I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 13 I am the watcher, and I am still watching

“Haley, you have redefined the big banknote, which is very meaningful and in line with the corporate culture of our American National Bank.

Basically, I am very satisfied with you personally. If I had a vote, you would be rich now, but it’s a pity.”

Shaking his head, Bald Will continued: "In order to convince others, we have to verify the customers' views on your new big banknote."

After having a working meal at the bank, the old white man asked Harley to put on the "female cashier" uniform and go to the National Bank lobby to accept inspections from customers.

Well, Harley has completed the interview and has begun to enter the "probation period".

The old white man told her that bank executives had several different views on the positioning of the new banknotes.

Some people think that big money should be fully commercialized and asked to be endorsed by traffic stars.

Others believe that the "big banknote" itself is the bank's most precious cultural asset.

The benefits of any asset should be maximized, and they advocate the development and control of the bank's own banknotes.

There is no doubt that it is more in the interests of capitalists to let their own banknotes become American superstars than to invite big stars to serve as banknotes.

However, the group of people developing their own money are also divided into several factions: Some people think that they should completely copy Brady's success story and choose a blond, sunny and toned white man.

Some people think that there are too many male cross-dressing heroes on the market. To compete with real heroes such as Mr. Shadow, Avengers, and Dark Knight, Big Money should have obvious characteristics, such as a pretty, sexy, and heroic woman.

And among the directors who choose women, there are once again divisions: the old-school people insist that they must be white, blond, blue-eyed, with a figure and good looks; some left-wingers hope to choose a black girl who embodies equality and democracy, and it is best to Homosexuals are also thicker in appearance and closer to the general public.

So even though Will, the bespectacled man, admires Harley very much, she has several competitors.

“Welcome to National Bank, a bank that offers a unique service – your wealth will be protected by handsome banknotes.”

Whenever a customer enters through the revolving door, the smart manager in a blue female suit bows slightly, then points to Harley behind the cashier and introduces them to the National Bank's new banknotes.

"Is this generation of banknotes a girl?"

Some customers looked around curiously, and Harley, who was posing with her hands on her hips, smiled back.

"New era, new money." The female manager smiled.

An uncle customer said with a smile: "She is so beautiful and cute, how can she fight with gangsters?

Or, your purpose is to let the gangsters steal the beautiful girl's banknotes, thereby preserving the green banknotes in the vault?

Well, if I were a robber, I would definitely grab this beautiful and delicious bill instead of the smelly and heavy bill. "

"Don't worry, our big banknotes are qualified to be used as vases, but they are by no means a vase. Her bench press is close to 70 kilograms, surpassing many male athletes.

Also proficient in Chinese Kung Fu and a black belt in karate, her martial arts are as deadly as her beauty. "The bank manager said loudly.

Knowing Chinese Kung Fu is a complete lie. Harley really wants to learn real Kung Fu that can kill people, but where can she learn it?

She only knows how to do Tai Chi, and she can build a Hunyuan Wuji Gate. But if she really wants to fight, karate or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is more practical.

"Who is she? A Hollywood star? This uniform looks so beautiful on her. It supports her head so well. She really looks like a female fighter." The middle-aged woman praised.

"Can I take a photo with the beautiful girl Daqian?" A greasy man was about to make a move.

"Sir, Big Bank is not officially open for business yet. In a few days, VIP customers with deposits of more than 200,000 US dollars will be able to take photos with Big Bank. Ordinary customers can also get a beautiful poster of Big Bank for free." The female manager said with a smile.

"How much money can I save to get a date for dinner?" the greasy man chuckled.

"The bank itself does not provide this service. Big money is a hero in disguise and has his own free will. Maybe you can use your charm"

"Harley, look at how popular you are, you are probably going to be selected! God, I am about to become a registered hero agent like my grandfather." Jessica said excitedly.

"My face is almost as stiff as stone. I keep smiling, so stupid and tired." Harley said softly while maintaining a smile.

"It's not easy to make money. Think about a big contract worth 100 billion." Jessica encouraged her next to her.

"What a huge contract worth hundreds of billions!" Harry cursed in a low voice.

"If it succeeds, you will get one hundred thousand US dollars in the first year, which is a lot. Moreover, Director Will has promised that as long as the contract is signed, he can provide you with low-interest loans of less than one million US dollars at any time."

After a moment of silence, Harley sighed: "I'm afraid that after all the hard work, I'll lose in the end. Think about it, if Leonardo DiCaprio went to the bank wearing a tight suit, how crazy would the customers be?"

Jessica's expression changed, "I'll go find out."

She left the bank clerk's cubicle and went to the corridor outside. After a few phone calls, he came back with a happy face.

"Good news! Xiao Lizi did not participate in the re-examination at all, he does not want to give up his acting career.

In fact, none of the big stars came. They all have their own careers. There are only three amateurs like you who have entered the probation period.

A 30-year-old black soprano who has been a minor supporting actor on Broadway all year round; a black high school student who plays basketball.

What's left is a white man, and none of them are as popular as you. "

Jessica looked Harley up and down and smiled: "A lot of times what determines the beauty or ugliness of clothes is not necessarily the clothes themselves, but the people who wear them.

