I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 53 Harley goes to heaven

"We just left the universe." Stranger said meaningfully.

"I don't feel anything." Harley smacked her lips, "How about we do it again?"

The stranger was dumbfounded, turned around and left.

"Oh, wait," Harley chased after him, "Stranger, I find you are a good person. Can you teach me magic?"

"Why do you want to learn magic?" Stranger asked.

"Anyone who sees the miraculous power of magic with their own eyes will be fascinated by it."

"Magic is not as beautiful as you think. On the contrary, it is very dangerous. No one who learns magic in the world will end well." The stranger said solemnly.

"The old wizard seems to be doing well." Harry said.

The stranger was silent for a moment and asked, "Do you know what class solidification is?"

"The rich will win if they lie down, and the poor will lie down. If they don't lie down, they will be cut off. I understand." Harley said.

Stranger nodded and said: "This is the current form of the magic world. All the seemingly ownerless magic powers are all powerful.

When you truly master powerful magic, you will envy ordinary people who have never seen magic. "

Harry smiled bitterly and said: "What you said is like a rich man telling a beggar that money is the source of evil, and having money does not equal happiness.

No matter what side effects the magic ends up having, it will always make me feel comfortable now. "

The stranger stopped, pondered for a while, and said, "I don't have time to teach you."

Harry was delighted, there was hope!

"You can give me a set of magic books, or introduce me to a magic teacher."

The stranger climbed onto the platform, walking slowly, and said hesitantly: "I usually don't do anything other than the voice of heaven."

"Are you busy atoning for your sins?"

The stranger was silent.

Harley looked sideways at the gold pendant on his chest.

She knew that it was a bunch of silver coins, probably the 30 Roman coins she got from betraying Jesus.

The thing is, betraying Jesus seemed to be a command from heaven.

Harley remembered another saying about Judas: Among the twelve disciples of Jesus, Judas was the most pious. He did not betray Jesus for money, but because he firmly believed that the Romans could not kill Jesus because he had no idea about the identity of Jesus’ Son. Not a trace of doubt.

If it was proven that the Romans could not kill Jesus, mortals would believe in the Lord as devoutly as he did.

Logically it seems okay?

Do you believe that Jesus is the Son?

If you believe it, then why do you doubt that the Holy Son can be killed by a mortal?

This Judas, the Stranger, seemed to prove this point of view: God asked him to betray Jesus, thus creating a series of miracles that followed - Jesus was resurrected and ascended to heaven after preaching for forty days. Since then, no one has disbelieved in Christ, and Christianity has flourished. .

Shit, if this speculation is true, then the God of the DC Universe is really evil!

Harry shuddered, but felt inexplicably more relaxed: God had a dark heart, and instead lost his terrifying divinity of being omniscient and omnipotent, and strong without desire.

"Do you know what the cross you took away from the Holy Crusaders is?" After a period of silence, the stranger suddenly asked.

"Rachel said it was a contract." Harley said.

The stranger nodded slightly and said: "Yes, it is a contract signed between God and mortals. You can regard it as a work contract between a modern company and its employees."

"Why? What can God get from mortals?" Harley was puzzled.

Stranger said slowly: "God is supreme, but God is not the only one. There are other supreme powers inside and outside the multiverse.

Do you have any questions, why I have always claimed to only obey the orders of the voice of heaven, but now I am helping the Eternal Parliament find magic warriors? "

"The old wizard from before came from the Eternal Parliament?"

"How many chairs did you see in the Eternal Castle?" asked the Stranger.

"Seven." Harry thought thoughtfully.

“Originally there were seven powerful wizards in the Eternal Castle. They originated from ancient times and mastered similar power of thunder.

Under the guidance of God (ps), they formed a group called the Eternal Council, dedicated to protecting the world and maintaining the balance of magic.

As time goes by, the great wizard gradually withers away, and today, only Shazam is left in the Fortress of Eternity. "The stranger sighed.

After he betrayed Jesus, he was captured by seven wizards and taken to the Eternal Castle, where he knelt at the steps to be judged.

The thirty silver coins around his neck did not come from God, but were a punishment imposed on him by the Eternal Council.

"God also needs to hire mortals to do things. Did old Shazam also sign a work contract?" Harley understood somewhat.

"You don't have a statue of Jesus on your cross," said the stranger.

Harry's heart moved, "Is it a contract between Jesus and the human Doug family before he came to the world? Are the other holy relics of the Holy Advent Crusade also contracts?"

Doug is the surname of Hercules.

Stranger shook his head and said: "Most of the holy relics were passed down from the beginning of the Christian era, and they are just ordinary utensils used by devout believers in Christ.

From the ancient barbaric era to the time when Christ came to the world, most human mages knew that heaven existed, but they were not so pious.

When heaven sends down its will, they ask for benefits.

Therefore, Heaven signed a contract with them, completed the task, and received rewards.

Some contracts are passed down by blood, from generation to generation, such as the cross in your hand, and some contracts are limited to individuals and even have an agreed time.

In addition to light, there is more darkness in the world.

When you hold a heaven contract, you naturally become the enemy of the dark forces. Therefore, ancient humans were not very willing to sign long-term contracts.

Until now, the cross in your hand is the last heavenly contract in this world. "

Harley vaguely understood.

The year of the Christian era is only 2005.

