looked at the necklaces around the necks of the two velociraptors, they both had names, and the names were also familiar, they should be old friends in the camp.

It's just that one wears a skull helmet and the other doesn't.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yuelu finally understood what the reason was, because recently he brought back a batch of velociraptors, and some of these velociraptors used to live in the camp, and now that they are back, of course they want to return to their nests.

But this nest has long belonged to other velociraptors, and there are so many velociraptors in the camp that some of them need to live in the forest.

So Zhang Yuelu made a very crazy decision, which was to turn this camp into a village.

It's no longer like before, one nest in the east and one nest in the west.

However, Zhang Yuelu was still ready to solve the problem in front of him, it looked at the two velociraptors, obviously a male and a female, in this case, let the two of them become partners, wouldn't the problem be solved perfectly.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuelu pulled the two velociraptors and pushed them into the nest together, and did not let them move.

Then Zhang Yuelu ran back to the cave to find Xiao Si, pushed Xiao Si away, and found the green mushroom hidden by Xiao Si under Xiao Si's buttocks.

Holding the two green mushrooms, Zhang Yuelu returned to the two velociraptors who were fighting just now.

In their stunned gazes, he put two green mushrooms in their mouths and forced them to eat them.

In this way, the first pair of velociraptors with arranged weddings appeared in prehistoric times, one of them was called Xiaohao and the other was called Xiaofei.

After solving the problem of the two, Zhang Yuelu felt very satisfied, she was too smart.

A few velociraptors around who helped to fight in groups had already scared away, the leader was too terrible, and if there was a leader in the camp in the future, he would not dare to fight.

Xiao San and Xiao Qi were also dumbfounded, and only Xiao Si, who chased after him and wanted to snatch back his mushrooms, was thoughtful.

So in addition to being injured and shooting green plants in the velociraptor camp, there was another terrible punishment, that is, the two raptors who fought had to be eaten together and put green mushrooms in a nest.

Soon after this method was implemented, no Velociraptor dared to fight in the camp anymore.

Even if there is a great hatred between the two sides, it will be resolved outside the camp, all the velociraptors are afraid of this punishment, and even Zhang Yuelu's children will get along harmoniously in the future.

Even when fighting for the position of leader, he did not dare to fight in the camp, but fought alone outside the camp.

Zhang Yuelu first brought all the giant thorn-like lizards and wounded tooth dragons, and then called for more than a dozen velociraptors to follow.

After coming to the forest outside the camp, Zhang Yuelu first asked the velociraptor to bite off some branches and bring them over, and then commanded the velociraptor to bite it, so that the giant thorn-like lizard dragon and the tooth-wounded dragon began to tie these branches to the big tree.

In this way, they surrounded the outside of the camp, and some of the traps that hindered it were also refilled by Zhang Yuelu commanding the velociraptors.

A row of fences tied to the big trees was made in this way, and then Zhang Yuelu found a large number of velociraptors outside these fences and began to dig traps, cover the branches, and mark them.

There was only one road left leading to the camp, but Zhang Yuelu also arranged all the ankylosaurs and triceratops there, and left a few toothed dragons there, so that they could command the ankylosaurs and triangles to sleep in the only passage that could lead to the camp at night.

Then Zhang Yuelu began to arrange the problem of the velociraptor nest, and it called a few of its children and giant thorn-like lizards to watch how they operated.

It first instructed a few children to dig a circular pit that was not very deep in the position of X on the ground, and made a dirt platform in it, and then instructed the giant thorn-like dragon to pounce on some hay and some feathers into it, and such a nest was formed.

Then Zhang Yuelu casually found a velociraptor and arranged for it to live in it in the future, and filled up its previous nest.

In this way, Zhang Yuelu neatly drew countless nests in the camp, and then handed them over to his children and giant thorn-like dragons to operate.

In this way, the vigorous nest moving ceremony began, and Zhang Yuelu's children no longer dug the pit themselves, but commanded the velociraptors to dig the pit by themselves, and they started to help if they couldn't dig well.

All velociraptors have new nests, but not all velociraptor nests have feathers in them, after all, there are still feathers in the early stage.

But in the back, the feathers were not enough, so the giant thorn-like dragon had to put hay inside.

But how did the velociraptors make themselves suffer, they went to the forest to find all kinds of feathered creatures, brought them back, and asked the scarred tooth to help them get rid of the feathers and fill their nests, which made the feathered creatures in the forest unlucky.

After Zhang Yuelu's neat planning, there are now more than 800 nests in the camp, which are not only more than before, but also more neat.

Although the nests still spread to the edge of the forest, there are fences and traps that keep them safe.

So the velociraptors and carnivorous dinosaurs that lived there were not picky, but there was also a phenomenon that the higher the level and the stronger the velociraptors, they would live next to the cave.

The velociraptor in the cave has not changed, but Zhang Yuelu has tidied up the location of the cave to make the cave look more neat.

Zhang Yuelu's children now live next to the cave except for their two daughters and Junxian.

Moreover, Zhang Yuelu put a lot of effort into the hygiene of the camp, organizing a combination of a carapace and a giant spiny lizard dragon to act as a hygienist, and if anyone was found urinating in the camp, he would take it to the cave.

Let Zhang Yuelu's children educate, and after a while, except for a few stupid carnivorous dinosaurs, the others know how to urinate and go outside the camp.

As for the not very smart vegetarian dinosaurs, Zhang Yuelu basically gave them one or two chances, and if they still couldn't remember it, then they had to take off the necklace and let it change from a partner to a food.

The only thing that surprised Zhang Yuelu was that Xiaobai, who was obviously the stupidest stegosaurus, actually learned to urinate outside the camp.

This surprised Zhang Yuelu, maybe Xiaobai really understood the reason why some of his friends disappeared.

Looking at Xiaobai, who performed so well, Zhang Yuelu thought to herself, Xiaobai, in fact, you don't have to be like this, even if you accidentally defecate in the camp, for the sake of your mother's face, I will forgive you.

There is also a special place in the whole camp, which is the cemetery, and now the velociraptors no longer eat the corpses of their own kind.

They are accustomed to burying their dead companion if they die, and when they are done, they find sticks, put their companion's necklace on it, and then urinate on their grave before leaving.

Even the hygienic anamosaurus and giant thorny lizardsaurus don't care about them because of this.

These cemeteries will grow green mushrooms over time, which is also the main origin of the small four green mushrooms, and the habits of these velociraptors are also made one by one by the great rule creator Xiao Si.

dinosaur nest looks like this

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