I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 237 Harley’s strongest attack method, the hand-tearing master

Harley sacrificed the entire Court of Owls at around midnight.

At about one o'clock in the morning, the sacrifice that attracted the attention of many earth mages finally came to an end.

The dark demon outside the multiverse of light struck with one claw, shattering time and space with just the aftermath. Harley and the mages were involved in Limbo, which was close to hell.

Not to mention the battle process, but there is no concept of time in Limbo. It seems that a long time has passed. By the time Harley piloted the spaceship and returned to Earth with the Stranger, Zatara and others, only a few minutes had passed at one o'clock in the morning.

Archimedes' spaceship was previously besieged by raging magic masters, and was in tatters, leaking air everywhere.

After returning, Dr. Fate, Stranger, and Za'tar L'Gon all worked together to help repair the spacecraft, and even took out high-grade magic metal (not the ninth metal) to make it stronger.

This is their reward for taking the spaceship.

Many major events happened today. The Dark Demon tore the universe apart, Satan was 'dead' and resurrected, and giant beasts rioted. These were all major events that affected the pattern of the multiverse. They had a tacit understanding and did not discuss it in detail in front of Harley.

After repairing the spaceship, several magic masters said goodbye to Harley.

Before leaving, Stranger also promised that he had too many things to deal with tonight and would definitely go find her when he had time tomorrow.


In the gap between dimensions, a four-story building in the style of an English manor was suspended in the dark void.

This is the house of secrets (ps).

The Earth Magician Conference will be held here soon.

At this time, the participants had not yet arrived, and several mages who had just come from Gotham were drinking tea and chatting in the small living room.

"I never thought that Harley Quinn would be yours." Zatara looked at the stranger and said meaningfully.

The stranger said expressionlessly: "It was purely by chance that I met her. The subsequent friendship developed naturally and was uneventful.

Just like many years ago, I met you when you were still an apprentice.

Are you mine? Have you ever obeyed my orders? "

Zatara pondered: "You won't watch her die, right? How do you plan to save her life this time?

In the conflict with the Earth Mage, Dr. Destiny and I may be able to mediate for her in a later meeting. "

Having said this, Zatara looked at Kent, who was still wearing a toilet helmet.

Kent nodded slightly, "That's what I meant."

Zatara continued: "Whether the mages are willing to listen to us or not, she can barely survive by flying an airship.

The key is Satan.

He was tricked twice by Harley and will definitely take revenge. "

Stranger frowned, "She should bear the corresponding consequences for whatever she has done. Moreover, even if I want to help, there is nothing I can do."

"Then she's dead." Zatara sighed.

The stranger was silent.

"Giovanni (Zatara), why do you care so much about that girl?" Sargon asked curiously.

“Didn’t you realize that she was going through her second terminal transformation, and when I met her half a year ago, she was still going through her first transformation.

It would be a shame for such a talented mage to be killed by a demon. "Zatara said.

"Half a year? That's too fast." Sargon was shocked, "What kind of transformation is happening now, I haven't seen it at all."

"Probably a change of greed for power." Zatara said uncertainly.

"Few mages now know about the greed curse derived from price magic. I didn't expect you to recognize it at a glance." Stranger said in surprise.

"I'm a magician, and many magic performances are cost magic." Zatara smiled.

"Even if there is no second transformation, Harley Quinn's future is limitless as long as she transforms the huge power of Satan's origin." Sage Ochi said.

"It's a pity that no one can save those who are targeted by Satan." Sargon sighed.

Zatara glanced at the stranger and hesitated to speak.

"Hey, there's a guest outside the door, and it's Pandora!"

Sage Aoqi stood up suddenly and opened the door with a smile.

Pandora is the legendary Pandora who opened the magic box.

He looks to be in his early twenties, with light purple short ear-length hair, looking somewhat neat and capable. There are stripes of red runes on his fair face. He looks like a cat face like Uzumaki Naruto. He wears a long red leather coat and a red cloak.

