Chapter 137: The Scene of a Large-scale Society Death [Subscription, Support].

Mandrakes are commonly used but do not mean that humans and animals are harmless, otherwise they would not be taught in the second grade.

The screams of adult mandrakes are deadly, and the screams of immature mandrakes can also make people unconscious, so earmuffs and dragonskin gloves are required when pulling out mandrakes.

The former is to avoid the screams of the mandrake, and the latter is to avoid some small wizard reaching into the mandrake’s mouth. Draco Malfoy: Just report my ID!

“If the mandrake starts to be moody and reticent, it means that it has reached maturity, and after the acne on the mandrake has healed, it can be ready for transplanting and harvesting…

Professor Sprout explained the knowledge point while demonstrating, and the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students all obediently remembered that this knowledge point did not make any moths, after all, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students basically did not have a death factor.

It was another fulfilling day, 27 finished eating and had no class at night, and chatted with everyone in the auditorium for a while before Li Xuan returned to his bedroom.

When I entered the small world, I saw that three more beating willows survived, but the remaining beating willow branches did not have the slightest intention of taking root.

Being able to have eight Li Xuan is also very satisfied, after all, they are all white tickets, what is not satisfied, you must know that even Hogwarts has only one beating willow.

After spending a while with the magical beasts in the small world, Li Xuan came out to wash and sleep, and it was still extremely cherished for Li Xuan to be able to relive such a learning career.

After all, some things are really understood after graduating, going out to work as an honorable 996 dozen workers.

Waking up early, looking at the clear blue sky outside, the weather was nice today, and it was another workout with Hermione and Penelope, and then went back to wash.

Maybe it’s Li Xuan’s persistent exercise really has some effect, not only Li Xuan’s height is a little out of the crowd in the same grade, even Hermione is now a lot taller, Hermione’s height can also be ranked in the forefront in Gryffindor’s second year.

Came to the auditorium for breakfast, and not long after sitting down to eat, a white light suddenly flashed in front of him.

“I’m Colin Creevey and I’m in Gryffindor House!”

It turned out that Harry’s little fan brother Colin was taking pictures of Harry with that old-fashioned camera, this Colin who looked a bit like Li Xuan in the previous life saw the Internet celebrity fake smirking boy, Li Xuan naturally saw him during the sorting ceremony last night.

At this time, the owl flew in all the time, and someone recognized it, isn’t this Errol from the Weasley family? Li Xuan remembered that this seemed to be a yelling letter sent by Mrs. Weasley.

According to the convention, Errol looks very handsome when landing, but in fact, he will definitely hit something in just three seconds, which is like receiving a white blade 100% empty-handed.

Looking at that Errol hitting the table, Li Xuandu felt a pain in his face for it, was it really a real face brake?

“Oh no!”

Ron took the letter from Errol and shouted in some despair.

“Everyone, look at Ron Weasley, received a yelling letter!”

Demolition ghost Seymour found the roaring letter in Desperate Ron’s hand and quickly shouted, which was a bit of schadenfreude.

The little wizards were all aware of the yelling letter, and Seamus laughed when he said it, especially Draco from Slytherin.

“Ron, take it apart, once I ignored my grandmother’s yelling letter, the consequences… It’s scary! ”

When Ron heard Neville’s words, he couldn’t help swallowing saliva for a while, obviously it was just a letter in his hand, a thin piece of paper, but it seemed to weigh a thousand pounds!

Ron trembled and turned the letter to the back, unwrapped the ribbon, and the entire auditorium was watching Ron, and at this moment Ron became the most eye-catching cub in the auditorium, but this was not the kind of attention he wanted!

“Ron Weasley!”

After the letter was opened, it snorted sharply, which startled the little wizards in the auditorium, worthy of the roar letter, worthy of the name!

“How dare you steal a car without permission! I’m really mad, your dad is now going to be investigated by the Ministry of Magic, it’s all Er’s fault! ”

When he said this, the roaring letter flew in front of Ron, vividly learning Mrs. Weasley’s irascible look, and Ron’s originally bitter face became even more bitter!

“If you cause trouble again, we’ll get you back right away!”

Hearing this, even though Mrs. Weasley was not in front of him, Ron nodded obediently.

In the next second, Mrs. Weasley’s voice immediately lowered several keys: “Dear Ginny, congratulations on entering Gryffindor, Dad and I are proud of you!” ”

Ginny, who was originally watching the play over there, did not expect that she also suffered the “disaster of innocence” and became one of the protagonists!

Now she became the fastest freshman to be recognized by Hogwarts students, except for Harry Potter, which she also didn’t want, and at this moment Ginny just wanted to say that she wanted to escape!

Li Xuan looked at the yelling letter that “committed suicide” after saying something over there and performed in front of Ron, and could only say that as long as he didn’t receive the yelling letter, it was still quite interesting to eat 510 melons on the side, and it was good to say that he was not dead.

This is a bit like receiving my mother’s voice in a previous life, and it is several 59 seconds, which is not good or bad, all of them scold you, and are forced to play the maximum voice, or on the subway during the evening rush hour.

This kind of taste Li Xuan will definitely not want to know, melon has also listened, then continue to eat breakfast.

Hermione was suddenly glad that she was eating breakfast with Li Xuan and Penelope at the long table on the Ravenclaw side, otherwise if she was at the Gryffindor long table over there today, she would probably be the one who was watched!

As mentioned earlier, seats are casual during meals, but after Gryffindor snatched the House Cup from Ravenclaw last school year.

Even if two months had passed, they had remembered it again, and although it would not be a fight, they would not want the little wizard of Ravenclaw to give the Gryffindor students a good look.

And the Gryffindor students also took a loss, so except for Hermione, who had a good relationship with Ravenclaw and was recognized by Li Xuan and Penelope, the others were George and Fred mixed up, Gemini is worthy of being Gemini, and the nickname of social terrorists is not for nothing!.

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