"Harry, you also look down on me and think that the so-called 'God in Heaven' can defeat me or even kill me?"

No one is qualified to ask the Supreme Being to suppress his or her emotions. All along, Little Black Bean's happiness, doubts, anger and other emotions have been expressed directly.

This time was no exception. He showed Harry the resentment in his heart.

In the entire multiverse, among the powerful people who pay attention here, very few are worried about Harley, and most are gloating about her misfortune.

Teach you how to act cool, teach you how to be a saint in front of others, teach you how to make friends with little black beans and make us envious, jealous and hateful, teach you that they have too many reasons to be happy that Harley is deflated.

"Little Heidou, you are my friend, and I don't like telling lies to my friends. First of all, I really don't think much of you. You were just born, but God has existed for tens of billions of years.

Also, and most importantly, even if you win, you will perish. " Harley said.

"If I win, I can truly define myself. Why will I die?" asked Little Black Bean.

Harley said solemnly: "Because, without light, there is no darkness.

Without the deposit of good, how can we define evil?

You and God are interdependent, and neither can exist independently of the other.

The moment you eliminate light and goodness, the darkness that is your essence will also lose its meaning of existence. "

"Ah!" Little Black Bean exclaimed in shock.

"Ah, it can still be like this." Followers were shocked.

"Harley, thank you, I completely understand who I am and the meaning of my existence."

Little Black Bean roared with joy.

Harley intuitively sensed a soft force that enveloped herself and the airship, and she floated out of the dark and weightless "little black bean's inner space".

When she came to Limbo Prison, she saw the remnants of the Alliance looking at her in shock and inexplicably, and also at Little Black Bean.

Harley was also shocked on the spot. Little Black Bean roared and "rised up from the ground." It was a hand, a black arm that could represent the universe itself and was bigger than the universe itself.

A single hair on his arm is the "black tornado column that penetrates hell" that the ghost cannot shake even with all his strength.

The big black hand roared towards heaven, and at the same time, the light above heaven burst out, stretching out an equally huge hand of light.

The moment when the hands of darkness and the hands of light meet and hold together in heaven and hell.

The artistic conception of perfection spreads in all directions, and all lives feel a sense of completeness and satisfaction.


The universe is shaking.

The hand of darkness and the golden hand of light shine brightly, black and white intertwined, turning into a Tai Chi diagram covering the multiverse.

The supreme power of creation burst forth, and the broken hell healed visibly, becoming thicker and stronger than before.

Above hell, Silver City shines brightly, its light radiates to the other six divine realms of Limbo Prison, and even to thousands of different dimensions and small worlds, shining brightly in all realms!

At some point, Taichitu disappeared and the multiverse returned to peace.

Harley stood in Limbo Prison with the remaining Alliance troops, looking stunned. A feeling of despair and emptiness arose from the bottom of her heart.

"It's over. The murderous little black bean incident is finally over."

At some point, Etrigan appeared next to Harley with Carlisle and Van Helsing.

Harley woke up with a start, formed a trumpet with her hands, and shouted to heaven: "Little Black Bean, where are you?"

They all looked at her with strange expressions, but they didn't make any sarcastic remarks.

"Harry, I'm home." Little Black Bean actually responded to her.

Except for Harley, no one else could detect His voice or mental fluctuations.

"You seem to be a little different." Harley said in surprise.

"Haha." Little Black Bean actually smiled, "Aren't you a lot more mature?

I get a lot from it, and it takes a lot from me. Together we form two halves of a whole. "

Harley was startled and asked, "Are you in the Sunless Sea now?"

"Well, it's better to stay at home and feel comfortable." Xiao Heidou said.

"I thought you would travel around the world and live like a human being." Harley sighed.

"Everyone has a lifestyle that suits them best, and this is my life now."

Harry didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Are we still friends?" she asked softly.

"Of course, we will always be friends. You can come to the Sunless Sea to find me at any time." Little Black Bean said without hesitation.

Harley felt better, "What are you doing now?"

Little Heidou said: "While I was sleeping, I looked at the behavior of all the demons in hell and the past of all the undead people who fell into hell.

I will also listen to their confessions and diatribes.

Plus, hell is a lot emptier.

I will send part of the dark energy alienated from demons into the demon lake on the ninth level, so that many demons that match my knowledge will be born. "

"It's up to heaven, the emperor decreed"

Well, this was an auditory hallucination. Harley only heard Zaulie announce: "Border Post Third Class Harley Quinn, in stopping the Big Cough and the Little Black Bean incident, took the lead, was brave and made a great achievement." Military exploits.

This time God gave me a special award. His position remains unchanged, his title is promoted to 'First Class Lord of Heaven', and he also has a set of custom-made divine armor from Lord Heaven, ten floating mountains, a holy land on earth, a Supreme Heaven card, and 500,000 heavenly merits. . "

"Is the meritorious service lacking?" Harley frowned.

She is currently outside Silver City, at the mansion of True Lord Quin - a bare floating mountain.

This time it was her true form, and besides herself, the Archimedes airship, and two old teammates, Van Helsing and Carlisle, were all beside her.

Harley drove the airship directly to heaven to receive the "God's reward".

“If all your merits were converted into merit awards, it would be more than tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

But many precious rewards are also valuable in themselves. "Zhaulie said.

"Just waiting for the title of Duke is definitely worth it. You didn't take much risk at all. Even if you fail at that time, the little black bean will not eat you." Van Helsing said enviously.

