I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1808 The strange land of white magic

"Zha was kidnapped by me, was that part of your plan?" Nick was lying in a pool of blood, with a sarcastic smile on his pale face.

Zha Kang said: "You know me. According to my personality, I will definitely take action immediately when I learn that the Hunters have been captured.

It has never been my style to sit still and wait for death. I am used to taking the initiative. You understand this and I understand that you understand this, so my performance must meet your psychological expectations.

Now that we have decided to be led by you, and we don’t expect to directly rescue Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, we naturally don’t need to work too hard.

I thought you hated me the most. If Xiao Zhabing and I split up, you would take action against me.

Xiao Zha is a master of irony magic. She can teleport Boston away with just one sentence. I thought no one could stop her. In fact, before we parted ways with her, I told her many times not to act aggressively and to run away immediately if something was wrong.

It was indeed unexpected for me that she was kidnapped by you. I didn't expect you to find the secret house. "

"Cough cough cough" Nick coughed up a few lumps of blood stuck in his throat, his eyes were blurred and his voice was extremely weak, "What was that knife that stabbed me?"

"Harley's waist-cutting sword."

"No wonder I was instantly weak after just one blow. I couldn't even struggle, and my soul couldn't leave my body. Haven't you already dealt with Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies? Why are you still holding it?"

Zha Kang smiled and said: "The waist-cutting sword is an absolute demon nemesis, specifically targeting dark creatures like you who escaped from hell. Ten years ago, Harley would have carried it with her as a treasure.

Now that the Demon Lord and Demon King are just food in front of her, the waist-cutting sword has become useless.

She borrowed it for fun without asking why, and got it easily. "

"You are so cruel. In order to deal with me, you actually prepared such a vicious weapon." Nick's weak voice was full of resentment.

"No matter how ruthless you are, you are actually using a weapon as vicious as the inner dragon dagger to deal with Xiao Zha." Zha Kang said calmly.

"Before I threatened Xiao Zha, you had already handed the waist-cutting sword to the fake Hunter and planned to use it to plot against me. Johnny, you are such a cold-blooded bastard!" Nick's voice was extremely weak, but he could still hear the obvious of excitement.

"What's the point of arguing now about 'are you more ruthless or am I more vicious?' If we don't paralyze you immediately, even if your body is killed, your soul will still be able to control the House of Secrets and continue to make trouble.

Seriously, you should be touched that I value you so much. "Zha Kang said.

"Fake Squid" Nick was so angry that he vomited out another mouthful of old blood. His mouth was completely blocked by blood clots, his body also relaxed, and he no longer had the strength to speak.

Xuan Lan came over holding the blood-stained dagger and wondered: "How could he persist for so long? Didn't you tell me that the waist-cutting sword could instantly seal his soul to the ninth level of hell?"

Zha Kang looked away from Nick. The heroes of the Justice League Dark had already unlocked Zuckerberg's magic shackles and were currently engaged in a magical battle with Nick's accomplices.

There were already many injured AK mages lying on the ground groaning in pain, but none of them died, and none of the Dark Alliance heroes had killed them.

Zha Kang turned around and said: "Its name is 'Waist-cutting Sword', and of course it is most effective when it stabs the waist.

If it is poked in other places, it may not kill someone unless it is a vital part.

If a knife is inserted into the waist, even if it is as powerful as Satan, it will scream in pain, and 99% of the power will be sealed in an instant, and then the soul will be pulled into the 'deep well' in the center of the ninth level of hell, hanging below the deep well, without any traces. Above the sea of ​​light, it is extremely miserable, and it will be difficult to escape within ten thousand years. "

"Pfft!" Xuan Lan raised the knife and thrust it into Nick's left waist.

"Buzz--" A holy golden light curtain unfolded from the blade, centered on the wound on Nick's left waist, wrapping his whole body into a tight rice dumpling, and disappeared directly into a pool of blood in the next moment.

"Bang!" When the sacred light curtain unfolded, Xuanlan was so shocked that she subconsciously let go of the hilt of the sword and took two steps back. At this moment, Nick disappeared, and the dagger fell freely to the ground. The tip of the sword was inserted into the stone slab half a finger deep.

In addition to being used against dark creatures, the waist-cutting sword also has another characteristic: it is extremely sharp.

