Chapter 178: A New Path for Wizards! [Subscription, support].

“It seems that Salazar Slytherin still embarked on the path of the wizard in the novel!”

Li Xuan slowly exhaled a breath and said, this kind of pursuit of truth and ignorance of everything really has the taste of Li Xuan’s previous life seeing wizard novels.

Li Xuan did not care about the various materials that were valuable in the eyes of ordinary wizards, but went to the table at the lowest end of the secret room, hoping to find some Salazar Slytherin manuscripts and other things here to answer his doubts.

From all this in front of you, you can see that Tom Riddle fifty years ago only discovered the fake secret room, found the basilisk inside, and did not open this real secret room.

But it’s normal to think about it, Tom Riddle at that time was careful, where Li Xuan is so “arrogant” to enter and exit the secret room at will to search, it is simply turned over.

He was not a crosser, he was not familiar with the plot, and he did not have a Slytherin locket in his hand at that time, even if he saw it, what could he do?

Maybe Tom Riddle only realized after graduation that Salazar Slytherin also had a hidden True Chamber of Secrets, so he kept asking Dumbledore to return to Hogwarts to become a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?!

After all, no one 997 knows that what is hidden in Salazar’s Slytherin Chamber is such a pile of “wreckage” In Voldemort’s opinion, so that he got the real secret room of Salazar Slytherin, then his plan will definitely be installed on the accelerator!

Coupled with entering the Hogwarts teaching, you can carry private goods, let your great ideas subtly influence the little wizards, and in a few years, you will be able to win over a group of loyal subordinates.

This is a double win, no, you can even take this opportunity to kill the biggest roadblock, Dumbledore, and influence parents through students, and finally use Hogwarts as your base, this move is a five-win, it’s simply a profit, a win!

Hogwarts, a school that exerts all kinds of protective magic, is an excellent base, as well as the library, an excellent place to cultivate talents, the Black Lake, the Forbidden Forest, two resource points, the perfect place for uprising!

And Slytherin has left a secret room, who knows if the other three founders have left a different kind of inheritance, no one can say.

It’s just that Dumbledore is not a fool, and he can naturally see Tom Riddle’s thoughts, but Dumbledore has his own intelligence channels.

As for why Li Xuan dared to believe that Tom Riddle only realized that Salazar Slytherin still had a real Chamber of Secrets after graduation, it was known from what Tom Riddle’s remnant soul did.

He just possessed the little wizard who was confused by the diary to summon the basilisk in the fake secret room, and let the basilisk attack the muggle-born little wizard, but rummaged around the entire false secret room to find the location of the real secret room.

To be honest, Li Xuan doesn’t know where this secret room is now, after all, Slytherin uses a teleportation formation, which depends on whether there are relevant records on the table.

Fortunately, even after the year before last, the parchment on the table has not changed, and it can still be completely preserved, even the quality of the table and chairs is good.

Anyway, there was enough time, Li Xuan pulled over the stool and looked at this very strange and terrifying place for ordinary people. Li Xuan also took out a lamp from the small world warehouse and placed it on the table, after all, the green light was not very friendly to Li Xuan to see.

At the same time, he also summoned the birds and snakes and let them help release the wind to protect themselves, although Li Xuan had detected a round, there was no danger, but Li Xuan would not let his guard down like this.

And the weirdness here is nothing to the birds and snakes that are about to become fat and sour.

Li Xuan didn’t look carefully, just roughly read some content, that is, about Salazar Slytherin’s diary and the like, as for some data and professional books, Li Xuan put it aside for the time being, this can also be read slowly later when there is time.

An hour later, Li Xuan finally read what Salazar Slytherin had written.

Among them, there is naturally about the origin of this secret room, it turns out that in the late stage of Salazar Slytherin, he found that his strength did not have the possibility of continuing to improve, and even because of old age and physical decline, his strength was constantly declining.

The feeling of physical weakness and the feeling of stepping into hell step by step made him very uncomfortable.

Therefore, he wants to find a way to restore himself to his peak, and even wants to extend his life and live forever!

Of course, Salazar Slytherin would not follow the path of Horcruxes, and there was no such thing as a Philosopher’s Stone at that time, but as a genius, Salazar Slytherin intended to create a new wizarding path.

From the remains of these magical animals in the secret room, as well as the wishes of Salazar Slytherin, it is known that he will pay attention to the body of magical animals, to be precise, this path is called bloodline wizard!

Integrate the characteristics of magical animals into the wizard itself, so as to obtain the talents of these magical animals, such as the stealth of invisible beasts, the ability of thunderbirds to control thunder and lightning, the super physique and unique ability of fire dragons, the fire control of phoenixes and even nirvana rebirth, the death pupil and longevity of basilisks, and so on.

Li Xuan felt that Salazar’s Slytherin’s goal was definitely the latter, after all, among the magical animals just exemplified, the basilisk was the most in line with Salazar Slytherin’s ideas.

Longevity, incomprehensible pupils of death, powerful resistance and physical fitness, and most importantly, that is, the basilisk will obey the words of Salazar Slytherin, because he is a parseltongue!

Even in Salazar Slytherin’s vision, the combination of parseltongue and basilisk will make the basilisk bloodline wizard more powerful than the average bloodline wizard!

You can even become the king of basilisk and rule countless basilisks.

This is completely different from the parseltongue wizard, just look at the fight between Harry and Tom Riddle, obviously they are all parseltongues, and as a result, Harry’s words basilisk do not listen to each other but listen to each other.

But if it is the king of basilisks, sorry, let the basilisk eat the parseltongue wizard, then without a hesitation, just open your mouth and swallow it alive!

At that time, no one would dare to raise his head in front of Salazar Slytherin and dare to look at him, because that would mean death!

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