I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1934 The decisive battle against the grudge

"Have you carefully checked the abnormality on Circe? Did you secretly observe it at that time?"

At Lishan Manor, Zha Kang, who had transformed from a green frog to a normal person, looked at Harley and asked.

Harley shook her head and said, "I know clearly that Circe avoids you because she is afraid of me and worried that I will do something to her, so why would I sneak aside and observe secretly when you call her?

No matter how clever I am, her sense of crisis will still be felt. "

"We are forcing the summons this time, and she has to respond to us." Zha Kang said.

Harley glanced at him and mocked: "Do you really think you can forcefully summon her?

You can't even resist her transformation spell.

The dignified gods of the three series, including the 'True Knowledge', who had insight into opportunities and understood the essence, still could not avoid her magic.

He couldn't break free of the spell on his own afterwards.

He needs the help of Diana's thick skin to recover.

You have to understand clearly that Cersei is not a god on the surface!

And her transformation spell has been known for thousands of years. "

The rules of the DC cultivation world are not that the older the spells and cultivation methods are, the more advanced they are.

This is different from the classical immortals who studied archeology and cultivated immortals.

The older the spell, the longer it has been exposed, the wider it is circulated in the mage circle, and the easier it is for young talents and rising stars to find ways to break it.

It's a bit like the martial arts skills in the Gu Long martial arts world.

Before the move is used, it is invincible and unstoppable. Once someone sees it, even if it is only seen once, the move is useless. People will figure out a way to break it, and then kill it with one move.

Therefore, the "Cersei Transformation Curse", which has become a legendary trick in myths and legends, should be easily restrained by geniuses like Zha Kang.

The fact is that Zha Kang, who has become a god, does not even have a chance to resist. After being attacked, it is difficult to remove the magic on his body by his own strength.

"It's not that I can't break free from Circe's transformation spell on my own, it's just that the thick-skinned power can speed up the process."

Zha Kang argued awkwardly at first, and then said solemnly: "It is not shameful for me to be turned into a frog by Circe.

In other words, the fact that I, a dignified spirit from the third lineage, was turned into a frog by Circe's move, shows that Circe is very abnormal.

Her strength is not consistent with her status as 'Wonder Woman's lifelong enemy', nor is it consistent with her past of being overturned by Wonder Woman with sudden bursts of power when the situation is good. "

Harley asked: "What did you talk to her about? Did she agree to join Master Zatara's final plan?"

"Did you really not eavesdrop?" Diana was a little surprised.

Harry said calmly: "You regard Circe as a life-saving straw and the most important, core and indispensable part of the plan.

But I don’t even have high expectations for your core plan, so how can I possibly value her as much as you do?

If I really put a lot of hope in her, you should feel despair at this time. "

She really wasn't pretending.

Giovanni Zatara's plan did surprise her.

The plan involved Chaos Magic and Chaos Irony Magic successively, which was also beyond her expectation, making her feel that Giovanni's plan was "very predictable".

Then Circe, who plans the final step, should be more worth looking forward to.

But before the Ruby of Life appeared, Harley already had her own plan, and had enough confidence and strength to cope with any changes.

Moreover, she also knew that Giovanni's plan could not be hidden from the Upside Down Man, and it was even possible that the Upside Down Man was behind the scenes to make Giovanni's plan go smoothly. Therefore, no matter whether Lao Zha's plan was completed or not, the Upside Down Man could not be solved.

If you don't deal with the Inverted Man but only deal with the Grudge, you may be able to gain a lot of magical power, but the magic debt crisis will not end.

Lao Zha's purpose is probably just to obtain magic power so that he and his daughter can survive the magic debt crisis.

Harley's smallest goal is to solve the grievances and weirdness and completely end the magic debt crisis.

Therefore, Lao Zha can rely on her and look forward to her actions, but she must not place her hopes on Lao Zha's plan.

If the Life Ruby appears around the "Earth Magic Alliance Conference", Harley will be looking forward to Lao Zha's plan.

At that time, she had never been in contact with the Inverted Man or the Grudge, and did not understand the specific effects of magic debt on her. She did not have the level 10 magic (divine power) defense expertise, and she felt very confused.

It is very meaningful to her to have a "grand plan" that has been planned for decades and involves many big bosses as a reference.

