I Want To Be Qin II

Eight hundred and thirtieth chapters different ways and conspiracy

Meng Wu is independent from the court, and has a more transparent view of some things than Meng Yi.

After all, the authorities are confused by the bystanders, which is the most logical thing.

What's more, Meng Wu started his fortune in the reign of King Zhaoxiang, and has seen too much right and wrong, so he is naturally more knowledgeable than Meng Yi, and he can see the twists and turns behind him at a glance.

At the moment Meng Tian is in Bashu, and he has gradually retired, the position of Guowei has already been handed over to Wei Liao, and only his second son is walking in the court.

Meng Yi.

At such a critical moment, he hopes that Meng Yi can walk the right path and have his own judgment, instead of standing in the front every time something happens.

For Meng Tian, ​​Meng Wu is very relieved, the military has always been like this, and with Ying Gao and Wang Jian around, Meng Tian's future can be predicted to be smooth sailing.

However, Meng Yi is different.

Meng Yi seems to belong to the military commander in the Guowei official office, but Meng Wu knows that this is only temporary.

The current Meng Yi, no matter whether he is a military general in the official office of the Guowei Mansion, or a Lang Zhongling of Daqin, but Mengwu knows that in the future Daqin, there will definitely not be such a situation where one person holds two positions.

Whether it is Qin Wangzheng or him, the plan for Meng Yi's future path is to follow the path of civil servants.

After all, in the entire Meng family, it is enough to have Meng Tian and Meng Liao in the army, and there is no need for another Meng Yi to participate.

On the contrary, together with the civil servants, it was the defect of Mengshi in recent years. This time, with Meng Yi, Meng Wu naturally didn't want to put the cart before the horse.

"Father, I know!"

After listening to Meng Wu's analysis, Meng Yi is naturally clear that he is indeed the best choice for Qin Wangzheng, and he understands Yingzheng, so he doesn't shy away from both him and Meng Tian being in Bashu.

After all, when the construction of the Xianyang South Road is completed, Meng Tian needs to go north to Xianyang to participate in the Great Qin's war against the Six Kingdoms.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Meng Yi was still a bit big-headed, the extreme southern land was not only far away from Xianyang, but also the relationship between the various ethnic groups was intricate, and there were no Qin people, they were all alien races.

It is too difficult to educate.

Even Meng Yi, whose heart is higher than the sky,

I also found it very tricky, and my face changed slightly as my thoughts turned.


Great Qin State Prime Minister's Mansion.

Li Si and Wang Wan sat opposite each other. They used to be good friends, but with the passage of time, a rift appeared between them.

Two people have different values.

Li Si's expression was solemn, he couldn't remember how long it had been since they were together, drinking, and talking about the world.

I don't know when, the once close friends and comrades-in-arms have already parted ways, fighting for their own different interests.

"Brother Wan, you and I haven't sat together drinking for a long time, let's talk about it!" In the end, Li Si suppressed all the thoughts in his heart, then smiled wryly at Wang Wan, and said.

Hearing the former address, Wang Wan was also taken aback. He hadn't heard the intimate address of Brother Wan from Li Si for a long time. It's been a long time.

"Brother Si, do you think I'm out of my wits today, and I'm going against the imposing Young Master Gao?" Wang Wan's face was full of bitterness, and a look of helplessness appeared in his eyes.

Everyone has their own position, and sometimes, standing on top of their own position, for the benefit of this class, is bound to violate their own ideals.

Go against your original intention.

This is a helpless thing, no one is born a saint.

It is precisely because of this that those who are impartial and selfless will be sought after by people and become a kind of ideal monument.

"Brother Wan, your starting point, I will not participate in the comments, you can have countless ways to deal with Young Master Gao Liangjian, why do you need to adopt the most extreme way?"

At this moment, Li Si looked at Wang Wan, his eyes full of confusion: "Young Master Gao is not the King of Qin, he is a lord who will take revenge, a hero who grew up on the battlefield since he was a child."

"The relationship between father and son is separated, and this is the father and son of the royal family, which means that there is no room for change between you and Young Master Gao. Once Young Master Gao gains power in the future, the end of you, including the Wang family, can be imagined now. "

"King Wu was able to expel Zhang Zi back then, let alone the current Young Master Gao..."

Li Si is a very utilitarian person. He is naturally aware of the impact that Wang Wan's move will have. The gap between gain and loss is too great. This is not the work of a wise man at all.

What's more, Young Master Gao has the image of a wise monarch, and he is already recognized as the heir apparent by the Qin Dynasty.

At this moment, Wang Wan pointed the sword at the young master Gao, which was almost a kind of overreaching with duckweed shaking the tree.

He didn't believe it, Wang Wan couldn't see this.

After drinking a glass of wine, Wang Wan smiled wryly: "Gongzi Gao does have the appearance of being a hegemon, but our paths are different. He is not my choice, nor can I realize my ideal."

"Differences in Taoism do not conspire with each other!"

Hearing this, Li Si took a sip from the wine cup silently, and shook his head involuntarily: "No one can say clearly about the future, and there will be room for maneuver between each other."

"In order to ensure the failure of my own plan in the future, it will cause too much entanglement to myself. You have done your best in one battle like this. It seems to be a heavy hammer attack, but the result is unpredictable..."

"Our young master is not a simple character. It's not just luck that he can get to where he is today!"

The words have come to this point, what should be said, what should not be said, Li Si has said, he knows that Wang Wan is a smart person, he doesn't want to listen, no matter how much he persuades, it is useless.

So, the conversation changed: "Do you have any thoughts about the candidate for the extreme south?"

Putting down the wine cup, Wang Wan smiled indifferently, and said, "The old man plans to use Meng Yi as the state shepherd, Li You as the state captain, and sit in Xiazhou. I don't know what brother Si thinks?"

"Li Youzhi is talented, his martial arts is greater than general strategy, and he is not suitable to sit in the extreme south!" After a while, Li Si shook his head.

As a father, Li Si naturally hoped that his son Li You would be able to stand out, but he knew Li You very well. At least for now, he didn't think that Li You had the qualifications and ability to sit in a place.

Of course, on a deeper level, he didn't want his son Li You to become a victim of the game between Wang Wan and Young Master Gao.


With a chuckle, Wang Wan naturally understood the deep meaning of Li Si's words. When he heard Li Si's objection, he didn't insist. He didn't want to offend Ying Gao and continue to offend Li Si.

"Since Brother Si doesn't agree, I wonder if Brother Si has a suitable candidate?" He asked back and shifted the topic into Li Si's hands.

Wang Wan hoped that Li Si would stand with him. He also felt that the chance of winning against Ying Gao was too small on his own. If Li Si also participated, the chances of winning would be better.

Of course, Li Si is an egoist, and it will take a lot of effort to get Li Si into the game.


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