I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 908: Meng Yi Wants To Be White|Whore!

Wumeng, Ailao and Yelang!

It has to be said that Meng Yi is qualified as a civil servant, at least he has a good vision.

Currently, the entire Xiazhou is suitable for establishing the Daqin Xiazhou Academy, and there are only three places in Wumeng, Ailao and Yelang. The rest of the places are either too far away or too remote.

As for the government office, it is not biased, but in Yinggao's plan, at least one county school will be established there.

It will be harsh now because these people have not recognized their identity as Qin people, but in the future, when the old Qin people occupy this place, they will naturally be treated differently.

Although it is impossible to treat people equally, the difference will not be too great, otherwise, immigration will be a huge problem.

If you want the old Qin people to emigrate, you must have preferential policies and the local land, economy, and culture must be attractive to a certain extent.

The future Xiazhou and the future Liangzhou must love to carry out large-scale immigration, at least to ensure that the population of the two places is dominated by people from the Central Plains.

Here's the bottom line.

Ying Gao wants to use the extremely strong tolerance of the Central Plains people to assimilate all the alien races. In the future, there will be only one ethnic group in Great Qin, and that is the Qin ethnic group.

Therefore, there is no need to build this Daqin Xiazhou Academy on top of the administrative office. After all, this academy looks like a Mongolian school, but it is not a Mongolian school. It shoulders different responsibilities.

Looking away from the map, Fan Zeng cupped his hands towards Ying Gao, and said, "General Ying, what Meng Yizhou Mu said is reasonable. According to what General Ying said, the most suitable places are only Wumeng and Yelang, as well as mourning. prison."

"But my subordinates prefer Yelang or Ailao instead of Wumeng. After all, we have recorded the population of the entire south of Bashu in Yelang, and gathered the population of the extreme south in Ailao. .”

"And the two places are far apart, so it would be appropriate if two Great Qin Academy could be built!"

As soon as Fan Zeng's words were uttered, everyone had no excuses. They all knew that what they said seemed to be a discussion, but the decision-making power was always in the hands of Ying Gao and the other three.

One is Xiazhou state pastor, one is the army strategist, and the other is Xiazhou's highest talker at the moment.

"Wumeng is really not suitable. After all, it is only temporary as a government. Yelang and Ailao each set up a Daqin Academy, which requires terrifying investment."

At this moment, Ying Gao thought a lot, and after sorting out his thoughts in his heart, his eyes fell on the map again. He had to admit that Fan Zeng's thinking was correct.

A school cannot satisfy Xiazhou.

However, at this moment, Ying Gao thought of a very important question. Once Xiazhou started to build a school palace, it meant that two school palaces would also need to be built in Liangzhou.

This is equivalent to adding four schools at once. He not only needs to discuss with the Peacock Chamber of Commerce and Jiannan Chamber of Commerce, but also needs to ask Ying Zheng for instructions.

With thoughts turning in his mind, Ying Gao also nodded to Meng Yi and Fan Zeng, and then said to everyone, "What the military advisor said is true, Xiazhou really needs two school palaces."

"According to what the military adviser said, one of the school palaces is located in Yelang, and the other one is located in Ailao."


Nodding in agreement, at this time, Meng Yi smiled wryly at Ying Gao, and said: "General Ying, you are also aware of the crisis in Xiazhou's treasury. There is no money and food to build a school palace."

Meng Yi's words stunned everyone present. Just now, Meng Yi had the loudest voice and the happiest discussion, but at this moment, he told everyone that he had no money.

At this moment, everyone wanted to laugh.

They were sure right away that Meng Yi wanted to emulate Qin Wangzheng and planned to prostitute Ying Gao for nothing. Meng Yi didn't care about the eyes of everyone.

He knew exactly how rich the Young Master Gao in front of him was, and this world itself belonged to the same line as Ying, so it was not considered white|whoring.

It is impossible for him to contribute. At that time, he will have to pay for Montessori. This is simply impossible.


Looking at Meng Yi's expression at the moment, Ying Gao couldn't help laughing, and said to Meng Yi, "Don't worry, Zhou Mu, I will still understand Xiazhou's finances, and I will take full responsibility for the academy."

"Thank you, my lord!"

Having said that, Ying Gao smiled at Meng Yi, and said, "Zhou Mu and Wang Li continue what you are doing. I heard that a group of scholars went south. When they arrive, they will immediately build an official office and complete it." its functions."


Having said that, Ying Gao turned his head and glanced at Yan Ming and the others, and said, "Everyone else is idle, so I went out with this general for a walk to see how to choose a site for the Daqin Ailao Academy by the way."


Hearing this, everyone was overjoyed.

Especially Yan Ming, Min Zhuang and others, they all know the importance of the school. Once the school is established in Ailao, it means that even though Ailao will not become the governing place of Xiazhou, the future development will be difficult. Not too bad.

Although they surrendered to Daqin, Ailao is their homeland. They have a lot of affection for Ailao, so they naturally hope that their homeland will develop well.

At this moment, the high priest cupped his hands towards Ying Gao and said, "General Ying, this subordinate is familiar with the Ailao King City, how about I guide you the way?"


Nodding and smiling, Ying Gao said, "With familiar people leading the way, we will have fewer detours."

At this time, Fan Zeng said to Ying Gao, "But general Ying will wait for me to travel, safety issues......"

From Fan Zeng's point of view, traveling at this time is inherently dangerous. After all, in a sense, they are invaders who have put the flames of war on the heads of the Ailao people.

In Ailao, it is normal for people to appear who want to kill them.

"The general ordered Tie Ying to lead the Tie Ying sharp men to clear the way. At the same time, Wei Changsi led the Wansheng Army to respond at any time. The safety of this trip should not be a big problem."

Speaking of this, Ying Gao had a lot of meaning, and said: "All along, the general thought that without a war, without a killing, the people of the country would not obey, and the deterrence would not be enough."

"If this hidden danger can be solved because I am waiting to travel, it will be a good thing."


The conversation between Ying Gao and Fan Zeng frightened the three of them, Ling Ming and \\u001d Min Zhuang. In their view, the two of Ying Gao meant something at all.

Therefore, the three of them hurriedly cupped their hands towards Ying Gao, and said: "General Ying, please be aware that I am willing to submit to you, and I have absolutely no such thoughts!"


Laughing loudly, Ying Gao helped the three of them up, took a deep look at the three of them, and said, "This is just a worry of the military adviser, and I will naturally trust the three of you."

"However, even if there is an assassination, I don't care, because I am not afraid of anything."

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