I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1503: Killing each other among the same race

At about 3:30 in the afternoon, Daily Planet TV station broadcast an urgent news: Simon Baz, the fifth Green Lantern of Earth, was asked to go to the Hall of Justice immediately. The Galactic Admiral had important matters to talk to him about the Color and Light Corps. If it is not convenient for you to be there, you can call her.

People all over the world knew about this and were shocked and confused.

They heatedly discussed on the Internet the reason why Harley asked him to meet him, whether he had committed something, or whether he was involved in something.

Harley waited until around eight o'clock in the evening, had a working meal in the Hall of Justice cafeteria, and was about to go home to rest when she finally got the call.

"Hello, hello, this is Yinhe. Is this Miss Quinn?" Opposite was a timid but strong woman.

His voice was stammering and he looked a little timid.

But from her nervous tone, Harry could feel that she must be very courageous and strong at this time.

"You're Simon Baz's sister, right?"

The phone call could reach her, and the identity of the other party must have been clearly found out by Zhenglian, and Hallie did not deliberately ask "Who are you?"

"Yes, my name is Paula, and Simon Baz is my brother. I saw the missing person news on the Daily Planet TV station, and the text news at the bottom of the screen is still scrolling, which means he is not looking for you, right? Bar?"

After Paula said what she said, she no longer stuttered and was reserved, but became more and more eager as she spoke, "I want to tell you that something must have happened to Simon.

I know him well. If I knew you were looking for him and he was free to move, he would definitely not avoid you. "

"Yeah, I think so too." Harley said.

As if he didn't expect her to say that, Paula was stunned for a while and said nonchalantly: "What happened to him? Can you help him?"

"Is it convenient for you now? The situation is a bit complicated. It's not convenient to say it over the phone. I'll ask the Flash to bring you over and chat with me face to face for a while?" Harley asked.

Bala hesitated for a few seconds, then trotted a short distance with the phone in his hand, then panted and reported his location.

Two seconds later, "Whoosh!"

A golden-red light flashed, and a tall black girl wearing an Arab headscarf appeared in front of Harry.

Harley waved her hand, letting Barry and several superheroes on duty exit first, and handed over a glass of warm water. When Paula recovered from the shock, she explained in a simple and easy-to-understand way why she wanted to find Simon Barney. The reason is explained here.

"Before, the heroes of Zhenglian went to surround your brother for this main purpose. The bridge exploded——"

"Simon is not a terrorist." Paula immediately excitedly said: "He is not even a habitual street criminal, he has his own profession, an underground racing driver.

However, there was an accident while racing last time. His good brother, who is also my husband, was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

We are currently extremely short of money, so he couldn't think of anything and stole a car.

He was too careless to realize that there was a time bomb hidden in the trunk of the car.

At that time, he parked the car next to the bridge pier to make it easier for the buyer to pick up the car.

Well, he left to find a buyer for the car. "

Harley didn't question her: Are all your brother's criminal records false?

It is only natural for a sister to speak good words for her brother.

"You should understand that this is not what I care about. Moreover, compared with the case of the terrorist attack, your brother's dangerous situation of being alive and dead is the focus of more attention." Harley said.

Paula raised her head and glanced at her, then quickly lowered her eyes, "I just don't want his impression in your mind to be too bad.

There are many bad comments about him on the Internet, saying that he is the biggest shame to the Green Lantern Corps in its 3 billion years, and is evidence that the Green Lantern ring cannot distinguish between good and evil."

"The fact that you came to see me has proven a lot of things. You are a good girl. If he was really a complete bastard, you would definitely look down on him and not come to see me for him."

"Thank you." The restraint and worry on Paula's dark face were all replaced by gratitude.

Harley nodded and reminded: "You should tell me a lot about what happened after he got the light ring, right?"

“Yeah, the green light ring he got about a week ago, around the time of the bombing in Dearborn, Michigan.

The next day he became a wanted fugitive and the whole world knew what he had done.

Everyone ostracized us. My parents were turned away from the mosque and couldn’t go in to pray. The restaurant where I worked also fired me. Sorry, I shouldn’t have said such nonsense.”

Paula smiled awkwardly and bitterly, "We were in a very bad situation at the time. Simon saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart, so he decided to use the power of the light ring to wash away his grievances.

I don’t know what he went to do, but he came back on the third day and brought back a talking squirrel. "

"Squirrel Green Lantern?" Harley asked in surprise.

