I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 112: Lavrio has a large silver mine

Just when Procne was hesitant to stop Philomela, Roy took the initiative to speak to Philomela.

"Philomela, you can't hold me like this."

Philomela said with a puffy face.

"Why can't I do what my sister can do? Now that brother Roy is a member of our family, there is no problem for my sister to be close to him."

"But we are not real brothers and sisters! If my father-in-law and mother-in-law see me——"

"I will let go of brother Roy before I get home!"

After showing Roy a playful smile, Philomela said to Procne.

"Sister, would you mind if I share brother Roy with you?"

What else could Procne say——

Hearing her sister's question, Procne said with a gentle and doting smile.

"Although no one else can, my dear sister can share everything I have."

Chione, who was following Roy, Procne, and Philomela, looked at the backs of the three of them with a complicated expression on her face.

Although Chione has many sisters, they are not close to her because of her appearance.

Procne and Philomela were so close that even husbands could share their feelings, which made Chione both envious and incomprehensible.

Pandion's stone house.

Roy led the three girls into the courtyard, and Philomela took the initiative to let go of Roy's left arm.

After the maids took off their strappy sandals, Roy took the three girls into the hall and saw Pandion, Zeuxipus and Erechtheus sitting around the stone table.

Seeing the four Roys, Pandion took the initiative to speak.

"Loy! You moved 4,000 people from Serifos Island. This was originally a major victory worthy of me going to the port to greet you personally, but do you know why I didn't greet you?"

Seeing the worried expressions of Procne and Philomela, Roy walked to the stone table, sat down opposite Pandion and said.

"My father-in-law will be dissatisfied with my victory because I moved the four thousand people from Serifos to Athens, which was a huge burden to Athens."

In this era, farming technology was very backward, and the territory of the Athenian tribe was very barren.

Even if olive oil can be exchanged for food, the food in Athens can only feed tens of thousands of people.

Roy moved 4,000 people from Serifos to Athens. Although the population of Athens increased to 14,000, it also put Athens under food pressure.

Seeing that Roy knew the reason for his dissatisfaction, Pandion said expressionlessly.

"These Seriphos cannot stay in Athens; they must be moved elsewhere."


Roy said immediately.

"Although these Serifos will be a burden to us for a short time, when they settle down, they will not only provide us with tax revenue, but also provide us with at least four hundred soldiers."

"Loy, I didn't say I was giving up on these Serifos."

Seeing Roy's confused expression, Pandion continued.

"We used to have four large tribes in the Attica Peninsula. The territory of the Athenian tribe was the Greater Athens area, the territory of the Eleusinian tribe was the Eleusis area, the territory of the Lavrio tribe was the Lavrio area, and the Marathon tribe Our territory is the Marathon area. After the Eleusis tribe was annexed by us, the Athens area and the Eleusis area have become our territories. I plan to attack the Lavrio area or the Marathon area and make one of them Plock. I will give you Nirvana's dowry. From now on, you will build a city in this area and establish a city-state that is in the Watch League with the city of Athens. I plan to move these Serifos people into your territory and add them to your original territory. population, your territory can directly have a population of 7,000 or 8,000."

Pandion actually wants to drive him to the Lavrio area or the Marathon area to establish a city-state——

Is this to keep him away from the city of Athens in the future and unable to compete with Erechtheus for inheritance rights?

Roy came back to his senses and said.

"Father-in-law! In order to reduce the food pressure in the city of Athens, I agree to move the Serifos people to the Lavrio area or the Marathon area. In order to resettle the Serifos people as soon as possible, I will take my followers and three people tomorrow. One hundred Eleusinian soldiers——"

Before Roy could finish speaking, Pandion said unhappily.

"Loy! I just said that I will personally conquer the Lavrio or Marathon regions as Procne's dowry. Now you just need to tell me whether you want to establish a city-state in the Marathon region or Lavrio. area."

The Marathon area has the famous Marathon Plain.

After hearing Pandion's words, Roy said immediately.

"I want to be in Mara—"

Before he finished speaking, Roy's eyes suddenly widened.


I seem to have heard this name before.

Lavrio... Lavrio...

The great silver mine of Lavrio!

Thinking of the large silver mine in the Lavrio area, Roy hurriedly changed his words.

“I want to build a Lavrio city in the Lavrio area.”

Although in this era, silver mines can neither be exchanged for food nor weapons, but can only be made into decorations.

But for Roy, with the Lavrio Silver Mine, Roy can mine silver mines, cast silver coins, and promote currency.

And although the land in the Lavrio area is barren, the port of Lavrio is also an important port.

In other words, Roy can not only make silver coins in the Lavrio area, but also build a port city here focusing on economic and trade.

"You choose the Lavrio region?"

Pandion nodded and said.

"The Marathon region has the Marathon Plains. If you choose the Lavrio region, you must want to obtain food through sea trade. Since you choose the Lavrio region, tomorrow I will take Erechtheus and five hundred soldiers to conquer Lavrio for you. Tribe of Leo. My son, after moving the Serifos to the region of Lavrio, you and Procne can establish a city-state with a population of seven thousand people there, with the city of Athens as your backing.”


For his own happiness, his father Pandion actually wanted to seize a territory for himself as a dowry. This full fatherly love brought tears to Procne's eyes.

Seeing Procne's appearance, Pandion immediately smiled.

"Silly girl! Roy is the victor in triumph, and we should celebrate him happily. Now I will instruct my servants to prepare a sumptuous banquet to celebrate Roy's victory."

Then, Pandion ordered the head maid at home to prepare a banquet, and also ordered the head male servant to invite the young chief to the banquet.

Not long after, four small leaders from the city of Athens came to Pandion's house one after another.

After the maids brought sumptuous barbecue, fruit, white bread, and wine to the stone table, Aries and Guards Captain Pallas also completed the tasks assigned to them by Roy and came to Pandion's house together.

Seeing Aries and Guard Captain Pallas, Roy said to Pandion.

"Father-in-law, my followers Aries and Captain Pallas have made great contributions, so I would like to invite them to the banquet. Do you think it is okay?"

There were just two more people attending the banquet, and Pandion had no reason to refuse, so he said without hesitation.

"Since they have merit, it is appropriate for them to participate in the banquet."

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