Zha Kang bent down and picked up the waist-cutting sword, frowning and said: "There is no need to bother, even if it is not stabbed in the waist, the demon killed by the waist-cutting sword will have its power sealed, and eventually fall into the well of hell."

Xuan Lan said: "This unnecessary move will not waste much of my energy. Now that I see him completely disappearing, I can feel at ease earlier and Nick's gang will give up earlier. It is completely worth it."

After Nick disappeared, both super villains such as Faust and Baron Winster, as well as the bald mage holding an enchanted AK, were all panicked, and some ran away screaming in fear.

"What happened to the golden light curtain just now? Why does this evil weapon exude the aura of the supreme and holy?" she asked doubtfully.

"Why is the waist-cutting sword evil? It is definitely the number one holy weapon in the contemporary era!" Zha Kang flipped his hand, and the waist-cutting sword had been stuffed into the master space by him.

"Isn't it evil to forcibly seal the power and pull people into the 'well of hell' that is lower than the ninth level of hell? And I have heard of its origin. It was first built by Lucifer Morningstar, and was later given to the witch by him Harley was used to cut off two fallen angel wings, and the blade was stained with his blood, making it even more evil!" Xuan Lan said.

While watching the heroes of the Dark Alliance show their power, Zha Kang said: "First of all, it doesn't send everyone to hell.

Only dark creatures from hell will be sent to hell and sealed.

If the victim is a pious and good person, a knife stabbed in the chest may help him understand the ways of God related to death, and eventually transform into the Holy Spirit.

Secondly, my brother Lucifer cannot be defined by pure evil.

He is beyond the divine and evil, above hell and heaven, and his weapons have neither evil power nor divine aura.

It is simply of high level and can suppress beings whose energy level is lower than that of my brother Lucifer.

Finally, the 'Lucifer Eviscerating Knife' is not the same as the waist-cutting sword.

After the boning knife completed a consecration, it became what it is today. "

"What consecration?"

"It is as sanctified as the Spear of Longelus, stained with the blood of the Holy Son. Well, the position of the waist-cutting sword is a bit special, which causes some deviation in its power."

"Constantine, what are you doing standing there? Come and help!" Frankenstein roared.

"Hey, Faust, Baron Winster, Old Thorns. You all stop, Nick has returned to hell, you have no chance." Zha Kang shouted to the "Nick gang".

"The Book of Magic is right in front of you. If you don't fight now, you will regret it for the rest of your life." Phoenix Faust roared.

The dark thorns were filled with blood, and they attacked more fiercely. They even shouted: "Fight them, no one can stop us from seizing the "Book of Magic"!"

The other Grandmasters and the AK Bald Master were inspired, and their methods were even more ruthless than before.

Zha Kang frowned and shouted: "Justice League Dark, all of us, retreat and return to the House of Mystery!"

He also actively controlled the mysterious house to fly to the edge of the square, opened the door, and emitted a powerful suction force, sucking the hesitant and doubtful dark Zhenglian hero into the house.

"John, what are you doing? How can you retreat at this time? And we have the upper hand, there is no need to retreat!" Frankenstein said excitedly.

"You want the Book of Magic?"

"I'm not interested in the Book of Magic, but we can't let Faust's gang of bastards—ugh!"

Before Frankenstein could finish his words, something strange happened again in the square.

Without the obstruction of the Dark Alliance, Faust, Baron Winster and others immediately flew to the four corners of the square and reached out to grab the "Book of Magic" above the icicles.

However, the moment they approached the icicles, four icicles emitted large amounts of silver lightning at the same time. The lightnings were connected together to form a large net, and the "Nick Legion" within the square was almost wiped out.

As powerful as a master, he was shaken by lightning and barely managed to escape far away.

On the spot, the AK mage group had squinting mouth, crooked eyes, foaming at the mouth, and their bodies were charred and twitching as they lay in the square, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

In the blink of an eye, the "Nick Legion", which had previously put the Dark Zhenglian under great pressure, was almost wiped out.

"Hahaha!" Zha Kang glanced at the stunned or thoughtful companions around him, and laughed proudly: "Do you know what it means that destiny is unbreakable? This is destiny that is unbreakable!

The Book of Magic can only belong to Tim. Anyone else who dares to touch it is violating destiny! "

While laughing, he controlled the House of Mystery to instantly jump into Limbo, and then jump out of Limbo instantly.