Her situation in the mage world is similar to that of Stranger.

Although he doesn't appear often, he is acquainted with all the magic masters.

After greeting a few people, Pandora directly explained the purpose of her visit.

"I will not be involved in the matter of the giant beast. I am looking for you this time to find out about the dark evil god.

I opened Pandora's box and unleashed the seven deadly sins.

But I assure you, even the demonic incarnations of the Seven Deadly Sins combined are far less evil, dark, and depraved than the owner of that claw.

I want to find out if that evil god is the source of the Seven Deadly Sins. "She said solemnly.

The incarnations of the seven deadly sins are the seven monsters in the movie "Shazam".

They come from Pandora's Box and have Pandora as their mother.

Pandora tried her best but couldn't kill them.

No one can destroy them.

Until a thousand years ago, old Shazam led the Wizards Council to seal them, and they still remain in the Eternal Stone Castle.

The Seven Deadly Sins are Pandora's lifelong obsession.

Zatara pondered and said: "We don't know much about the details of the evil god. We only heard from Harley Quinn that a group of hundred-year-old wealthy families in Gotham are secretly worshiping him.

Harley had a plan.

If we arrest all the political families and billionaire families born in Gotham City from its establishment to the present and search their memories, we will definitely find news about the devil. "

"Will you do it?" Pandora asked with a strange expression.

Several mages shook their heads together and said awkwardly: "In order to protect his secrets, the Dark Evil God even attacked Lucifer with ruthless tactics.

If we touch those souls and cause Him to take action against us, there is absolutely no way we can stop Him! "

"Then why are you holding a meeting?" Pandora sneered.

Doctor Destiny said: "You can't take action brazenly, but you can monitor the movements of his followers.

Then through the activities of believers, we can speculate on His purpose.

I am going to propose at the meeting the preparation of a ‘Dark Evil Task Force’ with local snake Harley Quinn as the executor to handle this case. "

"Why her?" Pandora frowned.

Doctor Fate explained: "Harley Quinn has a strong influence in the world and is an expert at dealing with followers of the evil god.

In addition, there were some minor conflicts in Limbo before. I want to help her resolve the conflicts with the mages through this cooperation project. "

"You have good intentions, but it's a pity." Pandora shook her head slightly.

Zatara noticed something was wrong and immediately asked: "What happened?"

Pandora said: "When I was inquiring about the changes in hell at the Forgotten Bar, I accidentally met the Red Lady and the Crystal Old Man.

They covet Witch Harley's bloodline, which is rich in Satan's power, and plan to use black magic to rob her of her essence, blood and talents, and use her soul to please Satan.

Before I left the tavern, the two of them made an appointment with some dark wizards from another dimension and went to Gotham to block Harley Quinn's door. I'm just afraid now."

"The Red Lady shattered the flesh shell, and the crystal ball, the exclusive artifact of the Crystal Old Man, also fell into the hands of the Witch Harley.

The spirit bodies of the two people were also blown up, and their thoughts were scattered in Limbo. I thought they would not survive. said Sargon.

"Both of them look seriously injured, but they are indeed not dead." Pandora said.

"A veteran grandmaster who has lived for hundreds of years has some reasonable trump cards that we can't think of.

Moreover, the master masters the rules, and even in a weak state, he is thousands of times more powerful than the witch who is a magic apprentice. Zatara frowned.

The stranger stood up and said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to attend this meeting."

Zatara left the chair and said to Sage Aoqi with a smile: "We have been waiting for them for a while. It is reasonable to ask them to wait later."

Sage Ochi said: "No need to bother, I will move the House of Secrets to Gotham."

The House of Secrets obeyed its master's wishes and roared through Limbo. When the Stranger and Zatara opened the door, the night view of Gotham appeared in front of them.

The single-family villa floated over the fighting arena, but no one saw it.

"Sure enough, there were signs of a fight."

Looking at the burnt garden on the rooftop, Zatara looked serious, "It's the hell demon flame, the energy level is very high. Is there any demon king involved in the siege?"

