I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 231 The Lord of Darkness Arrives

"The Curse of Greed, also known as the Greed of Power. Using cost magic will give people a brief, strange feeling of pleasure the moment the magic is generated.

Once, twice, countless times, you may not feel that kind of comfort and satisfaction.

But if you use cost magic frequently, the physical damage will not be reduced, but you will get used to the physical pain, and gradually, the joy of the soul will be felt.

In this way, he enters the final transformation of the curse of greed.

Just like you just now, you were addicted to the pleasure and feeling of hurting yourself, and the physical harm was completely ignored.

The most typical one is the Berserker.

Instead, they regard entering the curse of greed as their ultimate spiritual goal.

Although the berserker has a mortal body, he can ignore physical pain and physical injuries. The more serious the injury, the more violent and powerful he becomes. This is the reason. "

“In ancient times, cost magic was very popular, and therefore, greed curses were very common.

It even gave rise to the berserker lineage I just mentioned.

However, with the development of magic theory, mages have determined that cost magic has no future.

This special deathbed transformation of the Greed Curse was gradually forgotten.

Most of the mages who attack you don't know the 'Curse of Greed'. "

Stranger knew that Harley didn't understand teleportation and was full of doubts, so he was very considerate and explained in detail.

In fact, there was no need for him to explain in detail. At this moment, Harry had personally felt the horror of the 'greed curse'.

After spending 50,000 meritorious deeds, he managed to restore his body to new condition, but then, the mages attacked again.

She watched helplessly as her flawless white arm was bitten by the corrosive bugs, with holes and holes in it, her flesh and blood rotting away, and it was a mess, but she only felt that her whole body was comfortable and there was no pain at all.

Her eyes were red, and she wanted to taunt loudly to make the storm more violent.

"Magic practice. Really evil!"

Harley shook her arm, and a bunch of fat white maggots with thick fingers emerged from the rotten flesh of her arm, which made her scalp numb and comfortable.

"Boo boo boo"

The anti-injury magic was activated, and the heads of the maggots and rot flies exploded and died.

The holy light seeped out from the inside out, and the rotten arm gradually returned to its original state.

"Hurry up and finish the sacrifice and explain the matter clearly to them." Stranger advised.

Harley remained silent, just waiting for the turning point to come - the damage caused by the wizard's attack was lower than the benefit brought by the attack.

Well, attack increases experience, experience upgrades, defense increases, defense strengthens, breaks the limit of bloodline power, continues to extract Satan's power, extracts Satan's power to obtain heavenly merits, and exchanges heavenly merits for recovery spells

very nice.

Unfortunately, the total amount of experience each mage can provide is limited.

Many mages have obviously lost all their experience points, but they resist the counter-injury attacks under protective spells and continue to attack Harley. However, Harley does not gain experience and cannot level up. The perfect cycle is broken.

Well, her current state can be used as a big question in the junior high school entrance examination. Asking Harley when to escape can ensure the highest profit.

Another minute passed, and Harley felt that the turning point had passed, and when she continued to persevere, she would lose more and more, the experience tank of the third specialty was full!

At this time, she was level 33 and a half, with only 130,000 merit points left in the cross. Her experience was increasing more and more slowly, and she seemed to be unable to hold on to level 34.

"Hell Magic Defense Specialty, upgrade." Harley decided to upgrade first.

The third defense expertise is upgraded from level eight to level nine.

Is Level 9 the pinnacle?

What special effects are there?

Harley was full of anticipation.

The pure heavenly power in the third specialty upgrade jar disappeared, and a stream of heat poured out from the evolutionary treasure, rapidly transforming her soul and every material cell.

"Ding dong!"

Hell's magic defense becomes God's power defense. Specialty Level 9: God's Skin (Elementary). Immune to all non-physical attacks in heaven and hell - except damage from God's Supreme Law. Universal magic is immune to 90% - 99% damage!

The closer to the regular magic damage, the worse the damage immunity effect, but at worst it can be 90% immune.

Ordinary elemental damage is almost magically immune.

"Shit! I'm invincible."

Harry suppressed his excitement and began to think carefully about the information revealed in the 'Ninth Level God's Defense Specialty'.

First of all, level nine is not the limit, and the 'Power of God' she obtained is incomplete.

The power of God in heaven, plus the power of Satan in hell, is not the complete power of God.

So, what's missing?

Harley has a clear understanding that the God in ordinary people's minds is only a part of the "real God".

Continuing to improve the ‘God’s Defense Expertise’ is tantamount to exploring the secrets of God.

Secondly, God Skin is really strong, but it can be even stronger.

Finally, God’s supreme law. Laws also have levels? How to grade?

"Harley, leave quickly. The mages have confirmed your abnormality and are preparing to remove the seal and cast rule magic, which is a forbidden spell, on you." Stranger reminded anxiously.

"Whose forbidden curse is Zatara?" Harley asked.

"It's the Red Lady, the Crystal Old Man, Faust, Zatara and Doctor Fate who are trying to dissuade him." Stranger said.

Harley frowned. She didn't know Madam Red and Faust, but she could guess that the mage who insisted on using forbidden spells to attack her must hate her very much.

For the same attack, the higher the malice, the higher the experience value.

Therefore, 80% of mages who use forbidden spells have already lost all their experience.

