I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 100 The Price of Magic

"Hey, Boss Zaulie, you saw my new weapon, how do you feel?"

After ending the communication with the Voice of Heaven, Harley discovered that the archangel's consciousness had not disappeared.

"It's not bad." Zaulie said casually.

"What's wrong with you waiting for me?" Harley asked.

"I forgot to tell you before. The holy relic snatched from the Holy Advent Crusaders, which is Holy Spirit Robby's buckler, must not be sacrificed to the demons of hell."

"You don't need to remind me, I won't do anything to blaspheme heaven." Harley said.

“Actually, holy relics are just weapons for mortals. The believers’ will and faith add to them, and they become holy relics.

But in essence, it is still a creation of mortals. Even if you damage it, it is not considered a blasphemy to heaven.

Heaven doesn’t care about things that don’t belong to us, though.”

Hearing his hesitation, Harley promised: "It doesn't matter what you say, I won't sacrifice it for any reason."

Zaulie said awkwardly: "After I brought Holy Spirit Robby back to heaven from the edge of hell, his ancestor, the sage Peter, immediately came to visit.

Peter and I met several times and chatted on the spot. He was happy that future generations would be lucky enough to have a deathbed epiphany, but he was also worried that the weapons he left behind would be desecrated by demons.

Well, your signing of the heaven contract was not widely publicized in heaven, so... well, I owe you a favor. "

"Hey, considering our relationship, does this matter?"

Harley laughed, as if she didn't care.

"It's better for us to speak clearly. I will only help you once to a limited extent." Zaulie said cautiously.

This is obviously not wanting to make friends with her!

Harley felt uncomfortable and responded vaguely, then asked casually: "Boss Zha, do you know the eighth metal, Heaven's Silver?"

"You saw the Silver City last time, why are you still asking this question? The floors, bricks, and tiles used to build the Silver City were made of the silver of heaven." Zaulie asked strangely.


Nearly 100,000 merits, just buy a piece of heaven tile? !

Harley wanted to gnash her teeth, but in the fifth-dimensional thinking space, she didn't even have a body.

"On top of the eighth metal, is there a ninth metal and a tenth metal?"

"I only know about the ninth metal. Most of them are on your earth, and there are quite a lot of them." Zhaulie said.

Harley was shocked, "What special effects does Metal Ninth have? Where can I find it?"

"The ninth metal is also called cursed gold. It can tamper with the rules of physics. For example, it can make people immortal and their souls immortal. Tens of thousands of years ago, the metal was carved up by ancient humans, and it is nowhere to be found now."

"Who took them all away?" Harley didn't care about the "curse" at all.

What kind of curse is immortality and immortality?

"You still want to rob it? Stranger took you to see the great wizard Shazam. His weapon is the ninth metal forged.

There's also Dr. Fate's helmet and Pharaoh Khufu's hammer. Can you beat them? "Zhaulie said disapprovingly.

Harley kept these names in mind and decided that when she was strong enough, she would try to make an "equivalent exchange" with them - using their lives in exchange for their weapons.

Especially for Old Shazam, she knew where his home was, and she also knew that he was about to burp. When the Thunder Shazam appeared, she might be able to go to the Eternal Castle to "write a tomb robbing note".

In addition to the Lightning Staff, the Book of Reflection is also good.

Returning to the Archimedes airship, Harley realized that less than ten seconds had passed.

"Lymbo in the fifth dimension is really a magical place. Perhaps, the past, present and future can really exist there at the same time (ps)."

Shaking her head, Harley put aside distracting thoughts and focused on the baseball bat in front of her.

Well, her new weapon is a silver baseball bat. It looks just like ordinary stainless steel. It only has "Harley Quinn" in squiggles on the handshake and "Confess your sins to Me and I will forgive" on the body. you (confess to me and I will forgive you)” in small print.

