I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 949 The court has no choice now, but in 10 years the court will have it!

Ying Gao knows that education itself is not a profit-making organization. Its role is to enlighten the people's wisdom and cultivate talents for Daqin.

Even if it costs too much money, it is worth it in Yinggao's view, because investment in education is often the one with the greatest return.

Just spending money can cultivate countless talents for Daqin, which means that it is a good thing to use money to continue the country's fortune for Daqin, and Ying Gao couldn't ask for it.

Ying Xi and the others only saw the terrifying consumption of the Education Department in front of them. They had never seen the splendid prosperity of the Great Qin Kingdom where everyone reads and everyone is like a dragon once the education industry develops.

He understands the thinking of Ying Xi and others, but he never agrees.

Because he won the high school, he himself came from the prosperous age, so he naturally knew that when the education industry developed, the Great Qin and the future Great Qin Empire would be able to pass on forever.

Only then is it possible for everyone to be like a dragon!

At this thought, Ying Gao put down the teacup, and a light appeared in his eyes, which was so bright and frightening that even Ying Xi, who was opposite him, was stunned. He saw hope in Ying Gao's eyes, and saw the prosperity of the Great Qin Dynasty.

"Father, have you ever imagined that my Great Qin will one day become an incomparably huge empire? Have you ever imagined that my Great Qin will one day have everyone read and write, and everyone is like a dragon?"

Seeing Yingxi stunned, Ying Gao didn't care, but continued to look at Yingxi, and said, "Father, to tell you the truth, the imperial court has now researched a kind of paper that replaces gradually, and its cost is very low. And it’s quick to make.”

"I'm also researching something called printing. In the future, the Daqin Academy will definitely get rid of cumbersome objects like bamboo slips, but that's the killer feature."

"Father wants to use it to deal with all the sons, hundreds of families and the world's aristocratic families. Now is definitely not the best time to use it!"

"Father, the Education Department has to grit its teeth and endure, endure, these most difficult days will pass, and we will always see a prosperous and prosperous world."

"We can also comfort our ancestors. Our descendants and grandchildren have not lost the old Qin people or the face of our ancestors. We are carrying on the past and forging ahead, and we are constantly forging ahead."

Speaking of this, Ying Gao smiled, turned to Ying Xi, and said, "Father, you must know that the king is also using bamboo slips. Da Qin's daily memorials can be said to be massive!"


With a wry smile,

Ying Xi turned to Ying Gao, and said, "You boy, you have such a clever mouth, and your blood boils when you talk about the old man's depression!"

Having said that, Ying Xi paused for a moment, then took a deep look at Ying Gao, and said to the most outstanding junior of the Great Qin royal family, word by word.

"I also want to see the day when my Great Qin became the only empire, and I also want to see the day when everyone in my Great Qin can read and write, and everyone is like a dragon."

The blueprint described by Ying Gao is too shocking. From Ying Xi's point of view, it seems to be a dream of a bed in a fairyland. He can't help doubting it, but he can't help believing it.

Because he knew that, judging from Yinggao's deployment, Yinggao was firmly implementing this goal.

"Hahaha, Father will definitely see this prosperous world!"

With a big laugh, Ying Gao's face became serious, and he said to Ying Xi and the officials of the Education Department with earnestness, "As for the terrifying investment that the father said, it is only temporary. After the world is unified in the future, if you want to enter the school Palace, there will inevitably be a certain tuition fee.”

"These tuition fees will meet the salary of the master of the school. As for the repair and expansion of the school and the storage of books, etc., the imperial court will allocate special funds to the Education Department every year!"

"So as to achieve a balance of income and expenditure, and gradually break away from dependence on the chamber of commerce."

"Of course, there is no way to solve the problem of the teacher's uneven moral level and ability level. Now I, Daqin, lacks a teacher."

"So as long as you have the ability, you should use it. As for the moral standard, the level of ability is a secondary issue."

"However, this problem is accompanied by the advancement of education. After ten years, this problem will gradually disappear. As long as the school that trains masters has trained enough masters, we can choose from it."

"At that time, the wives of each university palace will be selected according to the best, and they must have complete abilities and morals. If they are lacking, they will be eliminated, but that is in the future."

At this moment, Ying Gao stared at Ying Xi, smiled wryly, and said, "Father, my father and I have noticed the problems you mentioned, but we have nothing to do now."

"Now there is a shortage of manpower, the court has no choice at all, but when there are enough masters, a large number of students majoring in masters will leave the academy every year, and the court will have a choice."

"At that time, we can naturally raise the bar!"

After a while, Ying Xi also nodded with a wry smile, and said, "You are right, I didn't think carefully, but the current Daqin doesn't have the capital to choose!"

After drinking the tea in the tea cup in one gulp, Ying Gao poured a cup for himself and Ying Xi respectively, and then said to Ying Xi, "Father, do you have any other questions?"


Ying Xi was silent for a while, then turned to Ying Gao and said, "Although the academy exempts the tuition fees for the descendants of the soldiers who died in battle, judging from the reactions of the various schools, their lives are too difficult."

"The price of the cafeteria in the academy itself is very low on the market, but these students still can't afford it, and their clothes are also in tatters."

"I also went to see it in secret. Speaking of it, their fathers all died for Daqin and for our surname Ying. I feel very uncomfortable."

"I also went to the king, but the king couldn't think of a better solution for a while. There are too many, and the court is not a good hall. I wonder if Lord Wu'an has a solution?"

Hearing this, Ying Gao nodded solemnly. He knew that the suffering of the old Qin people and the lack of main labor force in the family would naturally make a family's life more difficult.

This is the responsibility of the Great Qin court.

"Father, I will ask my father to issue an edict, which will be supervised and implemented by the Education Department. In the academy, two grants and scholarships will be set up. Those who meet the conditions can receive them from the academy every year."

"The bursaries are mainly for the descendants of these fallen soldiers, and the scholarships are for those great talents in the academy, such as those with the first grades, or students with outstanding performance."

"Grants and scholarships have to set thresholds, and they must be used for practical purposes. Every amount must be recorded and authentic."

"I asked my father to set up an inspection team, which will be used to check the work of the academy, and will also investigate the use of grants and scholarships."

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