I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 866 In past and present lives, Ying Gao believed in love, but he didn't believe that he

A military commander may be someone who is truly gifted. They are talented and talented, and to some extent they are considered unparalleled in the world.

However, no matter how talented a general is, if he wants to win every battle, he has to be cautious.

At this moment, Ying Gao has achieved this. He has already become famous and has become the belief of the Great Qin Ruishi.

But he was still extremely cautious.

Fan Zeng had some guesses in his heart, maybe it was because Ying Gao had such a high prestige in Daqin that he became so cautious.

Because he still remembered what Ying Gao once said, in a high position, one should suppress the desire in one's heart.

As the son of Daqin, he should lead by example. Only in this way can he become a role model for all people. Only when he has done it himself can he ask others to do it.

He always thought that no one could do this, but Ying Gao was an exception. This person was like an ideal man of action.

Thoughts turned in his mind, Fan Zeng suppressed all the thoughts in his heart and hid them deep in his heart. The troubles in the army have been solved, and the most important thing next is to attack the extreme south.

Only by conquering the extreme south and leading the army northward to return to Xianyang, all the waves will not be without surprise.

Nodding his head, Fan Zeng turned around and left the shogunate. He knew in his heart that before going out for the expedition, he had to find out the specific situation of Ailao.

Only in this way can we guarantee that this trip to the south will be safe.

Although there is a saying that soldiers and horses go first before food and grass are used, to a certain extent, intelligence comes before everything else.

After Fan Zeng left, Ying Gao took a sip of herbal tea, thoughts flickering in his mind, this time he went south to conquer the extreme south for too long.

He wanted to sweep across the extreme south with an invincible force, and then go north to Xianyang, not only because of the servant army, but because he gave up on Weichang Temple and others.

If he doesn't plan to train military generals, he naturally doesn't need to continue spending time here.

With a thought in his mind, Ying Gao stood up and walked to the huge map of the extreme south in the shogunate.

On the map, the major forces have roughly been marked, and even with the continuous running of Jing Yesi and Tie Lihua, even the forces of the large and small forces on the ground in the extreme south have been marked.

On the extreme southern land, Ailao is the most powerful, besides that, Luo Yue, as for the other forces are very weak.

"Maybe it's a fight,

It's just that the more alienated people are, the more they don't know how to live or die. Even if they lose, they still have to fight. "

These aliens are not like the people of the Central Plains. They know how to surrender in the face of absolute power. Once they arouse blood and courage, they will fight to the death.

This is the most troublesome thing.

Ying Gao knew that the extreme southern land needed to be developed, and only when it was reclaimed could rice crops be grown twice a year.

The aborigines living in the local area are Yinggao's goal this time. Only by allowing them to dig the land can the extreme south land prosper the fastest.

After all, the extreme south is different from Liangzhou. Liangzhou is located in the northwest, so it is really desolate, but the extreme south is different.

Both the climate and the soil here are comparable to those in Guanzhong, and even richer than the 800-mile Qinchuan.

As long as the extreme south land is reclaimed and the rice that is harvested twice a year is developed, by then, one extreme south land will be enough to feed half of the population of Daqin.

In this way, the economic circle of Liangzhou, Xianyang, and Xiazhou that Yinggao is striving to build will play a powerful role.

Some things are always like this, they are always one after another, and only when they are all built can they explode with terrifying effects.

But if there is a problem with one link, everything will fall apart in a short period of time, even with a strong destructive effect.

This is the case a lot of times, you can see how much you gain after success, which also means how much you lose after failure.

Naturally, Ying Gao was aware of this, so he asked Ba Qing to go to Xianyang to discuss with Jing Yu and others when the army was about to attack the Extreme South Land, and first opened up the business route from the Extreme South Land to Xianyang.

"General Ying, Ba Qing has already left."

At this moment, Tie Ying walked in and said to Ying Gao.

In the army, everyone doubted the relationship between Ying Gao and Ba Qing. After all, Ba Qing was very beautiful and stayed in the army. There is no other relationship.

But so what if he knows.

If Yinggao hadn't established the Great Qin Soldiers' Pension Fund later, and this fund was controlled by Ba Qing and was closely related to the lieutenant soldiers, so that the perception of Ba Qing by the generals had changed.

Otherwise, rumors are flying all over the sky at this moment.

Now that Ba Qing left, Tie Ying didn't know about other feelings, but he was relieved in his heart.

In the army, even Fan Zeng didn't have him worrying about this. After all, Fan Zeng was only Ying Gao's military adviser, and he was Ying Gao's guard, and he was also a member of the Tie Ying Rui Shi.

Once something happened between Ying Gao and Ba Qing, Tie Ying knew that Qin Wangzheng would let him know what regret is.

Moreover, Ba Qing is a female relative after all, and staying in the army is not a good thing for Ba Qing or Ying Gao.

"Are you worried that Ba Qing is here?" Ying Gao looked at Tie Ying with curiosity.

"General Ying, I won't hide it from you, but my subordinates are very afraid. Ba Qing stays in the camp for a day, and my subordinates are worried all day long."

Tie Ying bowed to Ying Gao, and said, "Young master is from the royal family of the Great Qin Dynasty, and he is the candidate for the heir apparent recognized by the current Daqin government, which means that the son's marriage can only be decided by the king."

"Moreover, it must be a lady of the family and a virgin. Although Ba Qing was born beautiful, she is no longer a big girl, and her family background is not high, she is the daughter of a merchant..."

"If you really like the young master, you can take him as a concubine after you have the young master's wife. Although you will still encounter countless opposition, with the young master's current prestige, there should be no problem."


Hearing Tie Ying's advice for him, Ying Gao couldn't help laughing out loud. He knew in his heart that Tie Ying was worried because of Qin Wangzheng.

"Don't worry, I will still have this size."

Regarding this matter, Ying Gao also has a certain understanding in his heart. After all, his identity is destined to give something. Whether it is this era or the next life, Ying Gao has never longed for love.

From school uniforms to wedding dresses, there are too few things that are desperate for love.

On the contrary, the general public is more calculated, a marriage is a union of last resort, both men and women are constantly calculating, for fear of trapping themselves.

This is even more so in this era, as he was born into a royal family, he is not qualified to choose his wife.

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