It took half a day for Zhang Yuelu to finally get off the two claws of the Killing Sharp-clawed Dragon, one claw Zhang Yuelu tied to his tail, and the other tied to Cuihua's tail.

Cuihua likes the current tail shape, she just experimented with it, and a flick of the tail can smash three small holes into the ground.

Cuihua was very happy to get the new toy, and she was playing with her new tail while following Zhang Yuelu, and now she wanted to find an opponent to try her tail.

And Zhang Yuelu is the opposite, it doesn't want to meet an opponent right now, after all, it has just experienced a battle with Cuihua, and his body has not yet recovered.

As Zhang Yuelu and Cuihua continued to go deeper, although some dinosaurs saw the two of them turn around and leave, there were still some dinosaurs staring at them.

A group of extremist carnivorous dinosaurs slowly followed Zhang Yuelu and Cuihua, and whenever Zhang Yuelu and Cuihua turned around, they began to run backwards.

And when Zhang Yuelu and Cuihua ignored them, they began to follow behind them again.

Fortunately, the danger level of these dinosaurs is not high, only seven, and the size is not very large, but there are a few more of them, about a dozen.

They were like hyenas, they didn't care at all about the size of Zhang Yuelu and Cuihua and they were always following behind them, obviously they had the intention of attacking.

They kept making threatening screams, which made Zhang Yuelu upset.

The name of this dinosaur is called Ceratosaurus, which is usually composed of more than 6 to 12 fully adult dragons and juveniles of different ages.

They like to live in groups, the largest can grow to more than six meters, and their danger level is not that they can reach seven individual strength, but they like to attack together.


is not much different from other carnivorous dinosaurs, with a large head, a thick waist, a long tail, walking on two feet, short forelimbs, and a strong upper and lower jaw.

Their mouths are full of sharp, curved teeth, a short horn above their noses, and their heads have small serrated spinous processes.

Zhang Yuelu felt that the horn on their necks didn't look like it was used for defense or fighting, and the horn didn't look big.

In fact, this horn is just a decoration, and has no practical use, the male horn-nosed dragon may decide the status according to the size of the horn, who has the largest horn, who will become the leader of the group This group of horn-nosed

dragons is still very ferocious, they like to eat their prey alive, but all the animals that unfortunately fall into their sharp teeth are miserable, and they are now just constantly intimidating Zhang Yuelu and Cuihua to distract them.

Prepare that after Zhang Yuelu and the others let their guard down, they will launch an attack on Zhang Yuelu.

However, how could this little trick fool Zhang Yuelu and Cuihua, their annoying cries had already angered them, and they were now waiting for the horn-nosed dragon to attack, and then teach them a hard lesson.

Finally, the leader of the horned nose dragon was a little impatient, and it quickly approached Zhang Yuelu with all the horned nose dragons, and then stopped and went back and forth several times.

The purpose is to make Zhang Yuelu keep tensing their nerves, and then attack unexpectedly, which is their tried and tested trick.

After several probes, the Horned Nose Dragons finally decided to attack, and they found that Zhang Yuelu and Cuihua didn't look back at them at all, thinking that their chance had come.

Just as the horn-nosed dragon was about to pounce on Zhang Yuelu, it made a tail flick motion with Cuihua.

The sharp claws on the tail directly left wounds on several approaching horn-nosed dragons, and one of the unlucky horned noses was directly cut off from the trachea and fell straight down.

Zhang Yuelu and Cuihua turned around and pounced on the horn-nosed dragon behind him, and the horn-nosed dragon didn't know that he was about to be in a catastrophe and stupidly launched an attack.

This time the battle ended quickly, and all the horn-nosed dragons died tragically under the sharp teeth of Zhang Yuelu and Cuihua.

Cuihua is now completely in love with the current tail, which is so powerful that she cuts a wound on the ceratosaurus with a flick.

Zhang Yuelu also felt very satisfied with his new weapon, not only the tail attack length was increased, but the damage was also greater.

Just now, several of the horned nose dragons died under the tails of Zhang Yuelu and Cuihua, but unfortunately they only encountered one such dinosaur, if they could get more claws like this, they would definitely be very powerful to put them on their children.

At this time, Zhang Yuelu thought of the sickle dragon near the camp, and if he really couldn't go back, he would kill some sickle dragons and give his own children such tails, after all, although the claws of the sickle dragon did not look very sharp, they were still very long.

At this time, Zhang Yuelu didn't know that two infights had broken out in his camp, and several of its children had begun to compete for the position of leader.

After all, Zhang Yuelu had been gone for too long this time, and its children thought they had died in the forest.

But fortunately, these children were more restrained in the infighting and did not kill them.

However, Lao San'an Carp and Lao Qi Chenshuang, who were the female velociraptors, did not participate in this internal fight, but led some velociraptors and other kinds of dinosaurs out of the camp.

They came to the earliest camp of Zhang Yuelu to live, and easily took the position of the leader here.

Lao Qi Chenshuang did not compete with Lao San'an Carp for the position of leader, so the leader of this piece is now Lao San'an Carp, and the cold-blooded animals under Lao San'an Carp are also extremely ferocious, much more powerful than the vegetarian dinosaurs under Lao Qi'an Carp.

The sixth virtual was bitten by the old fourth midtown with the Tyrannosaurus rex when he was helping the second Liangzhi to seize the leadership position, and now the sixth virtual has been lying in the cave to recuperate.

The fifth Junxian and the fourth and the fifth have been taking care of the sixth junxian, originally only junxian and xiaowu took care of the sixth junxian's injury and could get better faster, but the bad thing is that the little four always help take care of it.

Xiao Si always finds some strange green plants to shoot on the body of the sixth person, which also makes the injury of the sixth person keep repeating itself.

The eldest Xuanyuan and the second Liangzhi completely broke up, and the velociraptor in the velociraptor camp was divided into two, and the two waves of rapidity were unhappy with each other, and they were also very different.

Those who wore skull helmets were all subordinates of the second Liangzhi, and those who did not have helmets were all subordinates of the boss Xuanyuan.

Of course, there are still a small number of velociraptors who do not wear helmets and listen to Xiao San and Xiao Qi, but there are not many of these velociraptors.

If it weren't for the fact that the two of them had been in the middle of the conflict, these two waves of velociraptors would have been killing in the camp long ago.

However, the velociraptors in the camp didn't know that a vengeful Tyrannosaurus rex was leading a large number of ferocious carnivorous dinosaurs to slowly attack in the direction of the camp, and it would take more than half a month to see the distance.

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