I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 821 Their respective plans

Metropolis, Kent's apartment.

"I have received definite information from the Pentagon that the President has agreed to the full treaty of the Undersea People.

Not only that, in the video talks between heads of state, they also reached a basic consensus: they cannot provoke a war with the people under the sea.

No matter how harsh the treaties are, humans cannot refute that they are for the sake of the ocean and the earth's ecological environment.

In this way, choosing to accept becomes the best choice. "

Louise said excitedly: "Let me just say, public opinion news can help you complete the peace process."

"Do you really think those politicians can keep their word?" Clark frowned.

The smile on Louise's face disappeared, she shook her head and sighed: "I'm sure they can't do it, and even a 30% discount would shock me.

Eighty percent of our government cannot even fulfill 10% of the quota. "

"The people under the sea will not let Washington fool them." Clark said.

Louise said solemnly: "But at least we have shown sincerity. Even if we only fulfill 10% of the quota, the U.S. economy will fall into a deep recession, and national production and people's lives will be greatly affected.

When the time comes, we will broadcast more news in this area to let the people under the sea know that we are working hard, know how difficult our people's livelihood is, and know that their plans are unrealistic.

Finally let them understand that your revised plan is reliable. "

Clark looked at her and said, "You have met Orm and conducted an exclusive interview with him. Do you think he can understand?"

Louise said: "I don't expect him to understand, but Orm cannot start a war alone. He needs the other three ocean kingdoms as allies, the support of countless people under his command, and the lives of the undersea soldiers.

As long as we humans show sincerity and let the ocean people know through the media, I believe that people on land and under the sea can understand each other.

The public opinion guided by the news media can not only force our government to make the right choice, but can also trigger a storm of public opinion among the people under the sea and force Aum to compromise. "

"Oh, you targeted the people of Atlantis." Clark glanced at his wife in surprise and nodded: "This is a good entry point, we didn't think of it before."

Louise first smiled proudly, and then sighed: "I have seen many leaders, some democratically elected, some dictators, some kings and presidents, some on the earth and some abroad.

I'm an idealist, but I'm not naive.

Like you, I am sure that Orm has no intention of actually solving the problem through negotiation, he just wants to find an excuse to start a war. "

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment and said with a complicated expression: "Today I once again realized the deterrent power of the 'golden nuclear bomb'.

Even if she does nothing and just stays in Quinn Manor, she can still become the cornerstone of protecting the earth.

If Harley Quinn hadn't existed, Orm wouldn't have played politics with us at all, and would have started a war directly.

I can see depression, irritability and forbearance in Aum's eyes.

He is very arrogant and really looks down on us "inferior and despicable" land humans. However, because he is afraid of Harley Quinn, he has to temporarily put aside his pride and sit down with us to make peace. "

"Well, he is worried about Harley, which shows that he is rational. This time the submarine people launched an attack, it was not impulsive." Clark looked solemnly and said: "Botman and I both guessed that Orm may have been planning for a long time, and the submarine people may have planned it for a long time." Completely prepared.

At least Orm is confident of defeating all of our heroes. "

"Now that the governments of various countries have agreed to his treaty, even if Aum is prepared, he can't find an excuse to get angry.

During this time, we need to do two things. Louise raised two fingers and said with a serious expression: "First, governments of all countries should really invest their efforts and make achievements that are visible to the naked eye; second, mobilize the media to publicize human efforts to the people under the sea." "

Clark's eyes were gentle, he stroked the bangs on her forehead, nodded and said, "Let's work hard together."

Another week has passed.

Deep in the Atlantic Ocean, the Royal Palace of Atlantis.

The palace, a fusion of classics and science fiction, is filled with clear sea water, and the light blue energy lamps are brilliant, making every corner of the huge palace brightly lit and every detail visible.

King Orm sat high in the hall, and Zebel Nereus was suspended in the air, opposite him.

"The contract is signed, is the conflict over?" The red-haired king had a complicated expression.

"Are you disappointed?"

King Om, who wears a silver helmet and silver armor, leans easily on the back of the chair, puts his hands on the armrests of the throne, and spreads his legs widely, like a dragon and a tiger, and he is very majestic.

"Anticlimactic." Nereus sighed, "I just hope this contract can solve the ocean problem."

"Hahaha, Nereus, you are almost sixty this year, right? You are so childish." King Om raised his head and laughed, "I have been preparing for this day for 20 years!

Ever since my mother was exiled and eaten by the Haitou tribe, I secretly vowed that one day I would use sea water and blood to cleanse the dirty and ignorant humans on the land. "

The smile on his face gradually turned ferocious, "It's just a contract that cannot be fulfilled at all. How is it possible for me to stop my actions?"

Nereus' expression changed, "You want to take revenge on humans because of your mother?"

He was willing to join Orm's plan only because Orm's data analysis moved him: if changes are not made and human destruction of the marine ecology is not immediately ended, Atlantis will decline within decades.

For the sake of Atlantis, he even had the consciousness to become an enemy of the Witch Harley and eventually die in glorious battle.

But if he were asked to take risks with Zebel and the Atlanteans for the sake of one person's selfish desires, he would never agree.

Orm waved his hand and said: "No, what happened to my mother is just another example of the despicability of human beings and that we should launch a war of eradication.

