I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 868: Determining the Policies of the Extreme South!

"Military divisions don't need to be polite!"

Meng Tian shook his head, his face was calm, he didn't care about this matter at all.

Speaking of which, Fan Zeng was his peer, and he was also Yinggao's confidant. Now that he was in Yinggao's territory, he should at least have the respect he deserved.

As for Wang Li, he is his nephew and nephew, so there is no problem in apologizing to him.

This scene fell in Ying Gao's eyes, and he couldn't help but nodded secretly. Among the generals of the Great Qin, although there are brave and unparalleled generations, there are also people with both civil and military skills.

This is also understandable, the Montessori family has already become a military family, and the cultivation of their offspring is extremely strict, starting from an early age.

What's more, Meng Tian grew up with Qin Wangzheng since he was a child, so he naturally has higher requirements.

And Meng Tian has already graduated from the teacher, which means that whether it is martial arts or martial arts, Meng Tian is not inferior to anyone on the land of the Central Plains.

And this grasp of human sophistication can show Meng Tian's extraordinary.

However, Ying Gao was not surprised by this. After all, he was the confidant of Qin Wangzheng. If he didn't have enough talent, how could he stand on the court and stand side by side with Wang Jian.

At a young age, he was already a fake General of the Great Qin, and the entire Great Qin government and opposition did not take this 'false' seriously.

They all knew that with Meng Tian's ability and qualifications, coupled with Qin Wangzheng's emphasis, it was only a matter of time before he became the top general of the Great Qin Dynasty.


"My lord summoned us to come, but for the purpose of conquering the extreme south?" After a while, Meng Yi hesitated for a long time, and took the lead in breaking the silence in the shogunate.

"Not about this."

Ying Gao put down the teacup in his hand. At this moment, his whole face was solemn, and the atmosphere in the shogunate suddenly became dignified.

Facing everyone's suspicious eyes, Ying Gao paused every word, and said, "The purpose of gathering you all is to survey the extreme south."

"The expedition to the extreme south is imminent, but according to the news from the scouts, although the emigration of people from various countries is advancing, it cannot be completed in a short time."

"I thought about it, but I can only carry out this matter in parallel with the expedition to the extreme south. Before I go south to conquer, I have some things to explain to you."

Hearing this, everyone looked dignified, they all knew clearly,

This time Ying Gao not only found Meng Yi, but also the general Meng Tian.

It can be seen from this that the importance of this matter that needs to be explained, for a while, everyone sat upright, waiting for Ying Gao's order.

At this moment, Meng Tian cupped his hands towards Ying Gao, nodded first, and said: "Please give me instructions from General Ying, and I will obey them!"

"Please show me, General Ying, and my subordinates will respect him!" At the same time, Wang Li and the others bowed their hands to Ying Gao and said.


Nodding his head, Ying Gao looked at Meng Yi and said, "Meng Yi Zhou Mu, I thought that if we wanted to bring the people of all countries back to our hearts, we had to change customs first."

"The countries headed by Yelang already have beliefs, inheritance, customs, and even writing, clothing, etiquette and music in the south of Bashu."

"The first step is to change the customs in Yelang first, abolish the customs of other countries, and everything will be based on the customs of Daqin."

"If someone resists, behead them directly, and tell them with naked killing that disobedience will only lead to death."

"The second step is to change their costumes, let them give up their leather armor and rattan armor, and take pride in wearing Daqin costumes and combing Daqin hairstyles."

"The third step is to abolish the languages ​​of all countries and burn all the books. Once a private possession is found, the death penalty will be divided into five horses."

"The fourth step is to promote the Daqin characters and Qin dialects in the south of Bashu, and strive to make them proud of being able to speak Qin dialects and write Qin characters."

"The fifth step is to cut off the sacrifices in temples and temples in various places, and only allow all ethnic groups to sacrifice to King Qin, tell them that King Qin is heaven, and let them understand that King Qin's will is God's will."

"My Daqin Ruishi went south to save them from suffering. Our war is just, but King Yelang and others are evil."

"The sixth step is to start promoting the Qin law in the south of Bashu. The so-called herdsmen are to make them the people of the Great Qin."


Speaking of this, Ying Gao smiled at Meng Tian, ​​and said, "To accomplish these things, Meng Yi and Wang Li are not strong enough, and at critical moments, the general needs to help."

"Please rest assured, General Ying, for the sake of Great Qin, I will never hesitate to die!" Meng Tian stood up, assured Ying Gao, and said.

From what Ying Gao said just now, he knew that this was the best way to naturalize the extreme south, which was much better than pure killing.

From these words, he could also see Ying Gao's determination.

He has received too much favor from Ying Gao, even if Ying Gao doesn't mention it this time, he will help, not to mention, Ying Gao's request is so serious.

"The strategy for surveying the extreme south can be used as a template. Once the promotion effect is good in the extreme south, it can be continuously promoted in the future when the Great Qin conquers various places."

Ying Gao told Meng Yi, "Once I leave the south of Bashu, you will be under the greatest pressure among everyone."

"Be cautious in everything. Breaking people's inheritance, destroying temples, and destroying their beliefs are all things that will never die."

"In the process of implementation, you must guard against the counterattack of these barbarians."


Nodding his head, Meng Yi wrote down these words one by one. He was having a headache about transforming Xiazhou and how to educate the people of all countries. At this moment, Ying Gao gave him the answer.

With the on-demand broadcast of Ying Gao's words, Meng Yi's heart suddenly became clear at this moment. Many things he didn't understand before, now he suddenly understands.

"In the battle with King Yelang and others, 100,000 young and strong soldiers rushed to the South Xianyang Road to participate in the construction of Chi Road."

"Yelang and other places are not too much of a threat. When the extreme south is breached, there will inevitably be young adults and slaves. This group of people will stay in the extreme south."

"It will be under the control of the State Shepherd's Mansion, and then the wasteland will be reclaimed in the extreme south. The land here is fertile, comparable to Qinchuan eight hundred miles away."

"Once the twice-cropped rice is found, this place will become another natural granary of Daqin."

"With the opening of the Xianyang South Road, the transportation is convenient, and it can support the Xianyang court in a short time."

Having said that, Ying Gao paused, took a sip from the teacup on the long desk, and had been talking for a long time without stopping, which made his mouth dry.

Taking a sip of tea to moisten his throat, Ying Gao turned to Meng Yi and said, "I will order Ba Qing to go north to unite with Jing Yu and others to open up trade routes from the extreme south to Xianyang and Liangzhou."

"In this way, firstly, the connection between the extreme south and Xianyang will be strengthened, and secondly, there are many things in the extreme south that are not found in the Central Plains. This is a huge business opportunity."

"And in the future, the products on the extreme south land will also need to travel from this business route to various parts of the Central Plains to increase the income of the extreme south land."


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