I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 280 On the Winter Solstice, the Holy Son Appears

Jersey City, park near Riverbend.

Gemma sat sullenly on the swing board, pedaling her legs unconsciously, her body floating up and down in the air like a leaf.

"Why do adults always know what is good, while children always make mistakes in whatever they do?"

Thinking of her mother's scolding of her just now, Gemma was very eager to grow up quickly.

When she can live independently, she can do what she wants.

The sun sets and the sky becomes dark. The sea surface not far away is no longer sparkling, reflecting the fine light like goldfish scales. Instead, there is a thick mist, making the empty park even darker and gloomier.

It's a little scary, but she loves it here.

At least, in the park, she didn't have to listen to Elder Martin preaching about the glory of God and cleansing the filth of Satan.

You don’t have to be forced by your parents to watch promotional videos about Pyramid Prayers.

Gemma misses Uncle John.

He never forced her to believe in religion, or to listen to prayers or watch any church videos. He would hold her and shout, "Let God lick the soles of my feet."

"Well, if a freak rushes over and takes me away right now, Mom and Dad will definitely call him, right? Uncle John always-"

"Hi, are you alone?"

The sudden greeting from the girl behind her almost scared Gemma so much that she fell off the swing.

"Why are you so sneaky and standing behind me? You almost scared me to death."

Turning back and seeing three girls about her own age, Gemma complained loudly.

The three girls are very cute, one is a black child, one has red hair, and one has yellow hair. They look very kind.

But Gemma was also a little confused. It had been six years since her family moved to Jersey City with Uncle John.

I have lived here for six years, but I have never seen these three girls nearby.

"It's so late, why are you here alone?" said the yellow-haired girl.

"What's your name?" the red-haired girl asked.

"My name is Gemma Masters."

Gemma felt their eyes darting back and forth over her body.

"Aren't you afraid that your family will worry?" the black girl asked.

"Aren't you the same?" Gemma said.

"Do you live near here?" the black girl asked again.

"Oh, my parents are too domineering. I ran out because I couldn't stand it."

For some reason, she obviously felt that the three girls were a little strange, but when she met their soft gazes, Gemma couldn't help but feel friendly and spoke out her complaints incessantly.

"Our home is nearby too." the black girl laughed.

"Do you want to come with us? We can do whatever we want." The red-haired girl smiled.

"As long as he agrees." The yellow-haired girl smiled.

"Who is he?" Gemma asked in confusion.

"We married him and lived in his house." The black girl laughed.

"Married? How old are you?" Gemma asked in surprise.

"But we are married, and now we can do whatever we want." The red-haired girl smiled.

“His house is amazing, the neatest place in the world.

He will also give us many gifts. "The yellow-haired girl said.

"You can also marry him." The black girl smiled.

When she heard about getting married, Gemma was a little shy, but she couldn't help but look forward to it, "It sounds great, but is he really willing to marry me?"

"I don't know either, but you can come with us to the house and have a look." The black girl suggested with a smile.

"Okay." Gemma agreed with a smile.

At this time, the smiles on the faces of the four girls were almost printed from the same mold, kind, sweet, but empty.

They took Gemma all the way out of the park and came to a decaying villa in the woods by the sea a few streets away.

The house is old, dirty and messy.

It’s tens of thousands of miles away from the ‘neatest place in the world’.

But at this time, little Gemma didn't care about this anymore, she was fully looking forward to the next wedding.

They helped her change into her holy white wedding dress and warned her that it might hurt a little when he put the wedding ring on her.

They also lifted their collars to let her see their wedding rings - a deep strangle mark that looked like they had been cut off their necks.

Then she saw him.

The man who was about to become her husband was so tall, almost as tall as she was.

The smell of him was so good that she was intoxicated.

He took her to the auditorium, stood in front of the cross, and asked: "Gemma, will you marry me?"

"Yes," she said shyly.

"My Lord," he shouted, facing the statue of the cross with his arms stretched out, "Guardian of abandoned souls, protector of the damned, we implore you to witness this union today."

After a long prayer, he took off a chopstick-thick hemp rope from the statue's tribute stand, looped it around Jima's slender neck, and slowly tightened it——

"Did you see that this is some bastard's sacrifice ceremony?"

Suddenly, a lazy and charming female voice appeared in the strangely quiet hall.

"Who?" He turned his head suddenly and used both hands to complete the last step of the ceremony immediately.


The sound of a python slithering around him sounded, and then a cold, pliable touch crawled onto his skin.

He tried hard, but couldn't move.

"Its prayers were very careful and deliberately concealed the identity of the other party." came the sonorous and powerful voice of the priest.

"Who are you?" He finally saw them clearly.

A priest in a golden robe, a tall nun in a white nun's uniform, and a red-haired woman in a green sexy suspender skirt.

They walked out of the shadows, and on the other side of the shadows, seemed to be a car?

No, not a car, an airship.

He knew who it was.

"Witch Harley, the Eternal Punishment Legion is doing something, do you dare to interfere?"

The white-robed nun took a few steps forward, pulled off the hemp rope around Gemma's neck, pulled out the silver baseball bat from her waist, and gently hit the girl on the head.


"Ouch!" Jima's confused eyes, which seemed to be flying with excitement, became clear in an instant.