It's completely different now.

Now she is still curious about Lao Zha's plan, but she will not have any psychological or behavioral dependence, nor will she have high expectations.

“Cersei didn’t say much.”

Constantine recounted the conversation between several people in detail, and then said: "Cersei can teach the 'Witchfires' to awaken and control the magical power in the Seal of March, which should be the most useful piece of information.

Why can she teach others?

Since she can teach others, she must be very skilled in activating and controlling the Seal of March.

Are there really only four witches marked by the resentment: Diana, Endo, Xuan Lan, and Wu Huo? "

Harley nodded slightly and said thoughtfully: "The Ruby of Life appeared after the 'Witch Fires' were harvested by the Grudges, and Master Zatara's plan very much needs the 'Witch Fires' as the 'Chaos Irony Little Za'. helper.

Since Master Zatara regards Cirsi as the final link in the plan, Cirsi will definitely be able to fill the 'ostensible' loopholes in the plan.

We feel that there is a flaw in Master Zatara's plan and that the Life Ruby appeared too late.

In fact, Zatara's plan allowed for an error in the time when the Life Ruby appeared. "

Diana's eyes widened and she said in disbelief: "Cersi is the last 'Witch Fire'. She was also branded with the Seal of March by Hecate herself. She has even activated and absorbed the magic that Hecate stored in her body. Soul fragments and magical powers?”

"It's possible, or there could be other reasons." Harley mused: "When the Seal of March awakened, there was a lot of movement.

When Wu Huo was forced to activate the Seal of March in the Forgotten Bar, the majestic fluctuations of magic power were felt even by me who was far away in the old site of Heaven Realm.

If Circe is a normal 'Witch Fire', no matter how clever her methods are, activating the Seal of March on Earth cannot be hidden from me, nor from the Order God System. "

Zatanna said: "But Circe can teach Diana how to use the Seal of March, so her technique must be more familiar. Maybe she suppresses the magic fluctuations with her superb skills?"

Harley said: "If she can secretly fuse magical power and Hecate's soul fragments with skill, then she is obviously not a 'normal' marked witch.

Where did she get her superb skills?

Why did the resentful woman let her go and let her steal his soul fragments and magical powers? "

"Why?" Zatanna asked confused.

Harley shrugged, "I can only point out the doubt points, but I cannot give all the answers to the questions."

Diana glanced at her first, and when she opened her mouth to speak, she looked back at Xiao Zha and Constantine, who looked thoughtful, and changed her words: "Xiao Zha, John, what do you think we should do now?

Circe doesn't want to cooperate with us.

Master Zatara's plan cannot be carried out. What do you think? "

She originally planned to ask Harley to immediately implement "Harley's own rescue plan to attack the enemy", but Lao Zha's plan was completely thrown away.

But before she spoke, she thought that Lao Zha's plan also included saving Lao Zha, so if she just gave up, Xiao Zha would definitely be dissatisfied.

Xiao Zha looked hesitant, looked at Harry, who looked indifferent, and then turned to look at her husband.

Constantine coughed twice and said: "Since we guess that Circe is the last 'Witch Fire' and has full control of the magical power and the soul fragment belonging to Hecate, she also clearly said that she can summon the resentful woman. .

More and more we cannot give up finding her and convincing her.

As long as she is willing to join us, Xiao Zha's father's plan will be complete.

Chaos Irony Magician, Chaos Magic blessing the Seal of March, and Harley taking care of it for us, it’s perfect! "

Diana asked: "How to convince Circe?"

"She is your 'lifelong enemy', and you know her best." Constantine stared at her.

Diana smiled bitterly and said: "I thought I knew her before, but now she feels very strange to me."

Of course she knew how to convince Circe to team up with them, and then Hali and Laozha's complete plan would be even more perfect!

But she knew even more that with Cersei's performance today, there was no way she could change her mind.

Constantine said slowly: "The reason why Circe rejected us is because of fear, extreme fear of Harley.

Now we also understand why she is afraid of Harley and even dare not show up in person.

There may be magical power hidden in her body, and she is worried that Harley will attack her. "

Finally he turned his attention to Harley.

Harley said calmly: "I will chop myself to death with one palm. I will kill myself completely. She will probably be able to let go of her fear and have no choice but to cooperate with you."