"Find Harley's location." Stranger said.

Zatara opened her arms, silver and magic energy jumped between her palms, and shouted: "! Inqueliha next to you, come and take us with you!"


The next moment, the group teleported to the top of the snow-capped mountains where the cold wind was howling.

"Let's see where you go this time, hahahaha." He laughed wildly and came towards me.

Then, there were two people wailing shrilly.

"No, please, don't-"

"Let me go! Mercy, mercy!"

Stranger and Zatara were stunned.

Sage Oz, Sargon, Pandora, Doctor Fate, etc., who came out of the House of Secrets, all looked in disbelief.

The contrast between reality and what they imagined was too great, and they couldn't bear it.

Because the person who was laughing wildly was not Madam Red, Old Crystal, or any Demon Lord, but the one covered in bruises, like the Witch Harley who was executed by Ling Chi.

Harley showed off her witch style, standing on the top of the mountain, looking up to the sky and laughing wildly. Scarlet hellfire, ten meters in diameter, rose two feet high.

The snow melted into water, and white steam emerged.

The exposed black rocks also melted into a liquid state at high temperatures.

The three people who were laughing and begging were all surrounded by flames.

In addition to being surrounded by flames, the three of them were also surrounded by ink-black space blades in the shape of swords.

They were countless and densely packed. Sometimes they would gather together as a mountain of knives, slashing at them randomly, slicing their flesh and breaking their tendons; sometimes they would scatter like a rain of swords, falling with rustling sounds, piercing their organs, skin and flesh.

At this time, the space blade mist turned into a black cloud, cutting the hell flames into thousands of wisps.

The witch pinched a bloody "skeleton" in each hand, and laughed in the hellfire and blade fog, as if she was crazy.

The charred and bloody skeletons were begging for help. Their appearance was indistinguishable, but the voice of their souls sounded like one of them was the Crystal Old Man.

Another skeleton gradually turned to ashes in the flames. Others did not recognize it, but Pandora remembered his voice, a master of magic from another dimension.

"What happened?" Zatara murmured blankly.

"My God, the witch is crazy!" Zatanna's red lips turned pale with fear, "Hellfire and space blade must be her magic.

But she even burned and cut herself, cut her into skinned people, and burned her into a blackened skeleton. It was so crazy. "

"He has entered a state of greed for power again." Stranger frowned.

"I know that power greed has no pain, only pleasure, but she has no magic power!" Zatara said in confusion.

"This is not her magic," Dr. Destiny said with bright and generous eyes, "This is the evil power of Satan!"

"What?" Sargon shouted, "You mean, Satan responded to the witch's call and used his own power to deal with her enemies? Has Satan lost his mind recently?"

Zatara and Stranger looked at each other, both seeing disbelief in the other's eyes.

In the end, Zatara said solemnly: "There is another possibility. In the short hour we were separated from her, she successfully deceived Satan again."

Sargon's expression twisted.

After a while, he groaned: "Did she really master a 'Singularity Curse'? A loophole in the rules of the universe regarding deception?"

(PS: There are three strange houses in the DC universe. The first is a pocket universe that connects all worlds, the Forgotten Bar, which is equivalent to a super crossroads.

Second, Constantine's House of Mystery. In the "Justice League Dark" animated movie, Kang's castle that suddenly appears, hides his whereabouts, and moves everywhere is the House of Mystery.

It is equivalent to a super RV, which can travel through time and space at will. It not only travels through Limbo and other dimensions, but also exists in the cross-section of time and space - roughly speaking, it can get close to the super-time flow and jump out of time and space.

The House of Mystery does not yet belong to Zha Kang.

Third, in this chapter, the Secret House of Sage Ochi.

The House of Mystery and the House of Secrets seem to have the same Chinese names, but if they are changed to English, they are obviously different.

The House of Secrets and the House of Mystery are one male and one female and have almost the same functions.

Well, the house has spirits, and they are also divided into male and female,)

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