I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 862 If the order is changed from day to day, the general's order will be like a child&#

Weichang Temple is the chief general of the servant army, and Qin Jinzhong is also a foreigner. They are the closest to the servant army. This matter needs to be done step by step.

If you want to untie the knot in the army, you can only let Wei Changsi and Qin Jinzhong resolve it first, and then he, the commander in chief, will come to solve the matter thoroughly.

Otherwise, he would come in person as soon as the incident happened, which would make the soldiers feel that they are easy to intimidate, and commanding an army also needs the skill of controlling people.

After all, the composition of this army is too complicated, not only the old Qin people, but also the Da Yuezhi, Rongdi, Dian people and so on.

If you want to control such a large army like your arms, you need a strong ability to control it, and you need a very high prestige.

In an instant, Ying Gao thought of many things in his mind, and each plan was continuously formed. It is said that people who play tactics have a dirty heart.

Ying Gao is no exception.

Although he is not limited to the military exploits of the soldiers of the ink army, he will not let the soldiers of the army push their noses on their faces. Sometimes, once the control over the soldiers is relaxed, it is easy to form.

And once it is formed, it will inevitably coerce the generals, and once the generals cannot give them what they want, they will devour the master.

"My subordinate Qin Jinzhong, Weichang Temple has seen General Ying!" At this moment, Qin Jinzhong and Weichang Temple rushed over, bowed solemnly to Ying Gao, and said.

Although Wei Changsi is the son of Wei Liao, at the moment he is in charge of the servant army and has been bound to Ying Gao, belonging to his confidant.

And Qin Jinzhong surrendered to Ying Gao, and he had no background in Da Qin, so he could only go further by relying on Ying Gao.

Therefore, these two people in front of him are his confidantes, even if their relationship is not as good as Wang Hu and others, they are not much different.

"You two don't need to be too polite!" Ying Gao put down the pen in his hand. At this moment, he had just finished writing the letter.



The two sat down, Weichang Temple and Qin Jinzhong looked at each other, then Weichang Temple bowed to Ying Gao and said.

"General Ying, this time the generals gathered with the drums ringing, but ended in a hurry, but what happened?"

Wei Changsi has read military books since he was a child, and his father is a great Qin Guowei, a generation of strategic masters, so there is still such a vision.

Naturally, he could feel that Ying Gaojujiang's unfulfilled intentions and few endings that day.

Wei Changsi knew better that something big must have happened for Ying Gao to change his decision like this.

"One of you is the chief general of the Long Live Army, and the other is the chief general of the Servant Army. Didn't you notice anything when you went south this time?"

Lifting the teapot, Ying Gao poured four cups of tea, pushed the tea cups in front of Fan Zeng and the other three, looked at Weichang Temple, and said in a low tone.

If Weichangsi and Qin Jinzhong did not discover this situation, it would mean that they had failed in their duties and that they were not worthy of being generals.

If they didn't notice, Ying Gao would have to consider changing players.

Hearing this, Wei Changsi's heart tightened, he could keenly sense the dissatisfaction in Ying Gao's tone, and the problem lay in the servants.

At this moment, Weichang Temple's thoughts flashed, and after a while, he straightened out his thoughts and said to Ying Gao.

"General Ying, there are some problems with the morale of the servant army, but the war is not over yet, and the rewards are hard to come down, so"

The matter of awarding the reward was not decided by Ying Gao. Weichang Temple knew that Ying Gao only had the right to write a letter to describe his achievements.

The war is not over yet, even if he reports to Ying Gao, it won't help.


After taking a sip of tea, Ying Gao put down the teacup, then turned to Weichang Temple and said, "The military advisor told this general that the servants' minds are in turmoil."

"This matter is not a trivial matter, and it must be taken seriously. Otherwise, when all the pressure gathers, any small accident may become the straw that overwhelms their nerves."

Emphasizing the seriousness of this matter, Ying Gao turned his attention to Weichang Temple and Qin Jinzhong, and said, "Do you two have a solution to this matter?"

Hearing this, Wei Changsi fell silent all of a sudden. When he discovered such signs in the army, he also thought about the consequences.


He also knew that he had no other choice but to reward him.

However, for them at this moment, awarding rewards is often the most difficult, because it requires verification of military achievements and waiting for the court's decision.

With no other choice, Weichang Temple had no choice but to let it go. He couldn't give an answer for a while when he heard Ying Gao's words.

"General Ying, the easiest and quickest way to do this is to reward the soldiers of the army, but this is also the most difficult one for us right now."

Weichang Temple smiled wryly.

Daqin's rewards are extremely strict, and the rewards and punishments are in the hands of Ying Zheng alone. Now that the war is not over yet, how can they be rewarded in advance.

There are some things that cannot be made an exception, and once an exception is made, there will be too much trouble.

"This matter must be resolved as soon as possible. First appease the soldiers, and then Ben will go to see them in person."

"Let them have more contact with the soldiers of the Long Live Army, and then tell them that the army led by King Dian will be the vanguard to attack Ailao."


After Wei Changsi and the others left, Ying Gao's face was solemn. He knew in his heart why the servant army was so abnormal.

In addition to the unrewarded military exploits and the excitement of death, there is also the surrender of the Yunnan Army, which directly became a servant army.

But they were denounced as slaves, and they needed to rely on military exploits to change themselves.

This is not because of the uneven rewards of Ying Gao, but because of the former servants who once fought against the great Qin warriors.

But the Yunnan Army did not, but surrendered before the battle, causing the Allied Army to be in a mess.

In a sense, the soldiers of the Dian army have meritorious service. Under such circumstances, Ying Gao naturally cannot denigrate them as slaves.

As thoughts turned in his mind, Ying Gao felt a little troublesome, after all, the servant army was already his soldiers at this moment.

The issue of treatment must change.

At this moment, Fan Zeng also turned to Ying Gao with a serious tone, and said, "General Ying, do you want to directly pardon the slave status of those soldiers in the servant army?"

"It can't be pardoned, but it can only be deducted from the military merit first, otherwise, if the order is changed day by day, the general's order will be like a child's play."

"Sir, you are in charge of this matter. Cooperate with the army commander who counts the military exploits, and first count the military exploits of the soldiers who belong to the status of slaves."


Nodding his head in agreement, Fan Zeng also knew that this matter was extremely important. Only when this matter was completely resolved, could they integrate their troops and go south to the extreme south.

And there is not much time for them, only three days.

Because Ying Gao has already released news about this matter, if he stays in Yelang King City for more than three days, it will also be a heavy blow to Ying Gao's prestige.

"General Ying, don't worry, your subordinates will deal with it now, and try to calm down the unrest in the army."

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