"We have no choice." Zha Kang was stunned for a moment and fell silent with a helpless expression.

Zatanna pursed her lips, "I don't believe that Circe wants nothing from us. How could she agree to cooperate with my father if she doesn't get any benefits from us?

The Demon Lord is also afraid of Harley. He was found by us because he has thoughts about the magical power in Harley's hands.

Circe herself is a marked witch, so she naturally has no shortage of magical powers.

But she is still in my father's plan, what does that mean?

She may have magical powers in her hands, but they are not hers and she cannot keep them.

She needs our strength to deal with the grievances. "

Zha Kang sighed: "That's the problem. When no one could solve the problem, Circe deigned to cooperate with your mortal father.

Now as long as Harley hasn't completely failed or died, Circe doesn't need to cooperate with anyone, make any compromises, or engage in intrigues. "

He had already understood what Xiao Zha said.

He also wanted to persuade Harley, but Harley's "no choice" made him completely lose his mind and could only remain silent.

It was obvious that Harley had been a spectator and could see things more clearly than they did.

Xiao Zha was startled and murmured: "Cersei wants to use Harley to solve the problem of resentment, while she hides on the side and is safe and at ease?"

Zha Kang nodded lightly and said helplessly: "What Circe can get from your father's plan, Harley can satisfy her better. She doesn't even need to show up or take risks during the whole process.

So there's absolutely no need for her to pay any more attention to your father's decades-old plans.

Alas, I don’t blame your father for not thinking carefully. His plan was really great and thorough. However, in just a few decades, there was such a weird girl like Harley in the world.

Even if he had met Harley, he would never have imagined that Harley could achieve what she has today. "

Harry glanced at him sideways and said, "I just think you are worshiping me."

"You can just take it as a compliment and admiration."

Zha Kang shook his head and said with emotion on his face: "To be honest, compared to you who rely entirely on backstage and 'God descends to earth' to rush and fight, I admire my old father-in-law more.

With the wisdom of mortals, the gods would not dare to scheme, and sacrificing one's life to enter the game will only lose half a day. How courageous and courageous is it? "

——Have you ever thought that you are also a pawn on your old father-in-law’s chessboard?

Harley wanted to ridicule him, but she also agreed with Zha Kang's words in her heart.

With Lao Zha's level as a mere magic master, it's really shocking and admirable that he can plan to this point.

What's even more awesome is that Lao Zha, who is so old and cunning, has been a bright and majestic "righteous leader" throughout his life. He is praised by the world and is regarded as a "senior" with both virtue and art.

Harley knows how to scheme, but she is notorious as a "Witch Harley" who is dishonest and mercenary. No one except her friends dares to trust her. It is clear that she is the one who turns the tide and contributes the most in every crisis. Although every time there is a crisis, she Also get the most.

"Harry, you have guessed what Circe is thinking. Will you let her get what she wants?" Diana asked hesitantly.

She cares more about her mother and the Amazon female warriors on Paradise Island than Lao Zha's courage and courage.

The sooner the grudge is dealt with, the safer Hippolyta will be after being harvested.

Being harvested does not mean everything is "GAMEOVER".

The debt can be discharged by killing it completely before the creditor even thinks about the debt.

There may still be hidden dangers left, but solving them is infinitely better than facing the harvest head-on.

Her mother is not a "witch fire" and can remain in the spiritual space of the moon exterior for several days.

If she is completely taken back by the grudge, she may not be able to hold on to her "last obsession" for even one minute.

But Diana now also understands Circe's plan. It would be beneficial to her mother to deal with the grudge immediately, but she also fell into Circe's trick.

"As long as we don't care about Circe, Circe's thoughts won't affect us." Harley said.

It is impossible to have no impact at all, but the real impact is not now.

Only when Circe becomes the ultimate winner, she doesn't need to be the biggest winner. As long as she can "preserve her capital" and then be complacent and laugh at Harley for voluntarily entering the game and becoming her pawn, Harley will have troubled thoughts, murderous intent in her chest, and depression. Not allowed to dissolve.

Can Sersi be the ultimate winner?

In order to prevent the thoughts from flowing freely and the murderous intention in her chest to not be relieved, Harley decided to send that guy away first when she got the chance.

