I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 216 Turn over the clouds

"It has nothing to do with me, I didn't even notice it." Harley said.

"I know you didn't do it, but if you say you know nothing, I don't believe it." Laurie said.

Harley pondered for a moment and asked: "Sister Laurie, tell me, why should I care about this matter? What do those people who died have to do with me?

I'm just running for mayor, not mayor yet.

Even if he becomes the mayor, the work of investigating cases and protecting citizens should be done by the GCPD, right? "

Laurie was speechless for a while, then sighed: "You are right, but you forgot, you are still an FBI agent."

"I haven't forgotten, but you can't let an anti-drug agent handle prostitution and prostitution cases, right? My mission is to keep an eye on super criminals." Harley said.

"With so many powerful people dead, he's still not considered a super criminal?" Laurie laughed angrily.

"Sister, the definition of a super criminal is super power."

“Can you kill hundreds of powerful people with bodyguards? Isn’t that super?

By the way, the two hundred dignitaries did not count the security guards, otherwise the death toll would have exceeded eight hundred. "

The corners of Harley's mouth twitched, "If it weren't for the purpose of enhancing your persuasiveness, wouldn't you have even planned to treat those five or six hundred security guards as human beings?"

"Harry, don't you understand me yet?" Laurie smiled bitterly, "How many powerful people in Gotham die, what does it have to do with me?

I am conveying a presidential directive, and the key word in the directive is powerful people, not civilians. "

Harry thought for a while and said, "Do you think this will work? In a few days, when I am elected, I can handle this case as mayor?"

"In a few days," Laurie said thoughtfully, "do you know who did it?"

"There are speculations, but it's hard to take action. After all, I am now a candidate for mayor. I am being watched by countless people and media at home and abroad. It is not easy to fight with people in the past way." Harley said.

"Your current election situation is not very optimistic." Laurie hesitated.

"Haha, I will definitely win." Harley smiled confidently.

Laurie's heart moved, "You have a killer move that you haven't unleashed yet. What are you waiting for?"

Wait until Galavan kills all the powerful people in Gotham!

Harley said: "Dear Mayor of Gotham, there are only three candidates at this time, why?

No one else dares to join in.

If I reveal my trump card too early and let go of the other two, I'm afraid some bold careerists will join in.

I am self-aware and can win the race not because of how fast I run, but mainly because my opponent is worse than me. "

The reason why Harley dared to think about running for president was because she knew that the future would be a bad era, and at least those two people would be the worst.

Laurie was speechless.

After a while, she asked: "Did you catch Theo Galavan?"

"Just wait and see the good show." Harley chuckled.

Two days later, at 7 p.m.

"Hey, Gordon, why haven't you called me lately?" Harley said lazily.

She heard Gordon jog and the door slam.

After a while, he breathed slightly and said, "Harry, I won't look for you again, and you shouldn't look for me either."

"Why? Wasn't it pleasant to cooperate before?" Harley asked curiously.

“The new Director Barnes is upright, brave and fearless, and he can’t tolerate any sand in his eyes.

He is now vigorously rectifying the Gotham Police Department and striving to restore the majesty of the law.

I admire him very much and see hope in him.

I don't want him to see me having an affair with the Heibang family. "Gordon said frankly.

"You're so funny, I'm a mayoral candidate and I'm going to be your big boss soon!" Harley said with a smile.

Gordon's cheeks twisted for a while, and he groaned: "Not sure yet."

"Haha, don't kid yourself. You know better than anyone else that Galavan can't win, and the final winner can only be me." Harley said proudly.

"Have you found conclusive evidence?" Gordon was surprised.

"The voting will officially start at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. At six thirty in the morning, remember to get up early and check your mailbox. There is an address in it. Someone has been kidnapped."

Before hanging up the phone, she reminded: "Remember, enforce the law impartially and meticulously!"

Half an hour later, in Greenwich Village, Harley knocked on the door of the "good neighbor" house.

"Oh, the mayor of Gotham's visit to the humble abode immediately makes Penguin shine!" Xanadu said with a smile.

Entering the living room, Harley didn't waste any time. She took out a lady's silk scarf and a bunch of gray hair, handed it to Xanadu and said, "I want to find someone. These are her clothes and hair. Can you do it?"

"It's too simple." Shangdu randomly pulled out a strand of hair and twisted it between his fingers, "Bang!"

The flames started by themselves and quickly burned the hair into ashes. The ashes fell on the surface of the crystal ball, and a picture immediately appeared: a dark room of 20 square meters without windows, an old woman huddled in the corner, crying softly.

"Oh, she's so efficient." Harley laughed, "Where is this place?"

Mrs. Xanadu stroked the surface of the crystal ball with one hand, and the camera zoomed up, giving an unobstructed view of the outdoor street.

"Thank you. In a few days, there will be a banquet for the mayor of the city hall to take office. Remember to come and support it!"

Harley said and started walking out.

"Who is she?" Xanadu asked curiously.

"Mother Cobot!"

After leaving Xanadu's apartment, Harley called Brother Sasse's phone number again.

Well, he’s not called ‘Sass Boss’ anymore.

Now, he is her youngest brother, the executioner of the Quinn family.


