I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 204 A small shrimp catches a big fish


A vague and majestic voice sounded in Truman's ears.


The next moment, a door to hell seemed to open in the crystal ball, and countless undead souls howled in pain, scrambling to get into Daniel Truman's hands, and then followed his hands into his mind.


Daniel's eyes turned white, his orifices were bleeding, and his body was shaking like chaff.

He was wailing, but his teeth were clenched.

The wail comes from his soul.

The ghosts shared his soul and merged it into a complete new soul.

Daniel, who gained the wisdom of his ancestors, was born.

When he opened his eyes, the deep darkness behind them could almost absorb the light of the candle.

"Daniel, you seem to have some"

When having breakfast the next day, his wife looked at him and hesitated to speak.


Daniel's smile was warm, like spring spring, and the softness in his eyes almost made her melt.

"You seem to be more calm and charming. In your eyes, I seem to see the starlight of wisdom." The wife said shyly.

"I got the wisdom of the Truman family." Truman held his wife's snow-white catkins and felt a fresh impulse in his heart.

Just think of it and do it.

At this time, the news broadcast began to report on the tragedy that occurred in Gotham last night. When the female announcer read the name "Harris Truman" in the death list, the wife who was leaning on the table screamed in surprise.

"Daniel, your father-" She turned back and looked at him worriedly.

"I found out last night."

He sighed, hard.


At noon that day, Truman returned to Gotham with his wife.

Without resting, he went to the police station after a hasty lunch.

After seeing his father's body, he pulled "hero detective" Jim Gordon to inquire about the course and progress of the case.

Well, Jim Gordon was the man in charge of the "Mad Men" case.

"Mr. Truman, don't worry. In the Central Park Hotel case, the Lunatic Gang also suffered heavy losses. Only Jerome and Barbara Jean escaped.

They have become useless and will be arrested by us sooner or later. "

Gordon's tone was fairly confident, but when he mentioned his ex-fiancée, his expression was slightly unnatural.

Truman's trip was not just to avenge his father's murder.

The tragedy at the Central Park Hotel made Gotham's ruling class feel threatened for the first time.

Because Heibang still cares about their identities, but the Madman Gang seems to be specifically looking for powerful people.

The Court of Owls is within the ruling class.

The courts are worried, too.

Even fear of the lunatic gang and the people behind the scenes.

After all, it's a matter of life and death.

Therefore, Truman wanted to learn more about the case, and also hoped to find the murderer as soon as possible and restore peace to Gotham's ruling class.

“Compared with Jerome’s whereabouts, I’m more concerned about who rescued the Mad Men and who was manipulating them behind the scenes.

Detective Gordon, do you have any clues? "Truman asked, looking into Gordon's eyes.

"Under investigation." Gordon said vaguely.

"Barbara is your ex-girlfriend." Truman said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Gordon frowned.

Truman pondered for a moment and said: "From your eyes and micro-expressions, I think you should know something inside, but you refuse to tell me."

Gordon's pupils shrank, and he was shocked by the keenness of the "second generation ancestor" opposite him.

Truman glanced at him and continued: "Your attitude makes me very unhappy, and I have the ability to remove you from the case or even directly remove you from the police force.

Just use the reason that Barbara Jean is your ex-fiancée.

Believe me, no matter what backing you have, he will not be able to withstand the pressure from dozens of top powerful people.

Therefore, if you honestly tell me what I want to know, I will not only remember this feeling, but also promise to use my identity and strength to help you solve the case as soon as possible. "

This is an awesome character!

Gordon felt awe-struck and a little helpless, because everything the other party said was correct.

"I got a guess from an informant that I don't know to be true, and I can tell you about it.

But Mr. Truman must promise me that before the information is confirmed, he will never use private power to cause any kind of danger to him. "He said solemnly.

Truman smiled and said gently: "The deceased was my father. I don't want a scapegoat to hastily close the case and let the real culprit go free."

"I'm worried that you would rather kill the wrong person than let him go." Gordon said coldly.

Truman looked at him in surprise, "You are so bold."

"I once pointed a gun at Falcone's head, and during the United Hospital incident, I single-handedly challenged Maroney and Fish's hundreds of legions." Gordon said lightly.

Truman rubbed his chin, looked at him carefully and said, "Jim Gordon, although your performance in those two incidents was not very good, you told the truth."

Gordon's cheek muscles twitched.

"At least you have courage, and I was once a soldier, and I admire a tough guy like you the most.

I promise you that I will never take action against a suspect without telling you. "Truman said seriously.

"Theo Galavan." Gordon said.

"Galvin" Truman thought carefully, and suddenly his expression changed slightly.

"Why, do you know the details about Galavan?" Gordon was also thoughtful and asked repeatedly: "You said you would help me solve the case before, are you trying to hide any clues now?"

"More than a hundred years ago, there was a wealthy family named 'Gallavan' in Gotham. Later, it seemed that they had a conflict with Wayne and were expelled from Gotham by Wayne.

I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or if the descendant of Galavan is back. "Truman said slowly.

Gordon looked at him in surprise, "You said you were a soldier?"

"My experience in the Pentagon is no secret." Truman laughed.

"But if you immediately tell the old story of Gotham more than a hundred years ago, many historians can't do it." Gordon wondered.