"Ah, Sister Harley, you, why are you and why am I here?"

She recognized the identity of the person opposite and was pleasantly surprised at first, but when she saw the tattered wedding dress on her body that smelled of mold and rotting flesh, she couldn't help but become frightened.

She vaguely recalled something.

"God, I, I'm crazy, I actually want to get married?! I was wrong, I shouldn't have run out of the house alone, and I shouldn't have been with strangers." Little Gemma cried and confessed.

Ivy hooked her fingers, and the vines held up her small body, quickly moving away from the altar and "him".

A red flower bud bloomed, sprinkling red pollen on Gemma's body. She sobbed a few times, closed her eyes, and made a cute snoring sound from her nose.

"Who is your boss?"

Sister Hallie tapped the stick and smiled warmly.

The strong man struggled hard, but was firmly bound by the cane, "Traitor, I will not give in -"

"Boom!" Harley gave him a stick directly.

"Ouch!" The strong man let out an inhuman cry. The forehead hit by the baseball bat felt as if concentrated sulfuric acid had been poured on him, and his skin was charred and smoking.

"After soaking in the holy spring, the effect is indeed much stronger." Harry turned back to the priest and said.

After saying this, she hit him on the head with the stick again.

"呲呲呲" Thick smoke billowed, sparks shot out, and the burnt human skin curled up, revealing the scaly black demon skin inside.

The flame does not burn inward from where it is struck, but from the inside out.

The flames burned inside the demon's body, scorching the demon's scales, and then ignited the outermost layer of human skin.

"No, don't hit me, Granny Witch, don't hit me, I told you!" the human-skinned demon wailed.

"Boom!" Harley gave it another hard blow, which only made its orifices burst into flames and its whole head lit up.

"You still dare to humiliate me and call me 'witch' when you see me wearing a nun's uniform?"

"Grandma Saint, spare your life!" The devil's head was almost cooked.

The trauma to the soul is greater than the damage to the body.

"Who is your boss?" Harley asked.

"An old acquaintance of yours, Nergal."

"So that's it."

Harry asked curiously: "How did Nergal, a mere third-class Duke, survive the gaze of Little Black Bean?"

"This 'stick demon' doesn't have a title yet." Carlisle reminded: "There are tens of millions of demons in hell, but the three lines of defense back then totaled less than two million."

The demon said: "Every First Fallen and every Demon King is like a king, with countless subjects.

Before the giant beasts broke through hell, they took their demon people to avoid it. "

"No wonder the demons on the defensive line immediately turned against them in large numbers as soon as Little Black Bean showed up."

Harry smiled sarcastically and asked, "There have been frequent supernatural incidents recently. Is it your Eternal Punishment Legion that is causing trouble?"

The abduction of Zha Kang's niece Gemma is not a special case.

After the Little Black Bean incident, people on earth managed to live a peaceful life for four or five years. However, starting two years ago, various supernatural crimes began to appear again around the world.

It's almost the same as what the wizard group did back then.

"The winter solstice is coming soon." The devil said vaguely.

"It's only July now, the winter solstice -" Harry said halfway, and suddenly realized, "For the coming of the Holy Son?"

Little Black Bean's awakening is neither the beginning nor the end.

Around the year 1992, the main universe merged with another alien universe, causing violent vibrations in the multiverse, and the little black beans outside the high wall woke up from their slumber.

Before Little Black Bean jumped out of the Sunless Sea, Hell dug out a stone tablet with a prophecy written on it.

Roughly speaking, on the day of the winter solstice (the day of the birth of Jesus), the union of the natural and the supernatural ushered in childbirth, giving birth to the Son who had the mission of calming the chaos of the elements.

At first, Harley only thought that the elements were chaotic and came from the shock of the multiverse.

Not only her, but the demons and mages also thought so.

After the Little Black Bean incident was over, Harry was sure that they had all gone wrong.

The multiverse was shaken, and the little black bean stepped on the hell, which indeed caused great chaos in the magical elements. It was like a calm pool. The giant jumped in to take a bath. The water rippled, the clear water became turbid, and even mud fell from the giant's body.

The unrest needs to be calmed and the water cleaned.

But the mission of the Son goes far beyond that.

When the big black hand of Little Black Bean is held together with the big golden hand of God, and the black and white Tai Chi diagram evolves, the magic element changes in nature.

It's not that the pool water has become dirty, but that the water has become "oil." Well, the water has become oil, which is not appropriate, because the change is not that big.

To put it simply, before Little Black Bean "shakes hands" with God, both the elements of hell and the elements of heaven are version 1.0. After shaking hands, both evolve to version 2.0.

God evolves.

The little black beans make Him more “complete”.

The mission of the Holy Son is not only to make the "Magic Element Pool" calm and clear again, but also to make the evolved 2.0 version of the elements of heaven and hell consistent with the entire multiverse, and even bigger things that Harley doesn't know will happen. The change.

The multiverse is hardware, and the magical elements of hell and heaven are software. Now that the software is being upgraded, it may not be perfectly compatible with the hardware.

Moreover, the new software may also make the hardware more efficient?

This is roughly the mission of the Son of God.

"Yes, the predicted winter day is coming soon, at the end of December this year." The devil said.

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