"You mean, we completely give up our plan to continue communicating with Circe?" Diana asked.

After speaking, she glanced at Xiao Zha again and couldn't help but said: "Without Cirsi's participation, can we finally rescue Master Zatara?"

"I don't know." Harley shook her head and said frankly: "After all, my plan is not equal to Master Zatara's plan.

The only part of his plan that seemed to include dealing with Hecate.

According to my plan, I will definitely have a hard fight with Hecate and the Upside Down.

I will try my best to kill them, but even if I can't kill them, I will interrupt their strategic goals.

But going to the strange motherland to save people is the follow-up plan after victory.

I'm interested in the strange motherland, but I don't necessarily want to go there.

Solving the magic debt crisis is the key.

Only after the crisis is over and I have free time and opportunity can I be willing to venture into the dragon's den and the tiger's den, otherwise I won't trust the Gotham family. "

According to her own opinion, Lao Zha was just an old bastard. He didn't plot against her, but his plot affected her and made her feel uncomfortable. She didn't want to save him even if she could.

But she has no friendship with Lao Zha, but she is friends with Xiao Zha.

Be sincere to your friends first.

Secondly, don’t treat your friends as your subordinates. You only want to ask for help, but don’t want to be someone’s support when needed. When Harley wanted to attack the Garden of Destiny, Xiao Zha, Xanadu, and Zha Kang did not refuse. , Xiao Zha didn’t go because she didn’t want to go, it was because she took the initiative to sign up and was rejected by Halle.

Harley may not like Lao Zha, and even refuse to help Lao Zha when Xiao Zha does not take the initiative to ask for help.

But she must not deceive Xiao Zha, saying nice words on the surface, such as, 'I will save your father', 'Your father will be fine', etc., but when she really gets the chance, she refuses to save him.

I even secretly cheated on him once, so that he would be punished for his evil deeds, and I was secretly happy and thinking freely.

If Xiao Zha takes the initiative to ask for help, Harley also agrees. Even if she doesn't like Lao Zha in her heart, even if she encounters danger when rescuing people, she will not hesitate when encountering an opportunity and will take action when it is time to do so. Save people when you need to.

It’s not like Harley doesn’t understand rejection.

She will agree to a reasonable request; if it is unreasonable, even if it is a friend, she will not only refuse, but also sneer in person, or there will be sarcasm in her words, which will make the other person blush with embarrassment and embarrassment.

Saving his own father is certainly a reasonable request.

How can a person who doesn't even care about his biological father who loves him deserve to be a human being?

Even a rotten person like Harley's father in this life, Harley fished him out of hell and gave him a chance to become a "Radar Man".

He is no longer worthy of being a human being, and certainly not worthy of being her friend.

Xiao Zha didn't understand the various distracting thoughts running through Harley's mind, but he understood her straightforward and frank words.

With a look of hesitation and worry on her face, she asked, "Harry, what are your specific plans?"

"Do you know what the Inverted Man and the Resentful Woman have been up to lately?" Harley asked.

Xiao Zha asked doubtfully: "Aren't you harvesting the magic plane?"

Harley sighed: "Harvesting the magic plane is just to accumulate strength and power, and harvesting the magic plane and the mages in the universe one by one is too inefficient.

The resentful woman has taken control of the basic law system of the earth, you already know this.

After mastering the basic law system of the earth, the resentful woman has been able to modify magic from the root.

You have also felt the results of the magic modification.

Now the resentful woman is taking a step further. She wants to use the heavenly realm as the fulcrum to leverage the basic law system of the entire multiverse.

To put it simply, it is to seize control of the basic law system of the multiverse just like mastering the basic law system of the earth. "

"How is this possible? The basic laws of the universe cannot be controlled by anyone." Diana looked full of doubt.

"It's not like you think that you can directly control the basic laws." Harley shook her head and asked, "Do you think the life law system and the elemental law system established by the Order God System are powerful?"

"Needless to say? Even you are eyeing the legacy of the Order God System." Diana said.

Harry chuckled and said softly: "The God of Order is just imitating the gods.

What they are doing now is just the remnants of the gods' early days.

The most powerful thing is not the God of Order, but the oldest group of old gods.

Heaven is more than just the abode of the gods.