After hearing this, Truman immediately blamed himself secretly in his heart. After receiving "Truman's" wisdom, he was too arrogant and a little careless.

A lot of knowledge and skills should not appear in "Daniel Truman" at all.

There was no expression on his face, he just smiled slightly, "Gordon, Truman is also a wealthy man in Gotham.

I am a soldier, but I am also the leader of the Truman family, and I at least need to understand the family history. "

Gordon didn't care much about this issue at first, but after hearing his reasonable explanation, he immediately threw away his previous doubts.

"I wonder how Mr. Truman plans to investigate Galavan?" he asked.

"I have to discuss it with several other victim families." Truman said honestly.

"I will keep an eye on Galavan. If something happens to him, I will turn my attention to you." Gordon said seriously.

Midnight, Gotham Police Department.

Gordon suppressed the fear in his heart and came to the corpse cold room again.

A moment later, a shrill wail sounded in the quiet and gloomy room, "It was Jerome who blew me up, it was Jerome who blew me up, yes"


Gordon's face turned pale, and traces of blood oozed from the corners of his eyes.

He hugged the head that was about to explode and groaned lowly, but his right hand fumbled around the mouth of the corpse, found the devil's horn, and quickly pulled it out.

The dead man's voice stopped suddenly.

He leaned against the counter weakly, gasping for air, sweating all over his body, and feeling weak and cold.

After a long while, he climbed up with difficulty, opened the next refrigerator, randomly stuffed the devil's horn into its mouth, and whispered a spell.

no response.

Gordon was stunned and repeated the spell again.

Still no response.

He came to his senses and looked carefully at the nameplate on the body: Harris Truman.

"Truman afternoon the father of the Truman patriarch!"

Gordon's eyes shone, and he had a vague feeling in his heart that he had found the right person!

However, he did not go to Harley immediately, but continued testing.

Because Truman was not the first top dignitary to lose touch with his soul.

At the same time, Daniel Truman opened his father's secret room and found the dark crystal ball based on "Truman's wisdom".

He recited the incantation solemnly until the crystal ball lit up with blue light.

Through the blue light, it seems that a crypt shining with dark red light can be seen.

The hot breath penetrated his spiritual power, making his back sweat.

"Who, who woke me up?"

The harsh sound of the knife cutting the glass made Truman almost throw away the crystal ball.

"Priest Priest, I am Daniel Truman, son of Harris Truman.

I am here to inform you that from now on I will take over the role of 'messenger' and report on the current situation of the 'Dark Knight'. "

Then, he quickly recounted the cause of his father's death and the situation in Gotham and Bruce Wayne.

“I don’t care about Harley Quinn becoming the Godfather of Gotham, and it won’t affect the overall situation.

But the Joker almost killed Bruce Wayne.

The two of them should be entangled with each other for the rest of their lives with a special bond, and would rather die than kill each other." The owl priest murmured.

"Are you sure Jerome is the Joker?" Truman asked.

"The Joker is more than one person, and he is not the only person. He is the embodiment of Gotham's crazy factor. But no matter which clown he is, his feelings for Bruce will not change." Priest Owl said.

"Is it possible that if Bruce went to see Jerome last night, Jerome wouldn't detonate the bomb?" Truman guessed.

The owl priest is not sure either.

"Keep an eye on Jerome and determine what his focus is. If he always has his heart set on Bruce, that's fine. If he cares more about other people."

Truman said: "I have read Jerome's file, and he seems to be too obsessed with the Witch Harley."

"What's the problem with this? It wouldn't be normal for that couple to have no intersection." Priest Owl said disapprovingly.

"No, it's not a romantic relationship. Jerome regards Witch Harley as a transcendent goal."

"That's normal. Either she chased him, or he chased her. It's not surprising what happened to those two lunatics." The priest said.

"But Witch Harley is too strong."

"No matter how strong you are, you are still a mortal. In front of the great Barbatos, you are no different from an ant.

Remember, your focus is always Bruce Wayne.

As long as he doesn't die, nothing else matters. "Priest Owl emphasized.

"I remember." Truman nodded, and then said hesitantly: "This time Jerome has caused a huge disaster. If he is arrested, I'm afraid he won't have the chance to go in and out of Arkham again. There are countless powerful people who want to secretly Kill him."

"Well, Batman can't live without the Joker. Batman without the Joker is incomplete." Priest Owl muttered: "Promote the bill to abolish Gotham's death penalty as soon as possible, and then improve the 'transfer of mentally ill prisoners to Arkham' regulations.

It is enough to legally guarantee the survival rights of Batman's enemies such as the Joker.

As for the revenge of the powerful.

If you can't even overcome this difficulty, do you still deserve to be entangled with the Dark Knight for the rest of your life? "

"What the priest said makes sense."

Truman recounted the conflict between the court and Harley again and asked: "Should I mediate the conflict between the two parties and maintain the stability of Gotham, or should I continue to help Shadow Warrior suppress her, or even kill her?"

"You shouldn't even care about such a trivial matter, but you still ask me about it? Harley Quinn is just an insignificant little shrimp. Let them do whatever they want without changing the world."

The next morning, Harley looked through the document handed over by Gordon and sneered: "I didn't expect to catch a big fish, Truman, hehe."

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