I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 109: There are iron mines on Serifos Island

The second day after the capture of Serifos.

Queen Danae, her six princesses, and the palace maids were taken by the Athenians to a warship on the seashore.

Just when the residents of Serifos breathed a sigh of relief and thought that the Athenians would leave with the loot, Roy commanded the soldiers to break into the residential houses and drag out the women and little girls one by one.

The residential areas of Serifos Island immediately began to cry with the cries of men, women, the elderly and children.

Women and little girls were dragged from their homes. Their families did not dare to resist the soldiers. They could only kneel on the ground and beg the soldiers for mercy.

Chione looked at this scene and couldn't bear to walk to the residential area and said loudly.

"Men of Seriphos! Your wives and daughters have not become trophies of the Athenians. We are simply moving you all to Athens. The women and little girls will be sent to Athens by us first, and then we will send you to Athens." , allowing you to reunite with your wives and daughters.”

Chione is just a woman after all.

Even though she had the noble temperament of a princess and a beauty comparable to that of a goddess, her words still could not convince the people of Serifos.

Seeing that Chione's words had no effect, Roy walked up to Chione and said loudly.

"Stop making noises and crying. If you dare to make noises and cry again, I will kill you men and turn you women into slaves. Now I just want to move you to Athens. From now on, you will be the common people of Athens. Under the protection of the great goddess Metis, no one can take away your wives and daughters.”

After hearing what Loy said, the Serifos finally believed that Loy was just trying to move them to Athens.

Although the Serifos people do not want to leave their hometown where they have always lived, they do not want the men to be killed and the women to become slaves.

The people of Serifos could only cry silently and accept Roy's arrangement for them.

Roy's own fleet consisted of ten ships, plus the twenty ships of Serifos, making a fleet of thirty ships.

After bringing more than a thousand women and little girls from Serifos Island on board, Roy appointed his most trusted Aries as the captain and commanded three hundred soldiers to drive the ship and take the women from Serifos Island. Take the little girl back to Athens.

Loy and Chione remained on Seriphos, with fifty soldiers in charge of the men of Seriphos.

After Aries left Serifos with a fleet of thirty large ships, although Loy and Chione plus fifty soldiers only had fifty-two men, there were more than a thousand adult Serifos men. But Roy was not worried at all that the Serifos men would dare to resist.

Because their wives and daughters are the best hostages, in order to reunite with their wives and daughters, Serifos men will obey Roy's orders.

The next day arrived in a blink of an eye.

Roy originally thought that Aries and the others would not be able to bring the fleet to Serifos Island until the evening.

Unexpectedly, at noon, a fleet of sixty large ships entered the port of Serifos Island.

Roy brought Chione to the port and saw Aries and Guards Captain Pallas getting off the same ship.

"Master Priest!"

Seeing the confused expression on Roy's face, Aries immediately ran to Roy and explained.

"After we returned to Athens yesterday evening, Chief Pandion was worried about the safety of the priests, so he asked us to come over overnight. In order to allow us to take away all the loot from Serifos Island, Chief Pandion also sent us thirty large ships and three hundred sailors.”

"So that's it!"

After hearing Aries' explanation, Roy couldn't help laughing.

"I didn't expect that after I became Pandion's son-in-law, he would take the initiative to worry about my safety. In the past, he never cared about my safety."

Hearing Roy's words, Guard Captain Pallas showed a helpless expression.

As a person whom Pandion trusts, he is naturally very loyal to Pandion.

After hearing what Roy just said, he should have expressed his dissatisfaction.

But Roy's current identity is Procne's fiancé, Pandion's son-in-law.

Roy and Pandion are a real family as their son-in-law. Pallas, the captain of the personal guard, is both an outsider and a subject, so of course he has no right to speak.

"Captain Pallas!"

Seeing the expression on the guard captain Pallas's face, Roy took the initiative to walk up to him and said.

"I didn't expect us to cooperate again. Are you willing to lead the sailors to obey my orders?"

Guard Captain Pallas nodded immediately and said.

"You are Princess Procne's fiancé, that is, my half-master. Of course I will obey your orders."

Half master——

A son-in-law is just a son-in-law after all!

Roy was not disappointed and said with a smile.

"Then I now order you and Aries to bring all the men from Serifos Island to the big ship. After all the men from Serifos Island are on board, you will load the food, bronze utensils and other property onto the ship, and then We go straight back to Athens.”

Under Loy's order, the Athenian soldiers began to shout loudly at the men commanding Seriphos to board the ship.

All the men of Seriphos actively cooperated because they could only reunite with their wives and daughters by going to Athens.

In the afternoon, not only all the men of Serifos were on board, but most of the food, bronze utensils and other belongings of Serifos Island were also loaded on the ship.

After Roy took Chione aboard the fleet's flagship, he ordered sixty large ships to return to Athens.

On the sparkling sea.

The huge fleet of sixty large ships sailed quickly under the push of the sea breeze.

When Roy stood at the stern and looked at the scenery on the sea, Kaone walked up to Roy with a dark red stone and said.

"Master - High Priest, you seem to know a lot of things. This is what I picked up on the ship just now. It seems to be a stone brought on board by the Serifos people. Do you know what this stone is?"

"Kaone! If you are used to calling me master, it's okay to continue calling me master."

After Roy teased Kaone with a smile, he looked at the fist-sized stone in Kaone's right hand.

"This is-"

Recognizing the material of this dark red stone, Roy said with wide eyes.

"Is this iron ore? Is there iron ore on Serifos Island?"

Thinking that Serifos Island has an unknown amount of iron ore, Roy immediately had the idea of ​​occupying Serifos Island.

Then Roy wanted the fleet to return to Serifos Island and let the Serifos men stay on Serifos Island to dig iron ore for him.

But Roy soon calmed down.

Occupying Serifos Island now is undoubtedly a matter of more disadvantages than advantages.

Anyway, the surrounding forces do not have iron smelting technology. Even if Roy does not occupy Serifos Island, the iron ore on Serifos Island will not be dug away.

Looking at Roy's reaction, Kaone asked curiously.

"Priest, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong with this stone?"

Roy shook his head and smiled.

"Kaone, there is nothing wrong with this stone, and I think you can collect it as the first piece of iron ore on Serifos Island. When I saw this piece of iron ore just now, I made a decision. It won't be long before I will reoccupy Serifos Island and turn Serifos Island into my territory."

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