I Want To Be Qin II

Chapter 954 In this era, no one is more eager to make contributions than the royal family surnamed Y

Hearing this, Ying Zheng was slightly stunned.

Yao Jia's words directly hit his heart. Ying Gao was not only recognized as the candidate for the heir apparent by the Great Qin government, but also the candidate for the heir apparent in his heart.

He has always been very satisfied with Ying Gao's performance. Ying Gao's military accomplishments and talents are beyond the reach of Ying Zheng.

However, Yinggao's advantages are clear, and its shortcomings are also very obvious.

No one mentioned this matter until now, but Yao Jia mentioned it today, which also made Ying Zheng realize that he should teach Ying Gao how to become a qualified prince.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, and Ying Zheng's eyes were deep. Yao Jia's words reminded him that the Central Plains would be unified in his hands.

In his life, he will definitely devote himself to unification and to heal the wounds of war. What the next king of Qin needs is a gentle king.

At least one king who pays equal attention to civil and martial arts is needed, not another king of martial arts.

"I will seriously consider this matter!" After a long silence, Ying Zheng turned to Yao Jia and said, "Afterwards, I will issue an edict to you."

Hearing this, Yao Jia was overjoyed, bowed his hands towards Ying Zheng, and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Yao Jia left the study of Xianyang Palace. The reason why he attracted Ying Gao this time was because he wanted to take advantage of the situation, cultivate Ying Gao, and also because he wanted to have some time to interact with Ying Gao.

For a long time, Ying Gao made his fortune in the army, which led to a good relationship between Ying Gao and the generals in the army, but this caused the relationship between Ying Gao and the civil servants to be very flat.

Before, Yao Jia and others were not in a hurry at all.

Even though Ying Gao was as imposing as a rainbow, and even though Ying Gao overwhelmed the younger generation of Da Qin, at that time, Ying Gao hadn't had the momentum he has today, and Fu Su and the others could still compete with him.

However, when Ying Gao came back from Xiazhou, after he was granted the title of Marquis Champion and Lord Wu'an, Yao Jia and others knew that everything had changed.

There is one and only one who is the crown prince of the Great Qin Dynasty, the son Gao.

Unless Qin Wangzheng strongly opposes it.

But Yao Jia knew Qin Wangzheng too well, and the courtiers of the Great Qin too well. A strong and domineering prince was what the whole Qin government needed.

And Ying Gao's appearance,

That is enough.

Therefore, since Ying Gao became the heir of the Great Qin Dynasty and became the future king of the Great Qin Dynasty, it has become his destiny. As the important support of the Great Qin court, the civil servants will naturally have to change.

If you can't beat it, then join.

This is the thinking of Yao Jia and others.

But before, they did not have the opportunity to communicate with Ying Gao, and this time they went to Korea as an envoy, which was an opportunity created by the civil servants above the Qin court.

This is the elite of this era.

If there is a chance they will, if there is no chance they will create an opportunity.

The so-called "scholar fighting the world" has never been just a talk. In this era, the spirit of the scholar class is different from that of the later scholar-bureaucrats.

This time, the civil servants were close to success.

Watching Yao Jia leave, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth. He is not a fool, and naturally he has sensed the thoughts of Yao Jia and others.

He naturally wanted to agree to let Ying Gao gain experience, but facing his courtiers, Ying Zheng subconsciously used the emperor's technique, and he wanted to take advantage of Da Qin's courtiers.

"I am the prince of the Qin Dynasty, and I am both civil and military!"

The tone was emotional, Ying Zheng was also extremely surprised by Ying Gao. Perhaps since the founding of the Great Qin, only Ying Gao relied on himself to make the Great Qin government and the people have the same goal.

For this, Ying Zheng was extremely happy. He knew in his heart that with Ying Gao present, he could completely relax and devote all his energy to realizing his ambition.

Because he knew that Daqin's successor was mature, even if something happened to him now, Yinggao could still succeed Daqin, holding the Xuanniao flag and sweeping across the six kingdoms of Shandong.

This kind of reassurance made Ying Zheng feel relieved.

After all, as an emperor, in his short life, in addition to governing the country, cultivating heirs is also the most important thing.


"General Ying, the Zongzheng Mansion has arrived!"

The car parked at Zongzhengfu's carriage and horse farm, Tie Ying said towards Yinggao.


Getting off the cart, Ying Gao looked up at the Zongzheng government office not far away. The job of the Zongzheng government is to hold the register of the royal family, distinguishing their status as concubines or their blood relationship with the King of Qin. Line up the genealogy of the clan with the same surname.

Zongzheng can also intervene in the trial if someone in the clan breaks the law.

In history, it also happened that the king sent Zongzheng to cooperate with other officials to undertake these cases. Zongzheng ranks two thousand stones and has a Cheng.

Zongzheng and Cheng are both appointed by the royal family.

In fact, Zongzheng is very similar to the previous official position in Daqin, that is, Siche Shuchang.

Before Shang Yang's reform, Qin State had Dashuchang, Youshuchang, Zuoshuchang, and Sicheshuchang, among which Dashuchang was equivalent to the prime minister of a country.

Among these four kinds of chiefs, only Zuo chief can be held by outsiders, and the other three are all held by members of the clan. The post of chief minister of Si Che is the person in charge of the entire clan affairs.

It's just that, after Shang Yang's reform, the concubine chief gradually became a vain post without much actual power.

Therefore, even though Siche Shuchang is only a false position, few people dare to disobey the title of clan leader.

After the evolution of Siche Shuzhang, he has become Zongzheng at the moment, who is in charge of the affairs of the entire royal family. If the royal family violates the law, they need to appeal to Zongzheng first. Zongzheng has a lot of decision-making power and can even be dealt with lightly.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Gao knew that Zong Zheng was actually the patriarch of the royal family with the surname Ying.

It's just that Weiyang Lord Yingxi's fate was not good, and he failed to compete with Ying Zichu for the position of crown prince. After he became Zongzheng, he also met the most powerful king in the history of Great Qin.

This also caused the authority of Weiyang Jun Yingxi to decrease.

At this moment in Daqin, Qin Wangzheng is not only the king of Daqin, but also the patriarch of the royal family with the surname Ying, which is equivalent to weakening the power of Zongzheng and strengthening the power of the king.

In doing so, the advantages and disadvantages are extremely obvious.

There were many thoughts in his mind, but it was just one thought. Ying Gao looked away, smiled at Tie Ying, and said, "Let's go, I believe Mr. Weiyang has been waiting for a long time!"


After parking the car, Tie Ying accompanied Ying Gao into the Zongzheng Mansion. This was the first time Ying Gao entered the Zongzheng Mansion. He was full of curiosity about the Zongzheng Mansion in this era.

"Ying Xi pays homage to Lord Wu An!"

Seeing Ying Gao walking into the official office of the Zongzheng Mansion, Ying Xi hurriedly greeted him with the clan's children.

For a long time, the royal family with the surname Ying of the Great Qin Dynasty has always admired military exploits and worshiped the strong. With Yinggao's military exploits and reputation, there are naturally countless admirers.

"I'll pay my respects to Lord Wu An!" At the same time, all the disciples of the clan saluted Ying Gao one after another, their eyes full of passion and longing.

In this era, no one is more eager to make contributions than the royal family surnamed Ying.

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