"Well, he is also a Green Lantern. Simon said that he is now partnered with the Squirrel Lantern and will next investigate the disappearance of Hal Jordan." Paula said.

Harry asked: "Why did Simon take the initiative to tell you such a thing? I mean, there is absolutely no need for him to bring Squirrel Green Lantern to see you."

Paula explained: “We met in my husband Nazir’s hospital room.

Simon believed that he was responsible for Nazir becoming a vegetable and that he was also responsible for helping my family become whole again.

After meeting Squirrel Lantern, he learned the skills to control the lantern ring.

Both Justice League and Squirrel Lantern have said that his Lantern ring belongs to Hal Jordan.

Simon never wanted the ring, and he was willing to give it back to Hal Jordan.

Therefore, he wanted to use the light ring to cure Nazir's illness before looking for Hal Jordan and handing over the light ring. "

Harry was surprised: "Your husband's illness was cured by Simon using the light ring?"

"Well, he held Nazir's hand and made a wish to revive him. The green light of the lamp ring was bright, and Nazir stood up and recovered instantly.

In order not to cause trouble for our family, he asked us not to tell the story and only tell the doctor that Nazir woke up on his own. "Paula said.

Harley fell into a long silence.

Each of the seven lanterns has its own strengths. The blue lantern is the best at healing, followed by the green lantern.

It’s not that green light cannot heal injuries. In fact, every color of light can treat simple injuries.

The Light of Will does not actively heal wounds, it heals wounds indirectly through other means.

For example, the green light energy tool can be turned into a healing bandage, which has the same healing effect as a real bandage.

Only cyan light, blue light and white light can directly nourish the injured area with emotional energy.

Therefore, there is no doctor in Green Lantern, but there is a need for "Doctor Natu" in Green Lantern Corps.

Sinestro's daughter Natu was originally a doctor, and the green light ring only enhanced this ability.

Ordinary Green Lanterns use their Lantern Rings to stop bleeding and straighten their own bones, or to treat other people's skin injuries.

It can be said that Simon Baz has created a small miracle.

The reason why it's just a small miracle is because there are still two bugs, Hal and Kyle, in this world.

"Is there any problem?" Seeing that Harley remained silent, Paula asked cautiously.

"How did Squirrel Lantern react when your husband woke up?"

"It was shocked and kept shouting 'impossible, incredible'." Paula said.

Harley nodded, this reaction was normal.

"Did Simon mention the information contained in the Ring of Light, such as the whereabouts and ending of Hal Jordan?

He was going to find Hal Jordan. He had to have a destination, right? "

"Yes, Squirrel Lantern said he was looking for the Black Hand."

"It's related to the Black Hand again." Harley frowned slightly.

Hal disappeared while investigating the Black Hand, and Sinestro was suspected of disappearing with him.

Now even Squirrel Lantern and Simon Baz are missing because of the Black Hand.

Hal is not dead, Simon Baz is just missing, not dead.

What had they experienced in the short half-month since she left the earth?

A week ago, the Qingdeng central energy battery embryo was completed.

Cliff of the Guardian of Oa.

Ganse said indifferently: "The central energy battery of Qingdeng has initially connected to the compassion energy pool. Qingdeng, which was destroyed by us soon, will be resurrected on the spot."

The little blue man with black beard said expressionlessly: "Even more powerful than before, I have already seen part of Qing Deng's future in the Book of Oa.

Witch Harley's future cannot be seen.

But from other information, it can be inferred that the revival of Qingdeng is related to her, and she is about to revise the selection system of Qingdeng.

The green lantern slaves are average in strength and generally inferior to other colored lantern demons because they do not really control the emotion of compassion.

The compassion in their hearts comes from the forced indoctrination of the Lantern Ring.

Next, the real Blue Lantern Compassions will soon appear, and at least half of them are possessors of the emotion of compassion.

There are also yellow lights.

Although the Yellow Lantern Corps was destroyed by Sinestro himself as we planned, the lamp furnace and the lamp ring were completely destroyed.

But we ignored the weapon master that slipped through the net.

He is forging the central energy battery of the yellow light. In less than half a month, the yellow light will return. "

"Our plan to destroy the Seven Lantern Corps will fail before it is fully implemented." The white-haired little blue man said.

"No need to hesitate, activate the third legion." Ganser said.

