I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 47 Voice of Heaven

"Who are you?" Harley subconsciously took a step forward, drew her gun and stood in front of Rachel.

The man is over 1.8 meters tall, with a well-proportioned figure and an extraordinary temperament.

A blue soft hat, a blue cloak, a black dress underneath, and a gold coin-shaped necklace on his chest.

Very weird outfit.

"I'm not here to find you." The wide brim of the hat cast a heavy shadow, covering most of the man's face.

"Crack!" Harley pulled the gun bolt and pointed the black muzzle at the man's head.

"One step closer and I'll blow your slut hat off!"

Although he was threatening like this, Harry knew in his heart that mortal weapons would be useless against him.

He suddenly teleported in front of them, he must be a great magician.

But the strength can be weak, but the momentum cannot be weak.

Unexpectedly, the man actually stopped obediently and said solemnly, a few steps away, "Rachel, I hope you will come with me."

From the moment Harley stood in front of her, Rachel's eyes were extremely gentle.

When her eyes moved to the man in blue robe, she began to become a little hysterical.

"Are you sent by my father? I will not follow you."

The man shook his head and said: "No, I know who your father is and everything about you, but I am not his.

You're being hunted by his followers, aren't you?

It's been several years and I haven't been able to get rid of it.

As long as you cannot completely control the power within your body, you will never be able to escape his gaze. "

"Can you help me?" Rachel asked doubtfully.

"I can't do it," the man in the blue cloak shook his head again, "but I will take you to meet someone, someone with similar strength to you."

"Why should I believe you? I can't even read your emotions." Rachel said.

"No one can read my emotions, but you can trust me. Just like you, I walk around the world and help others." The cloaked man glanced at Harley, "Follow me, and I will tell you my identity."

The meaning was obvious, Harry was an outsider and either got out of here, or they got rid of this Muggle.

"Boy, you are very clever. You know how to drive away the smartest people in order to deceive the remaining kind ones, but you can't scare me!" Harley held the shotgun and poked forward.

"If you don't tell me, just leave. I believe Diana is far better than you." Rachel said solemnly.

Harley turned back and gave her a big smile.

Rachel also blushed and smiled shyly.

The man in blue became an unsightly outsider.

"Do you believe her?" The cloaked man's voice was still calm, "She didn't even tell you her real name. She is Harley Quinn, the Witch Harley, not Diana."

Harley was a little embarrassed and shocked.

She had never seen this man before, how could he know her identity?

Rachel put her hand on her shoulder and said calmly: "I can sense other people's emotions in the most detailed way. From the beginning, I knew that her name was not Diana.

But so what?

The name doesn't matter at all.

She never lied to me where it really mattered. "

Harley's expression was strange, and she wanted to say - I also know that you know that I am not Diana.

Even the lie detector invented by humans can indirectly determine whether a prisoner is lying through brain waves. Rachel's intuitive emotional feelings are certainly more effective.

Rachel said softly: "It's okay, Harley, I know you know and I know-hehehe!"

By the end, she couldn't help laughing.

"Hehehe" Harley was also laughing, smiling easily.

The cloaked man felt more and more like an outsider. Well, well, he was an outsider.

"Do you know what Witch Harley did?" he asked.

"I watch the news too, but now I think Hallie is innocent," Rachel said.

Harry was a little touched. They had only known each other for a few hours. Well, maybe there was a magical element, but Rachel couldn't read minds.

"She has killed more than one person." The eyes under the brim of the hat suddenly flashed with silver light, and Harley intuitively felt that his soul, past, and future had been seen through by him.

"Just a few days ago, she killed a homeless man in an alley who was unable to fight back."

"Shit, what kind of eyes are these?" Harley subconsciously pulled on the collar to make her privacy safer.

The silver light in the man's eyes disappeared and he said: "I am the Hand of God. If you trust God, you can trust me."

"Then does God know that man wanted to strengthen me? And I didn't want to kill him. How did he die? When I left, he was still breathing." Harley was angry at first, and then became suspicious in the end.

"You beat him paralyzed in the snow, how can he not die after a night has passed?" the man said calmly.

"Oh, if I punch you now, and you die of old age in a hundred years, will it be considered my fault?" Harley smiled and sneered.

The man turned his attention to Rachel to see how she would choose.

The black-haired girl hesitated for a moment and said, "Harry may be a little violent, but she is a good person. I saw her buying porridge for the homeless before."

Harley smiled triumphantly at the cloaked man.

He sighed and said, "I am the Phantom Stranger."

"That's a really weird name, even weirder than your outfit." Harley complained.

Rachel was not as ignorant as she was, and immediately looked shocked, "It turns out to be you. I heard my father mention you."

"I believe you." Her expression was like seeing God himself.

Harry was very surprised by her reaction, and did not dare to yell at the man in blue robe anymore. He approached Rachel and asked in a low voice: "Is Stranger an archangel?"

