Those cold eyes seemed to have no emotion at all.

It was just"standing" on a hill more than 10 miles away. With its presence, the hill showed some signs of moisture. and.

Even the temperature in the air is dropping at an alarming rate.

Those eyes have been staring at the figure of the ancient god.

It has an instinctive intuition. As long as it can eat this human being, it can evolve more perfectly and completely. maybe.

It can also evolve to a higher level of life.

But the feeling the ancient god gave it was too terrifying.

That sense of crisis made the owner of these cold eyes feel that even he might not be able to kill the ancient god 100%.

It is even possible that it will be killed by the Ancient God.

The instinct of living things is to survive. Any living thing will instinctively weigh the cost of taking risks and the benefits...whether they are balanced.

And under the judgment of these eyes, it felt that hunting the ancient gods now was not a cost-effective act. therefore.

The owner of these eyes decided to follow the ancient gods all the way, using his ability to hide, to suddenly strike at the most suitable place for a sneak attack, and deliver a fatal blow to the ancient gods!

Over there with the ancient gods.

He took this group of ancient humans and moved on.

The ancient god did not discover the"killer" hiding in the dark!

This is because although the Ancient God's cultivation is powerful, only by raising his cultivation to the realm of supernatural powers can he produce something like"divine consciousness" in the novel. so now.

The ancient gods only had five senses that were many times stronger than those of ancient people.

But even so.

He doesn't have that kind of insight into a crisis more than ten miles away.

Not much to say. soon.

The sky became dark.

The group of ancient gods made a temporary settlement near a quagmire.

From the ancient land, they went out to look for food. Gutang arranged the construction of temporary settlements, and the ancient gods used the mountains and seas to create a large amount of water. Finally, after more than a month, this group of ancient humans drank enough water.

As for the water in the quagmire.

The Ancient God didn't want to drink it anyway, and he didn't intend to let the ancient humans of the Ancient God's tribe drink it either.

If ancient humans were unable to withstand such dirty water, they would never be able to move forward after falling ill.

This is very detrimental to the ancient god's migration plan


The humid air is burning under the terrifying high temperature.

It was like boiling water being poured on the Ancient God and his group.

Time is like quicksand at your fingertips.

In just a flash, another month passed.

The ancient god never thought that he would take a group of ancient humans and move the tribe for two months. these two months.

Ancient God can only practice at night, and the speed of practice is much slower than before.

But the ancient god didn't care either.

When he received the mission before, the mission reward was a large number of merit points, which meant that once the migration mission was completed.

Then, maybe, he can directly improve his cultivation by one or two levels, or even more.

But what makes the Ancient God suspicious is: for the past month, he has always felt that there is a terrifying guy behind the Ancient God's tribe, following them.

But every time the ancient god flew into the air and checked the area tens of thousands of meters as fast as possible, he found no trace of any powerful beast at all.

This made the ancient god slightly cautious, but he was not afraid.

With his current strength, he can kill even monsters, as long as they are not the top and most powerful monsters.

Wouldn't it be better if there were really monsters following them?

As long as that monster shows up, he might be able to break through to the second level of the Golden Core immediately.

After all, the monster's cultivation level is equivalent to the magical power level above the Golden Core level.

The amount of spiritual energy essence contained in the demon elixir in the demon beast's body is absolutely beyond imagination.

Think so.

The ancient god relaxed and stopped checking. Instead, he waited for the"crisis" that he didn't know existed to arrive. now.

The ancient gods and the group of ancient humans, Gu Mo, had already walked out of the prairie.

They came to a swampy rainforest.

The trees in the rainforest are intertwined with roots. At a glance, they are all kinds of strange tree roots... tangled together.

And under these trees.

It is a swamp with knee-deep mud.

The water in the swamp is both deep and shallow. Gushen and the others chose a place with relatively shallow water and planned to walk out of the swamp.

They have been gone for three full days now.

The trees in the rainforest have become rustling.

From the looks of it, it would only take them a day or two at most before they could get out of this small rainforest.

Then, move on.

In the area more than ten miles away from the swamp, in the deeper waters of the swamp, ripples rippled in all directions.

Time passes minute by minute.

For ancient humans, water and food were enough. so.

Even though the climate in the rainforest is too uncomfortable, there are various ancient mosquitoes"taking care" of them.

No one complained at all.

Under such continuous progress.

Another day passed.

Finally, in front of the ancient gods and the others, their horizons gradually broadened.

In front of them, only the last few kilometers of rainforest remained.

This made everyone look surprised.


Everyone, including the ancient god, speeded up and walked towards the open area.

About 1 hour later.


The ancient god stood at the front, looking at the scene in front of him with a horrified expression.

Even the ancient god was deeply shocked at this moment. in front of them.

A very open water appeared.

In the water, there were two huge corpses standing.

Those two corpses were both several hundred meters in size.

One of the bones looked like the bones of a huge human being, while the other bones looked like an unknown beast.

Even the corpse has been corrupted by time and turned into two piles of bones.

These two once giants still stood erect.

They still maintained their posture of attacking each other. It seemed that they should have died together in this place.

"Damn it, this special code……"

The ancient god looked moved, and his heart was filled with emotions:

"Ultraman fights little monsters? What kind of existence are these two? I'm afraid they have been dead for thousands of years, and even their bones still exude a terrifying aura."

At this moment, the ancient god fell into silence!

【The fourth update, there are no rewards, no flowers, no comments! 】

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