"Good guys" like Zatara and Dr. Fate are not very malicious and don't attack a few times. Instead, they are people whom Harley hopes to increase her attacks.

Taking a deep breath, Harley's eyes became sharp.

"Masters, please stop, I have something to say." She said loudly.

"Witch Harley, tell me your 'Singularity Curse'."

An old woman said in a sharp voice.

"If you want to survive, you must reveal the spell of the Singularity," the mages shouted.

Harley was stunned for a moment.

This was the first time she had heard of the Singularity Curse, but she could guess the general effect.

"You want my secret technique of absorbing unlimited amounts of Satan's magic, right?"


The mages became even more excited, "Yes, hand over the secret technique and we will let you go."

Harley sneered and said: "Don't ask me, your aunt, who am I? I want to deceive the Godfather and Mayor of Gotham with such childish methods?

Now, let me put it clearly here. You have three choices, either leave immediately and forget about the past attack on me.

Either come up with equivalent secret techniques and secret treasures, and exchange magic knowledge with me through normal channels.

Either stay here and wait for me to use my power to destroy you all. "

"The tone is quite crazy. I am standing here and you are going to destroy me?" Madam Hong said sarcastically.

"A junior who was lucky enough to get a secret skill dares to show off in front of a master of magic."

"Hehe, this stupid girl thinks that the magical world is Gotham where she runs amok."

Level 9 God's Power Defense Specialty, full of bloodline power, all attributes increased to 33 points, with 120,000 merit points left.

Harley ignored the noise outside, her whole body tense and alert.

She really wants Falun Gong.

The end of the sacrifice was the final blow to Satan.

Once the sacrifice is completed, Satan's magic transmission is immediately shut down, and the sacrifice she provides to Satan - the souls of all members of the Court of Owls - will be completely branded with Satan's mark.

The soul can only belong to Him, and whoever dares to snatch it is Satan’s enemy—this is the law of hell, just like the rules of sacrifice, it is supreme and Satan cannot violate it (ps).

"Your Majesty Satan, thank you for your generosity. Now, please enjoy the sacrifice!"

Harry shouted, and his mental power was withdrawn from the sacrificial circle, and the soul bound in hell flew into the belly of Satan - well, Lucifer was being tricked, and he was angry at the moment and was not in the mood to play with his soul, so he swallowed it directly .

"Hey, this soul is so special. Why is the dark aura on him so strange--"


The moment Lucifer in hell laid his eyes on Daniel Truman's soul, the sky fell.

No, not God.

A hole was broken in the entire multiverse.

The DC multiverse in the usual sense refers to the multiverse of light.

The light multiverse and the dark multiverse combine to form a complete DC multiverse.

Light and darkness form a harmonious and unified Tai Chi diagram.

At this moment, from "outside the multiverse of light", a giant palm covered with scales stretched out. It did not penetrate the wall of origin, but used its believers as a channel.

Three thousand kilometers underground in Gotham, in a dark cave on the edge of a magma lake, several mummies wearing large cloaks sat in the corner.

Countless thousands of years have passed, and they have maintained this posture unless the crystal ball they hold in their arms lights up and someone outside wakes them up.

Now, the thin little owl priest who often communicated with the outside world woke up from his sleep, stood up straight, raised his head and opened his mouth, howling miserably.

"Gudong, Gudong." His shriveled abdomen was turbulent, sometimes bulging and sometimes concave, and finally a black-scaled dragon claw stretched out along his throat and stretched out his mouth.


The body of the owl priest exploded into a ball of blood mist, and disappeared wrapped in the giant palm.

Only a few "mummy" who were awakened were left shivering and at a loss.


The black dragon claw came over the Indian Mountains, bringing with it an extremely dark and ominous atmosphere, freezing the time and space in this area. All the mages, including the spiritual wizard Dr. Fate, kept a dull expression and looked up at Harley's location. .


The target of the giant palm is not them at all, not the Indian Mountain, but through the sacrificial circle in front of Harley.

He is tracking the souls of believers.

The whole process is a long story, but it actually happened in a split second.

Lucifer noticed the anomaly in Truman's soul, the master of the dark multiverse, and slapped him into silence.

As for Harley and the group of mages outside.

Just like Qiao Feng used the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms to hit Murong Bo, before the dragon-shaped palm power hits Murong Bo, it will pick up dust and fallen leaves that are not the target of Gang Leader Qiao's attack at all.

The target of the Dark Dragon Claw is Lucifer.

Harley and the mages are just the dust and fallen leaves on the ground.

Even the passing aftermath shattered the time and space around them, dragging everyone into the shadow realm close to hell.

"What happened?" Phoenix Faust screamed.

"help me--"

From the waist down, half of Mrs. Hong's body was missing. Her energy was weak and she cried out for help.

There were many disabled people like her, and they were all howling.


Several archmages held their heads and struggled wildly. Several black smoke like pythons entangled them and penetrated into their bodies.

Visible to the naked eye, their bodies have undergone alienation: they have become as tall and ferocious as giants, their skin has lost activity and is gray-black, and their eyes are flashing crazy red light.

"Be careful, the giant palm just now came from a supreme being, don't touch the dark energy left behind. Even a trace of breath can alienate us!"

Doctor Destiny's whole body is covered with golden light, illuminating this empty space that looks like space.

"Witch Harley, don't run away! Tell us what's going on!" Old Crystal shouted.

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