Chapter 180: Another Village [Subscription, Support].

Li Xuan first entered the small world, according to the layout of the secret room just now, he made such a secret room under the villa, which should be the second underground floor.

Because Li Xuan also made a basement before this, using it to store items and the like, this secret room can only continue to dig down.

Because of the situation in this secret room, Li Xuan also set up not to allow any creatures in the small world to enter, unless he allowed it!

No way, the things inside are too precious and precious, plus there is only a small one in the small world besides themselves, and they are really easy to be scared out of this place when they enter this place.

You must know that the secret room of Salazar Slytherin basically collects slightly powerful and useful magical beasts here, no way, who let Salazar Slytherin have this strength and financial resources?!

With Li Xuan’s control of the small world, it is a matter of minutes to get a super large basement, that is, I don’t know how long and materials it took Salazar Slytherin to build this super large secret room.

Therefore, no matter how genius is, it is not comparable to Li Xuan’s kind of open hanging!

After preparing everything, Li Xuan returned to the secret room again, and collected all kinds of magical animal limbs that were either shriveled or soaked in potions and remained active into the basement of the small world, and it was not too much for real geese to pluck their feathers!

In the future, Li Xuan will definitely continue to study the path of bloodline wizards, after all, the most difficult part from zero to one has been studied by Salazar Slytherin, and it is good to continue to improve it yourself!

Research is research, whether to take the path of bloodline wizard, Li Xuan is not sure for the time being, but he can give a wave of transformation to his subordinates who are not strong.

To be honest, for the bloodline of magical animals in the wizarding world now, Li Xuan is a little disdainful, even if it is a fire dragon, phoenix, thunderbird, unicorn, these are very powerful magical animals in the eyes of ordinary wizards.

There is no other reason, simply that their upper limit is too low, no matter how powerful they are, these magical animals will not reach the level of legendary wizards like Merlin, let alone the gods.

Even magical beasts like Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Grindelwald, who were at the level of the Wizard of the Sun, were unlikely to exist.

However, Li Xuan heard some secrets from the wizards under him and talked to him, that is, although there are no absolute strong people in Fantastic Beasts, there are many strong people among those Veelas, horse people, mermaids, vampires and giants.

It is also because of their existence that wizards dare not kill the magical beasts, at least not to extinct, otherwise they will join forces to strike at the wizards and families who do such things.

As for the truth or falsehood, Li Xuan does not know for the time being, but since there are such rumors coming out, it is naturally possible, there is no wind and no waves, but some truths have passed over time and there are some deviations in the oral word of everyone.

Li Xuan can’t look at the current bloodline of magical animals, but it doesn’t mean that he can’t look at fat and sour and bloodlines like the atavistic little one!

Those divine beasts and monsters recorded in the Mountain and Sea Scriptures of their ancestors, as soon as they appear, will bring auspicious birds to the world, tengu that devours the sky and the moon, and poor wonders symbolizing evil…

These divine beasts have grown up with the ability to destroy the world and the earth, like Li Xuan’s Ulank iron-belly fire dragon, troll, Norwegian backbone dragon in the small world, these creatures are younger brothers in front of them!

Fortunately, Salazar Slytherin did not leave a back hand on these materials, nor did he set up a fixed death such as a magic array, otherwise Li Xuan would have to spend a lot of effort.

“This is?!!!”

When it was almost collected, Li Xuan opened a cabinet, but found a fiery red egg placed on the satin inside.

Li Xuan stretched out his hand and held it in his hand to look carefully, the flame-like pattern on it, and the warm feeling of entering his hand, reminded Li Xuan of the record in a book he had read.

“This is a phoenix egg?!”

Li Xuan did not expect that Salazar Slytherin still had this phoenix egg here, and it was also mentioned earlier, even if the fire dragon is rare, but compared with the phoenix, it is a lot.

At present, the most widely known in the wizarding world is the phoenix fox that Dumbledore raised, and no other phoenix has been seen.

Oh yes, there is another one, that is the mascot of the new Lanci Motorla Macaw Quidditch team, Phoenix Spark, and there is no more………

Li Xuan also asked Oliver to reward them with phoenix eggs or phoenix cubs, or ownerless phoenix clues to get bounties. It turns out that so much time has passed, and there is still no news.

Unexpectedly, another village actually harvested a phoenix egg here in the secret room of Salazar Slytherin, and now he can also have his own phoenix!

“However, this phoenix egg has not hatched after so many years, nor has it received the corresponding magic supplement, and its activity has been greatly reduced, it seems that I have to soak it with the innate five element spirit liquid for a period of time.”

Li Xuan felt the faint vitality of the phoenix egg in his hand like a candle in the wind, and after so many years, it had been thrown here in the secret room, and no one came in.

And the environment here is cold and damp, obviously not an environment that a creature like a phoenix will like, plus you must use Salazar Slytherin’s locket as a key to enter and exit, even if it hatches, it can’t get out.

Li Xuan was very glad that it didn’t hatch, otherwise this phoenix would really be gone.

Even if the phoenix has the ability to be reborn in Nirvana, each rebirth consumes a lot of energy, and each rebirth requires a lot of food afterwards.

But like here in the Chamber of Secrets, where is there any food for the phoenix?

Could it be that the limbs of those magical animals were eaten? But good 3.6 is not impossible, but these should not be enough for phoenixes, after all, for thousands of years, even if the bodies of magical animals collected by Salazar Slytherin in the secret room are piled up into a hill, it is still not enough to eat.

In addition, in this environment, and eating flesh and blood raw, then it will not be a phoenix, but a demon phoenix!

Li Xuan took out a glass transparent container, just large enough to put the phoenix egg in, and then injected the innate five elements spirit liquid into the container, completely submerging the phoenix egg.

Don’t worry about whether the phoenix egg will be damaged, Li Xuan can feel that with the injection of the innate five elements spirit liquid, the vitality that was still weakening stopped decreasing at this moment, not only stabilized, but also began to improve weakly.

This has just injected the innate five elements spirit liquid, and the effect is so obvious, indicating that this is good for the phoenix egg!.

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