When it reappeared in Nanda Mountain, it had reached the top of the House of Secrets.

Nick's secret house is simulated like an ancient temple and is hidden in a complex of buildings.

If they hadn't seen him coming out of the temple, none of the magic heroes would have known that the temple was a house of secrets.


Zha Kang controlled the House of Secrets and used the force of a mountain to hit the roof of the House of Secrets.

Just like the scene of a major car accident, an eight-magnitude earthquake seemed to have occurred inside the house, shaking violently; bricks, stone and wood chips were flying everywhere outside, and the two miracle houses were almost in ruins.

"Constantine, are you crazy?" Before the heroes could recover from the changes in the square, the house of mystery crashed without warning. They were unprepared, and their bodies were thrown against the wall, and their heads were hit on the ground. The floor, hurt, shocked and angry.

"Don't you want to save Hunter's father?" Zha Kang was already prepared. Not only did he land firmly on the ground, he immediately floated out of the window and got into the half-collapsed house of secrets.

When Xanadu and Frankenstein climbed out of the ruins, they saw Constantine jumping out of the window of the House of Secrets with a middle-aged man in his arms.

"You have become the new owner of the House of Secrets?" Madam Xanadu asked in surprise.

The House of Secrets and the House of Mystery don’t look too big from the outside, but can open up endless space inside.

Countless rooms are like a maze, and each room can change scenes and constantly change locations.

Without the help of the "house spirit" in the house of secrets, it would be impossible for outsiders to find the people and things hidden in the house.

"Nick is dead. If you don't take it down immediately, it will disappear. By then, all the living people in the house will become dead ghosts, and even their souls will not be recovered."

After a pause, Zha Kang added: "If you are interested in the House of Secrets, I can give it to you for free."

"No need, I'm very satisfied with the current Lishan hut." Xanadu shook his head repeatedly.

Lishan represents the greatest auspiciousness in the world, but the House of Secrets represents the greatest uncertainty in the world.

She has lived for thousands of years and will not be tempted by the benefits of the House of Secrets.

Zha Kang put Tim's father in front of her, "He is unconscious, he must have been fed some magic potion.

You return him to the House of Mystery and give him a good check. "

Just as they were talking, the broken House of Mystery and the House of Secrets were rapidly restoring themselves. They had only collided with each other, and the damage was not too serious. At this time, they had been fully restored.

Zha Kang grabbed Tim Hunter who was following Xanadu, "Your father is taken care of by Mrs. Xanadu, and you can't help him if you go.

Now that the plot of the Book of Magic is about to enter the High Dynasty, it’s your turn as the protagonist. "

"Me? What do I want to do?" Tim was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the four icicles in the square.

Faust, Baron Winster and other powerful masters still refused to give up. They opened the defensive shield and used various magic to release the seal on the icicles. The icicles did not move at all, and the lightning they emitted became denser and more powerful.

"They are still there and haven't left." Tim stared at the magic book on the icicle, his eyes gradually blurred, and murmured: "I don't know how to describe it, it's like a voice is calling me, asking me to open it. it."

"Now that the four icicles have been summoned by Nick, everyone can see the magic book on the icicles." Zha Kang lit a cigarette for himself and said slowly: "Honestly, you have no other choice. This is your life."

Tim walked forward step by step in silence, Zha Kang followed him, and Frankenstein and other heroes of the Dark Alliance quickly followed.

"Be careful, Constantine and the others are coming!" Faust shouted to his companions.

"The Son of Destiny is about to realize his destiny, why don't you get out quickly? You must wait until the punishment of destiny comes to you to realize how stupid you are?" Zha Kang said with a smile.

"Fight them, kill Constantine, and seize Tim Hunter's 'Hunter' bloodline!" Dark Thorn's voice was as loud as thunder, but his body was slowly retreating.

The other super villains just watched Tim and his team gradually approach the icicles at the edge of the square. They were all concentrated and ready to attack, but they did not rush to stop them.

Without any strange magical phenomena, Tim Hunter directly stretched out his hand and took a thick brown-covered magic book into his hand without any obstacles.

"Damn it, this kid is indeed the destined one. Only he can get the Book of Magic." Faust looked ugly, and the other villain mages made eye contact with each other, and they were all eager to try.

Tim didn't care about their reactions and opened the book immediately after getting it.

