"If you become mayor, what are your plans for Gotham in the future?" Lowry asked.

At this time, three days had passed since Theo Galavan issued the "Declaration Against Darkness" against Copot.

He has officially entered the race for mayor.

And this morning, when he was delivering a speech on the steps in front of the municipal and government buildings, Cobot also led a group of motorcycle thugs as they roared past on the avenue below the steps, leaving a trail of machine gun bullets behind and killing dozens of people. More than a dozen reporters were injured, and Galavan was also shot in the arm.

"I won't give in."

The image of Galavan bleeding profusely, his face pale, and his eyes full of fearlessness and determination, appeared on the front page of Gotham's evening news.

A series of high hats such as "Hero of Gotham", "Fighter of Democracy" and "Savior of the People" were placed on Galavan's head.

Even Alfred called and told Harley that Bruce was ready to provide campaign funds for Galavan.

She warned Bruce to be careful of Galavan.

Bruce was indeed wary of Galavan, but Copot's behavior was too bad and his relationship with Galavan was too comfortable - Galavan introduced his beautiful niece to him as a female friend.

Harley was noncommittal about Bruce's decision.

Faced with the current chaos in Gotham, she remains motionless and sits firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Now, the call from Washington has finally come.

"You really want me to be the mayor?" Harley asked in surprise.

Laurie sighed: "Returning to the old tradition, the mayor is still under you and obeys your orders, so I might as well let you be the mayor.

On the contrary, if you really become the mayor and are willing to be a good person, you can modernize Gotham, make the law more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and teach the Black Country not to be so arrogant.

Cobot's wanton killing of candidates almost shook the foundation of the United States - the electoral system.

The Pentagon had really planned to send troops to suppress it and launch a vigorous campaign to "sweep gangsters and eliminate evil".

But after all, the United States is not a great empire, and cracking down on crime and eradicating evil may not necessarily work for Gotham.

Even if it succeeds at the time, it will be effective today and return to the original state tomorrow.

Rather than going into a big fight and causing the astonishment of friends and enemies and the ridicule of enemies, it is better to keep things quiet and carry out a benign transformation of Gotham that is in line with Western values. "

After a pause, she smiled bitterly and said: "Besides, Washington can't even stop Copot from running for mayor, so why should it tell you not to run?"

"I'm not really interested in the mayor's job, but"

Harley hesitated for a moment, but still did not reveal her plan to use the opportunity of holding an important government position to completely formalize and legalize the Quinn family's industry.

"What plans does Washington have for the transformation of Gotham?" She changed the subject.

"Yes." Laurie hesitated, "Are you willing to accept it?"

"Of course." Harley said immediately.

"You agreed without even seeing the content of the plan. Are you sure you're not perfunctory with me?" Laurie asked suspiciously.

"Whether you look at it or not, the result is the same: if it is in my interest, I will implement it seriously; if it is not in my interest, I will not object, it will just be a waste of money." Harley said matter-of-factly.

The words were so true that Laurie could find no fault with them.

"I'll send the file to your mailbox, take a look first," she said.

Harley returned to her bedroom, opened her laptop, and sure enough, she had just received an email.

Word document.

Good guy, more than 200,000 words!

Harley was dizzy, thinking of the "User Instructions" that popped up from various mobile phone software in her previous life.

There is a big pile of contracts and statements, and there is no expectation that users can read them all and understand them.

"There are too many. It will take a year and a half to finish reading them," she said.

"It's a bit long, but a year and a half is too much." Laurie laughed.

"If it were a novel, I could finish it in one day. But this is a plan for building Gotham. It needs to be carefully studied, understood, thought about, and the pros and cons must be weighed.

I can't understand it, how do you want me to execute it? ” Harley complained.

"Then you read the outline first. In fact, the main contents are two points - first, defend the constitution and the electoral system, and don't ruin the jobs of politicians; second, reduce the power of the Black Country family, don't give up democracy in the United States internationally. , equality, freedom, security, wealth, and happiness," Lowry said.

"If I could do these two things, I would still be the mayor of Gotham, and I would directly enter the White House and become the greatest president in the history of the United States." Harley mocked.

Laurie laughed and said: "They ask for 100 points, but they actually only expect you to complete 30 points. If they directly ask for 30 points, you may only complete 10 points."

"What kind of support can Washington give me?" Haley asked.

Lowry said: "First of all, if you choose one of the Democratic or Republican parties, you will have a backer and you can choose your political staff from within the party.

Secondly, Washington will cooperate with your rectification and provide policy and economic support. "

"You are just in the office, openly discussing my problems? If my identity as an FBI agent is exposed, the era of super criminals will come in the future," Harley said worriedly.

Lowry comforted him: "Don't worry, only Mr. President knows your true identity, others only think that you are relying on my relationship to rise to power.

No one is a fool. I have spoken for you many times and even handled the settlement agreement between you and the Crusaders.

Even if you don't mention the political help to you, the Owl Airship will show up one day.

Who would have thought of our relationship at that time? "

"Using the personal relationship between you and me to cover up the fact that we are an FBI agent is not bad."

Harley reluctantly accepted Washington's terms.

The next day, accompanied by several well-known Democrats, Harley filled out the form in public and officially joined the Democratic Party.

What is the difference between Democrats and Republicans?

The Democratic Party represents reform, while the Republic represents conservatism and tradition.

To put it more bluntly, all the leftist things in the United States are done by the Democratic Party.

The representative figure is the current Sleeping King.

The representative of the Republican Party is the former Sichuan Emperor.

In fact, no idea is important to Harley.