The other little blue people nodded slightly.

"Then let's go and find the Shadow Cabinet."

Ganse's body floated lightly from the "Guardian Lone Peak".

The rest of the little blue men followed.

Soon, they crossed the void and came to the largest black hole in Sector 0.

Just as ordinary people can easily jump into the river to take a bath, they plunge into the terrifying black hole and "swim" toward the center.

It's really the same posture as swimming.

Even the Kryptonian's steel body will be torn, shattered, and stretched into a line under the huge gravity of the black hole.

The guardian simply used his powerful spiritual power to distort the physical rules of "gravity".

It is not about directly using the power of the mind to fight against gravity.

Even the body of steel cannot bear it, and the power of the little blue man's mind is equally powerless.

But the "power" is under the "rules".

The power of the mind cannot withstand power, but it can distort the rules that create power.

It's like Archimedes couldn't even lift a 100 kilogram bag of rice, but he could use the rules of leverage to move the moon.

The mortal bodies of the little blue men can even be shot through their big heads with pistol bullets. However, after the power of the mind changes the physical rules of gravity and gravitation, mortal bodies can also pass through black holes.

After "traveling" through the black hole, they came to a dark world without light.

All physical rules here become distorted and incomplete.

If rules could be seen and touched like real objects.

Then, the space here will be a regular garbage dump, full of garbage.

Normal people, let alone living in the "Shadow Dimension", will be driven crazy by the twisted and broken rules even if they only perceive the "information" here.

The little blue people roam around like taking a leisurely stroll in the garden.

Within the scope of their mental force field, they are the creators, and no twisted rules can touch their bodies.

"We're here!" Ganser slowed down and stopped in front of a black "meteorite".

The shape of the meteorite resembles a broken obelisk, two stories high, and the fracture is uneven and very rough.

A huge green light furnace mark is also carved on its surface, and dozens of green energy chains firmly seal the "meteorite obelisk".


From Ganse's deep right hand, the power of the soul spread out, the chains rattled, and a door opened to the left and right.

The other guardians remained silent and "collided" directly with the meteorite obelisk.

Like water droplets on a sponge, they were all submerged into the meteorite silently.

"Wow, it's compatriots, they are back to Maltus again~~"

Inside the meteorite turned out to be a small world, a large gray stone square.

The arrival of the guardian attracted a group of little blue men dressed in ordinary people's clothes.

They are the same height and build as the guardians, but they all have rich expressions. Some are cheering, some are confused, some are watching curiously, and some are listless.

The Guardian once said to Green Lantern: Cutting off emotions is a gift that only Guardians can enjoy.

They really weren't lying.

Only guardians can cut off emotions. The little blue civilians in "The Monument of Maltus" all have emotions.

In the square crowded with little blue men, an old little blue man walked out with a cane and a white beard hanging down to the ground.

With an amiable smile on his face, he shouted to the flying guardian: "Brothers and sisters, why are you back so soon?

Judging from the appearance of your personnel, it seems that there is no crisis of destruction that requires the selection of new guardians. "

"We are here for Lantern No. 1 this time." Gunther said directly.

The bearded old blue man's smile froze, and he asked cautiously: "Brother Gunther, what are the Guardian's plans for Lantern No. 1?"

"We need to release him and take him away from the 'Shadow Dimension'." Gunther said.

The old blue man with a long beard shouted angrily: "Are you crazy? Three billion years ago, the Guardian Council and we jointly swore an agreement - we voluntarily sacrificed the rest of our eternal lives, gave up the colorful life of the material universe, and stayed here Form a shadow cabinet.

Since we are the flames that protect the race, we must also closely guard Lantern No. 1 to prevent him from threatening the security of the universe again.

For this purpose, we even destroyed our home planet and compressed the great planet Maltus into a black hole."

The old blue man was extremely emotional. The more he spoke, the more excited he became. Finally, he stomped his cane and shouted: "I will not agree to your plan. If anyone dares to release Lantern No. 1, don't blame us for not caring about our compatriots."

His old eyes radiated dazzling white light, and the majestic power of his soul poured out. The air was as heavy as the seabed one hundred thousand meters deep.

Behind him, hundreds of little blue men also had serious expressions, their eyes were white, and their spiritual power was connected with that of the old blue man.

Facing the aggressive crowd, the guardian couldn't help but his expression froze.

The white-haired and bald guardian came out and said slowly: "We failed."

