Chapter 161: Cut off the Son and Sun Qiu [Subscription, Support].

It can only be said that Draco Malfoy’s fate with Harry Potter is really very deep, injured together in the hospital, or bedmate in the next bed.

It can be said that a Quidditch match almost wiped out the Potters and Malfoy families, which was still the handiwork of a house-elf.

Draco was discharged before Harry, after all, he only had a strained thigh, and under Madam Pomfrey’s treatment, one night was enough. Our savior Harry, on the other hand, is more difficult, originally drinking a potion for a few seconds, now he has to stay in the medical room for two days.

So he was alone the next night, but in the middle of the night he was awakened by a cold voice full of killing intent suddenly coming from overhead.

“Kill… Killed someone… ”

This sound!

Harry sat up straight from the bed, the sound he had heard in Lockhart’s office the night Lady Loris had been attacked!

The last time this voice appeared, Lady Loris was petrified, and the so-called heir to the secret room also appeared, so does this voice appear again, does it mean that someone is going to be attacked again?!

Just as Harry grabbed the eyes on the bedside table, put on his shoes and was about to go out to check, he turned his head and saw a face he least wanted to see, Dobby the house-elf!

For this house-elf who likes to masochize himself and then talk about it for his own good, but actually makes trouble, because of him, he is locked in the attic where he can’t get out at all.

If it weren’t for Ron and them coming to take him, maybe he really wouldn’t have been able to return to Hogwarts.

But in the ensuing conversation, Harry learned that he couldn’t penetrate the walls of platform nine and three-quarters at King’s Cross because Dobby sealed it.

You know that for this reason, Ron and Ron had to drive a magic car to school, and they were almost expelled from school, and you said it was to protect yourself?

In the end, if it weren’t for the shelter of Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall, he and Ron would definitely have been expelled from school by Snape!

Even if he escaped, he was uncomfortable in Lockhart, and now thinking about the experience at that time, Harry still had palpitations, this kind of spiritual attack is really unforgettable!

Then he learned that losing control of the Bludger in a Quidditch game was also the opponent’s means, and now Harry was even more angry, do you know that you almost cut off the Potter family by doing that!!!

Maybe St. Mungo’s Hospital of Magic and Wizardry has magic or potions that can regenerate “limbs”, but Harry is not willing to try the magic by himself! In the later conversation, Harry learned about the attack from Dobby’s mouth, but no matter how much Harry asked Dobby later, even if he threatened with death, he still didn’t get any answer from him.

It was only known that the Chamber of Secrets had been opened before, and all Dobby had done was to prevent Harry from returning to Hogwarts, because this year’s Chamber of Secrets was not safe.

To be honest, Dobby knew that Hogwarts was not safe as a house-elf, and he also knew about the Chamber of Secrets.

In particular, it can be seen that Dumbledore does not know how impossible and unrealistic it is!

It also shows how unreliable Lucius Malfoy is, such information can be known by Dobby, and it also sets off Dobby’s excellence.

But just when Harry grabbed Dobby’s collar and wanted to ask more, Dobby left directly, because Dumbledore and they came, Harry didn’t even have time to take off his eyes, and directly lay on the bed pretending to sleep.

From Dumbledore’s conversation with Professor McGonagall, Harry knew that someone had been attacked and petrified again, and that the Chamber of Secrets had indeed been opened, just fifty years earlier.

When Dumbledore and they left, Harry got out of bed and walked over to look, and found that this time the person who had been attacked by the voice knew him from himself.

Colin Creevey, a Gryffindor who just entered school this year, his little fan brother, always likes to take pictures around with his camera, but he didn’t expect it to be him this time!

This also gave Harry a greater sense of urgency and responsibility, since he could hear the existence of that voice, that is to say, he had the responsibility and obligation to find out the other party!

Well, our savior, Mr. Harry Potter, is inspired by the sense of responsibility, under the “training” of Dumbledore last year, Harry may not be good academically, but he is full of blood to save the world………

Li Xuandu had to admire Dumbledore’s means, and it was very reasonable to only be able to say that the idiom that people become refined by old age.

Li Xuan only learned about Colin Creevey being petrified the next day, which surprised him very much, he felt that the warning spell he had arranged was still intact, so that is to say, although the basilisk attacked Colin in Hogwarts castle last night, he did not return to the Chamber of Secrets?!

To be honest, Li Xuan didn’t quite know the thoughts of the little wizard who now held Tom Riddle’s diary, why didn’t he let the basilisk return to the secret room?

Could it be that his actions were discovered?!

Li Xuan didn’t go to the medical room to see Colin Creevey, that is, he held up a camera for everything, otherwise he would be so curious and not yet strong, and he would easily fall for it in the wizarding world!

But Colin Creevey is a man, why do you say this, because in the original timeline, in the final battle of Hogwarts, he gave up the opportunity to leave Hogwarts, but stayed here to protect the house.

In fact, he was not an adult at that time, but he still resolutely stayed, even though he knew that he would die, he still fell under the wand of the Death Eaters.

Suffice it to say that this is 5.1 boys with courage!

To be honest, the Colin family is also quite powerful, or his parents are quite powerful, not that his parents are very powerful, his parents are ordinary people, and even his father is just a milkman.

It is said that both children born to his parents have awakened magic, and in two years his younger brother Dennis Creevey will also enter Hogwarts, also Gryffindor House, and become his apprentice.

Perhaps Colin’s parents were also wizards, but they did not awaken their magic later, so they came to the Muggle world, and eventually passed it down from generation to generation, and when Colin and their brothers awakened their magic again.

This situation is not uncommon, it has happened many times in the wizarding world, and there are even wizards who have studied it specifically.

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