I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 258 Fruit hard candy deceives children

"Message bird, I want to become a message bird"

I don’t know what potion she drank before, but the decapitated Judith can still speak normally.

However, she became confused and could only mutter to herself.

"Great Witch Master, don't we have many messenger birds?"

Harley put Didier in her hand next to the alchemy pool and approached the stone table and asked.

"Do you understand the structure of hell?" the great witch master asked.

Harry thought deeply: "Hell is divided into nine levels, ten grooves, and four rings. The eighth level has ten grooves, and the ninth level has four rings. These areas correspond to different crimes."

At the end of the story, she gradually realized something.

"It seems you understand."

The great witch master only glanced at her and continued to focus on the work at hand.

Place Judith's head in the center of the stone table, draw runes on her face, and stuff magic potions into her mouth, nostrils, ears, and eyes.

At the same time, without stopping, he continued: "The ninth level of hell has four rings from the outside to the inside.

The first ring is the hidden ring.

Cain killed his brother Abel, and the ring of Cain was the place where a parricide would belong after death.

The second ring is the Antenor Ring.

Antenor was a Trojan general, but he cooperated with the Greeks in using the Trojan Horse to destroy their homeland.

Those who collude with foreign forces and betray the motherland will have their souls fall into the second ring of the ninth layer, the Antenor Ring, after death.

The third ring, the Ptolemaic ring.

Ptolemy took the opportunity of hosting a banquet and killed Simon and his son who were guests.

Those who betray their trust and betray their guests will have their souls forever trapped in the third ring.

The fourth ring in the deepest part of hell is the Ring of Judas. Those who betray their friends, benefactors, and faith will be frozen in the fourth ring and undergo eternal torture.

And the Sunless Sea transcends the deepest part of hell.

To get close to the Sunless Sea, you must at least enter the fourth ring of the ninth floor.

Judith, just right. "

At the end of the sentence, the Great Witch Lord glanced at Harry vaguely.

Both she and Judith were chosen targets.

Judith betrayed many of Constantine's friends and also betrayed her faith. Once she dies, her soul will be involuntarily sucked into the fourth ring of the ninth level of hell.


They believed that she had betrayed the wizarding group and would fall into the fourth ring of the ninth level after her death.

However, considering that Lucifer stayed in the fourth ring all year round and her soul had been targeted by him early on, they chose Judith as the messenger bird after a brief consideration.

Harley is a candidate for sacrifice as punishment for her suspected betrayal of the wizarding group.

"Great Witch Master, is this demon bone powder?"

When the Great Witch Master opened a bottle of black powder that exuded the aura of hell's corruption, Harley stepped forward and expressed concern.

The great witch master frowned slightly at her closeness.

He said a little impatiently: "The demon bone powder will help her complete the alienation transformation from the mortal body to the demon body."

"Mr. Didier taught me the witchcraft of making messenger birds." Harley said.

Not to mention the messenger bird, she even knows the technology to make Avanti.

But those black magics were so crazy and completely inhumane that Harry only studied them and never practiced them.

Seeing that the Great Witch Master did not answer, nor did he invite her to participate in the creation of the messenger bird, Harley took a step closer, grabbed her belt and said:

"I have a magic tendon ribbon here, made with the magic tendon of the Son of the Third Palace. If you cut a section and use it as a alienation material, the effect should be better."

The great witch master stopped what he was doing, looked at her suspiciously, and asked, "Why? What do you want to do?"

Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

Harry was almost next to the "Chief Wizard" and whispered in his ear: "Great Wizard, I have something to ask for.

Can you let me stand in the ‘front row’ when the final awakening ceremony is held later?

It’s best to be there for you. "

"What do you mean?" the great witch master said calmly.

"The giant ferocious beast is going to sweep away hell and heaven, so countless high positions in heaven and hell will inevitably be vacant.

But there are also a lot of people in our wizarding group. So far, four to five thousand people have been driven back from the earth. In the end, the total number of members may exceed 10,000.

Then consider the countless demons who secretly joined the wizarding group.

If I want to find a good and lucrative job, I have no choice but to rely on you, the great witch master. " Harley complimented.

The Great Witch Master believed 80% of the time because her considerations were very reasonable.

Earlier, the core members of the wizarding group met to discuss whether to sacrifice the witch.

In addition to the witch's "unfounded" identity as a traitor, there is another unspeakable but extremely realistic reason:

The witch has absorbed too much of the origin of Satan and her bloodline is too strong. If she completes the final sacrifice ceremony, she is likely to gain huge benefits in the new universe with her powerful strength.

These benefits may have been theirs.

How can they not be jealous and jealous?

Therefore, the witch is now considering this, so that the witch master can only think that she has a foresight and not suspect that she is telling lies.

Seeing the old wizard's eyes twinkling, Harry smiled secretly in his heart, and the expression on his face became more sincere, "Great Witch Master, I would like to obey your orders and be your right and left protector."

"I don't need any guardians." The great witch master said softly.

"No, you do!"

Harry solemnly said: "You are the Great Witch Lord, the leader of the wizard group.

After the new dynasty is established, you will be the Prime Minister below the giant beast and above all people.

You have to suppress disobedient forces and individuals in the multiverse, so why don't you need powerful thugs? "

The dark wrinkled old face of the great witch master showed a flush of heartbeat and excitement.

This is not deception.

If the giant ferocious beast is summoned successfully and is as powerful as expected, the future will definitely develop as Harley described.

He began to be deeply intoxicated by the wonderful future that was so close at hand.

Harley continued: “Have you heard about my experience in Gotham?

