I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 938 The rise and fall of nations is everyone’s responsibility, not to mention us members of

"The reason why Shu is called Shu is because he is only a method of detecting rape and a means of demonstrating the law. The reason why Han Fei asked the king to read it is just to let the king understand that Shuzhi cannot save South Korea. .”

Han Fei's face was solemn, and at this moment, he was even a little pale. He looked at Han Wang'an with a serious heart, and his expression was even a little cold.

"Unexpectedly, the king actually regards the art of strategy as a standard, and regards Han Fei's work as nothing..."

Han Fei was very disappointed. He didn't expect that he would hand over his carefully written "Han Feizi" to Han Wangan. As a result, Han Wangan had no problem going to Korea until now.

The old man blushed, and Han Wangan bowed deeply to Han Fei: "South Korea is here, and the military disaster is approaching. Please, sir, save Han, and point out a way for South Korea to survive."

Han Wangan knew in his heart that in this world, on the cusp of this crisis, only Han Fei dared to save South Korea, and only Han Fei had the ability to save South Korea.

He doesn't want to die.

I also don't want to watch helplessly as everything is flattened under the great Qin's mighty soldiers.

Looking at Han Wang'an, Han Feiche was silent for a long time, and then turned to Han Wang'an, saying: "The great age of the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Period is an eventful time in itself, and such a world of great struggles is based on personal strength."

"In the more than five hundred years of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, which country's rise did not take improving its own strength as the basis for its rise?"

Speaking of this, Han Fei took a sip of tea, and then took a deep look at Han Wang'an, saying earnestly, "In the Spring and Autumn Period, those who changed the system were strong, and in the Warring States period, those who reformed the law were strong."

"The reason why the seven princes of the Warring States period were able to rise to become the hegemony of one party, without exception, was all because of reforms."

"So, if South Korea wants to prosper, and the king wants to save Han Tucun, there is only one way, and that is reform."

"Throughout our Korean history, we Koreans have established our country for a hundred years. Only when Zhao Houshen did not harm the political reform, he was called a strong Han by the world, but it has only been strong for 20 or 30 years!"

"Zhao Houshen died tragically, and South Korea went back to the old way, and it has been getting worse and worse since then. Your Majesty, you must know that South Korea has the largest iron mountain but can't strengthen its army. It has no deterrence against the throat of the world. The biggest reason is that I don't want to think about it. Strengthen yourself, only thinking about calculating the enemy country!"

"Facing the enemy naturally requires planning, but all of this will be based on a strong self!"

Speaking of which,

Han Fei looked directly at Han Wang'an, smiled coldly, and said, "The king's art will eventually perish in Han."

Han Fei knew in his heart that South Korea was not a simple problem, but that he had made a mistake in keeping up. If he wanted to make South Korea strong, he had to carry out a thorough reform, just like Shang Jun's reform in Qin State.

However, in South Korea, from the king to the subjects, they acted according to the art. It can be said that South Korea was in chaos because of the art.

At this moment, Han Wangan gave a wry smile, paused every word to Han Fei, and said, "Mr.

"However, to be a king alone, the first thing to consider is the survival of South Korea, and then the strength. The respected teacher Xunzi once said that if you add a chest with a white blade, you don't care about loss, and if you stab your throat with a spear, you don't care about severed fingers."

"Everything must be prioritized. Mr. is a world-shattering talent. I only hope that Mr. will come out to help. Originally, I only hoped that Mr. Zhaohou was alone, and Mr. Shenzi was Shenzi."

"However, after Mr.'s words, I have no hope, I am Qin Xiaogong alone, and Mr. is Han Zhishangjun."

Han An didn't want to just sit and wait like this. The rumors from Xianyang were getting worse and worse. He knew in his heart that if the Six Kingdoms didn't take countermeasures, the Great Qin Dynasty would come out in a short time.

His time is running out.

Moreover, even if Han Fei came out of the mountain, he still needed to plan a maneuver to make Daqin hide in the east of Hangu Pass, provide time for Han Fei, and buy time for South Korea.

At this moment, Han Wang'an's attitude shocked Han Fei. As a master of the three schools of legalism and a famous legalist, how could Han Fei not envy Shang Jun, and how could he refuse to be a businessman? What about you?

For the first time, Han Fei's Gujing Wubo's face was moved. He stood up, bowed to Han Wang'an, and said, "Your Majesty, Han Fei is a member of the royal family. Why don't you want South Korea to be strong!"

"What's more, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of a country, let alone a member of the royal family like Han Fei!"


King Han and Han Fei were ready to go, and the entire Shandong kingdom was shrouded in a cloud of darkness. The deterrence brought by Lord Wu'an of the Great Qin was almost no less than that of King Qin.

After all, everyone already knew that under Ying Gao's Ying Ziwang Banner, 300,000 elite cavalry were used, which was enough to overthrow any country except Great Qin.

Even Zhao Bianqi, who was famous in the Central Plains for his powerful Bianqi, dared not say that Lord Wu'an of the Great Qin Dynasty was vulnerable.

When Ying Gao returned, it was not only South Korea that was most affected, but also Zhao Guo. Compared with South Korea, Zhao people and King Zhao had a deeper resentment and hatred for Ying Gao.

This is not only the hatred of the death of hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Changping War, but also the shame of Ying Gao leading the army to break Handan. For Zhao State, the shame that Qin State imposed on them is too great.

Dai County.

In the shogunate, Li Mu looked solemn, holding a message from Zhao Guo's scouts in his hand.

"Everyone, Lord Wu'an of the Great Qin Dynasty returned to the country, not only to break through the so-called extreme south, to expand the territory of Qin, but also to bring back a 300,000 cavalry."

At this moment, Li Mu looked around, looked at the generals in the shogunate, and said in a solemn tone: "What do you think about this person, what do you think about Qin's move?"

Li Mu knew in his heart that Ying Gao led 300,000 elite cavalry when he went north to Xianyang, this behavior was very unusual.

This world will sit back and watch the 300,000 elite cavalry appear in the capital and ignore the king, only the current King Qin Yingzheng is alone.

He had a strong premonition in his heart that it was a very strange thing that Qin State spared no effort to let Ying Gao make contributions and win wars one after another.

After all, there are quite a few famous generals in the Qin Kingdom, but one young master has been attacking the front line. Li Mu is well aware of the Qin State's 20th rank military title system.

However, in these years, there have been no military generals to object, no substantive voices to suppress Ying Gao's rise to the top, Great Qin Wu'an Jun, the champion, it can be said that Ying Gao is young, and has completed the most glorious and most desired life of a military general .

Li Mu once reviewed some of Qin's actions, and he had a slight sense from the clues. He felt that Qin Wangzheng, Qin's monarchs, and Qin's court were all trying to shape a myth with the power of the whole country.

A myth that is invincible in the world, used to suppress the Great Qin Dynasty, and even used to suppress the Central Plains.

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