I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 126 Perseus redeems his sisters

After watching Deucalion's fleet leave the port, Roy was about to order Aries and the others to transport 20,000 kilograms of grain back to the Acropolis, when Aries suddenly raised his hand and pointed to the sea in the distance.

"Master Priest, another fleet is approaching our port."

Roy turned his head in the direction of Aries's finger and saw ten large merchant ships sailing into the port of Piraeus.

Recognizing that the newly appeared fleet was a fleet of cargo ships, Roy immediately said with a smile.

"That was a big cargo ship carrying goods, no wonder our fishermen didn't come back to the port to issue a warning."

When fishermen in the city of Athens are fishing in the waters of Athens, once they discover a fleet that threatens the city of Athens, they will return to the port as quickly as possible and report news of the foreign fleet to the Acropolis.

Fishermen do this not only to protect themselves and their families, but also because they will receive generous rewards.

If the fishermen do not return to the port to issue a warning, it means that the large fleet approaching the port is a fleet of cargo ships that poses no threat to the city of Athens.

Under the gaze of Roy and others, ten large cargo ships soon entered the Port of Piraeus and anchored at the dock where Roy and others were.

Just when Roy was guessing where this cargo ship fleet came from, Perseus' figure appeared on the flagship deck and said.

"Loy! I have brought you the 30,000 kilograms of grain you asked for. Please return my three sisters to me."


Unexpectedly, the fleet of cargo ships in front of them turned out to be Mycenaean grain ships.

Roy said with a smile.

"I didn't expect you Mycenaeans to send the ransom so quickly. I will return your three sisters to you right now."

Then Roy ordered Aries.

"Aries, bring here the three sisters of Perseus."

After Aries nodded and left, Perseus also ordered the Mycenaean soldiers to move the food in the cabin to Roy.

Seeing that Perseus had no intention of getting off the boat, Roy teased Perseus.

"Perseus! Although you led the Mycenaeans to attack the city of Athens, and I also led the Athenians to attack the island of Seriphos and killed your father Polydectes and uncle Dicetis, but I'm still willing to treat you as a guest."

Perseus said expressionlessly.

"Loy, you not only left me the shame of defeat, but also killed my father and uncle. I will not set foot on Athenian soil as an unhostile guest until I have completed my revenge on you."

"That's such a pity! Now you can't see how the Serifians live in the city of Athens without setting foot on Athenian soil."

"The Serifos are no longer my subjects, so why should I care about them."

"It seems that you really just want to be the king of tens of thousands of Mycenaeans and don't care about the lives of four thousand Serifos."


Perseus snorted coldly and stopped communicating with Roy.

It didn't take long for the Aries to bring the three cousins ​​of Perseus, the daughters of Dicetis, to the port.

Perseus said angrily on the ship when he saw that Roy had redeemed himself with three cousins.

"Roy! Why don't you let me redeem my half-sisters?"

"Perseus, do you think I kept your sister behind on purpose?"

Roy said pretending to be innocent.

"You really misunderstood! I didn't let you redeem your sisters because all three of your sisters had husbands just like your mother Danae. Your mother Danae was given to Chief Pandion by me. Now Chief Pandion should be considered your stepfather, and Chief Pandion’s family is your new family. Do you really not want to follow me to the Acropolis to meet your new family?”


Facing Roy's verbal humiliation, Perseus could only hold back his anger and said.

"I have given you 30,000 kilograms of grain, now I can take away my three cousins!"


Letting Perseus' three cousins ​​board Perseus' ship, Roy continued to tease Perseus.

"Perseus, you don't have to be disappointed. Although the three daughters of Dicetis are only your cousins ​​in name, you should know that your mother Danae has a special relationship with your uncle Dicetis. , maybe your three cousins ​​are also your half-sisters."

Perseus didn't want to quarrel with Roy, so he could only shout angrily at the Mycenaean soldiers.

"Sail! Leave this disgusting port immediately."

Aries asked suspiciously after Perseus' fleet left the port of Piraeus as if it was running away.

"Master Priest, why did you humiliate Perseus like that?"

"I killed Perseus' father Polydectes and uncle Dicetis, and I have become a sworn enemy with Perseus. As long as Perseus has the chance, he will definitely kill me. . As long as I have the chance, I will definitely kill Perseus. Since Perseus and I are already mortal enemies, I certainly can't let go of any opportunity to humiliate Perseus."

Roy turned around, looked at Aries with careful eyes and said.

"Aries! Is it because I gave Perseus's sister to you as my wife that you feel sorry for your elder brother-in-law?"

Aries hurriedly knelt on the ground and said.

"Everything I have now was given to me by the priest. How could I feel sorry for the priest's enemy for a woman? The priest's mortal enemy is my mortal enemy. I will kill Perseus' sister now and let him I myself became Perseus's mortal enemy."

"Don't say stupid things!"

Roy reached out and grabbed Aries' shoulder, pulled him up from the ground and said.

"Since I gave you Perseus' sister as your wife, I won't worry about you betraying me for my wife."

"Priest, do you really believe me..."

"What I can give you is something you can never get from Perseus, so I believe you won't be stupid enough to betray me and the city of Athens."

Roy smiled confidently.

"You don't need to kill your wife to prove your loyalty to me, but if your wife asks you to betray me, you must make the right choice then."

Aries nodded immediately and said.

"If my wife asks me to betray the priest, I swear I will kill my wife."

"If you lose your wife, I will take you to rob a younger and more beautiful unmarried princess as your wife."

Patting Aries' shoulder with his right hand, Roy turned around and looked at the 50,000 kilograms of grain piled together.

In order to feed 4,000 Serifos, the city of Athens needs to increase at least 500,000 kilograms of grain.

Now that there are 50,000 kilograms of grain, Roy still needs to get 450,000 kilograms of grain.

"What should I use as a commodity to exchange for food?"

Listening to the sound of waves hitting the beach, Roy had an idea.

Seawater -

Seawater -

As long as the seawater is dried, white gold - salt can be obtained.

Thinking of using seawater to make salt, Roy immediately smiled happily.

"Aries! Now I don't have to worry about food. As long as we dry the endless seawater into salt, we can get endless food."

Aries smiled with Roy, and then asked in confusion.

"Priest, what is the salt you are talking about?

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