"Sass, tomorrow morning, you get up early and go to the Maguire Warehouse on 24th Street in Brooklyn. Jim Gordon will be with you."

May 14, 2007, sunny.

Gotham City Hall.

Under the corridor in front of the door, five huge wooden boxes have been placed.

From the entrance of the hall to the stairs outside, there were five long queues.

They received their choice sheets early, and wrote their names, addresses, contact information and other information on the choices sheets early, and ticked off the mayor in their minds.

When nine o'clock comes, they will put the sealed ballots into the election ballot box to complete this sacred activity representing 'democracy'.

Accompanied by several parliamentarians and election staff, the three candidates appeared simultaneously on the marble corridor behind the election box.

Galavan and Cobot both wore stately dark suits.

Harley is not unique either. Her long dark purple hair is tied up high with a Tears of the Holy Spirit necklace. She wears a white shirt underneath, a dark blue women's suit that outlines her soft figure, and a pair of black high heels.

Elegant, intellectual, playful and cute, both at the same time.

From the moment he entered the city hall and saw Harley, Galavan felt uneasy.

She smiled calmly.

Too confident.

At this moment, he finally couldn't help it, moved a few steps sideways, approached her, and teased: "Miss Quinn is not an adult yet?

It is very rare to achieve what we have achieved today.

Even if it fails, the future is promising. "

"Haha, in the future," Harley smiled weirdly, "I will run for president in the future. Now I will practice my skills as a mayor and accumulate experience in politics."

Galavan said solemnly: "According to the Gotham Times poll, more than 50% of Gotham voters decided to vote for me.

You are very charming, and as the Godfather of Gotham, you actually won 30% of the voters, but you are still not as good as me. "

"It's only a quarter past eight. They still have time to change their wrong ideas in the past." Harley smiled and looked at Penguin, "Don't you think so, Cobot?"

Cobot's face twitched a few times, he forced out a dry smile, said nothing, and only glanced at Galavan from the corner of his eye.

Galavan's expression was gloomy, and the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger.

Wayne Manor, in front of the TV in the living room.

Bruce looked at the three candidates flashing past the camera and frowned: "Afu, who do you think will become the mayor?"

"You have asked me hundreds of times. You started asking me half a month ago, and my answer is the same every time. Miss Quinn will definitely win, and Galavan, who you are optimistic about, has no chance of winning.

Don't ask why, just ask that Miss Quinn has never lost. "Afu sighed.

"I'm not optimistic about Galavan, but" Bruce smiled helplessly, "except for him, the other two are the godfathers of the Black Country."

"Master, please relax. Gotham is so bad, no matter how powerful Miss Quinn is, she can't make it worse." Ah Fu comforted her.



At 8:30 in the morning, a black Mercedes-Benz, honking its horn frantically, rushed through the crowded Gotham voters on the street and came to the foot of the stairs.

As soon as the car door opened, all the citizens and camera lenses looked at him in confusion, and the two patrol officers who were maintaining order were also ready to step forward to question and drive away.

Then, there was another "didi" sound from the horn, and three more cars approached.

"Oswald, woo woo, my Cobot, where are you?"

Out of the luxurious Mercedes-Benz came a ragged, unkempt old woman, still shouting Penguin's name.

The people around were puzzled, but the expressions of Cobot and Galavan above changed drastically.

Galavan was shocked and angry. Cobot was in disbelief at first, then overjoyed and shouted excitedly: "Mom, mom, I'm here, woo woo, mom -"

He wanted to run down, but Harley grabbed his sleeve and said with a smile: "Copot, I did more than just do you a favor.

Your mother was rescued by Sass and Gordon together.

So, even if it's for yourself, do you know what to do? "

Cobot saw Sass, got out of the passenger seat of the Mercedes, stood next to his mother, smiled and waved to him.

Then, he saw Jim Gordon, Harvey Bullock, Director Barnes, and six or seven GCPD Young Guards getting out of the three cars behind them.

Cobot paused, his brain running wildly: Witch Harley controlled everything. She said she had given me at least two favors, one was to save my mother, and the other was to save my mother, who was rescued by the GCPD and Sass, so to speak. , the GCPD knew that I was being blackmailed - ah, I understand!

"I confess, I surrender!"

Cobot yelled in a high-pitched voice that sounded both like crying and laughing, attracting all the attention.

Bruce also looks curiously at the close-up of Penguin.

"Lillian Pepper, Sean Wright. I killed these six mayoral candidates."

"I bought it!" The whole audience was in an uproar.

"Shit, is Cobot crazy?" Bruce exclaimed.

"Miss Quinn took action." Ah Fu thought thoughtfully.

"It was him!" Cobot pointed at Galavan, who looked ugly. "It was he who kidnapped my mother, forced me to participate in the election, and forced me to kill the candidates.

I was helpless, I was innocent, he was the real murderer! "

This is the second favor Harley has given him, giving him a chance to clear his name.

He has to take advantage of it!

He was cleared, and Galavan was blackened.

Throughout the whole process, Harley didn't even end up personally.

But Cobot didn't care at all, so what if he was used by her?

A win-win situation, he's happy with it.

"The Lunatic Gang is also his people."

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