Xuanyuan didn't know why his father and mother beat themselves again in the middle of the night, anyway, it was completely honest now, and it had no intention of becoming a leader anymore.

Originally, those velociraptors who still respected it also began to respect Zhang Yuelu again, after all, only Zhang Yuelu had such strength.

With Zhang Yuelu's return, the camp is back on track, and each velociraptor is doing what it has to do.

None of the velociraptors had the heart to be the leader anymore, and some of them went to the forest to catch food, and some took vegetarian dinosaurs to graze.

And with the return of Zhang Yuelu, their territory has expanded even more, which means that more velociraptors can join.

Moreover, these velociraptors have begun to distribute new equipment, some of their tails are tied by Zhang Yuelu with sharp claws of other dinosaurs, and some are tied to them with leather armor from other dinosaurs.

These things were made by giant thorn-like lizards, and they are now completely craftsmen in the velociraptor camp, eating all kinds of dinosaur meat every day, all they have to do is polish their leather armor and sharpen the claws of other animals and tie them to the tail of the velociraptor with sharpening.

These things were all taught by Zhang Yuelu, and they are now happy that they can come to such a powerful camp.

It's so safe here, the whole forest is full of predatory velociraptors and carnivorous dinosaurs, and they are so obedient that they won't attack anyone with a necklace around their necks.

The reason why Zhang Yuelu was fully armed with a velociraptor was that it came back this time to find that there were dozens of new graves in the camp, and those branches hung with once fresh lives.

Zhang Yuelu didn't know what happened in the camp after he left, how could so many velociraptors die, and it now had two guesses.

Either there were other carnivorous dinosaurs in the vicinity of the territory, or there was an infighting between Regulus and his other siblings for the lord.

Then these things were not told by other dinosaurs at all, and they could only rely on Zhang Yuelu to guess by himself.

Thinking that he had four children outside, Zhang Yuelu was angry with Xuanyuan, which was too worry-free.

In order to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the individual velociraptor group, Zhang Yuelu now began to let the velociraptor bathe in the hot spring in batches.

First, it is time to bathe them, and secondly, it is also necessary to increase the combat strength of the individual velociraptor group.

In order to make his territory safer, Zhang Yuelu began to dig traps around the forest with a velociraptor with a velociraptor in it, put all kinds of bone spurs in it, cover it with branches, and then mark it in the next position.

Velociraptors are used to it, and when they see a symbol nearby, they get around it, there are traps here.

And Zhang Yuelu also began to take the velociraptors around to fight and train their cooperation.

Take a group of five dinosaurs, including four velociraptors and one other species of carnivorous dinosaur.

Carnivorous dinosaurs are not intelligent enough, so they are responsible for charging into battle, while the four velociraptors cooperate to attack each other.

At present, Zhang Yuelu has experimented with this combination, even if it is a huge carnivorous dinosaur on the opposite side, it can be taken down by the velociraptors in a short time.

The only drawback is that if the opponent is too strong, then the carnivorous dinosaurs that act as the main force are prone to serious injuries and death.

In order to treat the injured dinosaurs, Zhang Yuelu also retrieved a large number of herbs, just to put them on the dinosaurs when they were injured, and save these dinosaurs from applying medicine blindly.

Velociraptors who go out to expand their territory sometimes see velociraptors wearing skeletal helmets in the distance, they also have necklaces, and they know that this is Ryoyuki's men, so they don't clash with each other, but just look at each other and turn away.

Zhang Yuelu didn't know that his four children were so close to him, and it was less than a day's journey, but no raptor told him, after all, they couldn't say such a complicated thing.

In recent days, Zhang Yuelu has begun to study the language of the giant thorn-like lizard, and it is trying to learn this language, after all, most dinosaurs nowadays communicate by eyes and movements.

Even the calls mean very little, and it wants the velociraptors to have a language of their own.

However, the result was destined to disappoint Zhang Yuelu, even if it followed behind the giant thorn-like lizard dragon for several days, it didn't know what it meant in their mouths.

So Zhang Yuelu decided to invent a language himself and then teach all the velociraptors.

The only student at the moment is the injured Xuanyuan, Zhang Yuelu screams and points to one thing, and then screams and then points to other things.

Although Xuanyuan was very smart, it didn't understand what Zhang Yuelu wanted to express at all.

Tried to scream a few times, Zhang Yuelu found that Xuanyuan didn't study seriously at all, he obviously didn't scream like that just now, the angry Zhang Yuelu smacked Xuanyuan again, and then pointed to the items on the ground and screamed again.

Xuanyuan looked at Zhang Yuelu aggrievedly, I don't know whether to call or not, if I call, I will be beaten, so I won't call it.

Seeing that Xuanyuan didn't make a sound, Zhang Yuelu became even more angry, oops, this kid has a temper and doesn't study well, so I'll continue to fight.

Xuanyuan studied for three days and was beaten for three days, and finally Zhang Yuelu gave up completely, the velociraptor is really not suitable for learning languages, several of his children are smart enough, but they still can't learn, so the other velociraptors can be even more useless.

Xuanyuan had finally escaped Zhang Yuelu's clutches, and he was now hunting outside with a few velociraptors, and he had decided not to return to camp until night.

His father was so terrible that he beat himself for three days in order to educate himself.

After observing in the camp for the past few days, Zhang Yuelu finally found the dinosaur that ate the stone, that is Xiao Wu, and Xiao Wu has become much smarter now.

Knowing that he rubs the necklace, he knows how to bring a necklace to the newborn dinosaur, and many things will be seen at a glance, and one of his children, Jun Xian, has been giving Xiao Wu a hand.

Rubbing the necklace and wearing the necklace Zhang Yuelu is not going to hand over the giant thorn-like lizard dragon to them, after all, they are not their own kind, if the newborn dinosaurs only recognize them, it will be very bad for the future of the camp.

Ryoyuki in the other camp easily became the leader, and his two sisters did not resist Ryoyuki taking over the camp.

First, they didn't have much desire for power, and second, they guessed that Ryoyuki must have lost the battle with Xuanyuan, otherwise they wouldn't have come here with dozens of velociraptors.

This camp counts the velociraptors brought by Ryoyuki, plus the velociraptors brought by the two sisters, plus the number of velociraptors in the original camp is more than 130 adult velociraptors.

For a small camp, there are a lot of velociraptors here, and that's not counting the dozen snakes and crocodiles of Lao San'an carp, as well as dozens of vegetarian dinosaurs from Lao Qichenshuang.

So Ryoyuki decided to expand the scope of the territory, in addition to not expanding to Xuanyuan's territory, it expanded wildly in other directions, it expanded its team and then went back to Xuanyuan to take the position of leader.

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