Before Jesus, mankind had been around for countless thousands of years.

During that period, not only was Christ not a mainstream belief, it was even relatively niche—compared to the Greek Olympian pantheon, the Egyptian gods, and the Nordic gods.

Human beings don’t really believe in God, so they naturally don’t want to sacrifice their lives for God in vain.

But human wizards like old Shazam are too good for God to give up.

In this way, there is a contract with heaven - work for a salary.

Later, God, the "big capitalist", felt that the company's annual profit growth was slow, so he wanted the workers to work in vain.

So, Jesus was born, Judas betrayed him, Jesus was resurrected, miracles were performed, the church was established, Christ became the mainstream belief, all people in the world were lambs, God gave an order, fanatical believers brought their own dry food, and heaven did not have to pay a dime of wages.

If that were the case, then heaven would be too dark and too secular.

But now she is moved.

She also wants to be a worker in paradise.

"By saying so much, are you implying that you can't teach me magic, but you can change the contractor of the cross to me?" She looked at the stranger longingly.

"Are you willing to be a warrior in heaven?" Stranger asked.

Harley was ecstatic at first, and then worried: "Please explain the side effects first."

"Give me the cross and I will read the contents of this contract."

Harry didn't hesitate and took off the cross he was wearing.

The stranger took off his black leather gloves and held the lower handle solemnly, "My Lord, please lend me your supreme power."

The power of God surges out of Moke's body, and the golden light is divine and majestic.

At this time, the stranger was as noble as God himself.

"Buzz!" The cross trembled slightly, and a written contract emerged out of thin air.

Mysterious words in the shape of tadpoles, as big as the mouth of a bowl, with more than a thousand words, rotate around the stranger.

Gradually, the font began to distort itself, becoming modern English that Harry could understand.

The contract format is very simple, only stating the rights and obligations.

Harry read it carefully, and it was generally fair: when you work for Heaven, you will get a merit for every order you make, and you can use your merit to exchange for clearly priced things from Heaven - including but not limited to the pure power of God. .

"It's a bit like a mercenary hotel," she complained.

"Are you going to do it or not?" Stranger asked.

"Of course I do, I am willing to serve God!" Harley nodded.

The contract even stated that there would be no forced tasks, and the reward would be the omnipotent power of God.

Only fools don't do it.

"Then let's go to heaven." Stranger said.

"What?" Harley almost tripped herself.

"Go to heaven and find an archangel who can represent God. You sign with it face to face. Is there any problem?"

The stranger's tone was calm, as if he was saying let's go to the coffee shop next door, sit down and talk slowly.

"Out of body experience?" Harley asked nervously.

The stranger shook his head, "It's very simple. Are you ready?"


A gray sky with a hint of blue replaced the sparsely populated Gotham subway station in an instant. Harley seemed to be floating in the air, unable to bear any force, and couldn't help but scream.


An indescribable ethereal song suddenly sounded above her head, and soft golden light occupied her entire field of vision. Harley felt unprecedented peace and tranquility.

"Stranger, why did you bring mortals to the Cliff of Paradise?"

The majestic sound filled the world, and the golden light gradually receded. Harry could see other scenery and touch the solid ground.

She and Stranger landed on a small hill floating in the void, and most of the area in their field of vision was nothingness.

Only where the light shines from the front, mountains of different sizes emerge from the clouds and mist.

There are also white towers of Babel standing on some peaks.

These mountain peaks are like stairs, and at the end of the stairs, which is the source of divine radiance, is a huge city paved with gold and made of silver.

Well, the way of existence is somewhat similar to Asgard in Marvel.

It is a very ancient architectural style. Each tower is tall and sharp, like an angel's sword.

It is not the sun that emits golden light, but the entire city.

Every brick, every tower, every bridge is emitting a holy and soft golden light.

Looking into the light, it is not dazzling at all. Instead, the body is cleansed from the inside out, and the heart is filled with joy, satisfaction and peace.

"Who is she?" The majestic voice turned into a bird-man in front of us.

Well, an angel with white wings and golden armor.

"Oh my god, he's actually a black angel?!" Harley blurted out.

(ps: Regarding the establishment of the Eternal Parliament, I seem to have read about it in the comics, but I am not sure if I remember it wrong, or it is simply a false memory.

But the Eternal Parliament can judge the Stranger (God's little black hand) and Pandora, and has always been an enemy of the Seven Deadly Sins - these have obvious traces of Christianity.

If Parliament has nothing to do with God, why should it bind strangers under the steps and judge them as prisoners?

The Stranger's status in heaven is similar to that of Ghost and Michael. He was originally an archangel and was a "brother" with Lucifer, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and other angels.

When Lucifer rebelled, Stranger also followed him and betrayed God, but he regretted it midway, which was equivalent to betraying Lucifer again.

So I didn’t go to hell with Lucifer to become the devil.

Of course, if you betray God, even if you repent, you will not be able to stay in heaven.

Therefore, the Stranger, who could neither go to heaven nor go to hell, has been wandering in the world, becoming the embodiment of the "law of betrayal" - he betrayed both God and Satan.

The Stranger is a Stranger not because he betrayed Jesus as Judas, but because he betrayed God and atone for his sins as Judas.

Well, yes, Judas was atoning for his sins by betraying Jesus.

How can ordinary people judge such an awesome Hong Hong person? Unless God approves. )

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