Chapter 135: Death Magical Beasts [Subscription, Support].

But this has nothing to do with Li Xuan, he is just a melon-eating mass, and the rest will be left to our Headmaster Dumbledore to worry about.

A few hours later, Li Xuan and Penelope got off the train, and just like last year, it was completely dark by this time. This time, Li Xuan and Hermione didn’t have to follow Hagrid back on the side of the Hogwarts Big Four like they did last year, and with Penelope, the three of them got into a carriage that was empty in the eyes of the little wizards, except for Li Xuan.

“Is this the Nightingale that only those who have seen death and understand its meaning can see?!”

Li Xuan looked at the front of the carriage that was empty in the eyes of others, there were two black winged pegasi, and the head of the night qi was like a dragon, Li Xuan felt more like A Tie, that is, the belly of Uranke Iron.

Li Xuan was not surprised that he could see the night qi, after all, he could be said to have experienced a kind of life and death when he crossed, and at the same time, there were ten thousand beast spirit beads in his body, and it was strange not to see the night qi.

And the night eclipse is tall, like a black horse with a male steed, with a pair of bat-like wings where the shoulder bones bulge, and no eyes, only silver-white whites.

And there is not a little flesh on the body of the night eclipse, the black fur is only attached to the bone, and the roots of the bone are clearly visible, dragging a long black tail.

When everyone got into the carriage, this time the prefects of each academy counted the number of people, so as not to have a situation like Ron and Harry, and in the afternoon, their speeding cars were in everyone’s eyes.

The flight speed of the Nightingale is very fast, otherwise Hogwarts would not use it to pull the carriage, after all, except for the first-year students, the rest of the students must be ready in the Great Hall to greet them before the arrival of the first-year students, after all, Li Xuan they don’t need to come to the sorting again.

Because the speed of the Nightingale is fast, sometimes when they need to travel long distances like Dumbledore and don’t want to use the Phantom Transfiguration, they will take the Nightingale carriage.

Looking at the nightshade flapping his wings in the air, Li Xuan was thinking about how to get some wool from Hagrid, poor Hagrid, who was taken away by Li Xuanxue last year by Norbetta, a young Norwegian backed dragon, and Luffy, a three-headed dog.

Now that he has just started school and is being targeted by Li Xuan on his night hack, it can only be said that Li Xuan is a little unkind, and he catches a person to make a fuss!

Li Xuan said that he couldn’t help it, who let Hagrid have good things in his hands, although the quantity is small, but everything is boutique, that is, Hagrid’s origin is not good, otherwise with his ability to almost have Newt’s seven or eight points, he is definitely not famous in the wizarding world.

Speaking of Hogwarts’ nightingale, Li Xuan also talked to Hagrid, and it can be said that these nightingales are Hagrid’s private property, that is, he gave Hogwarts to use for free.

Speaking of which, Hagrid is the only wizard in England who tames the Nightingale, and now such a large group of Nightingale as Hogwarts is also cultivated by Hagrid, and these Nightingale usually live in the Forbidden Forest and do not appear in front of the students.

This group developed from the original male Nightingale and five female Nightingale, the male Nightingale was Hagrid’s favorite nightingale, whom Hagrid named Uwu.

Therefore, these dozens of nightshades in front of me traced their bloodline and found that they were actually an old ancestor, which is similar to the eight-eyed giant spider group in the Forbidden Forest, all of them are the same as the descendants of Aragog, and they are really endless descendants!

The magical animal of the Nightingale is very intelligent, but also very loyal, once tamed, it will never leave the owner, which is why Li Xuan does not directly force the Nightingale into the small world, he does not know if this will cause the Nightingale to die.

Therefore, I still plan to ask Hagrid for some, or to see when the Nightingale has a newborn child born before he has time to confess the Lord, then he can be included in the small world.

The sense of direction of the night eclipses is very good, which should be the evolution of the horse’s sense of direction, after all, the old horse knows the way this story everyone has heard that the night eclipses have a keen perception of direction, as long as they tell them where they want to go, they can accurately and quickly send people to their destination.

The Nightbuckling has a small hobby, that is, it has a unique love for birds, and Hagrid also put the Nightingale in the Forbidden Forest for this reason, otherwise the owls coming and going to Hogwarts will suffer, and maybe Hogwarts will become a forbidden place for owls.


The speed of the nightingales is very fast, it took more than half an hour to travel from last year, and this time it took less than ten minutes to reach Hogwarts.

This time, Li Xuan entered through the gate of Hogwarts, the main entrance, which was all made of iron, very gorgeous, and there were many stone pillars on both sides of the door, and there was a statue of a wild boar with wings at the top.

This boar statue also has a unique meaning, possibly referring to Cleusio, a figure in Greek mythology, a monster born of Poseidon and Medusa, and the brother of Pegasus the Pegasus.

Appearing from the blood spurting from her neck after Medusa’s killing, he is also sometimes portrayed as a wild boar with wings…

However, this is just a story, these mythical characters have little to do with Li Xuan for the time being.

Entering the auditorium, Li Xuan greeted his classmates and friends who had not seen him for two months, and the whole auditorium was noisy, but Professor McGonagall did not stop them.

As teachers for so many years, they also understand the hearts of children, and it can even be said that it is not without this meaning to let old students enter the auditorium in advance, let them communicate and talk for a while in advance.

“Please be quiet, our sorting ceremony will begin next!”

Familiar Professor McGonagall, familiar Sorting Hat, only this time it was not the familiar Hannah Abbot.

Li Xuan saw Ginny Weasley in the crowd, and it was no surprise that the Weasleys were absolute Gryffindors.

It’s just that Li Xuan didn’t have any thoughts about Ginny, but was thinking about the diary of Tom Riddle that Lucius put in Ginny’s crucible when he was in Diagon Alley.

He was thinking about how to get this thing with the other party, he didn’t want any petrification incidents to happen this year, he only hoped to continue to spend this year peacefully, let him develop for another year, so that even if Voldemort was resurrected next year, Li Xuan would definitely not encourage him!

At that time, Li Xuan will have four Voldemort’s Horcruxes in his hands, and when the time comes, he will be killed at one time, and Voldemort will not be bloody, and Li Xuan will not believe one!.

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