I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 91 Zeus also asked to marry Metis

After all, Perseus' identity was just the grandson of Acrisios, king of Mycenae.

Although he has the right to inherit the throne of Mycenae, normally it is not Perseus's turn to inherit the throne of Mycenae.

The only way Perseus wanted to inherit the Mycenaean throne was to seize the Mycenaean throne by force.

Pandion was willing to marry Procne to Perseus not only because the Mycenaeans were powerful, but also because Perseus himself had great potential.

But Perseus actually only wanted the eldest princess of the Athenian tribe to be his concubine.

After listening to Perseus' words, Zeuxipus, Erechtheus, and Philomela glared at Perseus angrily, and Procne's eyes flashed with tears.

Pandion's favorite husband actually wanted to marry him as his concubine. This was undoubtedly a huge humiliation for Procne.

Pandion looked uncertain and stared at Perseus.

Before Pandion could speak, Erechtheus shouted angrily.

"Mycenaeans! Do you think we are asking for an alliance with you, asking for my sister to marry you? If you want to marry Andromeda, go and propose to her. My sister will never marry you."

Perseus said calmly.

"Actually, I haven't finished what I said. Not only will Princess Procne become my concubine, the goddess Metis who protects the Athenian tribe will also become the concubine of Zeus, the great patron saint of our Mycenaeans."


Roy angrily slapped his right palm on the stone table.

Procne looked at Roy with joyful eyes, like a drowning man seeing a life-saving straw.

Procne did not know that Loy would have such an angry reaction because Perseus wanted Metis to marry Zeus.

Pandion said with a sneer.

"Prince Perseus! You Mycenaeans want the goddess Metis who protects the Athenians to become the concubine of your Mycenaean god Zeus. It seems that you Mycenaeans do not want to form an alliance with us Athenians. But you want us Athenians to surrender to you Mycenaeans and become your vassals. It is precisely because you treat us Athenians as vassals that you want my daughter to be your concubine."

As the patron saint of the Athenian tribe, the goddess Metis is the symbol of the Athenian tribe and represents the Athenian tribe better than the leader.

The Athenian goddess Metis became the side chamber of the Mycenaean god Zeus, which not only represented Metis' surrender to Zeus, but also represented the Athenians' surrender to the Mycenaeans.

Perseus looked into Pandion's eyes without fear and said.

"Great Pandion! The goddess Metis became the concubine wife of our god Zeus, which symbolizes that the Athenians and us Mycenaeans have become a family. Perhaps you regard this relationship as the Athenians becoming a vassal of the Mycenaeans. , but we Mycenaeans truly regard you as our allies.”

"Perseus! No matter how powerful you Mycenaeans are, I will not accept this humiliation. I will not marry my daughter to you, let alone let the goddess Metis become your god. Only the side chamber of Zeus."

Looking at Pandion's determined expression of suppressed anger, Perseus said with a smile.

"Chief Pandion, maybe you have some misunderstandings about my words. We Mycenaeans have no intention of humiliating the Athenians, so we will not force the goddess Metis to marry the great Zeus. Before we Mycenaeans claimed that the goddess Metis As long as you, the Athenians, don’t deny it publicly, you can satisfy our request. If you don’t want Princess Procne to become his concubine, I can also give up proposing to Princess Procne.”

Perseus was actually willing to give up his proposal——

Roy frowned and said.

"Perseus! It seems that the bottom line for you Mycenaeans is that the goddess Metis becomes the concubine of Zeus. When you Mycenaeans claim that the goddess Metis is the concubine of Zeus, as long as we Athenians acquiesce, we will Can be an ally to the Mycenaeans."

"That's right!"

Perseus nodded and said.

"Compared with me proposing to Princess Procne, having the goddess Metis marry the great Zeus will help us Mycenaeans and Athenians build mutual trust more."

After listening to Perseus' words, Roy sneered and said.

"Perseus, there's actually one thing I haven't been able to figure out. You Mycenaeans were originally a Phoenician nomadic group that ruled northern Egypt. After the southern Egyptians began to resist the rule of you foreign conquerors, , you Mycenaeans originally migrated to Crete under the leadership of King Acrisios of Mycenae, but ten years ago, King Acrisios of Mycenae brought Mycenae with him. People migrated from Crete to the Argos region of the Peloponnese Peninsula. I originally thought that you Mycenaeans left Crete because of the volcanic eruption of Thera to the west of Crete. , making you feel that it is not safe to live in Crete. Now I understand, you arrogant Mycenaeans must have claimed that the goddess Europa of Knossos was the concubine of Zeus in Crete. So King Minos of Knossos expelled you Mycenaeans.”

Perseus did not deny Roy's words and said calmly.

"The goddess Europa was originally the side wife of Zeus. It was precisely because King Minos was the son of Zeus and the goddess Europa that King Minos was able to rule the most powerful city-state in Crete, Knossos."

"Pfft hahaha——"

Roy couldn't help laughing.

"You are indeed a Mycenaean who likes to deceive yourself! In the future, you Mycenaeans will make up myths and stories for Zeus. I am afraid you will not only make up stories about the goddess Europa being Zeus's concubine wife, but also the story that King Minos is the son of Zeus. Because Mino When the King of Slovakia expels you Mycenaeans, you will definitely make up a story to humiliate King Minos, saying that he is a minotaur who lives in the labyrinth and was born from the previous queen of Knossos and a white bull. Half man, half cow.”

"You really know us Mycenaeans! Inventing stories about humiliating enemy gods and kings in your own mythology is a normal operation of making up myths. I have nothing to deny it."

Perseus glanced at Roy in surprise, and then said to Pandion.

"Great Pandion! As long as you Athenians remain silent when we Mycenaeans claim that the goddess Metis is the concubine wife of Zeus, and acquiesce that the goddess Metis is the concubine wife of Zeus, the Athenians can become our Mycenaeans. People's allies [vassal]. If you Athenians reject the goodwill of our Mycenaeans, then you Athenians will become our enemies. For the future of the Athenians, I believe you will make the right choice. "

Before Pandion could speak, Roy said angrily.

"Do you think we Athenians are the Mycenaeans you deceived yourself? Our acquiescence in the goddess Metis becoming Zeus's concubine wife is equivalent to admitting that the goddess Metis is the concubine wife of Zeus. As a priest of the goddess Metis, I No human being or god is allowed to blaspheme the goddess Metis, so we will not accept your Mycenaean demands.”

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