I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 845: The King of Dian wants to surrender!

King Yelang is essentially a tyrant.

When he chooses things, he often pays more attention to his own interests, rather than the interests of the country, the country, and thousands of people.

In his view, the world is his private property.

He puts his own interests first, and as for thousands of people, he just needs to live.

Otherwise, King Yelang would not have been moved by the conditions that Ying Gao offered just now.

The main reason is that this condition is too generous; even so rich that King Yelang couldn't believe it.

These days, his understanding of the Central Plains has also increased a lot, and he is naturally aware of the importance of being a king.

"Feng Jun?"

There are so many thoughts in his mind, although King Yelang doesn't understand Daqin's title system, he does know a little bit.

The title of this lord is definitely not low,

After all, the Prince of Great Qin is Lord Wu'an, once famous all over the world, and Bai Qi, who became the legend of Gaiden, was also named Lord Wu'an. From this we can see that this is an extremely high title.

Moreover, the prosperity of the Central Plains is far more comfortable than that of Yelang, but King Yelang also knows that if he does this, he will be a prisoner.

Life and death are in the hands of the Qin people, not only will they lose the power of life and death, but they will also be in constant fear.

Standing in the palace, feeling his control over Yelang, in an instant, the preferential treatment given by Ying Gao didn't feel good at all.

He was born in Yelang, and he will surely die in Yelang. He must fight for Yelang and conquer his whole life.

This is the responsibility of being King Yelang.

At this moment, King Yelang seemed to have suddenly awakened, with a deep love for Yelang.

He wants to gather the strength of the whole Yelang, and compete with the Great Qin Prince in a dignified manner.

Regardless of life or death, it is only for the dignity of a king, only for the foundation of this ancestor of Yelang.

Thinking of this, the year in King Yelang's heart became more determined.

"My lord, do you want to recruit young men from the country again? With our current strength alone,

He is not an opponent of the Great Qin Prince at all. If we are not prepared to fight against him, Qi Lan is our lesson from the past. "

General Sui Jin bowed to King Yelang and said, "Besides, the coalition forces must take action in this battle, otherwise our army will fight alone, and they will reap the benefits..."


Slightly nodding his head, King Yelang also knew that if the coalition forces remained ignorant of the conquest of the Great Qin Ruishi as before, Yelang would definitely follow in the footsteps of Qiongdu and Qilan.

"Send messages to the King of Kunming, the King of Dianyue, the King of Dian, the King of Juding, the King of Louwo, and others. This king wants to see them. I believe they also know the reason why their lips are dead and their teeth are cold."

At this moment, King Yelang sneered and said, "What's more, the King of Dian is a descendant of the Chu people, so he knows more about the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold."


Seeing that Suijin was leaving, King Yelang hesitated for a moment, and said to Suijin, "At the same time, we will unite with all the priests to spread the news of the Qin people's tigers and wolves to the people in the country, and spread the news that Yuean was slaughtered. go out."

"This battle is related to Yelang's national destiny. We must do our best in one battle. Only by going all out can we defeat the Great Qin Prince and prevent Yelang from sinking."


Although King Yelang was cruel, he was also extremely smart. This was the reason why he was still able to control Yelang after all these years of perverse actions. He knew in his heart that if he wanted to fight against the Prince of Qin, he had to unite all forces that could be united.

Only by stigmatizing the elites of the Great Qin Dynasty can they coerce thousands of people and form an inexhaustible momentum.

"Haohao Yelang, will never be a slave!"


two days later.

The kings rushed to the city of Yelang, and the great Qin warriors swept through Qiongdu and Qilan with a force of destruction, which made them extremely worried. At this moment, King Yelang wanted to invite them, and they rushed here without stopping.

The lips are dead and the teeth are cold!

They all knew that the Great Qin Ruishi had even joined Mie Qiong with Qilan. Once Yelang was destroyed, even if they united, they would not be the opponent of the Great Qin Ruishi.

United with King Yelang, this is their last struggle and their only hope.

"King Yelang!"

"King of Dian, King of Kunming, King of Dianyue, please—!" King Yelang smiled lightly, and then stretched out his hand to guide the hall: "This king has prepared a banquet to cleanse the dust for the kings."

"Please, King Yelang!"

After exchanging pleasantries, the kings walked into the main hall. After eating, drinking, and enjoying singing and dancing, King Yelang waved his attendants and singers back, and said to the kings.

"Prince Daqin is very ambitious. I sent an envoy before, intending to live in peace with Daqin and us, but the other side blatantly rejected it, and it was rumored that I was the king."

"Either kneel down and submit, or die and the country will perish!"

King Yelang glanced over every king's face, and said in a solemn tone, "Now the peace in the south of Bashu has been broken by Prince Daqin, and both Lan and Qiong have become history."

"Obviously, the Prince of Great Qin wants to annex the entire south of Bashu and turn it into the land of Qin. Regarding this, what do the kings think?"

"War or surrender?"

"The prince of the Great Qin Dynasty is ambitious, but the other party led hundreds of thousands of troops to the south, and the Great Qin Ruishi is known as the number one in the world. Even if we wait for the alliance, I'm afraid it will..."

King Dian hesitated for a moment, and did not clarify the topic thoroughly, but all the kings knew what he meant, and this was what worried them most.

It's not that they don't have the courage to put all their eggs in one basket, but what they are most afraid of is that after putting all their eggs in one basket, they will still die and the country will perish. This is the person who hits the hardest.

The King of Dian originally came from the Central Plains, so he naturally knew who the sharp warriors of the Qin Dynasty would fight against. He was a tiger and wolf army, and even the powerful army in the world, Wei Wuzu was no match.

What's more, these mobs organized hastily, I'm afraid it will be a one-sided massacre.

He is clear that there has always been a saying in the Central Plains that Qi's martial arts should not meet Wei's soldiers, and Wei's soldiers should not meet Qin's sharp fighters.

It can be seen from this that the unparalleled sharpness of Daqin Ruishi.

Moreover, the commanders of the Great Qin Ruishi are more ferocious than the other. After the rise of Wu An Jun Baiqi, the name of the Great Qin Ruishi as a tiger and wolf has been resounded throughout the world.

This is an iron army with invincible beliefs, and it is not comparable to them and other mobs who can't even understand what war is.

"King Dian, what do you mean?" King Yelang's complexion changed slightly, and he cast sharp eyes on King Dian.

"King Yelang, this king means surrender. According to the records of our ancestors, the Central Plains is extremely prosperous. Once we surrender, at least we and our family will live, instead of being exterminated like King Qilan and King Qiongdu."

"The Prince of Great Qin is fierce and mighty. When they destroy the country, they will definitely wipe out our royal family. Once the family is destroyed, it will be truly destroyed, and there will be no chance to come back."

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