The key point is that the Republican Party is somewhat exclusive of women. Almost all members of the House of Representatives are old white men. Halley joins it just to find fault.

Nearly half of the Democratic House of Representatives are women.

Moreover, New York state is a stronghold of the Democratic Party.

Hallie joining the party at least shows that she has the intention to participate in politics.

This barely caused a splash in Gotham.

The focus of the news is still Theo Galavan.

That guy once again issued an open challenge to Cobot.

Polls show that more than 60% of voters are committed to voting for Galvin.

The remaining 40% were not supported by Cobot.

They don't care who becomes mayor, and they won't vote.

That night, a videotape was mailed to Gotham News TV.

That night, everyone in Gotham saw the video.

"Hi guys!"

Barbara, who had her hair cut short to the ears, had a bright smile and waved to the camera.

According to the icon in the corner of the screen, this is a video shot by a Sony camera.

"Now, on behalf of the Madmen Gang, I officially reveal a terrible and crazy truth to the people of Gotham: Theo Galavan, whom you now worship, is a hypocrite, conspirator, murderer, and the real leader of the Madmen Gang!"

"What?" Not to mention the people of Gotham, even Harley was shocked.

Could it be that Barbara and Jerome began to take revenge on Galavan for betraying them?

"You may be wondering if I'm lying. If I'm not lying, why would I betray him?"

Barbara smiled ferociously and gritted her teeth and said: "Because, the cunning rabbit will be cooked by the lackey!

We originally lived in Arkham, living a simple and carefree life, but Galavan kidnapped us arbitrarily and was ruthless if we didn't obey.

Everyone knows that six prisoners escaped from Arkham, including Gotham's famous millionaire, Richard Sionis.

But who has seen him recently?

no one.

Because he did not agree to be Galavan's lackey, he was beaten to death that day.

We are afraid of death and can only be his lackeys.

He wants us to cause panic, he wants us to kill the deputy mayor and Gotham's bigwigs because he wants to be mayor. "

This video caused an uproar in Gotham, and Galavan was at the forefront of the storm.

"This is Chi Guoguo's slander! I was at the scene of the Central Park Hotel bombing that day, and everyone saw it.

My sister, Tabitha, and I almost died on the spot.

Two days ago, Tabitha just left the ICU ward!

If you think about it, I am already a billionaire, and the mayor is just the icing on the cake for me.

Is it worth fighting for my own life and that of my sister? "He said through gritted teeth.

"It seems to make sense." The kitten murmured in front of the TV.

Harley clapped her hands and suddenly realized: "So that's it, Barbara is still his, and the only one who escaped is Jerome!

Brilliant, so brilliant!

These consecutive fake moves with the ball almost knocked me out. "

"Are you sure?" Mao Mao asked doubtfully, "Is it worth fighting for a mere mayor of Gotham?"

"Do you think he wants to fight?" Harry rolled his eyes at her, "If I hadn't seduced Copot and seduced Jerome into rebelling against him, he would have become a great hero who saved hundreds of powerful people by now."

"What are you bewitching? You knocked me out." The kitten said with mosquito-repellent eyes.

"Kitten, believe it or not, tomorrow a reporter will take photos of Barbara and Penguin having an intimate conversation." Harley said confidently.

"Of course I want to believe that if Galavan is a bad guy, his niece Sylvie will naturally be proven to be a little spoiler with good intentions!" said the kitten through gritted teeth.

Well, Galavan used a honey trap on Bruce.

He asked his high school niece to be Bruce's classmate and took her to Wayne Manor to be alone with him.

Not only is Sylvie beautiful, but her eldest lady's upbringing and gentle temperament also look very much like Martha Wayne.

But the kitten could tell at a glance that she was a scheming green tea, and she even staged a Shura show in front of Bruce. Unfortunately, her rank was too low, and she failed miserably, so she came to Harley for comfort.

"Ha ha ha ha."

On the outskirts of Gotham, in an office of a chemical factory, Jerome watched the TV and laughed.

"Teacher Galavan, your wisdom really hasn't let me down!

However, in terms of vision and ideals, you have been surpassed by my students!

In fact, you can rest assured that I won’t expose you because you haven’t reached the top yet.

Because that would make me look low-class and classless.

More importantly, I have never been obsessed with our little personal enmity. My vision is more long-term and my goal is greater."

Jerome picked up a newspaper on the table, turned to the fourth page, and stared at the palm-sized black and white photo: How will Gotham's political situation change if Harley Quinn joins the Democratic Party?

"Hehehe, are you Huangque? If so, you are indeed my idol. But the eagle is eyeing Huangque!"

"BOSS, you are right, Omaika, you are right!"

At this moment, a man in a white coat and glasses ran into the laboratory next door, holding a test tube filled with light blue liquid, and shouted excitedly: "BOSS, I extracted the 'crazy virus' from your blood!

No, it is not a virus, but a wonderful genetic protein copied by a gene!"

"Hahaha, very good."

Jerome grinned and let out his signature breathtaking laugh.


The researcher seemed to be infected with the virus, with the same expression and the same laugh.

"Can it be made into a gas?" Jerome asked.

"Gas or liquid will do."

"Very good. The Poisonous Man has given me a lot of inspiration. Maybe we can follow our predecessors' example!"

Jerome patted him on the shoulder and said with a strange smile: "Before the coronation party of the new mayor, prepare enough."

He tilted his head and thought carefully for a long time before nodding and saying, "The lives of Gotham people are too depressing. I want to bring them joy. Let's call this gas 'laughter'!"

"Laughing wildly, hahaha, BOSS, relying on Wayne Chemical, I will definitely exceed my mission!" the researcher laughed wildly.

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