The moment the book page was opened, a bright white magic light shot out from the book, followed by a mechanical voice: "Welcome back, Mr. Hunter, we are opening the passage home for you, please wait a moment. "

It is not the language of any country on earth, but everyone can understand it, because it is the most basic magic language in the earth's magic world, and it is the language used by most spells today.

Zha Kang and the Dark Zhenglian Mage beside him immediately put their heads together, wanting to see the legendary first book of white magic.

Unfortunately, there are only complicated drawings like circuit diagrams on the pages, which are completely incomprehensible.

"Is this really the Book of Magic? Why does it look like a technological creation?" Dead Man Boston asked strangely.

"Obviously, it is the Book of Magic. Didn't you hear what it just said? It's going to open the way home." Zha Kang turned around and looked around, hesitating: "Are you sure you want to enter the land of white magic? If I expected Yes, as long as you get close to Tim, it’s best to hold hands with him, and you’ll be able to—"

Before he finished speaking, Tim Hunter spoke again from the "Book of Magic" in his hand: "The portal has been opened, prepare to transfer!"

"Buzz!" Tim Hunter suddenly turned into a 5,000-watt incandescent lamp, and every pore in his body was spraying out bright magic light.

His body also involuntarily left the ground and floated slowly into the air.

His behavior was a bit strange. He neither panicked nor greeted the heroes of the Dark Zhenglian. He only had his eyes closed and his expression was dull.

It's like the brain is receiving some mysterious information.

Zha Kang stood on the ground, his face changing rapidly, his eyes full of desire and hesitation, but his words were very simple: "Make a decision quickly, Tim is about to disappear, should we go to the land of white magic?"


A plant arm composed of vines stretched out from a distance and grabbed Tim's right wrist.

It's a dark thorn.

Zha Kang sensed a premonition of crisis, and was a little afraid and repulsed by the legendary land of white magic, so he hesitated to move. Apart from excitement and greed, Faust's group of fallen mages had no abnormal feelings, and they all hugged the darkness. Thorns, and then the dark thorns capture Tim.

"Buzz!" The white light on Tim's body became brighter and brighter, and there was almost only a shadow left on Tim's body, which would disappear in the next moment.

"Why are you hesitating? Don't let Faust and the others hurt Tim!"

Frankenstein jumped into the air and slashed the dark thorn's vine arms with his magic sword.

But Dark Thorn has decided to fight for his life. He would rather consume his source to grow new branches and vines to repair the damaged arm than let go.

Zha Kang sighed helplessly, jumped into the air and grabbed Tim's other arm. Almost everyone else, including Xanadu who ran out of the Mysterious House after hearing the noise, rushed towards Tim at the same time as him and disappeared at the same time. in white light.


The legendary "Book of Magic" fell from mid-air, and everyone disappeared.

A pair of blue trousers and leather shoes appeared out of thin air and landed next to the book of magic. The owner of the leather shoes slowly bent down. Wearing a dark blue windbreaker and a dark blue wide-brimmed hat, he was clearly the stranger.

He picked up the "Book of Magic" and flipped through a few pages, when a loud trumpet sounded in the sky.

"The Sky Eye Society has obtained permission from the relevant departments to officially take over Nanda Mountain. No one is allowed to move!"


With the sound of propellers stirring the sky, seventeen or eight helicopters surrounded us from all directions.

The stranger bent down again, gently put down the "Book of Magic", and disappeared as silently as when he came.

Another world, in a green forest with thick trees.


The hero of the Dark Alliance had just passively completed an interdimensional ultra-long-distance teleportation. His head was still dizzy and he was not quite awake, when he heard a familiar yet unfamiliar old female voice wailing in his ears.

"Help, come and help me, Constantine, Xiao Zha, help me!"

"Xanadu, is that you?"

Xiao Zha and Zha Kang rubbed their temples and got up from the ground, looking in the direction where the howling sound came from.

With just one glance, the two of them were shocked and dumbfounded, "Omaika, what's wrong with you?"

Although the former Madam Xanadu had lived for thousands of years, her skin was as delicate as a twenty-eight-year-old beauty, her hair was black and thick, her figure was curvy, sexy and full of mystery.

Fairy Nimue definitely deserves her reputation.

At this time, Madam Xanadu's hair had all turned into dry, withered gray hair, like the hair of a dead person.

The face, which is full of collagen, is shriveled and gray, like dried orange peel.

