I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 13 The ruling authority cannot be offended

Ordinary people in the Athenian tribe, regardless of gender or size, could only wear coarse linen robes, straw sandals woven from grass, and hemp ropes as belts.

Procne and Philomela are the noble daughters of the leader Pandion and the princesses of the Athenian tribe. They wear white dresses made of cloud-like white cotton, and their cute ankles wear strappy sandals made of animal skins and linen. , wearing a beautiful belt made of dyed cotton around her waist.

And behind them, there were six male servants and six maids.

Roy, Procne and Philomela were walking on the streets of the Acropolis. Even if they used veils to hide their beautiful faces, ordinary Athenians could still see their noble status from their clothes. When they got close, they took the initiative to move aside and make way for them.

Walking with Procne and Philomela, feeling the awed gazes of ordinary people from the Athenian tribe, Roy couldn't help but complain in his heart about this ancient era of backward civilization.

After all, Roy received modern education in his original world and had a deep-rooted concept of equality in his mind.

After walking through the dirty streets, Roy and others came to a stone house that looked like a warehouse.

This warehouse was obviously a very important place for the Athenian tribe, and it was guarded by fifty soldiers armed with spears.

Loy noticed that most of the soldiers in the warehouse were using wooden spears whittled from wood, but there were also ten soldiers who were using spears with bronze blades.

After Roy and others approached the warehouse, the soldiers guarding the warehouse immediately guarded the warehouse door and warned Roy and others.

"Stop! No one can approach the warehouse without the leader's order."

"it's me!"

Procne took off her veil, walked up to the group of soldiers and said.

"I am Procne, the chief's daughter. Now I want to get some supplies from the warehouse."

Many of the fifty soldiers guarding the warehouse had met Pandion's family.

Recognizing Procne as the noble daughter of the leader Pandion, the soldiers immediately put away their weapons and opened the warehouse door for Procne.

The man who looked like a soldier captain said cautiously.

"Princess Procne! You can take the supplies from the warehouse, but I will report this to the leader."

Procne said with a smile.

"Don't worry, my father has given me permission to take supplies, and we won't take too much."

After saying that, Procne took Roy, Philomela and twelve servants into the warehouse.

Roy entered the warehouse and saw that the most supplies in the warehouse were grains packed in sacks, which looked like mountains of food.

In addition to food, the most abundant thing is wood.

Procne led everyone in the warehouse to look for various materials for making candles, toothpaste and paper. Roy asked curiously.

"These things in the warehouse are all public property of the Athenian tribe, right?"

Philomela answered immediately.

"These are my family's property."


Hearing this answer, Roy couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Even if you include servants, there are only a hundred people in your family. How can you create such a huge wealth?

Obviously, as the leader of the Athenian tribe, Pandion owns the farmland or the mountain pastures where cattle and sheep are grazed in the Athenian tribe's territory. Therefore, whether the people of the Athenian tribe are farmers or herd cattle and sheep, they must dedicate part of their property to the Athenian tribe. Pandion.

It's like paying taxes to the lord -

Only by using his power to rule and exploit ordinary people could Pandion amass such a huge wealth.

If Roy was the exploited person, Roy would definitely plan to overthrow this exploitative rule.

But Roy's current identity is the priest of the tribe. Although Roy does not have the right to rule, he enjoys exploitation with the ruler.

So Roy's current idea is to help Pandion better maintain his rule so that he can better enjoy the beautiful life brought by his priesthood.

After walking back and forth in the warehouse several times, Procne quickly found all the materials Roy needed.

Finally, Procne led everyone to the place where the bronzes were placed and said.

"Priest Roy! To make the pulp you mentioned, you need a big pot, but we only have a bronze tripod here for cooking. We brought two bronze tripods back, one for boiling the pulp and one for cooking. Let’s cook!”

For the Athenian tribes in the Stone Age, bronze ware was a very valuable property, and the value of the bronze tripod was even more inestimable.

Even hundreds of years later, when the Greek region entered the Bronze Age, a bronze tripod could still be exchanged for twelve cows.

Now the value of two bronze tripods is definitely more than fifty cattle.

Seeing the pained expression on Procne's little face, Roy said with confidence.

"Princess Procne! When my invention is completed, any one of these three inventions can make up for the loss of your family's property."

Procne showed a faint smile, obviously not believing Roy's lies.

After Roy and others left the warehouse, they immediately returned to the temple.

While passing through a dirty street, several children suddenly ran into the street playfully.

One of the girls threw herself into Procne's arms and instinctively hugged Procne with both hands.

By the time the girl fell to the ground, Procne's white cotton clothes had been stained by the girl's little hands.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes on the street gathered.

Procne frowned. Although the veil covered her small face, it could be seen that her face was very ugly.

The little girl sitting on the ground could also feel the heavy atmosphere. She was so scared that she could not move. Tears kept flowing from the corners of her eyes.

At this moment, a woman in her twenties ran over, hugged the little girl and knelt in front of Prokne to beg.

"The child is ignorant. Please forgive her crime."

Prokne was just bumped by the child and her clothes were soiled.

Seeing that Prokne could not bear to punish them, Roy persuaded her.

"Princess Prokne, she is just an ignorant child. Forgive her this time!"


Prokne gritted her teeth and said.

"I am the daughter of the leader. The authority of the leader's family cannot be challenged. If the family members who offend the leader can go unpunished, who will be in awe of the leader's authority in the future?"

Then, Prokne took a wooden stick from a maid behind her and said to the little girl's mother as if she had made up her mind.

"Since your child has made a mistake, you will be punished on behalf of the child."

After that, Prokne waved the wooden stick and hit the little girl's mother on the shoulder.

After punishing the little girl's mother, Procne immediately said.

"Let's go!"

After saying that, she led the way and left.

Roy followed Procne, but heard the onlookers praising Procne's kindness and mercy.

Apparently in their understanding, the family members who offended the leader should be punished.

Even the mother of the little girl who was punished by Procne thanked Procne for letting her accept the punishment on behalf of her child.

At this time, Roy suddenly thought that he had offended Procne, but Procne deliberately helped him conceal it.

Procne punished the little girl's mother just now, probably because everyone was watching, and she had to do this in order to maintain the ruling authority of the leader's family.

If there were not so many people around, Procne would definitely conceal this matter, just like she concealed Roy's offense against her.

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