I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 866: Great volume, Hallie, are you under a lot of pressure?

Excluding real estate, Harley currently has three major industries.

First, the "King of Fighters True Unlimited Fighting Match" whose market value exceeds the NBA and is getting closer to football.

It would have surpassed football long ago if a number of countries in Europe and Asia had not considered it too bloody and violent and set it at a restricted level and did not allow public television to broadcast it.

However, the King of Fighters Tournament is not profitable.

Harley has been running this event for more than ten years, but has not made a penny, and instead has spent billions on it.

There are two reasons: one is to invest a lot of tournament prize money.

In order to attract extraordinary bosses, Harley set up bonus accumulation rules from the beginning, and invested a fixed proportion of her income in each game into the bonus pool.

Only in this way can there be an exaggerated scene where Grand Barda can still get billions of dollars after paying taxes.

In addition to the final winner, all contestants who have the opportunity to appear on the stage will receive a large sum of money.

In addition to bonuses, there are additional investments in operating costs, such as five insurances and one housing fund for boxers, training fees for the best martial arts dojo in the world, nutrition fees, and physical therapy fees.

The King of Fighters Tournament cannot make any money, and Puppy Video Network has not yet completed the process of monetizing its traffic.

Paradise Mountain Technology Company sells mobile phones and computers, which is very profitable.

But this DC world is a bit magical. Even if Harley acquired Apple, she still failed to become an absolute industry leader.

In the real world, Apple can dominate the world by technologically crushing "friendly businesses" and politically suppressing, ostracizing, and persecuting "real technology companies."

The number of black technologies in DC is more than that of superheroes and super villains combined.

Compared with them, Tiantianshan Technology does not have much technological advantage.

After Bruce Wayne returned, the Wayne Group also began to develop its own mobile phones, notebooks and other electronic products.

Luther can build his own flying mecha, but he still needs chips?

And Quinn from Green Arrow, those high-tech arrows are all high-tech!

The Atom also has an atomic suit, and those who play high-tech in Mr. Miracle, the Third Smartest Man, are basically rich people.

In order to continue to make money, they must also have a legitimate career that can make money quickly. What is more suitable than entering the electronics industry?

Either work for other technology companies and become a senior manager, or simply become your own boss.

Therefore, the United States in this world is too complicated.

Harley felt that it was not the apples that made Paradise Mountain possible, but she saved the apples.

Apple's A-series processors alone will never be able to defeat those guys who can build mechas and alien spaceships.

However, Harley’s Paradise Mountain mobile phone is still the most mainstream brand in the world today.

Even if a competitor's processor is better than hers, rich people still use her products.

Because her core technology is also a black technology - the watchdog system!

The Watchdog Dog has proven itself in multiple global disasters, and the Watchdog Dog can only be found on a Paradise Mountain phone or chip.

Compared with the service fee of 199 US dollars, the Tianshan Promax of 1,000 US dollars is just like recharging the phone bill and getting a mobile phone.

Rich people who can order the service of a watch dog can’t afford the purchase price of more than one thousand US dollars.

Ordinary people who don't have money to buy the service of Watchdog will buy Tianshan mobile phones for the sake of style, even if the mobile phones of other manufacturers have better performance and higher cost performance.

Mobile phones used by celebrities, political and business stars are certainly more stylish.

But now, the dividends of the household dogs seem to have come to an end.

"Miss Quinn, industry insiders say that if the Holy Sword is successfully launched, it means that Paradise Mountain Technology Company's dominance in the field of high-end mobile phones will begin to shake. What do you think of this?" Lois Lane asked.

It's already 3:50 in the afternoon of the next day.

Luther Group Headquarters, the garden rooftop of the "L" shaped building.

The "L" shaped building is composed of a 45-story building and a 5-story annex building, forming a huge "L". The garden is on the rooftop of the annex building.

One hundred meters long and more than thirty meters wide, it can fit a football field.

A 300-inch spliced ​​giant screen is hung on the wall of the main building facing the garden, allowing the more than 300 guests who came today to see the live broadcast from space - the Holy Sword had already been ignited and arrived at the scheduled orbit five minutes ago. The astronauts After leaving the space shuttle, assemble and debug the "Luthor Generation Babel Ear" workstation in outer space.

Every movement of the astronauts can elicit applause, whistles, and exclamations.

Halle wore light makeup for her trip today. She wore a thin black woolen sweater that outlined her slender figure, and a plaid cotton skirt that reached her ankles. She looked plump, elegant and dignified.

Looking at the "Paradise Mountain 7P" handed to him, Harley said, "How do you feel after using this phone?"

Louise also looked at the mobile phone in her hand that was used for recording, and said: "For a reporter, it is quite easy to use, and it is sufficient for radio recording and ordinary photography.

However, the 4K video recording seems to be a bit behind the times, and the memory is also a bit small. The regular version only has 256G, which is not enough. The 512 version is too expensive and the price/performance ratio is too low.

In addition, the battery is only 6500 mAh, which is too small. For people like me who work intensively, I have to charge it at least once a day. "

Look at how it's rolled up, it's only 2016, only 7P!

Already 4K video, the regular version has a 256G, 6500 mAh "small battery", which can be charged once a day, but I am still not satisfied.

Dislike its low cost performance.

"Do I need to remind you? Just 10 years ago, we were still using Lokia with 2G network. Three years ago, Paradise Mountain 6S came out and was praised by countless digital broadcasters. How many years has it passed?

I feel very conscientious that Tianshanshan mobile phone can change at such a speed. " Harley said.