The chicken skin on her cheeks dropped like bags under her eyes.

The white and neat teeth were missing, the mouth looked like a saggy buttocks, and most of the teeth were missing.

She likes to wear cheongsam, and today she also wore a purple sleeveless and high-slit tight cheongsam.

The exposed skin is the same as the face, extremely old, like a corpse crawling out of a tomb.

The two firm breasts turned into two dry eggplants that had lost their moisture, almost hanging down to the navel.

"Help me, help me, I'm getting older. What is this place? What has it done to me?" The old man screamed in horror.

"What are we going to do?" Xiao Zha was a little frightened by her appearance, and he quickly lowered his head and looked at himself.

Very good, still youthful and energetic, not aging.

Zha Kang only glanced at Xanadu, then quickly stood up and looked at the surrounding environment with a vigilant expression.

They were lying on the grass, surrounded by a forest of tall trees.

Only Xanadu, Boston, Frankenstein, Xiao Zha and him were seen, but Tim, Xuanlan, Faust and others were not seen.

Everyone teleported at the same time, but they dispersed during the teleportation process and ended up in different places.

"I feel great now. This place is great. There is energetic natural magic everywhere. I feel like I can use forbidden spells as ordinary magic like a god."

Zatanna's face was full of joy. She spread her hands and spread her fingers slightly. Without entering a meditative state, a large amount of magic elements gathered in her palms, forming two dazzling magic light balls.

And she could clearly feel that all the cells in her body seemed to be soaked in "super nutrient solution". She was full of energy like never before, and her whole body felt lazy and very comfortable.

She wanted to lie down on the grass and have a good sleep.

"This place is too scary. Do something quickly to stop it from hurting me!" Xanadu covered his face and cried.

Xiao Zha no longer indulged in self-indulgence, and quickly pulled Zha Kang up to Shangdu, looking anxious and worried, "What is her condition? Why is it that Shangdu was suddenly taken away from her life force when we were all fine?"

Zha Kang frowned, his eyes flashed with a faint magical light, and he glanced back and forth on Xanadu.

"I don't know. I hate to admit it, but I'm scared right now." He hesitated.

"What are you afraid of?"

Frankenstein and Boston also came over, one on the left and the other on the right, helping Mrs. Xanadu up from the ground.

"Before I came, there was a strong sense of crisis in my spiritual sense. Now..." Constantine looked around. The surrounding environment was beautiful and peaceful, with no enemies.

But his brows furrowed even more tightly.

"I feel uncomfortable that my truth is being peeped by others. I can't even lie here, and I can't activate the law of 'smart words, persuasion' - shit, I really can't lie anymore."

His expression changed and he quickly closed his mouth.

"What do you mean?" Frankenstein was confused. "You'd better check your body carefully. She seems to be dying."

"Don't worry, she's just being pretentious." Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind him.

"Harley?!" Zha Kang's eyes widened. He was shocked at first, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face, "The Sky Eye Club really didn't let go of the Book of Magic! You were near Nanda Peak just now, right?"

"Hey, Harley, why are you here?" Frankenstein turned around and stared at Harley for a few seconds. He rubbed his eyes with confusion on his face to make sure he was not dazzled, and then continued to shout: " What's going on, why are you here? Where are we?"

"Harley, save me, woo woo woo"

Seeing Harley, Mrs. Xanadu felt like she had seen a great savior. She immediately rushed to her, hugged her and cried loudly.

"Stop being pretentious, you've got nothing wrong, stand up quickly, stand still!" Harley grabbed her arm and lifted her up hard, her movements were very rough, and she didn't worry about her old friend's safety at all.

"Hypocritical? I'm already like this, and you still call me hypocritical?!" Shangdu covered his face, crying louder and feeling more aggrieved.

"Harley." Xiao Zha had ten thousand questions in his mind, and finally opened his mouth and advised: "Stop joking, save Xanadu first, let her regain her vitality, and make us feel at ease."

"She was fine, but she usually wears too much makeup and uses too many beauty products. One day she looked in the mirror without makeup and was shocked by her true appearance." Halle said angrily as she stared at her.

"Is this her true face?"

The mages were stunned for a while, and those who knew Xanadu already looked thoughtful.

Xanadu himself seemed to have thought of something, and continued to cover his face with his hands, but stopped crying.