The entire heaven realm is to the multiverse, just like the basic law system of the earth established by the God of Order is to the earth and the entire material universe. "

"Ah, you are saying that the gods intend to replace the original basic laws of the universe with their own law systems, thereby gaining the power of the laws of the entire multiverse?" Diana asked in surprise.

"That's basically what it means, but 'replacing' is not appropriate. The law system established by the gods only assists the operation of the basic laws. The two exist at the same time and complement each other, making the building of the multiverse more beautiful.

If the multiverse is a building, the basic laws of the universe are rough houses.

People can live in rough houses, but they are uncomfortable.

It’s not that the rough housing building itself is uncomfortable. In fact, since there are no owners smashing walls or drilling holes for decoration, the building is less burdensome and more relaxed.

It's the people in the house who find the rough house uncomfortable to live in.

So they made various decorations on the house.

The Ancient Gods were the ones who invented decoration. They originally decorated the earth with the "Ancient Divine Wind".

Later, he changed to improved housing and moved to Limbo to build his own large villa.

When a second-hand old house fell into the hands of humans, the God of Order recognized itself as the owner's representative and replaced the 'ancient divine wind' with the current 'system of order and law'.

The system of order and law is far more suitable for human beings than the ancient divine wind.

The prosperity of human owners in recent years cannot be separated from a beautiful family environment, but it does not mean that owners cannot live without decoration.

Without decoration, the house will not collapse and the owner will not die.

Since decoration is not necessary, the power brought by decoration is not absolute.

Just because Naboo has the power to control the basic laws of the earth does not mean that he can do whatever he wants and is invincible.

I can smash ten Naboos on the earth who hold the power of the basic laws of the earth.

The ‘right to decorate’ is mainly reflected in the operation of magical energy and laws.

Just like you have control over the decoration of the house, you have the final say where your family will sleep, where they will go to the toilet, and where the water pipes and wires will go. "

Diana frowned and said, "But there is more than just heaven in Limbo."

"Yes, back on earth, the ancient gods were able to dominate and decorate their own houses at will.

When he moved to Limbo and planned to resume his old business, he discovered that there were several villas next to his own villa.

Since he is not the sole owner, he naturally cannot monopolize the decoration rights of the entire house like he did on Earth.

Heaven and hell only care about one-third of an acre of their own land. As long as others don't interfere with the room they live in, they won't make any noise.

The Endless family are honest people. As long as the decoration does not affect the health of the house, don't demolish load-bearing walls and columns, and don't dig holes and expand randomly, the old gods can do whatever they want.

The New Gods are very motivated and want to compete for the position of 'owner representatives of decoration'. However, they are just a group of second-rate dealers who do not understand decoration themselves and can only sell the decoration plans of the Old Gods.

Therefore, the decoration style of the fifth world is basically set by the old gods.

Since the birth of the multiverse to the present, the newly born laws have almost all come from the ‘old gods’.

Well, magic practitioners are also considered to be of the Old God lineage. "

"The heaven has been destroyed, and the gods are running away to death." Diana said.

"Isn't it true that the God of Order died and ran away? The owner ran away, but the decoration of the house was still there.

I only complain about the part of the legal power brought by decoration.

That is, the power of the basic law system.

Mastering the power of the basic laws of the earth, the resentment has the advantage of being at home on the earth. It can modify the appearance of the tree council at will and control the life, death and destiny of the mages related to the green energy of all things.

If she seizes the 'fifth world basic law system' left by the gods of the heaven, it will not be difficult to directly obliterate magic and magical characters.

The significance of the ‘Heaven Decoration Power’ to the multiverse is to maintain the normal operation of magical power and laws.

The 'Heavenly Realm Decoration Power' alone can only disrupt the operation of magic, but coupled with the grudge's own magical power and huge magic power, she can shake the foundation of magic.

At that time, as long as she is willing, she can kill all the mages and gods in the multiverse who are related to magic and laws in a single thought.

Except for a few special areas that are not affected by the magical rules of the multiverse, it is useless no matter where they hide.

Just like on Earth, even if Ivy is within the protection range of my energy field, she still turns into a tree trunk.

Ivy is in Lishan, but her strength and life foundation are in the Green of All Things.