The analysis report I gave you was done without any manipulation.

No need to read my report, Xebel also has an academy of science.

Even without my warning, you will find out sooner or later that the proportion of degeneration and deformity among newborn babies in Atlantis is increasing year by year.

Because of water quality. "

Nereus sighed and nodded silently.

Of the four kingdoms under the sea, all members of the Saltwater Kingdom "evolved" into lobster and crab forms, as did the Fishman Kingdom, but this does not mean that Atlantis and Zebel are all humanoid.

They also have "deformed" people with fish forms or fish parts.

More than half of Zebel are "deformed children", and only the royal family and the great nobles can maintain their bloodline. Atlantis is in the best situation, and the people are mainly humanoid.

But in recent decades, birth rates with deformities have increased in both kingdoms, roughly matching levels of ocean pollution.

"But now the peace contract has been signed." He looked at Om doubtfully and said.

Orm sighed and said: "Nereus, I hope that humans will strictly implement that contract more than you do.

The marine pollution distribution and treatment plan in the contract took me ten years!

I invested a lot of effort, naturally, not just to find a reason to start a war with the land people.

I don't want a war to break out, which will kill a lot of Atlanteans.

The Justice League, Justice Society, Freedom Fighters, and even Harley Quinn are not easy to deal with.

My purpose in provoking the conflict is to fight for the survival space for the Atlantis family.

Naturally, they do not want to destroy the future of Atlantis with a war 'for the future of Atlantis'.

But I am 100% sure that the treacherous and despicable Earth government has never thought of seriously implementing my "Ocean Purification and Protection Plan". They want to fool us and kill us with a slow knife. "

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand and moved forward slightly.


A two-hundred-inch giant projection screen appeared above him and Nereus.

On it, a secret video conference of heads of state from all over the world was broadcast.

The voice of the caravan leader echoed in the empty Neptune Palace: "The U.S. government cannot guarantee the completion of various terms. But when the people under the sea discover that we have failed to complete the task, mankind will also have a lot of preparation time."

Nereus said angrily: "Humanity is stalling for time and reorganizing its armaments!"

Aum said calmly: "Actually, fighting with us is the lowest-cost option.

Not only will their economy and industry not collapse during the war, they can also rely on military production to develop new enterprises, use war to divert domestic social conflicts, and use war dividends to inject new vitality into the United States. "

"Then they must win first." Nereus gritted his teeth.

"Of course they are confident. They defeated the Kryptonians, drove away Darkseid, defeated the Green Lantern Corps, captured the number one bully in the universe, Brainiac, and even killed the Anti-Monitor. They were just undersea people, weren't they? A plate of food?" Orm sneered.

Nereus' expression changed, and he said dryly: "If a conflict really breaks out, can we win?"

"Am I stupid?" Orm asked.

Nereus looked at him deeply, "I once thought you were reckless and impulsive."

"I can guarantee that Atlantis will not fail. Are you willing to believe me?" Orm asked again.

"I can only believe you. If nothing is done, Atlantis will definitely decline." Nereus said helplessly.

Orm put his hands on the armrests and launched himself to Nereus's side with a swish. He stretched out his right hand and said, "Then let's get started."

Nereus hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his right hand to hold it, "If you have any plans, I'm willing to listen to you."

Om leaned close to his ear and laughed softly: "Just wait and see what happens, wait a month, we will..."

Nereus looked at him in surprise, "I understand."

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while, and Om personally sent the future father-in-law outside the palace gate, watching him board a submarine warship and disappear into the distance.

"Hehehe, Nereus, don't let me down!" A strange smile appeared on Om's lips.

After leaving the Royal City of Atlantis, Nereus glanced back, whispered a few words to the guards in the driver's seat, opened the glass cover of the battleship, jumped out at high speed, turned into a line of golden light, and headed towards Gotham. Swim quickly in the direction.

Five minutes later, Nereus appeared at Quinn Manor, found Harley and said bluntly: "The human government is treacherous and has no intention of seriously implementing Orm's 'ocean cleanup plan'.

They just want to fool us and delay the rectification of armaments. "

"This is the way the Washington government behaves. I'm not surprised at all." Harley sighed.

Nereus said urgently: "You have to do something, otherwise war will be inevitable.

One month later, Aum will launch an attack on all countries on the earth. It will first play the public opinion card and publicly reveal the true face of the earth's government.

Then through the tsunami, all the garbage accumulated in the ocean is washed into your human cities, including Gotham.

You can't bear that kind of loss.

But you can't stop it, unless you start a war, just like Orm wants.

I assure you, he is not a fool. If he dares to start a war, he must have a trump card. "

"What trump card?" Harley asked curiously.

"I don't know, but he swore that the people under the sea would never lose! With his character, he would never be able to bear the defeat of Atlantis by the people on land. Even I can't stand it."

At this point, Nereus hugged his head and wailed: "Poseidon, what am I doing? I told you all the trump cards of Atlantis.

If Atlantis loses the war because of this, I, I will never be able to atone for my sins by dying. "

Harley stared at his face for a while, making sure that he was at least half sincere and wasn't completely acting out.

"Brother Nereus, I will not let you become a sinner." She promised.

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