Therefore, major luxury brands will choose the best models for their new clothing conferences, rather than just letting amateurs appear.

Wearing the same style of uniform, the soprano was judged to be disgusting and eye-catching, and many customers even turned away.

That high school basketball player had a bulging bulge in his lower body due to tight pants, and was loudly criticized by many older people.

The handsome blond guy also didn't receive many good reviews, with many people saying he smiled like a gay. "

When Harry heard this, he couldn't help but grin. This body was indeed impeccable. Regardless of appearance, skin, hair color, and figure, it was all top-notch.

After being reborn for more than ten years, I have never met a girl who can surpass her in appearance.

"Da da da da da" the harsh sound of gunshots appeared in the front hall unexpectedly.

A female customer who was waiting in line to handle business suddenly got angry, took out an Uzi submachine gun from her bag, and fired at the ceiling.

The incident happened suddenly. Harry was stunned. The bank clerk behind the desk was also dumbfounded. The lobby manager, security guard, and customers didn't react.

The female robber was in her early fifties, wearing a fashionable brown velvet short windbreaker, a tight sweater, pencil pants, and high-heeled leather boots. She had exquisite and elegant makeup, and she exuded grace and grandeur.

"Robbery!" the female robber yelled arrogantly, with a calm demeanor and no tremor or excitement in her voice.

Much like a veteran who kills without blinking an eye.

As she finished speaking, four or five more robbers immediately stepped forward and controlled the security guard and manager with automatic rifles.

This group of robbers were all dressed as ordinary customers. They arrived in different batches and lined up in different teams. No one thought that they were in a group.

No one knows if anyone is still hiding among the customers.

"Take out all the cash, and you, watches, necklaces, and rings."

"You -" the female robber pointed the barrel of the gun at Harley, who was stunned, "You are Big Money, do you want to stop us?"

In the United States, banks have a very cheating habit of not installing bulletproof glass walls in front of their counters.

Now, the robbers outside can hit her directly.

"I -" Harley flinched, and was about to say that she hadn't officially taken up the job yet, and you could come back in a few days, when she heard the faint sound of mosquitoes and flies coming from beside her.

"This is acting, fake robber." Jessica lowered her head, with some excitement in her voice.

Harry looked up at the ceiling. There were holes in the painted walls.

"I swear, she is not a robber!" Jessica was a little anxious.

"Hey, you were so scared. Did you wet your pants?" The female robber was still looking at her.

Harley decided to believe Jessica once. After all, she had no reason to lie to herself on this occasion.

Moreover, she also felt that the timing of the robber's appearance was too coincidental.

She took a deep breath, forced a smile, raised her hands, "I surrender——"

With a "swish", her figure disappeared from the sight of the female robber.

Harry huddled behind the counter and shouted righteously: "I am the official guardian of the National Bank, a hero who specializes in dealing with you gangsters. I am a hundred-dollar bill!"

The robbers were stunned for a moment, and then they heard the girl shout - "Ahhh!"

She lifted the metal water dispenser next to the cabinet, held it in front of her, and slammed it forward.

"Shit, it's so powerful!" the old woman robber screamed and hurried to the side to hide.

Harley said "ha" and performed the most common movement in gymnastics - lunging forward, pressing her hands on the counter, flying into the air and rotating 360 degrees, with her legs together, like a flying chopstick. , stepping on the chest of a male robber.

"Bang -" a muffled sound like a drum spread between the robber's chest and Harley's boots.

The man wailed and flew backwards four to five meters.

Harley was like a small spring. While kicking a robber away, she also did a backflip in a wide arc under the interaction force, just in time to avoid another robber who was punching him.

Harley took off again, jumping on the spot. At the same time, she kicked her left foot back and her right foot forward. "Puff, puff, puff", and suddenly kicked the two men surrounding him back several steps.

This action was very chic, and Jessica, the bank staff, and many customers could not help but cheer in low voices, but it did not cause much damage.

The kick was fast enough, but the two robbers blocked it with their arms and missed the vital part.

"Kill this Bichi!" One of the five male robbers fainted, one threatened the hostages with a gun, and the remaining three rushed over.

Seeing that they didn't shoot with guns, Harley breathed a sigh of relief. Whether she was acting or not, she was not afraid of fighting ordinary people.

"Bang——" After a few extremely fast rounds, Harley received a punch.

"Gudu Gudu." In Harry's sea of ​​consciousness, a few bubbles bubbled up from the experience jar, indicating that he was gaining experience.

After receiving a punch in the back, Harley was completely relieved because the opponent had no killing intent!

Experience = malice * attack power

The opponent's fists are very powerful, but they don't have much experience, indicating that their maliciousness is very low.

Jessica was right, the robber was fake.

After understanding this, Harley began to pretend confidently and boldly: "I am New Century Bill, a glorious watcher, and a teammate of Dr. Manhattan.

I am here, still watching."

The female robber, who was stepping forward and preparing to join the fight, was stunned in place, looking dazed, as if she was caught in some distant memory.

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