I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter Nine hundred and forty-five The minister asked the father to revise the golden law!

"Since ancient times, the royal power has not come down to the county, and the locality has always been the base of the clan and the powerful. Even from the Shang Dynasty to the father, my Daqin court is implementing the royal family's control over the world, but it is only the royal power. Gradually control the county. .”

"However, regarding the village, the imperial court's control is too poor. Even though I, Daqin, control the village on the surface, it is the forces of the rivers and lakes, these clans and powerful people who really control the village."

Ying Gao looked at Ying Zheng with a solemn tone: "Now my Great Qin is annexing the world. In the war, I don't need to pay attention to this point, but in the future, my father will rule the six kingdoms of Shandong. For the people."

"So, controlling the forces in Jianghu must be suppressed!"


Nodding his head slightly, Ying Zheng smiled at Ying Gao, and said, "As you said, Gu also discovered it, but as you said, the most important thing for my Great Qin is to unify the six kingdoms of Shandong."

"Any problem, any matter, needs to make way for this matter."

Hearing this, Ying Gao was startled. He has always paid no attention to the forces in the Jianghu, local tycoons, and clan forces, but unexpectedly, he has always paid attention to them.

The reason why he didn't reveal it was entirely because the timing was immature, not because he didn't realize it.

Thinking of this, Ying Gao couldn't help but bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said, "Father Wang Mingjian, I bow to you—!"

"The ministers pay their respects to the king, the king lasted ten thousand years, the great Qin ten thousand years—!" At the same time, Li Si and the others arrived, bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said.

"My dear friends, you don't have to be polite!" Ying Zheng stretched out his hand, signaling Li Si and others to take a seat: "Sit!"

"Thank you, my lord!"

Standing up tall, Li Si and others bowed their hands towards Ying Gao and said, "I have seen the champion!"

"Ying Gao has seen you all!"


After seeing the ceremony, Li Si and others all took their seats. Ying Zhengwang took a sip of tea, looked squarely at the ministers, and said, "I called you here today for one thing."

"That's the development plan for Xiazhou and Liangzhou mentioned by Young Master Gao.

You dear friends also know that the imperial court will go to war and annex the six countries, which means that Guanzhong will not be able to provide Xiazhou and Liangzhou with money and food for development in the future. "

"Even when the war has reached a critical stage, Xiazhou and Liangzhou still need to feed back. Regarding the development of Liangzhou and Xiazhou, if you have any ideas, you can speak up!"

Ying Zheng knows that the confrontation between Daqin and South Korea has already begun, and now he needs to completely solve the hidden dangers in Daqin before the spring of next year, and then go all out to solve South Korea.

The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength.

This is especially true in the national war, so Yingzheng plans to send envoys to Korea to start his great cause of unification after Xiazhou and Liangzhou are settled.

"Your Majesty, Liangzhou and Xiazhou, although there are iron ore veins, and Liangzhou even has a salt lake, but these are all government-run by the imperial court. In addition, the two places have a small population and a large land, so it is difficult to develop. .”

Li Si cupped his hands towards Yingzheng and said, "Even if it is difficult to relocate the old Qin people, it needs the support of the population and the court to develop a place."

"I think that within ten years, both Liangzhou and Xiazhou will need financial support from the imperial court."

Li Si's words were like a pot of cold water being poured directly on Ying Zheng and the officials. They all knew that what Li Si said was correct, Liangzhou and Xiazhou lacked the background to develop in a short period of time.

After a while, Ying Zheng saw that the atmosphere in the study was dull, and the officials couldn't think of a good solution for a while, so they turned to Ying Gao and said, "Champion Marquis, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Ying Gao couldn't help but smiled wryly. He knew in his heart that none of the nobles in Daqin was a fool. The reason why they couldn't think of it was because the times limited their horizons.

"Father, above the population, people from the Central Plains will inevitably be moved to Xiazhou and Liangzhou to mix the population. At least two places must be guaranteed. The population of the Central Plains is dominated by people from the Central Plains."

"However, I do not recommend relocating people from the old Qin. In my opinion, people from the six countries can be continuously relocated during the war, encouraged by various policies, and then relocated to Xiazhou and other places. .”

"Of course, this is a gradual process. The most important thing at the moment is the development of Liangzhou and Xiazhou. My son thinks that the development of merchants should be the main thing."

"The local population is insufficient, which means that we cannot develop agriculture to make the local area prosperous. The only development that does not rely on population can only be merchants."

"But if you want to develop merchants, you need to change the current golden cloth law in Daqin, and further liberalize merchants."

"Only in this way can Liangzhou and Xiazhou develop in a short period of time."

Ying Gao's remarks made the entire Xianyang Palace study room silent. Obviously, they all disagreed.

Daqin has always been focusing on the bottom line. They look down on the merchants, so how can they let the merchants look up? At this moment, Li Si and others did not speak, just because the person who spoke was Ying Gao.

Moreover, they have no plan to make Liangzhou and Xiazhou prosperous for a while.

"Businessmen are after profit, don't let it go!" After a while, Li Si just said this to represent his attitude.

"Your Majesty, what Li Xiang said is true, merchants don't think about hard work, they are all people who pursue profit..."

"It doesn't matter if a merchant is chasing profit. As long as he pays enough taxes to Daqin, he will be chasing profit. What's more, the revision of the Jinbu Law is only a further liberalization of merchants, not a complete liberalization."

Ying Gao looked at Li Si and the others, and said impassionedly, "The future Daqin will naturally need to let go of merchants, so as to promote the flow of products and things around Daqin."

"However, this release is only to a certain extent, and the future Jin Bulu will be stricter and more detailed."

"Even if the merchant is a wild beast, we should use Jin Bulu to set up a cage, keep him in captivity, and provide taxes for Daqin."

"Father, this is the only solution at the moment. Farmers' taxes are too low. The future Great Qin cannot rely solely on agricultural taxes. Otherwise, in a famine year, the people will not be able to survive."

"The current Great Qin, encountering a big war, needs the people of the country to save food from their mouths to support the war. This may be a kind of pride for the father and you."

"But in the eyes of my son, this is a shame. My Great Qin is known as the largest country in the world. To fight a war, the people of the country need to save food from their mouths."

"How can such a country be called strong and rich? A truly powerful country is not only rich in the court, but also hidden in the people."

"So, my son, I ask my father to issue an edict to revise the Golden Cloth Law..."

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