I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 771 All the gifts of fate have already been secretly priced!

For rejecting Ying Shiman, Ying Gao didn't have much burden in his heart. He also did it for her own good. The battlefield, where life and death depend on each other, is a place where men fight their lives.

Daqin has not yet reached the time when women are needed to go to the battlefield.

Once Ying Shiman is allowed to go to the battlefield, it will definitely affect the morale of Daqin warriors, and men and women are different. Even in the barbaric era of Daqin, men and women are in the same place, and it will damage the reputation of the woman for a long time.

If Ying Shiman can't get married by then, Ying Zheng will have to skin him.

In Ying Gao's mind, it is best for women to be husbands and children. In an era, if it is an era, if it is in modern times, he will encourage Ying Shiman to be an independent woman.

But this is the age of the Warring States period. Although it is not a problem for a woman to show up, the job that suits her is definitely not the army. This is the era of cold weapons, and victory is won by life.

This is also the reason why in ancient times, a person with \\u001d infinite strength would be admired by others. The strength of strength is sometimes the dawn of victory.

Women are inherently disadvantaged on the battlefield of cold weapons.

And she is the daughter of Yingzheng. If this case is opened, Yinman, Yangci and others will also ask to do something to promote women's independence. What should I do?

Women in this era are already independent enough that they will divide the family property even if they are divorced, and it is even possible for a woman to propose divorce, and the family property is half of that of a woman.

If it continues to advance, if some stupid female fists are drawn out, Da Qin will not be able to turn the world upside down, and there will be another kind of trouble among countless troubles.

It is enough that the history in this aspect remains as usual, and he does not need to intervene more, as long as the troubles do not occur in the Song Dynasty, it is enough.

"What's so good about being in Xianyang, other than a more stable life, this majestic Xianyang is your men's paradise, but not our women's!"

Ying Gao took a sip of tea, couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said, "Sister, this era is at the end of the Warring States Period, and this is a world of great contention. It is said that anyone who has blood will be contentious."

"With the theme of mergers, the fight is the most thorough and fierce. In this world, people are dying every moment. The reason why Xianyang comforts me is because there are countless old Qin Erlang who have gone forward and sacrificed their heads and blood in exchange for it. "

At this moment, Ying Gao took a deep look at Ying Shiman and said, "Sister, do you know how many people died on the battlefield after Xianyang became the capital of the Great Qin Kingdom?"

"Women are not allowed to go to war,

It is a kind of protection for women. As long as my Daqin son is not dead, I will not let my woman go to the battlefield. "

"You have never been on the battlefield. You don't know the cruelty of war. When you were in Linhe, Jiuyuan, do you know why I insisted on fighting?"

"The ground is full of dead people, broken arms and limbs are scattered all over the place. The people of Qin threw themselves into the river. The river turned red and the river was blocked!"

"In a war, the comrade who was talking and laughing with you one moment will die the next moment, leaving only a head. For the needs of the war, we will sleep next to the corpse and eat where the blood flows into the river."

"Sister, war is never a joke. I don't want you and Yang Ci, Yin Man and others to go to the battlefield. My Ying family should shed blood for this world. Naturally, there are me, brother and others... .”

Ying Gao righteously refused, but he also knew that Ying Shiman had set his mind on him, so naturally he would not give up easily.

"Eldest sister, after discussing this matter with my father, I will tell you whether it is feasible. You know that I can't be the master!"

Whether it's Ying Shiman's or Ying Zheng's idea, Ying Gao has to consider it, and this is the first time Ying Shiman comes to the door, if there is room for change, Ying Gao doesn't want to refuse.

After all, these people are his relatives, and he doesn't want to live like a loner after Ying Zheng dies in the future.

He had given up hope for Fusu and the others. After all, they were all men, and they were each other's opponents from birth. This situation was inherent and could not be changed at all.

Daqin is about to rule the world. No one is willing to give up on the majestic master of the Central Plains. Even Fusu who is a fool who studied Confucianism is not willing to give up, let alone other people.

Hearing this, Ying Shiman stood up and bowed to Ying Gao, and said softly, "Third Brother Lao will be responsible for this matter!"

"Eldest sister, you don't have to be so restrained. If I am in Xianyang in the future, elder sister can come to my mansion to relax, and you don't have to stay in this palace wall."

Hearing Ying Gao's words, Ying Shiman was overjoyed, and hurriedly said to Ying Gao, "Thank you so much, third brother, I will inevitably disturb my leisure in the future!"


Seeing Ying Shiman's money go away, Ying Gao looked away. He didn't know how to evaluate Ying Shiman and others. He could only say that all the gifts of fate had already been secretly priced.

Becoming the princess of Daqin, being well-clothed and well-fed since she was a child, and being favored by Yingzheng is far behind these young masters, but their price is also extremely heavy.


Ying Gao can't say whether this matter is right or wrong, it is very important to match the family, on the contrary, the so-called love often ends in tragedy.


Xianyang Palace Study Room.

Ying Zheng was reviewing the report. At this time, Zhao Gao hurried in, bowed his hands to Ying Zheng, and said, "Your Majesty, last night, the minister blocked the eldest son, Mr. Zhong and others back."

"Just now the servants in the palace reported that none of you young masters waited to visit Young Master Gao, but the Eldest Princess visited and talked with Young Master Gao for a long time..."

Hearing this, Ying Zheng felt a feeling called cracking in his heart, and he was a little out of breath.

He couldn't figure it out, what happened to his sons, they didn't know how to seize the opportunity when they were given, instead they just missed it.

Could it be that Ying Gao's deterrence is so powerful?

However, if you are so afraid of Ying Gao, then what qualifications do you have to compete with Ying Gao? Thinking of this, Ying Zheng feels angry, and there is Ying Shiman.

A good girl, who doesn't think about red makeup but loves to dance with knives and guns, doesn't make people worry about any of them.

At this moment, Ying Zheng felt that having such a reassuring son as Ying Gao was simply a blessing from his previous life, and that God could not see the suffering he suffered.

"Call the sons together, and after the eldest princess leaves, bring the son Gao!" At this moment, Ying Zheng decided to have a frank and honest talk with the sons. I got this idea.

As for Ying Gao, he wanted to discuss Ying Shiman's matter. At this moment, Ying Zheng was afraid that Ying Gao would get hotheaded, so he agreed.


Nodding in agreement, Zhao Gao turned and left.

Only Ying Zheng in the study was left in a daze, and now he no longer had the mind to review the report.

The son is incompetent, and he almost broke the old father's heart.

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