Harley glanced at Zha Kang strangely and said, "I admire you a little. Not to mention the power of the God King, you don't even have the laws of the gods, but you can see through the essence of this world at a glance."

"There is something wrong with the laws of this world. Will it force us to reveal our true selves?" Zha Kang asked.

Harley did not answer, but asked: "The 'Law of Wise Words' is the master law of lying that you have understood? You are so powerful, you have understood a law specifically for lying.

No wonder men, women, old and young, gods, demons and ghosts will all be deceived by your lies.

Your lies have become close to the Tao and have become instinctive disguises (ps). "

Zha Kang wanted to shake his head in denial, but he couldn't; he wanted to lie seriously as usual, but after opening his mouth, he couldn't help but speak the truth.

There was obvious struggle on his face, and his expression even became a little distorted, but he finally said "hmm".

Harley chuckled and said, "You are indeed powerful, but no matter how powerful your magical powers are, they are still not as high as your realm.

You, a mere little grandmaster, will never be able to resist the laws and regulations set by the 'True Half-Step God King'. "

All mages desperately want to improve their realm, but they can't.

Only Zha Kang did the opposite and only studied magic techniques, insisting not to increase his magic power or improve his realm.

On weekdays, he can make up for the lack of realm with superb skills, but in the competition of law and power, realm is king, and skills are useless.

Just like in martial arts, when the two palms are against each other and fighting each other's internal strength, no matter how good the swordsmanship or boxing skills are, they can't help.

"Harley, don't do charades, we don't understand," cried "Dead Man" Boston.

Harley looked at him strangely, looked him up and down, and asked, "Boston, haven't you noticed the changes in yourself?"

"What's wrong with me? I'm already a 'dead person' and will never grow older." Boston wondered.

"No, you are already alive. Moro Kushner's law of death has failed here." Harley turned to Xanadu again, "Just like Xanadu's 'Youth Potion' lost its magic in the land of white magic.

For another example, high-tech instruments will lose their original functions when they come to a different world where the physical constants change. "

"Dead Man" Boston was an acrobat before his death. He wore an "undead hood" on his head and a tight red costume to imitate ghosts.

This is also the reason why he got the name "Dead Man". When he was alive, others called him "Dead Man Boston".

After that, death became a soul, and he kept the ghost costume he had when he died.

After hearing what Harley said, he immediately reached out and touched his face.

It is no longer an illusion, the leather hood on the face is very textured and feels real.

He was excited and quickly opened the ghost leather cover, revealing the face of a handsome middle-aged man.

Just like the hood, it's extremely real.

"Goddess Moro Kushner, I'm really resurrected!" Boston rubbed his face happily, "Is living my true face?"

Harley lowered her head and looked at the earth, "This world has an underworld and its own rules of death. The death rules of the goddess of death conflict with it and were miserably suppressed.

After you were shot and killed, the moment your soul left the body, you may have been blessed by the goddess Moro Kushner earlier and directly became the "dead man" Boston.

Strictly speaking, although you have been dead for many years, you have never entered the realm of death.

Now, Moro Kushner's magical power has not expired, it has just been sealed. When you return to Earth, if you die again, you can still become "Dead Man Boston". "

"Hey, I don't want to die, I want to live, I want to find Bai Ge and marry her," Boston said with a longing smile.

The white dove in The White Dove and the War Eagle once became a couple with him after the White Sun incident.

However, a ghost in Boston could not satisfy Bai Ge's young and lively body, and the two eventually parted ways.

"Harley, is Xanadu really okay? I feel that she is much weaker than before. Isn't this a sign of losing her vitality?" Frankenstein asked worriedly.

"It's just a psychological effect, just like when ordinary people are frightened, their bodies will become weak and they won't be able to exert their strength."

Xanadu still covered his face with his hands, staggered to Harry's side, and begged: "You are the God King, you can definitely resist the laws of this world, please help me."

Harley asked: "Do you still have the youth potion on you?"

Mrs. Xanadu shook her head, "One potion can last for a month. I just replenished the potion."

Harley spread her hands and said helplessly: "There is no other way. As long as you stay by my side, I can help you shield yourself from the influence of the laws of the world of the Land of White Magic.

But it is a foregone conclusion that you will return to your original state. I am not good at the laws of life and cannot exert the magic of youth on you. "

She did not age because of a curse, but it was the curse that made her become young from aging.

