It’s Aunt Mebius

Noon Zero: “Why did the police rush in and say that there is copper smelting here, did you secretly make Mebius while I was away?”

Mebius: “…Maybe someone misunderstood you when you were here, but compared to this, I am more curious about why the police can rush in and ask us without reporting it, which is unreasonable, After all, my level is quite high.”

At noon: “…”

Klein turned on the virtual screen and took a look at the latest hot spots, “Maybe it was Miss Alicia who reported it. If it was her, the police might really listen.”

[Alicia enters the palace for the second time! 】

【Reshape the glory of copper smelting! Miss Allie is obliged! 】

[Arrogant Miss Copper Smelter, successfully reported herself]

【If love has color, it must be childish black (referring to the age and hair of the victim)】

[Today’s Hot Spot! Alicia convened all major media to publicly express her favorite characteristics! 】

【Shock! Love is so simple——Alicia who entered the palace for the second time]

Wu Ling: “Where is it, let me see, it’s impossible, it’s normal for Alicia to report me, why should she report herself.”

Wu Ling just glanced curiously and was shocked.

Report yourself and send yourself to the police station. What kind of operation is this?

“Well, maybe it was ordered by Europe.”

Mebius stopped thinking about such trivial matters, and continued to observe the reaction between the normal gastric medicine and the gastric juice at midnight.

“So is Flamemoth a mess? Why doesn’t Flamemoth feel like an organization….”

Klein: “This is an alliance, an alliance formed by various regions. Every continent is a faction. You belong to the Chinese faction. Although Himiko is not from China, he is also from the Chinese faction. Dr. Mebius and I belong to the Mu mainland faction.”

“What about Mei?”

“Mei is from the European faction, maybe because his boyfriend is European, but he is very close to us.”

The Shenzhou faction is very rich, because Weng is in charge of logistics, and Weng is relatively greedy, and can always get some from other continents to give to Shenzhou.

Mebius: “Maybe you should ask Mrs. Weng in person. Maybe she will really tell you. After all, she is quite generous to her own people.”

But it’s much more stingy with others.

“Isn’t it? I’ll ask in a few days. Will the division of factions be so chaotic?”

“Of course there will be chaos, isn’t it just chaos now?”

Klein drew the approval of Weng’s application for activity funds, application funds: two hundred euros, used for: supper (failed)

Reason: One million is missing in the back.

This is irony, this is definitely irony.

What’s wrong with eating two hundred euros for supper for a month, is it too much? After all, there are four people in the research institute.

Noon Ling: “…Why don’t you try to choose a high-ranking reason and apply for more?”

“How can it be, you have to be principled when doing things.”

Klein frowned and did not continue to apply.

Wuling ran to the side of little Gracie to watch Gracie draw.

Wu Ling knew that he could not be of much help in research. After all, he was too uneducated compared to Mebius and the others. It was okay to come here to play with the machine, but it was a fool’s behavior to actually do it. up.

In terms of research, self-knowledge is still necessary, and it can’t be like someone on the Internet who said that aviation rockets should burn coal and said it confidently.

After approaching Gracie at noon, Gracie suddenly became nervous.

Wu Ling watched Grexie draw a picture, it was a bit ugly, it really looked like a child was drawing.

No, did you learn it later?

At noon, he fell into deep thought.

Gracie: “Yes, isn’t it pretty?”

Wu Ling: “I couldn’t do it when I was your age. You are already great. I still don’t know how to draw. Just study hard. You will use it in the future.”

Klein: “I don’t think she might need it.”

There is no way for Klein to bring his children to the research institute. There are only three assistants here in the first research institute, and Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan are both fish monsters. It is basically impossible to expect them to be like myself.


With few assistants, less funds, and more tasks, half a table can be accumulated in two days to calculate.

klein withLittle Gracie stayed at home for a day, and couldn’t bear it anymore. If she didn’t work overtime, she couldn’t complete the tasks, and she would accumulate more and more.

The only thing that Mebius surpasses other research institutes is that there are more scientific research equipment. After all, it is the first research institute. They still have qualifications, so the equipment here is the latest technology from Mu Continent.

“She will be an excellent researcher in the future, just like my teacher.”

“Why can’t he be an excellent savior hero? The kind who beats the Honkai Beast and kicks the Herrscher.”

Klein shook his head, “She’s very good, don’t disturb her, savior or something, it’s too dangerous, and even if you’re a warrior, it’s useless to paint.”

Mebius: “Klein, get me some Ledin’s bile reflux gastritis medicine.”

Klein went to fetch it for Mebius.

Painting is useless, hey, that is, in the research institute, if there are two Honkai beasts jumping out here, I will show you what it means to set the world with one stroke.

Wu Ling took out a brush and taught Gracie, “Let me draw one for you, but let me tell you first, I can only draw beautiful girls.”

Those who play in the second dimension, no matter if it is a house, there will always be a skill, whether it is writing novels, drawing, playing games, or making electronic toys, there is always one who is proficient in the same thing.

But I was born at noon and knew a little bit about painting. Although I always like to say that I can’t paint, people in China like to be modest, and… drawing a two-dimensional beautiful girl is too embarrassing to say it in reality.

Wu Ling sketched a future Mebius without coloring it.

Gracie’s eyes moved slightly, “It’s Aunt Mabius…um…a little small.”

Mebius’ ears moved, but he didn’t look back.

“Whether it looks good or not.”

Gracie nodded heavily.

Wu Ling: “You can do it in the future, and you can draw better than me. You must learn to draw well. This will help you a lot in the future.”

Gracie nodded heavily, “Okay.”

Hey, Gracie, my Gracie (???) is so cute

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