Back in the material world, Harley looked at the time and found that only five seconds had passed.

Well, he was dragged from the office into the shadow world, experienced so many things, and even happily chatted with the judge for "more than half an hour". In fact, he was only on earth for five seconds.

Fernando disappeared, leaving only blood stains on the flat wooden floor with the five-pointed star circle painted on it.

Brother Robbie's soul went to heaven, but his body that died of excessive blood loss remained in place, with a very peaceful expression, without any pain or struggle.

"Devil, witch, devil." Archbishop Marvin peed his pants and huddled in the corner, his teeth chattering and his expression frantic.

"Give me what I want, otherwise no matter how stupid you are, you will be sacrificed to the devil." Harley said coldly.

"Hahaha, don't you understand? I'm not afraid of going to hell, because heaven rejected me. I have nowhere to go except hell." Marvin suddenly laughed wildly.

"You are mistaken, God will forgive every believer." Harley did not want him to lose hope.

Because no one can threaten a completely desperate person.

"Even the witch can touch the Holy Spirit and bathe in the holy light without being burned. Why can't I even touch it?" Marvin twisted his face and looked at the sky with resentment and yelled.

"I'm wearing protective gloves, so I'm not afraid of getting burned." Harley said.

Marvin looked at her hands, stunned for a moment, and then his expression became intense.

The black carbon fiber gloves were not the object of his attention.

He was looking at the bright red heart that was still beating fiercely in his hand.

His eyes became wild and greedy.

"Give it to me and I will sell you every secret of the Crusades and the Church."

"Are you crazy? If you eat it, you will become a demon." Harley lost her voice.

"Hehehe, I have seen and heard it before. Even Fernando has to go to hell. He is a true Puritan, a hundred thousand times more pious than me.

If I don't hand over the church's black materials to you, you will kill me immediately and I will go to hell immediately.

If I hand over the church's black materials to you, maybe you will let me go, but if I betray the Holy See, how can I not go to hell? "

"It seems reasonable, but you can repent to God like another monk did."

Harley felt very weird.

What is she talking about!

Marvin twisted his face and laughed maniacally, "Don't you understand? I can't even touch the light of heaven. God, that old bitch, will definitely not forgive me!"

"I wasn't sure before, but now, you're right." Harry said blankly.

——You are calling Him an old bitch, you will definitely go to hell.

People are really different.

In the past, Brother Robbie could suddenly have an epiphany in pain and despair. Marvin was still the Patriarch of New York State, but he was so unbearable that he completely fell into despair before he died.

"Give me the devil's heart, and I'll go to hell to be a noble, domineering and prosperous, wouldn't it be great!"

Marvin crawled in front of her and looked at the heart up close, becoming more and more dazzled.

Harley looked at her heart and thought for a while, then said: "You give the thing to me first, and I will give you a corresponding reward based on its value."

"I just want the devil's heart." Marvin was very determined at this moment.

"I'm just giving you a heart. You see it's so big that you can't even swallow it in one bite. How about I cut it into several slices with a knife and we share it?" Hallie asked.

Marvin hesitated for a moment and said, "You swear."

"I don't need to lie to you. Think about it with your wise brain. Faced with something I have never seen before, if someone volunteers to be a guinea pig to test the medicine for me, will I refuse?" Harley sarcastically said.

"Don't try to lie to me, you can't help the temptation of your heart." Marvin shook his head.

"Well, I swear to God."

"No, witch, you are playing tricks again. You are a believer in Satan. How can you swear to God?"

"This has all been discovered, you are so smart!"

After Harley pinched her nose and swore to Satan, Marvin immediately sent her a large box of videos.

It was almost the size of a suitcase, and it contained mainly video tapes, a small amount of film, documents and a paper packet of data cards.

No matter what Harry thought, he never imagined that this old guy had built a small darkroom under the statue of Jesus in the auditorium.

"What are you doing collecting these things for?" Harley asked curiously.

"Hey, do you think St. John's Monastery is just a special case? This is a business that specializes in providing services to the powerful from Gotham and outside Gotham. Each church welfare institution forms a chain supermarket.

We received the best quality service and were able to provide the necessary help when we needed it.

If they betray our friendship, these materials will be useful. "

Marvin smiled sarcastically and proudly, "You can take your time and take a look. There are not only the big shots in Gotham, but also rich people, politicians and even presidents and kings from all over the world.

If I were to run for Pope, they would all be very helpful. "

Looking through the names on the label of the video tape, Harry's scalp went numb at first, then the corners of his mouth curled up, and he burst out laughing.

"Okay, very good, Marvin, I am willing to give you half of my strength."

"Half is okay, give it to me quickly, give it to me immediately. Those who died are all church soldiers, and there are still priests and nuns alive in the church.