The resentful woman does not need to look for the gods and ancient human wizards who betrayed her one by one, just like she does not need to use her eyes to find a magician who controls the life energy of plants on the earth. "

A look of surprise appeared on Diana's face, and she murmured: "No wonder the resentful woman doesn't pay much attention to Paradise Island, it turns out she is busy with such a big thing.

As long as she accomplishes this, she will win completely, and there is no need to fiddle with small details.

There is no need to catch my mother and threaten me or torture me.

Catching my mother and torturing me was too inefficient, and it was only a matter of priority.

Even competing with you, Harley, is too inefficient and a waste of time and energy. "

Then she asked curiously: "I have a big plan to turn people upside down?"

"The Upside Down is different from the Grudge. It is not accepted by the multiverse, has no magical power, and cannot carry out big plans. At present, the Grudge has an advantage over it. If no one interferes, the Grudge may not be able to do it. Just like Hecate did countless years ago, directly re-seal the Upside Down outside of reality." Harley said.

"So we don't need to worry about the Upside Down yet?" Diana asked.

Harley shook her head and said with a serious expression: "A pervert can't walk the path of resentment, but he can play dirty tricks."

The Upside Down has begun to play dirty tricks, and Zatara's plan is part of its dirty tricks.

"What's so sinister?"

"It's probably a dirty trick against resentful women. I don't know what it is specifically," Harley said.

Zatanna asked worriedly: "When did the Resentment attack the basic law system of the Heaven Realm? How is the progress now?"

"Basically, the war in the heaven started. If the gods did not have their true bodies and fled early, but stayed in the heaven for her to harvest, she would be able to seize the basic law system established by the gods on the spot.

Just like she did on Earth.

The resentful woman controlled the body of Witch Fire and went to the Amazon jungle in person, found the location of the Tree Council, harvested the old trees, and directly took over the control of the green of all things from their hands.

The resentful woman then controlled Xuanlan's body to go to Africa to harvest the four elemental spirits, directly seizing control of the earth's elemental system.

Later, she controlled Endo's body to go to the Nandal Holy Land to harvest the power of law from the body of the gods, which is the most direct and efficient way.

Fortunately, the gods of the heavenly realm ran away early, and the laws they understood were either in their own bodies, or stored in the sea of ​​laws, or other strange places.

In order to seize the basic law system of the heaven realm, the resentful woman must go deep into the sea of ​​laws, pick out the laws understood by the gods one by one, and take them away one by one.

This is a very complicated and lengthy process that requires a lot of time and energy.

Therefore, the complainer clearly hates us to death, but does not bother Baal to torment us. "

Zatanna breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Fortunately, we still have enough time."

"How long is enough time?" Diana asked.

“I’m not sure about weeks or months, there are too many variables.

She doesn't have to fully master all the basic laws and powers before she can take action against mages and gods.

The power of the basic laws of the earth is composed of many parts, and the resentful woman can seize a certain part first.

For example, before she descended into Xuanlan's body, she asked the Witchfire clone to harvest the Animal Council and seize the Red of All Living Beings.

When I faced 'Resentful Lady Xuanlan', she had completely controlled the power of the red of all living beings and was very difficult to deal with.

The battle between me and the 'Resentful Woman Xuanlan' was not over yet. Wuhuo harvested the tree council again and took away the green of all things. Ivy was immediately abandoned by the green of all things.

If I had focused part of my attention on Ivy at that time."

Harley remained silent for a moment with a stern expression, and then deleted the thought of "Ivy being harvested" and continued: "We can't bet that the part of the power that I control has nothing to do with us.

The Red of All Beings has nothing to do with us, the Black of Decay has little to do with us, and the Holy Land of Nandal has almost no impact on us, but the fall of the Green of All Things almost killed Ivy.

Something like this must never happen again!

Therefore, I will not wait until Resentment completely controls the basic law system of the Heaven Realm before taking action. "

"When are you going to take action?" Zatanna asked.

"If it weren't for waiting for your father's plan, I would have taken action long ago. World Tree told me that the resentful woman has at least 30% of the basic law power of the heaven realm at this time."

Seeing the look of guilt and embarrassment on Zatanna's face, Harley slowed down her tone and said softly: "It is also very necessary to wait for you to complete Master Zatara's plan.