Aging is her true face, and youthful vitality is the abnormal state that has been enchanted.

Nimiao, the forest nymph, is good at preparing potions that preserve youth and immortality.

Even if she is deceived by strangers and loses her status as a fairy, is rejected by the earth beneath her feet, and can only flee to Eurasia as a mortal, Xanadu can still rely on magic potions to maintain youth and immortality.

But the magic potion has a flaw that is not a flaw: it is time-sensitive and cannot be used once and for all.

It must be taken continuously, as once you stop using it, you will lose your youth and immortality.

During the French Revolution, Xanadu met strangers again, was tricked again, and was imprisoned by soldiers from the old revolutionary base. The potion of youth began to lose its effectiveness.

Unable to escape, unable to prepare magic potions, he gradually aged and was on the verge of death.

In the end, she took a risk and bet her life with her second sister using tarot cards: if she won the bet, her second sister would never take the initiative to pick her up - she would not die of natural old age.

Because Xanadu received the blessing of his second sister in his old age, she will live forever in her old age.

The second sister's blessing is not to remain young forever, but to freeze in time and no longer age.

Fortunately, there are magic potions everywhere, which can help her regain her youth and vitality.

The Land of White Magic didn't curse Xanadu, it just stripped her of the miraculous effect and restored her to her original state. Of course, no matter how strong the rules of the Land of White Magic are, they can't be stronger than the second sister. It can bring Boston back to life, but it can't deprive her of it. Du's second sister gave her blessing and made her burp.

"You don't need to be embarrassed." Harley pulled down Xanadu's hands covering his face and comforted him: "We are all your friends and your logging tired.

Facing outsiders requires makeup and beauty.

Even in front of me who is tired of cutting wood, my refreshing bare makeup will not attract any strange looks. "

Everyone looked at Xanadu's old face with strange eyes.

——So old!

They sighed in their hearts.

"That's my face. It's the real me. It's not a beauty look. I never wear makeup. I'm totally confident with my bare face!" Xanadu shouted.

"How about I send you away from the land of white magic now? Go home, make a new bottle of magic potion, and you will be young and beautiful immediately. You won't be scolded by the audience if you go to Hollywood to play a 'girl'." Harley said.

Everyone was a little moved, "Can I come in again after I leave?"

Harley shook her head, "Maybe, maybe not, it depends on what the master of the world thinks."

"Who is the master of the world?"

Harley looked up at the sky, "Like you, I followed Tim Hunter's portal in.

As soon as I landed, before I had time to inquire about the situation, I heard you crying and howling. In fact, you just returned to your old appearance, and your strength has not weakened at all.

People in this world don’t know you either. As long as you keep a calm mind, it will have almost no impact. "

"You don't want to come with us and want to leave alone?" Zha Kang heard her subtext.

Harley said: "I am very pressed for time. I will go back to the main universe after walking around and understanding the basic situation, which may not even take ten minutes.

You have to find Hunter, accompany him on all kinds of adventures, and finally witness his coronation as king. If it doesn’t take ten days and a half, it will definitely not be over. "

"Aren't you going to plunder the natural magic power of this place?" Xiao Zha asked doubtfully.

"Is there really pure 'natural magic' here?" Harley asked.

Xiao Zha reached out and grabbed a ball of shining magic light, "Isn't this pure enough? I can sense that they have no owner. They are definitely the first-hand natural magic left by the goddess of magic Hecate."

"It's true that they don't have an owner now, but that may not happen next." Harley said.

"What's the meaning?"

Harley shook her head, "I have a lot of ideas in my mind, and I'm planning to verify them now."

She turned around and glanced at them, "I'm leaving, please be careful and don't run around!

The energy level of this world is very high, more powerful than the kingdoms of most god kings.

As the saying goes, if the pond is deep, the fish will be fat.

If the energy level of the world is high, there must be many powerful beings that can threaten your lives.

First find Tim Hunter. He is the protagonist and the son of the plane in this world. If you follow him, everything will go smoothly and everything will turn into good luck. "

Ps: In the comics, there is no setting of understanding the law, and it is not said that Zha Kang has understood the law of lying. However, after entering the land of white magic, he did reveal his nature of telling lies and telling lies as if they were true.

Madam Xanadu returns to her old state, because youthful vitality is an appearance created by magic, and her essence is an old person; Constantine cannot lie, because the liar is his essence.

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