Even if you attack east and west and lure most of the GCPD to the dock, there will always be a group of agents left in the police station, and we don't have much time. "Marvin said excitedly.

——After I swallowed half of the heart, I gained great strength and immediately ate you and the other half of the heart.

There was a glint of pride in his eyes.

"I'll give it to you now. After you get the power, will you steal the other heart?" Harley asked.

The expression on Marvin's face froze for a moment.

"I swear to God, never!" he said solemnly.

Harry rolled her eyes at him and said, "Do you think this will work? The Great Cathedral is some distance from the backyard. You wait here while I put my heart on Brother Robbie's desk."


Harry couldn't refuse and kicked the old bishop over, then "clicked" to break his left leg bone.

Leaving him wailing and cursing in front of the statue of Jesus, she quickly returned to the backyard with the box in hand.

Take a tall glass from the wine cabinet, take out the heart, and knead it vigorously.

"Tick tick tick." The dark red blood with white steam flowed into the glass, and the air was actually filled with a sweet scent like osmanthus.

"Gudong." Looking at the demon blood in the glass, Harley swallowed.

She had a strong urge to drink it all.

"How evil."

After losing half a cup of demon blood, his heart beat weakly and it took a while to beat once.

After thinking about it, Harley opened the laptop on the desk again and downloaded a PDF document from the mailbox.

"Magic Book of Truth"

She directly printed out dozens of pages with a printer, then put her laptop and her heart into the video tape box, and came to the floor-to-ceiling glass window that she had smashed earlier, with a rope hanging right next to it.

After she was pulled onto the Archimedes spacecraft by a rope, old Marvin also limped to the yard.

While walking with difficulty, he also shouted to the priest who was peeping in the corridor: "Tell all the gcpd outside the door to get out, no outsiders can interfere with the Crusaders' affairs.

In addition, please tidy up the yard. Don't come in and disturb me unless I'm summoned. "

After a while, the siren outside the cathedral really disappeared.

Harley didn't leave.

She slumped down on the driver's seat tiredly, pressing her head with both hands on her exhausted head, and her big dim eyes stared at the LCD screen on the driver's seat for a moment.

The airship was suspended 1,000 meters above Gotham Cathedral, and more than a dozen "Goshawk" reconnaissance aircraft transmitted real-time video of the church below.


Suddenly, a cold gaze fell on her. She turned around suddenly and saw that the small cabin was in full view, not even a ghost.

"Is it an illusion, or..." Harley raised her eyebrows and felt her head hurt even more.

I took a bottle of energy drink and drank it down. My body felt better, but the lost mental power in my brain was not restored.

She needed to get some sleep.

At this time, Archbishop Marvin had dragged his bloody broken leg to the desk.

"Heart, where is my heart? Ah, this is-"

With just one glance, he was attracted by the white steam and fragrant wine glass.

He didn't know what it was at all, he was simply driven by desire, rushed over like a madman, picked it up and drank it in one gulp.

He didn't even notice that there was a piece of white paper under the wine glass.

"Uh ah ah ah -"

Old Man Marvin huddled on the ground like a shrimp, and a steaming, smelly blood mist came out of his body.

His skin became dark red and rough, like red adobe bricks.

His nails were visibly growing, curved, and sharp as hooks.

His originally sparse hair fell out in large swaths, and a big bump appeared on the top of his bald head. The bump bulged and grew until it turned into a head.

Heads upon heads.

The second head was only as big as a pineapple, and looked like a defective statue made by a child out of mud. It was uneven, with big eyes, a crooked mouth, and nostrils that stood vertically.

"Hahaha, power, such a powerful power. I seem to be twenty years old again. I feel like I can defeat ten children!"

He stood up, and a knee joint appeared on the broken bone of his calf, allowing him to walk freely.

"Shit, you're just showing off like this. If you beat me to death, you won't eat that heart." Before the video, Harley felt a little nauseous.

After jumping around and moving his new body, Marvin's little head on the door caught a glimpse of the white paper on the table with printed words on it.

"I have fulfilled my promise. The blood of my heart belongs to you, and the flesh belongs to me. If you still feel that the power is not strong enough, go to the printer, where there is a sacrificial ritual for the "Magic Book of Truth".

If you have obtained the body of a demon, you only need to sacrifice the corpses of the crusaders outside to hell, and your strength will be increased accordingly.

The more you sacrifice, the more you get.

If gcpd arrives, I suggest you activate the 'Fall into Hell' circle immediately to send yourself back to hell. Goodbye, I'm going back to hell first. "

Signed: Love you Fernando

"Fernando?" Although there was an additional head, Marvin was actually more confused. He shook his head, threw the paper aside, and rushed to the printer.

After a moment, it looked greedily at the corpse outside the house and the nuns and priests who were busy picking up the corpse.

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