As long as I do it myself, it will at most slow down the progress of the resentful woman, but your father's plan may end her in one battle. "

Zha Kang said: "Your 'rescue plan to attack the enemy' is to attack the heaven and compete with the resentful woman for the basic law system of the heaven?"

"How can I defeat her? If I do that, it will only make her laugh out loud." Harley shook her head and said: "I will only attack the basic law system of the earth.

The Green of All, the Red of All, the Black of Decay, the Holy Land of Nandar, the Parliament of the Elements, etc., are all on Earth.

I can reach their doorstep with just one step. The persimmons are soft and big, so convenient and efficient! "

In fact, the basic law system of the heaven realm has the same "carrier" as the basic law system of the earth.

The green of all things is the carrier of the laws of plant life, and the heaven has gods who understand the laws of plant life.

The basis of the law system is always the law itself, the difference is only in whom the law is and where it is placed.

The God of Order itself could not understand the perfect basic laws of plants, so it stole the embryo of the plant demon, deprived it of its independent will, and raised it into the "green of all things" with only instinct.

The gods in the heavenly realm are "colorful". Any type of basic laws can be found in the gods. There is no need to learn the system of order. Even if you want to learn, the gods who master the basic laws will not hand over the power that should belong to them. The "drug ruler" behind the "puppet".

Tianjing is a joint venture company with countless shareholders and does not allow oligarchs like the God of Order to exist.

Therefore, if you want to plunder the basic law system of the heaven realm, you have to find the individual gods that make up the system one by one, or hide and seek with the gods in the sea of ​​laws.

Now Harry can't even enter the sea of ​​laws, and he can't find the god himself. He can't compete with the resentful woman for the basic law system of the heaven.

"Only the earth's basic law system can force out grievances?" Constantine frowned.

"It should be no problem, the earth is the center and core of the multiverse!" Harley said confidently.

Constantine said slowly: "If I were a resentful woman, I would give up the earth and focus on the heaven."

"The earth's basic law system is of no use to you. At most it will make you another Naboo. But if it falls into the hands of the resentful woman, she can modify the magic of the entire universe accordingly, making all magic spells and cultivation methods invalid." Harley said.

"But I have fought against you before. I am no match for you in a head-to-head confrontation. I cannot stop you from robbing me. Doing it knowing you cannot do it is a fool. She is not a fool." Zha Kang said.

Harley smiled and said: "First of all, she can't be sure if she can stop me without giving it a try; secondly, if she doesn't do anything, then she is a coward. She may be a little stupid, but she doesn't lack motivation at all."

Zha Kang looked at her and said, "I don't think she can stop you. She may be impulsive, but she won't stay impulsive."

"You are not her. If she doesn't act impulsively again and again, I will have to push harder and harder," said Harley.

Zha Kang frowned and thought for a while, then turned to Xiao Zha and said, "What do you think? Should we make a last-ditch effort to convince Circe to join us, or?"

Xiao Zha's expression changed, and he asked: "Harley, if we can completely eliminate the resentment, will you immediately enter the strange motherland?"

Harley pondered: "I can arrange for a bloodline clone to go to the strange motherland with you. Just to save your father, one bloodline clone should be enough."

"Thank you." Xiao Zha breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's take action immediately."

"Now?" Diana asked in surprise.

Xiao Zha nodded solemnly, "The sooner, the better. Waiting a few more days will not allow our strength to change, but unexpected mutations may occur."

Diana looked at Harley.

"I'm ready and can act at any time."

Harley stood up and walked out of the living room first, "Alec!"

Green spores grew on the ground of the flower field, and a "vegetable salad" without a human shape quickly grew.

"Harry, you called me?"

"It's time to take action, you are ready to reconnect with the green of all things." Harley said.

"I understand." The swamp monster re-entered the ground and disappeared.

"The first target is the Amazon Rainforest, the Council of Flowers." Harley looked at Xiao Zha.

"Take us there."

"John, you stay in Lishan——"

Before Harley could finish her words, she was interrupted by Zha Kang raising his hand, "I can escape from other battles, but I will never hide behind and watch my lover take risks."

——Don’t you feel guilty for saying this? Before Xiao Zha, how many lovers did you push into the sea of ​​fire?

Harley complained in her heart but didn't try to persuade him any more.