"You don't understand." Harry glanced at Boss Za and sighed: "First class Duke, third class soldier at the border post.

He has an empty title but no real power, just like Sun Wukong in "Journey to the West".

The Monkey King has such a great name, but it is just an empty title. Wukong's real position is just Bima Wen, or the gatekeeper of Pantaoyuan. "

"I have also read "Journey to the West."" The old priest said thoughtfully: "You and Sun Wukong are really different. He belongs to the heavenly camp, but you are only in the heavenly camp.

If you listen to the tune but not the announcement, isn't that Yang Jian?

Yang Jian was always just a city gate official, with a high title but a low official position. "

Zaulie said calmly: "Let me put it bluntly, if your third-class soldier is promoted, it will involve the distribution of military power in heaven.

To put it simply, we archangels do not want to put the angels under our command under your control. "

Harry rolled his eyes and asked, "Then can I learn from Yang Jian and make the Six Brothers of Meishan and the Qian Er Caotou God?"

"Since it belongs to the power of the heaven camp and does not receive salary from Silver City, why not?" Zhaulie said.

The Six Meishan Brothers and Qianer Caotou Shen were just subordinates of Erlang Shen's account, and they only obeyed Erlang Shen's orders. They were not canonized by the Heavenly Court, had no official positions in the Heavenly Court, and naturally had no salary.

Harley turned her attention to her two old teammates, "How about you become the second general of Humph with me?"

"I'm used to being free. I can be the boss myself, but I don't want a boss." Van Helsing said with a dark face.

"I am Michael's waiter." Carlisle also shook his head.

"This is a good opportunity!" Harry shouted: "If you join my True Lord Quin's Mansion, you can at least get a household registration in the suburbs of Silver City.

Bathing in the holy light of heaven, listening to the holy sounds of the City of Silver, and seeing angels all day long, isn't that what you and other Christians want in your life? "

When the two heard the words, they showed expressions of excitement.

"May I ask Archangel Zaulie, can I enter Silver City in the future?" Carlisle asked.

"Everything is possible before a person dies!" Zaulie said solemnly.

"Don't listen to him, Boss Zha is fooling you." Harley said quickly.

Carlisle's face darkened slightly, "You mean, I'm not qualified to go to heaven at all?"

“You don’t need me to tell you, but you know that going to heaven does not mean entering the Silver City.

Only devout believers who truly understand God's teachings can become the Holy Spirit after death.

The Silver City is the abode of the Holy Spirit and angels.

When you ask Zaulie if you can enter the Silver City, you will forever lose the opportunity to enter the Silver City. "Harry said seriously.

"Why?" Carlisle asked confused.

"How can you become the Holy Spirit if you have doubts about God in your heart?" Harley said.

"I have no doubt!" the old priest said anxiously.

"We all heard it," Harley said.

"That's not what I meant." The old priest's face turned red. "You invited me, and the angel was right next to you. It's normal for me to ask you a casual question!"

Harry smiled lightly and said: "It's normal, but the subtext is also very obvious, if you can enter the Silver City, reject me.

If Zauliel answers 'no', you will accept my invitation.

Think about it for yourself, how can you become the Holy Spirit with such half-heartedness and weak faith? "

"Omag!" The old priest turned to Zaulie and begged: "Archangel, tell me that I can still be saved."

"Yes." Zaulie said seriously.

As soon as the old priest smiled, Harry said coolly: "Carlisle, if you ask Zaulie again, it means you have lost confidence again.

This will become a knot in your heart, and as long as you remember this today, you will never be able to get rid of it. "

Zauliel was thoughtful.

"You are Satan!" the old priest said in horror.

Harley smiled and said: "All temptations are 'Satan'. If you can't resist it, you will encounter the real Satan sooner or later.

It's better to join the Shenjun Mansion and have a guaranteed 'Silver City Suburban Household Account', which will untie the knot in your heart and give you a promising future.

When you really become the Holy Spirit, I will not ruin your future, just like the Six Monsters of Meishan, who are not bound by Yang Jian. "

"You really have an inner demon." Zaulie looked at the old priest and said seriously: "Promising her is the easiest way to break the catastrophe.

If it’s a hard cap, it will be difficult for you to get over this hurdle on your own. "

"Okay, I'll take a temporary position in the Duke's Palace." Carlisle said bitterly.

After saying that, he felt inexplicably relieved.

Maybe, I really couldn’t become the Holy Spirit before?

The old priest had an epiphany.

Harley was happy to have won a general, and looked at the vampire hunter expectantly, "Van Helsing——"

"Don't talk to me!" The scar-faced demon hunter waved his hands and backed away, "I finally understand why you can continuously deceive Lucifer and turn the giant beast into a little black bean.

Carlisle, a pious old priest, was almost sent to hell because of your few words.

I was convinced, but also scared.

Don't talk to me, I won't listen, and I won't join your Shenjun Mansion. "

"Van Helsing, you misunderstood. Harley's words inspired me a lot." The old priest said sincerely.

Feeling his sincerity, the demon hunter's expression became even more horrified, "Omaika, are you talking for her!?

This is the City of Silver, the residence of God. Did the witch secretly use black magic to charm you? "

"This man speaks arrogant words, slanders Silver City, and despises God. He will definitely not become the Holy Spirit." Harley pointed at him and pronounced judgment on Zauliel.

Zhauliel's expression was twisted.

"Oh, No!" Van Helsing wailed, holding his head.

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