It was originally a two-meter-long staff. Like Gandalf's staff, it could cast spells and was very impressive. Later, the "Voice of Heaven" added the function of hiding the holy light to the silver staff, but Harry's merits were not enough, so he could only reduce part of the material and shorten it to about 1.3 meters.

Harry thought about it and felt that he should save some meritorious deeds as a trump card, just like Doug in the monastery, didn't he almost make a comeback against the wind with a cross?

So the staff turned into a one-meter-long baseball bat, and she saved 10,000 merit points.

Next to the baseball bat is a silver chain as thick as a hair, with 23 faintly shining teardrops strung on it.

Once you wrap the teardrop chain around the handle of a baseball bat and yell "Hallelujah" like the Thunderbolts shouting "Shazam" to transform, the stick will also transform into a heavenly artifact.

Looking at the time, it was already four-thirty in the morning. Harley yawned, wrapped herself in a blanket, and fell asleep in the folded driver's seat.

For some reason, she couldn't sleep well that night and always felt cold.

Especially the calves and feet feel as if they have been frozen in the refrigerator.

At six o'clock in the morning, Harley woke up rubbing her dry face and dry eyes.

"What's going on? The cabin isn't cold!" She was puzzled.

Although it is winter in the northern hemisphere and Archimedes is still floating in the sea, the spaceship is not a car and its heat insulation is very good.

If you think about it, you will understand. If the insulation is not good, can it fly in the stratosphere at dozens of degrees below zero?

I touched my feet with my hands and found that they were indeed colder than other parts of my body. I stood up and stamped my feet, but my ankles were inexplicably sore and numb.

Harley was too tired to look carefully, so she just wrapped her feet with a blanket, covered her with a down jacket, and fell asleep again.

At about twelve o'clock at noon, she woke up tiredly. Her energy was better than before the break, but not as good as the day before.

"Holy shit, my feet -" Looking down at his lower body, starting from the bend of his legs and going down, patches of black and blue replaced the white skin.

Harry's scalp was numb, and white hairs of sweat broke out on his back.

"This is not normal!"

Is he sick, poisoned, or someone plotted against him?

Thoughts were running through her mind one by one. After lunch, Harry took off her clothes and swam a few times in the sea like a fish.

She was used to exercising every day. The Archimedes airship was too narrow, so she could only swim.

Then, while wiping herself, Harley was surprised to find that the bruises on her calves and ankles had disappeared, and her skin was white and rosy again.

"How is this going?"

But soon she no longer had the energy to pay attention to her "little problems" with her body.

Gotham's mainstream media outlets are all broadcasting the same news live.

City Hall, scene of a press conference on the "Gotham Cathedral Massacre."

The hall has been specially decorated with solemn black as the main tone.

Mayor James and Director Loeb also attended the ceremony together, dressed in solemn black and holding a bouquet of carnations.

"Before the press conference begins, I hope everyone can join me in observing three minutes of silence for the 108 clergy who died in Gotham Cathedral last night." Mayor James said sadly.

Soon, three minutes passed. Mayor James first gave the chance to speak to Chief Luo, because the chief wanted to announce the details of last night's tragedy to the public.

"These are 20mm copper-nickel alloy bullets." Loeb held up a bullet as thick as his middle finger. "There were more than 3,500 bullets on site. Everyone could see that they came from Vulcan cannons, and they were probably M61s.

In this way, we can understand why the crime scene was covered with blood and mud, with broken limbs scattered everywhere, and it was as tragic as hell.

The GCPD received two alarm calls from the cathedral. The first time was at one o'clock in the morning. Father Ninore clearly identified the perpetrator as the witch Harley. "

As he spoke, he also turned on a recording. The panicked old priest and his heart-rending wails all showed what a tragic scene he saw at that time.

"So, we can be 100% sure that Witch Harley is fully responsible for this horrific massacre." Chief Luo said with finality.

"Chief Luo, I have received definite news that there was a supernatural incident in Gotham Cathedral last night. It seems that a demon killed the church priest." The named female reporter Wei Ke questioned.