The holy light flashed away, and Harley, Zha, Diana, and Zha Kang disappeared from Lishan Manor, leaving only Xanadu, Selina, and others looking to the south with worried expressions.

"Ahhhh, Witch Harley, it's Witch Harley~~~"

"Harley Quinn is here again, run!"

"Ah, does Witch Harley regard our Hundred Flowers Council as a vegetable garden? She comes here every now and then to harvest 'vegetables'? She doesn't cut leeks that frequently!"

Harley locked her target and appeared directly above a flower bed in the Amazon rainforest.

The flowers below were so frightened that their faces turned pale, they screamed, and they squeezed their bodies to the ground.

This was not the first time for Harry to come here. After two flowers were destroyed by her last time, she came again and harvested three flowers.

The Flower Council is not just a vegetable garden. The farmer’s uncle’s vegetable garden also has a fence!

The "fence" of the Council of Flowers is even stronger.

They directly divide a small space and hide it in the gap between dimensions. Outsiders can't find them even if they walk by ten thousand times.

But Harley always came directly to them.

Their power comes from the green of all things, but now the power and energy level of the green of all things are much lower than Harley.

Even King Naboo, the boss of All Green, has become a scumbag, let alone them?

Of course, nourished by the magic and power of the Resentment, the Flowers Council at this time was much stronger than the previous Tree Council.

But the grievances only changed their appearance, not their essence.

"You have nowhere to escape."

Harry shouted, and the flowers that had shrunk into the soil like groundhogs were pulled out of the ground by a ball of holy light that enveloped their stems, leaves, and roots.

"You don't need to run away, I'm just here to collect you, and I won't erase your existence.

You just changed from a second-surname domestic slave to a third-surname domestic slave, and now your surname is ‘Quin’. "Harry comforted again.

"Hey, I'm so scared of Hua Hua. It turns out he was just recruiting us. I thought he was going to eat Hua Hua again." Yue Juhua breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's just that the third surname of domestic slaves is a bit unpleasant." Shui Sheng murmured.

Azalea raised her head and shouted: "Three surnames are slaves, three surnames are slaves, my surname is 'Quin' and I am honored! Master Halle is beautiful, Master Halle is great, Master Halle is sacred."

"Our new master is the witch Harley. Will she completely treat us like vegetables?" Clivia asked worriedly.

"Of course not. We are the flowers of the master. The master is kind, unparalleled, beautiful, graceful, kind-hearted, enchanting and charming." The lily opened its eyes expectantly, looked at Harry eagerly, and gushed. Absolutely.

Harley ignored them and shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, now open your arms and actively accept the influence of my 'Thick-skinned War God Power'!"

As soon as the words fell, a golden ocean of holy light drowned the flowers.

"Ouch, ouch, it hurts so much, it's like a burning pain, it hurts like hell, Master Harley, please spare my life!"

"Ahhhh, I'm burning, I'm withering, I'm going to die!"

"Master Harley, I still want to be a slave of the third surname. I don't want to die. Please spare me~~~"

How miserable Wuhuo, Enduo, Xuanlan and the others screamed at the beginning, now the screams of Baihua became ten times or a hundred times more miserable.

"Persistence is victory. Don't scream, hold your breath and concentrate, and use your will to fight against the burning pain. This is a necessary pain for the thick-skinned war god to be soaked in the power." Harley said.

"Pffff~~" What she responded to was a Clivia burning into ashes.

From the inside to the outside, it was burned cleanly in an instant, dead, and even the ashes were turned into nothingness in the holy light.

The screams of Baihua were even worse.

Diana couldn't bear it, "Why do you bother them? They are very happy to become the slaves of the three surnames and have no intention of disobedience!"

"I have no intention of tossing them. The Thick-skinned Way and the Heavenly God of War Seal cannot be integrated. The power of Heaven is extremely pure and does not accept external power. I have explained to you.

Don't worry, there must be some flowers among them that can't bear it.

But plants are very adaptable, and there will definitely be survivors who will persevere. "Harry said calmly.

"Witch Harley, you are so brave, how dare you steal my life law system!"

When the first flower emitted bright holy light and shouted "It feels so good, it hurts me so much", the resentful woman's hateful voice fell from the sky.

Shadows covered the sky, and she finally arrived.

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