Louise was stunned and sighed: “Technology has developed too fast in recent years.

Five years ago, I didn’t believe that I would be able to use today’s Tiantianshan 7P five years later.

However, the 'LEX-note2' released by Luther Electronic Technology at the beginning of the year has 8K high-definition camera, 1T memory, 'Zanshi Star Inle R-class' certified fully anti-shake ultra-wide-angle lens, 25,000 mAh large battery, 1,000 watt fast charge, I use it for three days a day, but its price is about the same as the 7P regular version. "

Shen Te Zan Shi Xing Inle R-class certification.

Harley's mouth twitched a few times and said: "Luthor definitely cheated. The alien technology he stole from somewhere didn't cost a penny in patent fees or R\u0026D fees, so the cost was naturally extremely low.

But my company uses 100% natural and pollution-free earth technology and absolutely does not contain any ‘alien viruses’!

The research and development expenses invested last year alone were as high as 20 billion US dollars.

20 billion!

Looking around the world, who dares to compare with our Tiantangshan Technology Company? "

Louise shook her head and said: "It may not necessarily use alien technology. I have reliable information. Wayne Technology's flagship phone this year, 'Black Cat 3mix', has registered patents for the lens and screen technology as early as 4 years ago. No. Weaker than Luther’s note 2.”

Harley said with a dull face: "Do you think those doctoral students from prestigious Ivy League schools in the Paradise Mountain R\u0026D Department are all garbage?"

Louise said: "They are indeed the most highly educated, highly intelligent, and highly qualified talents among human beings, but they are not extraordinary.

Nowadays, many superheroes and criminals have extraordinary brains and super intelligence, and one person can defeat a scientific research team.

Since the death of Dr. Rich Simpson, the 'Quantum Wizard', your Heavenly Hills company seems to be lacking in this kind of 'super talent'. "

Harry said calmly: "The topic is going a bit far, or do you plan to change the topic of today's interview?"

"Okay, back to the topic, Miss Quinn, has Heavenly Mountain Company felt any pressing pressure on the 'Holy Sword'?"


"Do you doubt that the Luther Group's 'Limbo Signal Transmitter' will fail?"

Harley shook her head and said, "Whether it succeeds or not, it won't threaten the status of the Household Dog System.

Luther named the satellite ‘Tongtian Shen’er’, the meaning is obvious. Even if it is a great success, it can only guarantee audio transmission across Limbo.

Eighty percent of the signals are still very unstable.

Also, do you think why Luthor placed the console in outer space instead of on Earth? "

"For the signal to spread far?" Louise asked.

"You are here to do special news on 'Limbo Communications', how come you don't even understand the basic mode of Limbo Communications?" Harley frowned.

This is questioning her professional ability!

Louise was a little excited, "Of course I understand that the mobile phone signal is transmitted to the host in Limbo, and then-"

At this point, she suddenly paused, with a thoughtful look on her face, "You mean, Luther placed the mainframe in the shadow realm?

The Shadow Realm is limbo.

If you put it into the shadow realm from the inside of the earth, it is equivalent to putting the host in front of the devil.

Placed in the Shadow Realm in outer space, although it is still within the scope of the Shadow Realm, it is far away from the demons on the ground. "

"That's right, you've really made preparations." Harry praised her.

A look of excitement flashed across Louise's face, "Do you think Luther's host is still within the demon's threat range? If the spacecraft flies a few more lights, the host can even be launched light-years away."

"Where is the host of the Watchdog?" Harley asked.

Louise was stunned and said, "Paradise Mountain."

"Where does its power come from?" Harley asked again.

"Use the holy light from Silver City to generate photovoltaic power."

"Where's Luther's power supply?"

Louise looked up at the big screen. The huge solar panels were slowly opening.

"Does Luther's host have to return to the material realm from the shadow realm regularly to recharge? So it cannot leave light years away."

"The trouble goes beyond energy." Luther sighed.

At some point, he and General Lane came to the two of them.

"We also need to defend against damage from demons or other Limbo creatures. Once the host is destroyed, the entire world will be disconnected.

Perhaps, I need to prepare a few backup hosts to establish a global star chain system.

However, magical metal materials that can exist in Limbo for a long time without decay are too expensive. The cost of a host alone exceeds 5 billion!

The power of the signal is also somewhat insufficient, and the workstation cannot leave the Shadow Realm, and the mobile phone cannot leave the earth. "

Luther said while looking at Harley.

Harley's expression was indifferent and she didn't answer his words at all.

Luther gave General Lane a look.

Old Ryan touched his nose and suggested without embarrassment: "Perhaps, you two can cooperate?"

"Heh, just now Reporter Ryan asked me if I feel pressure, because the successful completion of the Holy Sword's mission will make Paradise Mountain electronic products lose their competitiveness." Harley smiled sarcastically.

General Lane turned his head, embarrassed to look at her.

"Are you finished?"

Luther asked with a natural expression, as if the previous embarrassment had never occurred.

Louise really wanted to talk to Harley again, because the Galactic Admiral had rarely appeared in the public eye recently.

However, several major events have occurred recently, such as Aquaman's transformation into Aquaman, the content of the second peace talks between sea and land, and the suspected disintegration of the Green Lantern Corps. Louise wanted to know Harley's opinion.

Because the Galactic Admiral is authoritative enough, her ideas can not only convince the audience, but are often closer to the essence of the matter.

"What are you going to do?" she asked.

Luther looked hesitant, "Visit the biology laboratory."

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