"It is indeed the devil who caused the killings, and Witch Harley is the devil." Loeb said sternly.

"No, the residents near the church are convinced that it is a real demon, more than five meters tall, with a head on top of its head and two large saw-toothed mouths on its chest. It doesn't look human at all.

The fleeing priest was still wailing loudly - 'Christ is merciful, the archbishop has become a demon', it seems that the demon is Archbishop Marvin. "The female reporter insisted.

"Hahaha" Mayor James laughed for a while, then apologized: "I shouldn't laugh in this situation, but Miss Weico, your words are too ridiculous."

"Did the nearby residents and some GCPD collectively hallucinate? We were also at the scene at the time. Although we were far away from the police, we also heard the police officers blocking the street talking about the accident in the church." Another reporter said loudly.

"Then, how do you explain the Vulcan cannon bullets at the scene, as well as the witnesses and physical evidence?" Chief Luo said seriously.

"Perhaps the witch summoned the devil?" a reporter immediately asked.

"Sorry, this is the city hall of the 21st century. It is a case briefing meeting after scientific analysis of physical evidence, not a book club for medieval wizard novels.

If there are any more inappropriate questions, we will refuse to answer them. "The mayor said solemnly.

After a moment of silence, a reporter raised his hand and asked, "Can Chief Luo explain how the witch Harley could commit such an unbelievable murder on her own?"

At the beginning of the night, the old city police station.

"Barbara, you don't have to wait for me tonight. Yes, for the case of Witch Harley, she went all out last night and raided Gotham Cathedral tonight or tomorrow night. In short, there is a high probability that she will regard Director Luo as her subordinate. A target. Don’t worry, the injury on my right arm hasn’t healed yet, so I don’t need to participate in the battle. Goodbye!”

After hanging up the phone, Jim Gordon sat in his office chair in a daze, looking at his colleagues who were busy putting on body armor in the lobby on the first floor, with a very confused look on his face.

"You're a blessing in disguise."

His partner Harvey came over, touched his shoulder, and said with a smile: "The Chinese people are really wise. Thousands of years ago, they could say the famous saying 'The old man lost his horse and gained some wild horses'.

A few days ago, you were injured in the arm by the Crusaders. It was just a puncture wound. It will only take half a month to heal. But he has escaped the Bali Street siege, the ogre tragedy in the cathedral last night, and the possible Vulcan cannon massacre tonight. "

"Nearly 80 brothers have died in ten days (ps: the losses in Bali Street and the Cathedral combined), and you can still laugh?" Gordon said excitedly.

"What else can I do if I don't laugh? I can't wait to laugh every day if I can escape from that ghost thing last night." Harvey said bitterly.

"Really a devil?" Gordon asked doubtfully.

"Yes, it's really the devil, I have proof!" This was not Harvey's voice, it was a girl's, and Gordon was familiar with her voice.

"Stab-" The large-screen TV hanging in the lounge suddenly flashed with snowflakes, and Witch Harley's smiling face appeared on the screen.

(ps: I have briefly introduced the world view of the DC universe before, and also recommended that everyone go to Baidu's "DC Multiverse Map". Maybe some readers are too lazy to go to Baidu, so I will explain the dimensionality of the DC universe here.

In the rebooted New 52, ​​the DC universe has six dimensions.

Remember the three-layer theory of the "Map of the Multiverse"?

In the inner Wan Tian Yi, many individual universes are squeezed into one basket like eggs. This is a four-dimensional world, one time dimension and three material dimensions.

The divine realm in the middle, which exists in Limbo and includes the "Heavenly Blood" in the universe, is outside of time and is the dimension of imagination (thinking, emotion and belief).

This is the fifth dimension.

The outermost monitors and counter-monitors exist beyond imagination and are the birth and death places of the multiverse, which is the highest sixth dimension. )

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