"Huh?" The old blue man frowned.

"The Machine Hunters are the first legion, and as you already know, we failed.

The Green Lantern Corps is the second Corps. Three billion years have passed and the universe is still full of violence, hatred and evil.

Especially in recent years, even the guardians have been dying one after another.

The Green Lantern Corps has been weak in various crises, and it can even be said to have done nothing.

The key is that now, the Legion is in danger of losing control.

The seven colored light armies fight against each other and kill each other, and the universe is in trouble.

We were supposed to clean up the rest of the Color and Light Corps, but members of the Green Lantern Corps wanted to compromise with the Color and Light Corps."

The white-haired old man looked at the old blue man sharply, "You understand what this means. When there was only the Green Lantern Corps in the universe, us Guardians controlling the Green Lantern Corps was equivalent to controlling the order of the entire universe.

When there were seven Color Light Legions and the other six legions were no weaker than the Green Lantern, the seven legions stood side by side and their power was divided into seven.

The guardians who only control one-seventh of the universe cannot continue to implement the concept of maintaining peace and protecting good order in the universe.

And this is just the beginning.

Once we compromise with the other six color-light armies, more forces will jump out and use their own strength to get a share of the management of the universe.

They are power-hungry worms and shameless pursuers of profit.

They will not protect the order of the universe, but will only use the power in their hands to satisfy their own desires.

In the future, the universe will inevitably be in turmoil, with various forces killing each other, the order of the universe completely collapsing, and all civilized beings in ruins. "

The white-haired little blue man lowered his head and his voice became a little deeper, "So, after discussing it, we came to a unified conclusion that we failed again.

The Second Legion was unable to complete its mission to redeem the universe.

We are here today to find a solution, the first Lantern.

Use the power of Lantern No. 1 to form the Third Legion! "

The old blue man slowed down his tone and advised: "The power of Lantern No. 1 is too dangerous, and the task of preventing him from re-entering the material universe is above all else.

This is what you said to us back then.

Therefore, all members of the Maltus Central Garrison gave up their personal ideals and spent the rest of their lives trapped in the shadow dimension where they never see the light of day.

It is like a tomb where the past of the Martus people is buried.

We have been able to persist for 3 billion years and never waver, all because of this great ideal.

Now you are saying that you want to release Lantern No. 1, is it fair to us? "

The little blue man with black beard said calmly: "We are you, there is nothing fair or unfair."

"Yes, two years ago, you were still one of us, but when you cut off all emotions and chose to become guardians, you became guardians and no longer members of the Shadow Cabinet.

You represent the will of the Guardians, not us. "The old blue man shook his head.

"Rig, be sensible! We need the power of Lantern No. 1 to save reality. Without the main universe, the Shadow Cabinet has also lost the meaning of its existence." Gunther said indifferently.

"Brother Gunther, I would like to advise you to be sensible. Even if the seven lanterns fight in a melee, it is better than Lantern No. 1 destroying the universe." Old Blue Man Rigg said.

The guardians looked at each other and made a decision in their hearts.

"You have only two choices, either believe that we can control the power of Lantern One and get out of the way, or block us and perish."

The old blue man's pupils shrank, "What are you talking about?"

"We must take away Lantern No. 1 at all costs." Gunther said.

The old blue man gritted his teeth, "We will stop your foolishness at all costs!"

"Boom~~" The guardians took action together, and the spiritual energy and the green light energy merged to form a violent energy tsunami, crushing the little blue men in all directions.

"Stop them!" Old Blue Man shouted, his eyes shining silver, and he also used his spiritual power.

In an instant, in the narrow and dim world, crazy and violent spiritual storms emerged one after another.

Seeing that the battle was at a stalemate, Gunther's eyes were cold and his body seemed to teleport to the back of the old blue man who was loudly commanding the troops to fight.

The power of his mind was like a sharp dagger. With a "stab" sound, he cut through the invisible and material barrier of the mind. He stood close behind the old blue man, grabbed his head with his left hand, and pressed the green light energy knife against him in his right hand. neck.

“I’m asking you one last time, do you want to get out of the way?”

"Brother Gunther, we swore an oath that Lantern One must—"

"Pfft~~~" Old Rigg's big head rolled to the ground, and blood splashed in all directions from the broken neck like a fountain.

"No, Rigg!" the little blue man shouted angrily.

The battle became more fierce.

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