I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 105: Let Chione become a concubine


In the bedroom of Pandion and Zeuxipes.

It was time to go to bed, but Pandion was still sitting at the stone table drinking alone.

Zeuxipes, sitting on the bed, couldn't help but say.

"You have already accepted Roy as our son-in-law, why are you still angry?"

"I can't understand how you raised your daughter."

Pandion said with his back to his wife.

"You repeatedly assured me that Procne was a sensible child and would not develop feelings for Roy because of frequent contact with him, but it turned out like this."

Zeuxipes explained a little aggrieved.

"I did nothing wrong in my daughter's discipline. Procne did suppress her affection for Roy and did not develop feelings for him. But Roy, who came back yesterday, seemed to be a different person. He not only had the powerful charm of a hero [Enemy of Hundreds], but also had an indescribable temperament. If the age gap was not so big, even I would unconsciously like him. It is no wonder that Procne's affection for Roy turned into love."

Because the blessing of Aphrodite [Charm Enhancement] on Roy only works on the opposite sex, Pandion did not feel that Roy's temperament had changed.

But he knew that his wife had no need to lie to him, so he asked suspiciously.

"Did Procne really suddenly fall in love with Roy these two days?"

Zeuxip nodded and said.

"If Procne had fallen in love with Roy a long time ago, I would definitely tell you."

After a moment of silence, Pandion sighed and said.

"Now Roy and Procne are already engaged, what's the point of entangled in these things? As long as Roy can make Procne happy, I will sincerely accept this son-in-law."

Temple of Metis

In a wooden house with candles lit.

Roy was washing his body with the hot water boiled in the tripod, and Kaone stood behind Roy, responsible for scrubbing Roy's back.

While enjoying Kaone's little hands wiping his back with a soaked cotton cloth, Roy suddenly said.

"There are two things I want to tell you! Now the leader Pandion has made a marriage contract for me and Procne, and you have to treat my fiancée Procne as the future mistress."

Upon hearing the news, Kaone immediately stopped what she was doing.

Although Kaone's identity was already a slave, because Roy did not really treat Kaone as a slave, Kaone had some thoughts that she shouldn't have.

Of course, Kaone had some thoughts that she shouldn't have, mainly because Roy deliberately cultivated an ambiguous relationship between the two.

Just like now, Roy did not let Kaone's three maids serve him together, but let Kaone rub his back alone.

This doesn't look like a master ordering a maid, but more like a wife serving her husband.

After coming back to his senses, Khione continued to rub Roy's back while speaking.

"Do you want me to congratulate you? Then I congratulate my master for marrying the beautiful and noble Athenian princess Procne."

What a strong vinegar smell!

Hearing the sour taste in Khione's words, Roy continued.

"The second thing is that I will take the Eleusinian soldiers to attack the island of Seriphos tomorrow. In order to let the Eleusinian soldiers fight for me with all their strength, I hope you can be by my side and command the Eleusinian soldiers with me. After winning this war, I will remove your slave status as a reward."

Khione said with a wry smile.

"Even if you remove my slave status, my status will not change back to the Eleusinian princess. How big is the difference between being a civilian and a slave beside you."

"Your status is my slave. Even if I favor you, I don't have to be responsible for you. But your status is a civilian, so I can make you my concubine."

Roy turned around and looked at Khione with a serious look.

"Khione! I know you want to stay with me and take care of your Eleusinian people with my help. You are destined to be my woman, but I can't let you become my main wife. Are you willing to be my concubine?"

"If I were still the princess of the Eleusinian tribe, I would definitely slap you in the face. Because you made me inferior to other women to be your concubine, which is a great humiliation to me."

Khione said with a faint smile.

"But I am no longer the proud Eleusinian princess, but a slave with no status. As long as you can take good care of my people, I am willing to be your concubine."

Hearing Kaone's answer, Roy couldn't help but lower his head and bite her cherry lips.

After a long struggle, Kaone blushed and lay in Roy's arms and murmured.

"Do you want me to sleep with you?"

Roy shook his head immediately.

"Now Pandion has only reluctantly accepted me as his son-in-law. If he finds out about our relationship, he will definitely attack me. Although you cannot sleep with me now, you can be my real pillow."

After saying that, Roy picked up Chione in a princess hug and returned to his stone house.

"Oh - the candle in the room is not extinguished yet."

"The candle will go out by itself when it burns out."

"Do you know how precious candles are? Those civilians are reluctant to use candles even if they get them."

The next day.

After Roy and Chione had breakfast, they gathered the fifty young men and three hundred Eleusinian soldiers who followed Roy.

After applying to Pandion for three hundred sets of paper armor to be distributed to three hundred Eleusinian soldiers, Roy and Chione came to the port of Piraeus with a legion of three hundred and fifty people.

The ten large ships that Cadmus sold to Roy had been parked at the port of Piraeus, and now they were finally put to use.

After Roy and others boarded the ten large ships, under Roy's command, the ten large ships sailed out of the port of Piraeus and headed for Seriphos Island at the fastest speed.

Seriphos Island is located in the waters south of the Attica Peninsula.

This island with an area of ​​75 square kilometers was originally unknown, and its population was limited by the barren mountainous areas.

But twenty years ago, in order to migrate from Crete to the Argos region of the Peloponnese Peninsula, the Mycenaeans chose Seriphos Island as a shipping transit station.

In order to win over Polydectes and Dectes, who ruled Seriphos Island, Mycenae King Acrisius did not hesitate to marry his daughter Danae to Polydectes.

From then on, Seriphos Island, as a shipping transit station, gradually became prosperous.

Roy would lead 350 people to attack Serifos because he did not dare to underestimate Serifos's current strength.

If Roy's fleet departed from Piraeus Port at dawn, it would reach Serifos in the evening.

Because Roy's fleet departed late, the fleet arrived at the southernmost tip of the Attica Peninsula, and Roy let the fleet anchor at a nearby uninhabited island for the night.

This unnamed island is located in the Athens waters where Athens fishermen often operate, and it is very safe for the fleet to stay here.

After one night.

Roy's fleet departed from the unnamed island at dawn and continued to sail to Serifos.

At noon, the beautiful blue coast of Serifos appeared in front of Roy's fleet.

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