyes. He knew in his heart that as long as he joined the army, they could also go to the battlefield and make military achievements calmly.

Although he already has a title, he still has great pursuit for a higher title.

After all, in life, no one wants to hold great power and be appointed as a prince and prime minister.

Although Tie Ying also knew that it was impossible for him to have the merit of being a Marquis in his entire life, but that was just a wishful thinking.

In Daqin, he was extremely cautious about sealing the Marquis.

Ying Gao made great achievements in battle, opened up the territory for the Great Qin, and did not confer the title of marquis, but only conferred the title of Wu'an, just like the award of Chang'an Jun Chengjiao, and he only took the five cities of Han.

However, Yinggao's achievements have already reached several counties, such as Jiuyuan County, Xihai County, Heyuan County, Xiping County, etc., with such illustrious military exploits, none of them were named marquises.

It can be seen from this that it is difficult to become a Marquis in the Great Qin Dynasty.

Tie Ying turned and left. Ying Gao and I also walked down the mountain at this time. He needs to rest and eat before he can join Fan Zeng and others.


The fresh beef imported from Yiding greatly increased Yinggao's appetite. It can be said that eating fresh beef from Yiding was very clean, and eating meat for a while made Yinggao grow stronger.

It's just that Ying Gao's appearance is completely different from that of Da Qin's military generals. It may be because he has been studying all the year round, and he has a bookish spirit in his bones.

Standing in the shogunate, although Ying Gao was waiting for Meng Liao and the others, his eyes were always on the map, looking at the Western Regions and other places on the map, a gleam flashed in the depths of his eyes.

He knew very well that some good things in the Western Regions had been continuously introduced to the Central Plains after Zhang Qian's mission to the Western Regions. There was contact and communication between the mainland and the Western Regions.

Now there is no Zhang Qian in this world, and he needs to collect these things on the land of the Central Plains.

"General Ying, news came from Jing Yesi that the Dayue Clan's vanguard army has reached the Lehuan tribe. At the same time, our army's central army has arrived near Heli Mountain!"

Hearing the news from Jing Yesi, Ying Gao suppressed the thoughts in his heart. He knew in his heart that he must join the army as soon as possible, otherwise, without the Wansheng Army, this battle would inevitably suffer heavy losses.

With thoughts in his mind, Ying Gao turned his head to Master Sima and said, "Continue to monitor, I'm going to know their specific news!"

"At the same time, send an order to Wang Hu, the army is silent here, and wait until Ben arrives!"



"General Ying, General Meng Liao led 10,000 soldiers to search, and there is no trace of the leader Pang Dun nearby!" At this moment, Tie Ying walked over, bowed solemnly to Ying Gao, and said, "Would you like to continue to expand the scope?" search?"

"No need!"

Ying Gao shook his head. In his opinion, searching within a radius of a hundred miles around Hut Mountain is the greatest honor of Chief Pang Dun.

A little Fatton leader is not worth such a big effort.

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