Falco's cabinet took me in when he was down, and I repaid him with absolute loyalty, even if he fell to the lowest point in his life.

Almost all family members have betrayed Kamai, but I have always been loyal to him, even if I am the enemy of the entire Gotham.

Even after leaving Gotham, Kamai took away more than two billion dollars in high-quality legal assets. During holidays, I would also go to the island to visit him.

Grand Witch Lord, I think you can be my ‘under Falco Cabinet’ in the supernatural world. "

Now the great witch master was really moved.

The witch Harley is famous for her ruthlessness, cunning and viciousness.

But what is equally famous is her loyalty to her boss.

Also loyal to friends.

Back then, in order to arrest her Jim Gordon, the witch gave up her promising future and drew a gun on her newly recognized boss.

Back then, in order to save Falcone, who failed to negotiate with Fish, she braved death and braved a hail of bullets to capture the thief first.

Back then, when Old Kamai was old and everyone betrayed him, only the witch Heng Dao immediately turned the tide.

All bosses dream of having a subordinate and friend like Harley - this is what the old Kamai said to an old friend who came to visit him after he retired.

"Harley, you are a good girl!" the great witch master said with emotion.

——If you had said these words to me earlier, there would be no need to discuss the issue of "should the witch be sacrificed?"

Of course my confidants should not be sacrificed!

"However, there is no need to waste magic bone powder. Although the energy level of magic bone powder is low, its efficacy is better." His tone became extremely kind.

"That's it. I haven't made a messenger bird before, so I don't know much about it." Harley said disappointedly.

"Have you never made a messenger bird with your own hands? Come, let me teach you."

There was no need to cut the magic tendons anymore. The Great Witch Lord stood by and guided Harry through several relatively simple transformation processes.

Just touching Judith's head can quietly leave the mark of heaven on her soul (ps).

Harley touched Judith's head countless times, spread an even layer of magic bone powder on her face, and recited a spell

“Pfft, pfft”

Judith's eyes widened and her mouth opened wide. From under her broken neck, two "chicken claws"—crow's claws—suddenly kicked out.

"It's done!"

The Great Witch Lord gave a low drink, held Judith's cheeks in his hands, and picked up the head.

"Quick, get the black pearl!"

"Crash!" More than twenty demon statues around the medicine pool spurted green-brown liquid from their mouths at the same time. The refreshing fruity aroma filled the cave.

"Gudong, Gudong." The water in the pool is boiling, and green steam is swirling. There are more than 40 archmages and magic masters in total, activating the magic circle under them.

"Chichichi!" It's like heating a pot red and adding a few drops of water. The steam in the pool becomes more intense.

In a few breaths, hundreds of cubic meters of pool water evaporated.

In the center of the pool, a shimmering black pearl slowly floated and fell into the palm of the great witch master.

Harry next to him immediately smelled a stronger and more intoxicating fruity fragrance.

It seems to contain the taste of all the fruits in the world.

"Oh, it should have been cooked slowly for two or three days before it was perfect." The great witch master frowned and stuffed the black pearl into Judith's mouth.

The bird's claws stretched out from under its neck struggled fiercely.

There is a large crow that is born inside Judith's head.


The wide-open eyes retracted into their sockets, making the sound of corkscrew being pulled out.

"Quack!" A crow cried in his head.

The bird's legs struggled more and more fiercely.

Gradually, the body, wings, long beak, and head covered with black feathers emerged from under the neck. Harry thought of eggs hatching chicks, and the chicks hatched out of the shell.

A black crow as big as a rooster with eyes exactly like Judith's.

In other words, it was Judith's eyeballs that broke free from their sockets.

A tuft of pink curly hair on the black bird's head is also a characteristic of Judith.

Judith's original head became a soft and thin layer of skin, like an eggshell.

The Great Witch Lord threw away the human skin and held the crow with a solemn expression, "Go to the nine levels of hell, find the deep well of hell that leads to the Sunless Sea, and bring our faith and prayers to the Lord of Darkness under the Sunless Sea. Go!"

He threw the crow high in the air.

"Puff puff"

The messenger bird's palm-long beak held a black pearl in its mouth. It was unable to cry and could only flap its wings vigorously. It circled around the heads of the people in the cave and suddenly turned into a black stream of light and disappeared at the entrance of the cave.

Only then did Harley ask in a low voice: "What exactly are black pearls?"

"A spell that contains rules, a ticket into the Sunless Sea."

"Whose tickets are they for?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"The giant ferocious beast! He is the master of the Sunless Sea. Only with His permission can the Messenger Bird enter." The Great Witch Master said.

“Why does ‘Spell’ smell fruity?”

"The master's natal curse is equivalent to a magic rule. We imitated the master's cultivation process and used countless fruits to ferment and distill the essence of fruit wine.

Then refine the essence into a law that represents 'the sweetest fruit wine in the world'.

Finally, the Spell of Rules takes the form of a black pearl.

The entire process took generations and hundreds of years of hard work. "

The Great Witch Master looked far away, thinking of the hardships of refining black pearls, and couldn't help but express emotion in his tone.

Harley said with an embarrassed face: "So, the black pearl is equivalent to a fruit hard candy?

Why does it feel like using fruit hard candy to wake up a giant beast? It feels like you are tricking a child with candy?

The majestic giant ferocious beast actually likes to eat fruit candies?

This is not in line with His persona of ‘treading hell, shaking heaven, and reforming the past’! "

The Great Witch Master hesitated for a moment and whispered: "This is exactly why we worship Him, and it is also the origin of the core philosophy of the Wizard Group."

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