"No, he" Rachel looked up at Stranger and said hesitantly: "Harry, Stranger probably won't lie to me. I was about to leave, so let me let him go."

"Master Stranger, please wait for a moment. Rachel and I have a private matter to discuss." Harry handed over a flattering smile and pulled the black-haired girl towards the alley next to her.

After about ten meters away, she asked again: "I have never heard of Stranger. Who is he?"

"Of course you have heard of it, he is Judas!" Rachel broke the news.

"The Judas who betrayed Jesus?" Hallie opened her mouth so wide that she could fit a boot into it.

Rachel nodded slightly, "He is Judas, but Judas is not the Stranger. The Stranger has lived for countless thousands of years, and Judas is just one of his identities."

"Christ Jesus, you know he is Judas, and yet you believe his lies? He even betrayed Jesus, didn't you know?" Hallie exclaimed.

Her head was burning hot at the moment.

It is true that in just a few hours tonight, I have been exposed to too many incredible things.

"No, my father once spoke of the Stranger with great hatred, saying that he was God's loyal dog and the sharp sword of heaven on earth.

The more the devil fears a person, the more it means he is a capable and good person, right? "

Harley was speechless.

But her mind became more and more confused, "Did the Bible remember wrongly that the Son of God descended by Jehovah was actually Judas, and Jesus was the second son?"

"The Bible is definitely correct, it just needs the correct interpretation method." Rachel said.

Harley thought for a while and said excitedly: "So, maybe the stranger will take you to see God?"

"I'm not sure either. He said there is someone with similar power to me who can teach me how to control the magic in my body. God is omniscient and omnipotent and can definitely teach me, but His power must be different from mine." Rachel said.

"There are so many talents in heaven, even Lucifer was once an angel, maybe" Harley mused.

Then, she said coyly: "Can you take me with you? My life is very ordinary, but I hope that I can be extraordinary. No matter who I am, I can see God or anyone. Maybe I can become a magician of light?"

Not only did Rachel not dislike her for climbing a high tree, but she said happily: "Okay! You learned magic from me before. In fact, I really want to teach you, but my black magic is too evil.

To put it bluntly, I am borrowing my father’s power. If you learn it, you will definitely become his disciple.

Well now, the magic from heaven will make us better. We can learn together and make progress together. "

"That's great, Rachel!" Harry was so beautiful that she couldn't help but hug the black-haired girl and jump up and down.

Rachel's face was slightly red, her arms with nowhere to rest hugged Harry back, and she smiled even happier.

After hearing Rachel's request to bring a small oil bottle, the stranger frowned and said in embarrassment: "The desire for power is naturally unclean."

"That's why I work hard to make progress, hoping that God's light can purify my impurity." Harley said immediately.

"I'm not going to see God this time." Stranger's tone was strange.

"No matter who it is, Harley must accompany me." Rachel held Harley's hand and expressed her attitude firmly.

The stranger looked at her deeply and said, "I hope you won't regret it!"

Rachel hesitated a little now, "Will it hurt Harley?"

"Ah, I understand!" Harley exclaimed in sudden realization, "It must be the Crusaders, the Tongues of Fire!

You need to take Rachel to England to meet the Tongue of Fire.

Damn it, I'm going to report it to God! I want to hire a lawyer from heaven, and I want to go to court with the Crusaders! "

"Stop shouting, God has heard it." Stranger said strangely.

"What?" Harley was stunned.

"The 'Voice of Heaven' is paying attention here and now. Your matter has already reached Heaven to hear." Stranger said.

What is going on? What does Shangdatian Ting mean?

Harry was a little confused, "Will the Advent Crusaders drop the charges against me?"

"Heaven does not interfere with human affairs. God will give you fair judgment on the day you die."

"Everyone is dead, what else can I do to be fair?" Harley said dissatisfied.

"I know what the Crusaders are doing, but they and I are two different departments of the same company." Stranger said awkwardly.

Rachel turned to Harry and advised: "Let's go see the angel first, and then slowly explain to it about the monastery."

"Not an angel." The stranger lowered his head and his voice was a little muffled.

Without seeing what he was doing or hearing him reciting a spell, a small blue dot appeared silently and instantly expanded into a vortex of light blue light.

The vortex is as high as a portal, and the sun can be seen on the other side.

And now, in Gotham, it's dark, around three in the morning.

Harley was very surprised, looked around, and then carefully stepped across the whirlpool.

There was no discomfort, it was as simple as crossing the threshold in one step.

"Ah, I recognize this place." Harry looked around and said in surprise: "We have really come to England, this is Stonehenge!

Holy shit, Stranger, your space teleportation technology is too powerful. "

Rachel's reaction was more intense than Harley's, with fear and confusion, "This is the entrance to the hell dimension where my father lives. Stranger, what did you bring us here for?"

"Hehehehehe." An evil laugh came from the sky, and the blood and black smoke surged in an instant, dispersing the golden sunlight and ruling the space.

"I miss you so much, dear daughter!"

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